
Charles appeared out of nowhere behind Jackie. ''Hmm...You know, some of us, me included, have a natural advantage of physical condition and regeneration. Those can't exactly be turned off , so... isn't this a bit unfair for some members?'' he asked on a neutral tone, pretending to care. It was a question that he had in mind because of his job regarding balance, but in reality he couldn't care less, it was more of a duty to ask the question than rather caring for the response. He saw that Eva was there too, but shifted his attention to Jackie and pretended to await her answer.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
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[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Charles appeared out of nowhere behind Jackie. ''Hmm...You know, some of us, me included, have a natural advantage of physical condition and regeneration. Those can't exactly be turned off , so... isn't this a bit unfair for some members?'' he asked on a neutral tone, pretending to care. It was a question that he had in mind because of his job regarding balance, but in reality he coldn't care less, it was more of a duty to ask the question than rather caring for the response. He saw that Eva was there too, but shifted his attention to Jackie and pretended to await her answer.

Jackie looks over to him, "That's not my issue."
''Very well'' answered Charles. His ''duty'' was fulfilled. He just asked so some crappy godly creatures he knew wouldn't bother him about it later.
Light said:
Mist Jr. The hurricane floats over to Bruce.
The same two blood mist hurricanes that played around Jackie earlier follow her around like lost puppies. Orbiting her.
Bruce opened his eyes and looked at Mist Jr. "well then, I suppose that's my call to go then." He stood up and followed it to wherever it was leading him.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce opened his eyes and looked at Mist Jr. "well then, I suppose that's my call to go then." He stood up and followed it to wherever it was leading him.
Mist Jr. Just aimlessly floats around.
Light said:
Mist Jr. Just aimlessly floats around.
After a few seconds of trying to find where Bruce thinks Mist Jr. is trying to lead him, he gives up. "Are you okay there Mist Jr.? I probably shouldn't expect any real response to that but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. You know, maybe I'm just insane and I imagine that you exist and I just have a really good instinct of where trouble is brewing or where I need to go next. Like a quest marker. Oh! Maybe you're just being a general waypoint right now and telling me that there's something within this area that you're floating in, there's something important I have to interact with." He started to look under chairs and in drawers around in the area.
Afrobrony said:
After a few seconds of trying to find where Bruce thinks Mist Jr. is trying to lead him, he gives up. "Are you okay there Mist Jr.? I probably shouldn't expect any real response to that but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. You know, maybe I'm just insane and I imagine that you exist and I just have a really good instinct of where trouble is brewing or where I need to go next. Like a quest marker. Oh! Maybe you're just being a general waypoint right now and telling me that there's something within this area that you're floating in, there's something important I have to interact with." He started to look under chairs and in drawers around in the area.
Mist Jr. is actually floating under the chandelier full of blood mist hurricanes.
Light said:
Mist Jr. is actually floating under the chandelier full of blood mist hurricanes.
He looked up at the hurricanes and said "look, you need to develop some more sentience, I can't understand what you're trying to tell me here. Are you telling me to break the chandelier? Is it keeping your brothers prisoner? All right but I'd better not have to pay for this later." He pulled out his revolver and fired a shot at the chain holding the chandelier.
Afrobrony said:
He looked up at the hurricanes and said "look, you need to develop some more sentience, I can't understand what you're trying to tell me here. Are you telling me to break the chandelier? Is it keeping your brothers prisoner? All right but I'd better not have to pay for this later." He pulled out his revolver and fired a shot at the chain holding the chandelier.
All the blood mist hurricanes weren't trapped. They were just floating and playing games. They wanted Bruce to join. Now that he's broken the chandelier, all of them run away leaving him to blame.
Light said:
All the blood mist hurricanes weren't trapped. They were just floating and playing games. They wanted Bruce to join. Now that he's broken the chandelier, all of them run away leaving him to blame.
(Playing with hurricanes, all the cool kids are doing it nowadays. Totally safe.)
"Uhh, that worked?" He snapped his revolver open, reloading its single chamber as it could only hold one bullet at a time.
Afrobrony said:
(Playing with hurricanes, all the cool kids are doing it nowadays. Totally safe.)
"Uhh, that worked?" He snapped his revolver open, reloading its single chamber as it could only hold one bullet at a time.
Alpha chuckled at Bruce, in his Cerberus form.

