
Eva blinked at the dramatically improved room, "Well this would be an improvement." She steps in without asking permission and passed her hand through the multicolored light. "Got some help from the astral plane hmm?"
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Eva blinked at the dramatically improved room, "Well this would be an improvement." She steps in without asking permission and passed her hand through the multicolored light. "Got some help from the astral plane hmm?"

''Frankly, yes, combined with some other effects caused by black magic'' said Charles, on a deep tone. He really didn't care that Eva entered the room without asking first, such things were irrevelant to him. Many things were irrevelant to him, really. He was there because he existed, he existed because he was what he was, he was what he was and he didn't care why.
"Sooo what do transcendent vampires do when they aren't being bossed around by some crap Diety or the other? Do you like to drink? Smoke? Make love? Seriously must be a bore to be immortal do you ever run out of things to do?"
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]"Sooo what do transcendent vampires do when they aren't being bossed around by some crap Diety or the other? Do you like to drink? Smoke? Make love? Seriously must be a bore to be immortal do you ever run out of things to do?"

''Hmm...Back when I was still mortal I had many things I liked to do, I was in fact hedonistic. When I met a vampire for the first time, with the occasion of a war which devastated the bubble of soap in which I lived in, I was about to die. He himself was about to die, but he chose to save me for some reason and transformed me. How should I say this...one thing led to another and I became the new Dracula. Initially I felt fantastic, so much power so many posibilities. On the other hand my power came with a price. I am supposed to maintain the balance between vampires, humans and other creatures. This opened my eyes however: almost everything that I enjoyed as a human... became worthless to me as an immortal.I am and I always will be a thorn in the side of existence. To say the least I have many things to do but ultimately it all comes down to one thing: I was here, I am here, I will be here for the sake of making others feel the true taste of Oblivion!'' said Charles on a deep tone, but different from his usual neutral tone, this time he actually seemed to have some...emotion. He also held an unusually long speech.

After he finished he simply sat on the chair which was situated on the left wall and looked at Eva with his mesmerizing and intense gaze.
(Oh she knows.........it's about to go down)

Eva listened to the long speech which is abnormal because she would typically tune something like that out. She walked over to Charles and stood in front of him a hand on her hip her eyes locked on his own, "So you're telling me that you don't enjoy anything anymore." Eva got up close her lips inches away from his, " I think you should try harder, to know if you enjoy something you've got to try it right?" Eva stood up straight and turned to leave, "Let me know how simply existing works out for you. I'm gonna go have myself some fun."
A bus came over the horizon towards the Excidium guild. It was quite obvious that this thing had been through a shitstorm. There were bullet holes all over, most of the windows had been shattered, and there were dents everywhere in every size and shape. It held three figures, Bruce and his two sisters. The sight looked like it'd been pulled straight from an action movie or a video game. When it stopped, Bruce came out covered in soot, his clothes were also torn. His expression matched his condition quite well. Layla and Lana followed behind him with smiles on their faces as they looked around.
Afrobrony said:
A bus came over the horizon towards the Excidium guild. It was quite obvious that this thing had been through a shitstorm. There were bullet holes all over, most of the windows had been shattered, and there were dents everywhere in every size and shape. It held three figures, Bruce and his two sisters. The sight looked like it'd been pulled straight from an action movie or a video game. When it stopped, Bruce came out covered in soot, his clothes were also torn. His expression matched his condition quite well. Layla and Lana followed behind him with smiles on their faces as they looked around.
Mist stood outside the guild staring up at the large blood mist hurricanes in the sky.
Light said:
Mist stood outside the guild staring up at the large blood mist hurricanes in the sky.
The group walked up to Mist, Bruce tapped him on the shoulder then said "all right, I'm back. And I brought some back up. These two pains. They're my two sister, twins, in case you couldn't tell." The two waved at Mist saying simultaneously "so you're the guy who our little Brucie has to work with now." They extended their hands towards him.
Afrobrony said:
The group walked up to Mist, Bruce tapped him on the shoulder then said "all right, I'm back. And I brought some back up. These two pains. They're my two sister, twins, in case you couldn't tell." The two waved at Mist saying simultaneously "so you're the guy who our little Brucie has to work with now." They extended their hands towards him.
Mist looks at Bruce and the stares at his sisters. He shakes their hands. "You might want to get inside, I ordered my hurricanes to give a really good blood rain."
Light said:
Mist looks at Bruce and the stares at his sisters. He shakes their hands. "You might want to get inside, I ordered my hurricanes to give a really good blood rain."
The sisters shrugged, going into the guild to explore it. Bruce stayed "what's happened while I've been gone"? I can guess that we haven't gone to war, this place would probably be wrecked by now if you guys had."
Eva seas sitting downstairs at a pinball machine playing it with ridiculous speed and accuracy she was racking up a ridiculous amount of points edging towards the millions every second Smoke let out excited chirps and floated around in circles above her head.
Afrobrony said:
The sisters shrugged, going into the guild to explore it. Bruce stayed "what's happened while I've been gone"? I can guess that we haven't gone to war, this place would probably be wrecked by now if you guys had."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Eva seas sitting downstairs at a pinball machine playing it with ridiculous speed and accuracy she was racking up a ridiculous amount of points edging towards the millions every second Smoke let out excited chirps and floated around in circles above her head.

