
"A mix. It's amazing how some of the most beautiful things in the world can be the most deadly. You could probably create whatever you wanted." She shrugged. There really want much to do was there?
''Hah beauty and deadliness huh? Those terms are just as subjective as most things in existence'' thought to himself Charles as he made the zombie dog disappear. He was bored so he thought about something: why not mess around with the smartass who talked shit about the guild? He simply infiltrated the senzation of nails scratching a blackboard in Nether's head then generated the illusion of Thana having two heads and a muscular pug as a pet. Of course only Nether could see and hear these illusory effects.

Nethers eyes widened slightly when the sound entered his head. He clenthed his teeth and closed his eyes as he tried to ignore it. After a few seconds he opened them and saw something that made him slightly jump before sighing. "Hilarious." He muttered as he once again closed his eyes. "So who the F is using an illsion on me this time?" He asked calmly as he tried to ignore the sound. @Azure Sky
''It is my fault'' said Charles , who now used his illusion control to appear as Nether. Another illusion of Nether appeared near Thana , dressed as a clown and said: ''Or maybe it's my fault''. ''Let us all agree it's the fault of the theory of relativity '' said another illusion behind Nether , which at first appeared as an exact copy of himself before riping his face off and revealing the face of Albert Einstein with a snake-like toungue and rainbow eyes. These illusions where visible to everyone.

Nether looked at the illusions and after a few seconds burst out laughing. "Hahaha I get! Hahaha" He siad as he continued to laugh not I the least bit scared. "Should I bother to ask why you are picking on us?" Nether asked when he stopped laughing.

''Mainly because of boredom and the fact that you talked shit about the guild and its members...I was only picking on you though'' answered Charles on a neutral tone as he eliminated the illusions and returned to his normal self. ''In reality I don't care that much , but since I was told to join this guild as a subordinate of Mist, he'd surely tell me to mess around with people like you. Consider it a duty of sorts'' he added.
Thana glanced at the illusions and laughed out loud at them. She could come up with better. Not to mention nothing really scared her, it was almost impossible. Then, her eyes moved to the one who created the visions. She only glared at him. How rude to interrupt two people's conversation? Her views on social relationships were twisted and in her mind she considered Nether a friend even if it wasn't quite so. She was protective of her friends. It was also easy to get on her bad side and go from her friend to get enemy.
Nether was a bit confused. "Talking shit? I just copied how I hear everyone else speak. Is that manner of speech wrong?"
Eva seeing Charles she gave him a somewhat naughty look before turning her head away her mood switching from flirtatious to annoyed as she heard a loud crashing. She put a hand on her hip and took a drag on her cigarette, "How long is it gonna take for everyone to get down here?" She said with an annoyed tone.
''It depends on the perspective'' said Charles looking at Nether with his usual poker face before turning at Thana and ''hearing'' her thoughts. She was quite crazy in Charles's book so he considered actually taking her seriously quite childish, instead he simply told her : '' My powers don't stop at this puny illusion generation...just saying. And yes, I can read your mind''.



@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

Charles spotted Eva and appeared near her. ''Hmm, you're very interested in survival games I see...Does it light a fire inside you?'' he asked, a smirk appearing on his face before suddenly disappearing the next second. ''Maybe Mist feels too sexy for the guild rank up test'' he added. He used the different colors of astral energy to create a disco-like effect in the guild hall, afterwards creating the illusion of Mist with a fedora on his head and dressed in a black suit. A mic appeared near the illusion which started to sing some sort of cover of the song ''Too Sexy'' by Right Said Fred, while doing a silly dance.

The lyrics started like this:

I'm too sexy for this guild , too sexy for this guild... So sexy it huuurts!

I'm too sexy for the rank up, too sexy for the rank up...The wayyy I'm disco dancinggg...

I'm a model I know what I'm in, taking my little turn on the catwalk,

On the catwalk, yeah, shaking some lil' skulls on the catwalk...

Eva sigs and rubs at her eyes, "I'm never gonna get that image out of my head." As much as she tried to suppress it she had a small smile on her face which was a huge accomplishment since she usually doesn't smile at anything less than killing maiming and or generally causing immense pain. "Let's just hope he never actually sings that song."
Thana didn't say anything but simply stared at him. "..." A second one of her imaginary friends spoke up, standing beside her. She had 3. This one was named Franklin. He had the horribly gnarled body of teddy and equally torn head of a stuffed bunny. Stuffing was spilling from the seems and needles protruded from various parts of his form.

"He can create things like you! Do you think he has any pointers?" The welcoming smile she held for Franklin dipped into a frown. "Shut up." Franklin sat, pouting. If he could read minds could he see my friends? She wondered, eyeing him.
CelticSol said:
"You should go out and see it," Jackie says, wiping some of the splattered blood from the hurricane off her cheek, but it just smears, "It's pretty cool to see if you go out and search for the right things. I met a demon in Chicago who could see the future, and a person in my old squad had been technokinetic. It's a world worth seeing."
"All I can say is that I've had quite a bit much for now. Have you see the bus outside? The damage to that wasn't just from bullets. Same with my clothes, I really like this jacket. Besides," he gestures at where the hurricane used to be "I'm pretty sure that's the only effect I have with magical things."
It was actually because of his supernatural empathy that Charles could see Thana's friends, not because of telekinesis, but yet again he belived there was no reason to explain that to her so he simply transmited a telepathic message to her: ''Yes, I can see them''.