"Way to go," said Beta. "The dumb guy just broke the fucking chandelier! That was awesome!" laughed Gamma.
Daimao said:
Alpha chuckled at Bruce, in his Cerberus form.
"Way to go," said Beta. "The dumb guy just broke the fucking chandelier! That was awesome!" laughed Gamma.
"Hey! I'm not dumb! I just can't communicate with hurricanes made of blood. You might, with your freaky mutant, demon powers, but it's not a common trait among humans." Bruce crossed his arms "and besides, I have enough money to pay for fifty more if the need ever arises."
Afrobrony said:
"Hey! I'm not dumb! I just can't communicate with hurricanes made of blood. You might, with your freaky mutant, demon powers, but it's not a common trait among humans." Bruce crossed his arms "and besides, I have enough money to pay for fifty more if the need ever arises."
"I fail to see the point to this meaningless money that you humans are so obsessed with," said Alpha, circling around Bruce.
Daimao said:
"I fail to see the point to this meaningless money that you humans are so obsessed with," said Alpha, circling around Bruce.
"It's not meaningless, it's a way of trade that doesn't involve just goods. It makes it much easier to trade when you can give someone something that is always in demand. Not just giving them more gourds or heads of lettuce that will go bad faster than they can be eaten."
Afrobrony said:
"It's not meaningless, it's a way of trade that doesn't involve just goods. It makes it much easier to trade when you can give someone something that is always in demand. Not just giving them more gourds or heads of lettuce that will go bad faster than they can be eaten."
"It still seems meaningless to me," Alpha said, shrugging his large canine shoulders. "Almost as meaningless as you talking to a blood mist."
Daimao said:
"It still seems meaningless to me," Alpha said, shrugging his large canine shoulders. "Almost as meaningless as you talking to a blood mist."
"Mist Jr. has been quite helpful, I'll have you know. He's lead me to pretty important stuff. And at least I don't suffer from multiple personality disorder like you three."
Afrobrony said:
"Mist Jr. has been quite helpful, I'll have you know. He's lead me to pretty important stuff. And at least I don't suffer from multiple personality disorder like you three."
"We don't have multiple personality disorder," said all three heads at once, in perfect synchronization. "We are three seperate entities."

"We have three seperate minds."

"Don't you ever forget that, puny mortal."
Afrobrony said:
"Mist Jr. has been quite helpful, I'll have you know. He's lead me to pretty important stuff. And at least I don't suffer from multiple personality disorder like you three."
Daimao said:
"We don't have multiple personality disorder," said all three heads at once, in perfect synchronization. "We are three seperate entities."
"We have three seperate minds."

"Don't you ever forget that, puny mortal."
Jackie heads over, grinning. She gets down on her knees to hug all three heads. "Don't be mean to them, Bruce. They're just a puppy."
CelticSol said:
Jackie heads over, grinning. She gets down on her knees to hug all three heads. "Don't be mean to them, Bruce. They're just a puppy."
A blood mist hurricane hurries over to Jackie to catch her attention. Making sure she notices the chandelier Bruce shot down. Completely snitching on him.
Daimao said:
"We don't have multiple personality disorder," said all three heads at once, in perfect synchronization. "We are three seperate entities."
"We have three seperate minds."

"Don't you ever forget that, puny mortal."
"Puny? I'll have you know, I'm anything but puny."

CelticSol said:
Jackie heads over, grinning. She gets down on her knees to hug all three heads. "Don't be mean to them, Bruce. They're just a puppy."
Bruce looked at her in disbelief "just a puppy? They're huge! And kind of dicks."
CelticSol said:
Jackie heads over, grinning. She gets down on her knees to hug all three heads. "Don't be mean to them, Bruce. They're just a puppy."
Afrobrony said:
"Puny? I'll have you know, I'm anything but puny."
Bruce looked at her in disbelief "just a puppy? They're huge! And kind of dicks."
Gamma licks Jackie's face as Beta simply accepts Jackie's hug. Alpha looks at Bruce. "In the grand cycle of life and death, you are tiny and insignificant. Also, we are not part of the male anatomy."
Light said:
A blood mist hurricane hurries over to Jackie to catch her attention. Making sure she notices the chandelier Bruce shot down. Completely snitching on him.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce looked at her in disbelief "just a puppy? They're huge! And kind of dicks."
"All dogs are puppies," Jackie says, like its something very clearly obvious. "They're just a big puppy," She lets go of their heads to rub Alpha's ears, looking at Bruce with a raised eyebrow, "And how can you even say they're assholes when you're breaking chandeliers for no reason?"
Daimao said:
Gamma licks Jackie's face as Beta simply accepts Jackie's hug. Alpha looks at Bruce. "In the grand cycle of life and death, you are tiny and insignificant. Also, we are not part of the male anatomy."
"... Great, you're also smartasses."

CelticSol said:
"All dogs are puppies," Jackie says, like its something very clearly obvious. "They're just a big puppy," She lets go of their heads to rub Alpha's ears, looking at Bruce with a raised eyebrow, "And how can you even say they're assholes when you're breaking chandeliers for no reason?"
"One, I didn't break it for no reason, and this is going to sound weird, but I thought those hurricanes were trapped or something. It all makes sense from perspective, trust me. Two, I called them dicks, not assholes, there's quite a distinct difference."
Daimao said:
Gamma licks Jackie's face as Beta simply accepts Jackie's hug. Alpha looks at Bruce. "In the grand cycle of life and death, you are tiny and insignificant. Also, we are not part of the male anatomy."
She goes over to Gamma's head and hugs it, nuzzling her face on the top of his head.
Afrobrony said:
"... Great, you're also smartasses."
"One, I didn't break it for no reason, and this is going to sound weird, but I thought those hurricanes were trapped or something. It all makes sense from perspective, trust me. Two, I called them dicks, not assholes, there's quite a distinct difference."
"We are also not donkeys. Do you require a new brain?"

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