
Afrobrony said:
"... Great, you're also smartasses."
"One, I didn't break it for no reason, and this is going to sound weird, but I thought those hurricanes were trapped or something. It all makes sense from perspective, trust me. Two, I called them dicks, not assholes, there's quite a distinct difference."
"Same meaning," Jackie says, looking at Bruce. "And those hurricanes are like children. You got set up by a bunch of six year olds."
Daimao said:
"We are also not donkeys. Do you require a new brain?"
Bruce just stares silently at them, realizing that they didn't understand these slang terms.

CelticSol said:
"Same meaning," Jackie says, looking at Bruce. "And those hurricanes are like children. You got set up by a bunch of six year olds."
"I wouldn't exactly call those six year olds, at least, I haven't seen a six year old that looks like that at all." He went and sat back on his chair.
Daimao said:
"We are also not donkeys. Do you require a new brain?"
CelticSol said:
"Same meaning," Jackie says, looking at Bruce. "And those hurricanes are like children. You got set up by a bunch of six year olds."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce just stares silently at them, realizing that they didn't understand these slang terms.
"I wouldn't exactly call those six year olds, at least, I haven't seen a six year old that looks like that at all." He went and sat back on his chair.
The little blood mist hurricanes feelings were hurt by Bruce's comment. It was also not used to so many curse words. It starts to warp and unravel. As if on the brink of crying. If it does Mist would notice and wouldn't be so happy about what happened to the guild only a half hour after he left.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce just stares silently at them, realizing that they didn't understand these slang terms.
"I wouldn't exactly call those six year olds, at least, I haven't seen a six year old that looks like that at all." He went and sat back on his chair.
Jackie smirks at Bruce, "You haven't seen much of the magical portion of the world, have you?"
Light said:
The little blood mist hurricanes feelings were hurt by Bruce's comment. It was also not used to so many curse words. It starts to warp and unravel. As if on the brink of crying. If it does Mist would notice and wouldn't be so happy about what happened to the guild only a half hour after he left.
Bruce could not tell for the life of him what it was doing now. He didn't want to make anymore mistakes and make things worse. After all, he had two strikes in the last five minutes. Then the whole thing Jackie said about them being like six year olds clicked for him. "All right, let's try this." He walked over to the hurricane, gesturing for it to calm down.

CelticSol said:
Jackie smirks at Bruce, "You haven't seen much of the magical portion of the world, have you?"
Bruce whispered. "No, not really, any that I have I probably killed. A few mages here and there, you know."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce could not tell for the life of him what it was doing now. He didn't want to make anymore mistakes and make things worse. After all, he had two strikes in the last five minutes. Then the whole thing Jackie said about them being like six year olds clicked for him. "All right, let's try this." He walked over to the hurricane, gesturing for it to calm down.
Bruce whispered. "No, not really, any that I have I probably killed. A few mages here and there, you know."
The little blood mist hurricane bursts.
Light said:
The little blood mist hurricane bursts.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce could not tell for the life of him what it was doing now. He didn't want to make anymore mistakes and make things worse. After all, he had two strikes in the last five minutes. Then the whole thing Jackie said about them being like six year olds clicked for him. "All right, let's try this." He walked over to the hurricane, gesturing for it to calm down.
Bruce whispered. "No, not really, any that I have I probably killed. A few mages here and there, you know."
"You should go out and see it," Jackie says, wiping some of the splattered blood from the hurricane off her cheek, but it just smears, "It's pretty cool to see if you go out and search for the right things. I met a demon in Chicago who could see the future, and a person in my old squad had been technokinetic. It's a world worth seeing."
Thana wandered about the large building looking for someone to lead her in some sort of direction. She held a cold, blank expression as she looked around. Looking beside her she spotted one of her imaginary friends people said she was crazy for seeing. She took the shape of a life size puppet, stiches embedding her body. "Alouette." Thana said happily. "It appears I'm lost, isn't that a shame?" That's tentatively ran a finger along the blade of her small axe.