@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira

''I doubt he will...But considering I met myself from another reality once who was a bisexual, transgressive and half-insane human heavy-weight boxing champion, I started to belive that anything is possible, except the possibility of other celestial beings letting me kill that version of myself...'' said Charles to Eva. He was serious.
"Uh wow....Only time I've ever met myself.....actually I'd rather not get into that." Eva looked away quickly she suddenly really wanted her spear and of course it came. The shadows throughout the room deepened becoming darkness which spiraled to the point just left of Eva, the spear rose out of the murky oblivion and was received by her hand. "That's better." She said as she leaned on it a red glow emanating form the edges of the spear's being.
Nether was still a bit confused but shrugged. He had just copied what he heard from others. After all where he was from he didn't really get a chance to learn about manners. "Got it, but next time you want to freak me out you should....wait never mind shouldn't tell you." He said wit a small grin as he sat down by the wall again. @Azure Sky
Afrobrony said:
"All I can say is that I've had quite a bit much for now. Have you see the bus outside? The damage to that wasn't just from bullets. Same with my clothes, I really like this jacket. Besides," he gestures at where the hurricane used to be "I'm pretty sure that's the only effect I have with magical things."
Jackie lets go of Gamma's head, and she grins, then black lines appear over her entire body, and the exposed canines in her smile become very sharp. Over the top of her shoulders, small black spires less than an inch long sprout from her skin. "I'd like to see you have that effect on me, Bruce. It'd be fun."

(@Daimao )
CelticSol said:
Jackie lets go of Gamma's head, and she grins, then black lines appear over her entire body, and the exposed canines in her smile become very sharp. Over the top of her shoulders, small black spires less than an inch long sprout from her skin. "I'd like to see you have that effect on me, Bruce. It'd be fun."
(@Daimao )
Bruce was a bit puzzled at Jackie's half transformation. "Well I wouldn't make you explode or anything because you're a guild member but I could beat the crap out of you if we sparred." He held his hands out in a martial arts stance "if that's your way of fun then I completely agree."
Afrobrony said:
Bruce was a bit puzzled at Jackie's half transformation. "Well I wouldn't make you explode or anything because you're a guild member but I could beat the crap out of you if we sparred." He held his hands out in a martial arts stance "if that's your way of fun then I completely agree."
Jackie smiles wider, but it's less challenging and threatening, and more teasing, "I'd rip you apart, Bruce. You should get another sparring partner," The transformation recedes, completely changing so Jackie is completely normal. She stands up, crossing her arms, the pose showing the tattoos on both her arms.
CelticSol said:
Jackie smiles wider, but it's less challenging and threatening, and more teasing, "I'd rip you apart, Bruce. You should get another sparring partner," The transformation recedes, completely changing so Jackie is completely normal. She stands up, crossing her arms, the pose showing the tattoos on both her arms.
Bruce keeps his stance "get back here other side of Jackie! I'll show you just how wrong you are." He then relaxes thinking that he probably couldn't get that side, or whatever it was, out her like that. He knew that those who were arrogant in their strength usually didn't prove it when challenged by someone they thought was beneath them.
Alpha gave the canine equivalent of a smile, exposing his large fangs. "You are quite an amusing little human, Bruce," he said, leaving Jackie's side and circling around Bruce, growing until they were eye level, looking into Bruce's eyes with a predatory stare. "Your soul would taste delicious." With that, Alpha left Bruce, shrinking to the size of a Chihuahua, before leaping onto Jackie's shoulder, where Gamma began licking at the smeared blood on Jackie's cheek.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce keeps his stance "get back here other side of Jackie! I'll show you just how wrong you are." He then relaxes thinking that he probably couldn't get that side, or whatever it was, out her like that. He knew that those who were arrogant in their strength usually didn't prove it when challenged by someone they thought was beneath them.
Daimao said:
Alpha gave the canine equivalent of a smile, exposing his large fangs. "You are quite an amusing little human, Bruce," he said, leaving Jackie's side and circling around Bruce, growing until they were eye level, looking into Bruce's eyes with a predatory stare. "Your soul would taste delicious." With that, Alpha left Bruce, shrinking to the size of a Chihuahua, before leaping onto Jackie's shoulder, where Gamma began licking at the smeared blood on Jackie's cheek.
She actually laughs, "'Other side'? I don't have a split personality disorder. Lot worse than that," Jackie smiles wide, but there is a glint to her eye that's unsettling, "I'm possessed, and it would chew you up and spit you out. If you want to fight, by all means, I'll show what it's truly capable of, but I prefer my friends with all limbs intact."

She pets Gamma idly, then says, "Still adjusting to the fact that you guys can change size so quick."
Cyran comes to the front doors of Excidium, "Hmph, isn't much but it's a start I guess," only wanting to be in one area at the time he immediately beings searching for the guild's library. "They must have more books on Demonology, I must know how to control an archdemon," Grinning now he becomes more determined, "Then when I control them, I shall be virtually unstoppable!" Cyran stops abruptly, "Then again, I could have some fun first..."
Thana widened her eyes as she heard a message from within her mind. She was used to hearing things yes, but this one was new. 'You are not my friend.' she thought sourly. With a sigh, she pulled her axe from the floor and began strolling away.'Might as well find something to do. It's so boring, I want a task.' Franklin strolled alongside her. "What will you do now, Thana?" Thana simply shrugged.
( I haven't checked the Excidium page since 1 or something yesterday. Mist simply leaves the guild and this happens.... you all go crazy.... wow. )

( Okay Azure, since you're here check the In Character Rp tab. Guild rank up test on their side started. )

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