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Fantasy Exitium Academy For The Supernatural and Mythological

Ryu followed behind Ceil at a pace slightly above that of a walk, only because she didn't want Ceil running off and leaving her alone. Ryu wasn't sure exactly where they were supposed to go but assumed they'd eventually hit the beach if they walked straight long enough, "slow down a little bit, jeez! My tiny legs can't keep up with your super strength bird legs." Ryu pointed in between a couple buildings that lead to a path through the forest, "that way seems like the right one," she said as she caught up to Ceil.

Chisai sniffed the air snaching Kazurei's bag of sweets he ran off Kazurei gasped. "Hey Chisai get back here come on man those are mine!" Chisai wasn't slowing down and just kept running. Jumping over a bench with a girl sitting on it. Kazurei tried to do the same but his foot got caught on the back of the bench and he face planted onto the ground. He sat up and saw Chisai in a tree holding the bag ready to just start eating the candy. "Hey Chisai get down from there you know I can't climb well! Gimme back my treats!" He sighed.

@Love You to Death
Evie froze as someone moved past her, "Are alright?" She asked, without waiting for a reply. She saw what he'd been after and turned towards the strange creature. "Why don't you give those back," She poured her powers into each word, knowing that any mannor of creature save for another siren wouldn't be able to resist her easily. If worst came to worst however she could climb after it or even buy him more candy. She shook her head as the thought crossed her mind, why the hell was she being so nice. She had no obligation to the stranger, or the demon he seemed to be chasing. But perhaps it wouldn't hurt to try and make some more friends, she would be here for a while after all.

@Nenma Takashi
Kazurei stood from the bench nodding. "Yeah Chisai get down here!" Chisai smiled taking a deep breath then letting out a burp. Kazurei gasp. "You monster have you been eating my treats!?" But Chisai let out a low growl and Kazurei snapped a glance at the girl next to him. "Hey don't bother your powers won't work on him you'd just be feeding him." Kazurei sat down thinking. "Got it." He held his hand out. "Hey you climb the tree and grab my treats." He used his ability to summon Chisai to his sidd the treats stayed stuck in the tree. "I'll make sure he doesn't run back after them."

@Love You to Death
"Sorry, sometimes I forget just how.... strong my legs are." Ceil said, slowing down a bit and stopping for a moment to move a talon like she was flexing it like an arm. She looked in the direction Ryu hand pointed and continued walking towards it. "I wonder if crabs will be there. I like crabs. They're kinda silly looking." She rambled as she walked. "I used to live near a beach actually, did you go to the beach a lot before coming here?" She asked Ryu, walking backwards to face her.

Evie paused and stared it at him. "Why couldn't you just climb the tree." She grumbled, trudging towards the tree. She grabbed and low hanging branch and pulled her self up the tree, towards the branch where the treats were. She snatched them and paused, wondering how she was going to climb down with her hands full. She glanced down at her skinny jeans and sighed, there was absolutly no room in there. "You know, unlike your little friend, I can't get down without full use of my hands." She scowled and sat down on the branch, maybe she's eat the stupid candy herself.

@Nenma Takashi
Chisai didn't put up a fight with staying still so Kazurei simply walked to the tree with his hands out. "You could just jump and I catch you or if your not the trusting type simply throw me the bag." He smiled Chisai had a smile on as well but his wasn't for the same joking reason.

@Love You to Death
"Wouldn't the demon just take it then?" Evie muttered towards herself, she took a deep breath and leaned out over her branch. "You'd better not drop me." She warned, preparing herself to jump. The two of them made a strange pair but hopefully she could trust him. If he dropped her there would be hell to pay, she could promise hime that.

@Nenma Takashi
Kazurei smiled holding his arms up ready to catch her. "Trust me I'll catch." This girl was strange and it was obvious the reason Chisai ran off was because he was hungry and wanted a snack as well. 'A woman though Chisai must be very hungry to not be begging to get away from her.' He chuckled at that thought.
She sighed and ran a hand though her hair, pulling out several leafs that had gotten tangled with in her pink locks. She hated the fact that she was practically leaving her life in his hands. Well, maybe not. While it was a high fall it probably wasn't that far. She took a deep breath and lanched herself off of the branch, praying that she would actually land in his arms. Maybe she would miss and splatter like a pancake on the gound or perhaps she would be slightly brused but in one piece

@Nenma Takashi
Kazurei got ready to catch her but something hit the back of his leg and that something was Chisai. The girl's knee smashed into his face and she would land fine on top of him the force of her drop traded to him. Chisai let out a dark chuckle. "Ow!"
Evie hit him and took the other boy down, landing on top of him. She lifted her head up off of him and let out a groan. She pushed herself up onto her elbows and accessed the damage. She then noticed the boy beneath her and gasped, "Oh my gosh are you alright?" She asked, a pounding headache already developing. She should've known better than to trust some stranger or anyone with something like this for that matter.