"You're lost? Oh! Another crazy member! Hahaha! Great!" Nether exclaimed as his arm gliched. "So where exactly are you heading to? Miss....?" @Maxwelle
"People call me Thana." She said with a steady gaze. "I'm headed to a place where I may become acquainted with where I am at and what I should do. Either that or a place I could find a decent victim." She said, licking her lips. "Who might you be?" Thana's eyes followed Alouette as she moved around the stranger.
"I'm Nether, 19 Human experiment. I hate cheese and I'm bisexual." He said nonchalantly. "Anyway, follow me to the main hall, though I don't know why you want to get acquainted with them. Most...no all of them are assholes." He said as he placed his hands on his neck and began to lead the way. "Is there something next to me?' He asked when he saw her eyes look at something that wasn't him. @Maxwelle
"Interesting," she said with a blink. "I also do not like cheese." A simple smile rose to her face. "Define asshole. I did not simply come to wander about. I came to find a leader, or master if you will." She waved her hand, as if showing the information had little importance. She began to follow him, and cocked her head to the side thoughtfully when he asked about Alouette. "My friend."
"Asshole as in complete and utter jackasses. I know my vocabulary is terrible, but whatever. Also the leader/guild master is AFK right now so I can't take you to him. "What are your powers? Also tell your friend I said hi. I would do it myself, but I don't know where she is standing at, and I don't feel like greeting a wall."
"Hmm I see." Sighing in disappointment she wondered what'd she'd fill her time with. "My powers? I'm a mare so I bring people's worst fears to life and feed off their emotion." Thana did love the taste of negativity. "Fear is a delicacy I must say. Alouette says she likes you." 'I do like this one will you kill him too?' Alouette asked. Thana shook her head with a frown.
"Worst fears? Intresting." Nether muttered as he entered the main hall. "Almost everyone here is Op since they like to pretend to be a god or something. Of course I'm somewhat included in the Op category." He said as he walked to a random wall and sat on the floor. "Well this is the main hall and all it's glory." He joked as he leaned against the wall.
"Somewhat how? What are your abilities? And why do you stay if you hate everyone?" Thana sat on the floor beside him. It's always good to get to know allies. She sighed, resting her head against the wall. With a swing, she embedded her axe into the old floor.
"I am a human experiment. I can do different things with different elements." He said casually. "Cause money, and refuge." He simply stated. Really I hate everyone, so it doesn't matter where I go as long as I survive. He held out his right palm and in seconds a bird made out of electricity appeared and flew around them, landing on her shoulder. "Don't worry, it's a low voltage, the most you will feel is a tingling sensation."
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Charles simply passed by and overheared Nether and Thana's conversation. ''Hmm...those two seem a bit off. On the other hand, many people are...so it's not really unusual'' he thought to himself. Because the oh-so-beloved Primordial God told him to listen to the orders of Mist and join his guild for the sake of balance, until Mist actually gave him an order , he couldn't really fight anyone or do anything meaningful so he was bored. He simply generated a chair made from darkness in the guild hall and then he used his abilities over necromancy to summon an undead greyhound and after that he made a ball from darkness and covered it in blood. ''Go get it boy'' he said on a neutral tone as he threw the ball and the dog went after it, bringing it back to its master. This action was repeated multiple times.
"Oh. An experiment? I see." He does seem to have a remarkable power, she right. When he created the bird, her eyes widened in wonder. Even if she wasn't a child, she was child like in some parts of her manerism. "I like it." She said, watching the bird.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Charles simply passed by and overheared Nether and Thana's conversation. ''Hmm...those two seem a bit off. On the other hand, many people are...so it's not really unusual'' he thought to himself. Because the oh-so-beloved Primordial God told him to listen to the orders of Mist and join his guild for the sake of balance, until Mist actually gave him an order , he couldn't really fight anyone or do anything meaningful so he was bored. He simply generated a chair made from darkness in the guild hall and then he used his abilities over necromancy to summon an undead greyhound and after that he made a ball from darkness and covered it in blood. ''Go get it boy'' he said on a neutral tone as he threw the ball and the dog went after it, bringing it back to its master. This action was repeated multiple times.

( Mist never said you can't get aggresive with someone talking trash about the guild. ;D )
Nether watched the greyhound fetch the blood coated ball completely bored. He let out a small sigh before leaning his head against the wall. "You like the powers, the bird, or what?" He asked unsure what she meant by 'I like it.'

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