@Nenma Takashi
Kazurei sat up. "I'm fine don't worry about it I've been through worse." A small bit of blood came from his nose. As Chisai went into a laughing fit. "Excuse me for a moment." He stood up walking over to Chisai and looked down at him. "Woah what's so funny Chisai I want to laugh to?" He had a smile on his face but a heavy sinister intention came from it. Chisai shook his head and Kazurei kneeled down to him grabbing his head. "It's okay you can tell me right buddy?" He grip seemed to increase. Then he suddenly let go standing up and turning to the girl he smile sweet again. "More importantly are you okay?" Chisai seemed to be shaking.
Evie sighed and rubbed her head. As usual she'd managed to make a fool of herself yet again. She then glanced at her knee, and winced. If the pain she felt in her knee was bad, it was probably nothing compared to what his haed must feel like. She frowned and watched the interaction between the pair, finding it unlikely that he was truly not in pain. After several moments of thinking she soon realized he walk talking to her, "Fine, I think." She said slowly, each word bring forth stabbing pain. 'I'm never going to climb a stupid tree again', she thought grumpily.

@Nenma Takashi
Haru sighed. "That's good." Chisai jumped onto his shoulder and Kazurei flicked his forehead. Chisai gave a growl. "He says he's sorry." He flicked him again getting another growl. "Really sorry." He gave one last flick and Chisai growled. "And he'll never do it again." Kazurei wiped the blood from his nose he wasn't much of a fighter so he was pretty fragile but he had the will to walk the pain. "Thanks for helping me get my treats you can have some if you want. I got chocolate, and suckers, some jawbreakers, a few pieces of gum, oh and some of my moms home made devil kisses."

@Love You to Death
Evie was tempted to roll her eyes. It was very unlikely that something like this wouldn't happen again. She didn't have to be a good judge of character to know that the demon would do things like this again and again. The growling alone was enough to tell her that, but it was nice that the boy had attempted to make up for the fact. She glanced at the bag of candy when if was offered though and she set her eyes on a small peice of chocolate. "It's no problem," She smiled softly at him before continuing, "I never did get your name after all that though."

@Nenma Takashi
Kazurei smiled shaking the bag a bit. "Don't be shy take one and my names Kazurei this little guy with me is Chisai." Chisai growled looking away and Kazurei chuckled. "He said hi." Chisai growled again. "No you can't do that I've told at least 100 times you can't." Chisai growled but this one sounded like he was begging. "I don't care if your how long it's been." He sighed. "Sorry would you mind using your Siren powers real quick."

@Love You to Death
Evie's hand shot out and she grabbed a peice of chocolate. She quickly unwrapped it and ate it before shoving the wrapper in her pocket. She stared at the two for a moment before he request processed, "I thought you said they wouldn't wo-" She paused as it came to her, "You want me to feed him, right?" She frowned for a second but allowed the power to seep out. It was difficult to harness it without singing though and she let out much more than intended.

@Nenma Takashi
Chisai took in a deep breath taking in the magic coming from her he stopped and burped then growled. "What do you mean better then my treats anything not magic taste like cardboard to you!?" Kazurei sighed and smiled. "Thanks now what's your name?" He asked.

@Love You to Death
Evie closed her eyes for a long moment before responding, trying to recover for the energy she'd just dispelled. After several seconds she recovered enough to speak, "No problem," She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "My names Evangeline, but most call me Evie. Have you two been around campus yet?" She asked, gazing up at the darkening sky, it was getting later she supposed. Although she wasn't aware of the time the sun set, she guessed it be some time around 8.

@Nenma Takashi
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Amy left her room and began to explore the campus to get a note of the area for future reference she unlocked her parasol and proceeded to walk about the dorm area. The school had a form of beauty that was unexplainable it also looked mysterious but as mysterious a school of supernatural beings could be at once. She went to the commons it seemed to be the appropriate place to relax after surveying the grounds there was no signs of students within her vision maybe for the better she sighed and stared up at the clouds. @NoOneInParticular
Ryu thought for a moment before speaking, "I don't think so, I've never really been to the overworld much. Where I'm from we don't have beaches, so as far as I know I've never been to one." The tropical forest was interesting to Ryu, she thought about how weirdly the trees looked and how it wasn't very cold like most forests. The sounds of the bugs and animals creeped her out a little bit though. Luckily the trail they'd been walking on wasn't very long and she could see the beach a bit further.

Fel was startled for a moment. He was not sure who spoke from behind him. A Teacher? A guard? A dog? A dog-human thing! El was terrified as he turned around. He didn't wish to get in any trouble. Feliun turned his face around slowly, hoping that the person behind him isn't the principle himself. Once he had turned around, he was surprised. This wasn't no teacher and specially not a humanoid pitbull, but instead the person seemed young enough to be a student. Feliun started at him for a moment deducing that the person must be a student and then he spoke, " Well that is a relief. Who are you ? ". Feliun tried to avoid the guy's question about his late arrival by asking his own.
"Oh boy someone asking who I am that is a first, well I am Dru but I have a few other more private names that I usually go by. I wouldn't worry about being out too late but then again I am a creature of the night, sort of so the night is where I belong. You however seem to be normal and a day dweller to boot." Dru chuckled and walked past the boy to enter the school ahead of him. @divyansh
Mani slipped out of her dorm halfway transparent. She was glad that she had no roommate, though she felt a bit lonely. She gripped her wooden flute in a tight but gentle hand and set down towards the beach. She passed several students, but they didn't seem to notice her as she silently slipped past. Sitting crosslegged, she floated a few feet off the sand and brought her flute to her lips, playing a light, haunting piece.

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