Mist shakes his head. "Nothing at all. Just a couple new members. Also our guild couldn't be reached in the first place. The skies here are covered in hurricanes." Blood starts to heavily fall. Mist walks inside as the storm of blood rises. It looks like a little too much is pouring down though.
Charles listened to Eva then watched her leave the room and go somehwere else. ''Oh, I never said I didn't enjoy anything though...While I lost interest in most things, there still are a few left '' he thought to himself and a grin appeared on his face, but he returned to his usual poker face in the split of a second. The woman seemed intriguing enough. ''Hmm...maybe this won't be as boring as I belived'' said Charles, talking to himself.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Mist walks over to Jackie. "Hey, I'm heading out there on the feild early. Make sure everyone leaves the guild in two hours time. Explain the rules to them alright? No magic, no weapons, no nothing. Lead them to the far forest where the lightest colored blood mist hurricane hovers over." Mist walks out the door tonthe extremely wet forest. It almost seemed like it turned into a blood swamp in just 15 minutes from the heavy shower of blood fro, the hurricanes in the sky.

( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Afrobrony @Peaceswore )
Bruce walked into the guild sitting on the closest chair possible, doing his best to rest for a little bit.

Layla and Lana went around exploring the guild, eventually finding their way outside again. They watched the blood hurricanes marveling at their work. It seemed this guild was just as interesting as Bruce had described. They looked at each other, pointing and winking "staying!"
Light said:
Mist walks over to Jackie. "Hey, I'm heading out there on the feild early. Make sure everyone leaves the guild in two hours time. Explain the rules to them alright? No magic, no weapons, no nothing. Lead them to the far forest where the lightest colored blood mist hurricane hovers over." Mist walks outnthe door to the extremely wet forest. It almost seemed like it turned into a blood swamp in just 15 minutes from the heavy shower of blood fro, the hurricanes in the sky.
( @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Afrobrony @Peaceswore )
CelticSol said:
Jackie nods, blowing out some smoke, "Got it," she says, going over to the main hall, then leaning on the railing of the stair case and calling out to the guild members, "Alright, the rank up test is in two hours! It will start with or without you, so if you're keen on participating, make sure you're not late! There is to be absolutely no weapons used during the test, no exceptions! No magic at all, not even anything biological or hereditary! Nothing! No loop holes, no exceptions! Any infractions will be judged by Mist and will lead to disqualification. Any questions?"
(@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @Afrobrony @Peaceswore )
Afrobrony said:
Bruce walked into the guild sitting on the closest chair possible, doing his best to rest for a little bit.
Layla and Lana went around exploring the guild, eventually finding their way outside again. They watched the blood hurricanes marveling at their work. It seemed this guild was just as interesting as Bruce had described. They looked at each other, pointing and winking "staying!"
Mist Jr. The hurricane floats over to Bruce.

The same two blood mist hurricanes that played around Jackie earlier follow her around like lost puppies. Orbiting her.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Eva steps out of the game room walking towards Jackie, "Only one, do you have to be so DAMN LOUD?!"

She turns to Eva, "Well, you heard, didn't you? No room for you to say 'I didn't follow this rule because I didn't hear it!'. I was told to make sure the entire guild knew, so I have to be loud in order to do so."
Zero rubbed the back of his beck with his left hand. He had been laziedly stretched out on the couch, having his legs hanging craziedly off the end. With a reluctant groan, he rolled his irises and twisted his body so that he laid on his side. That girl was so loud. He, was sleepy. Regardless of the amount of time it had been since they got back, he was still entirely exhausted. So much fighting having taken place, for them to start the test so early. Mumbling cursed words under his breath, Zero shut his eyelids back over his irises.
Eva sighed taking in another drag of her cigarette only for it to retreats instantly, "Whatever kinda a dumb point though. What will is "rank up" test entail?"
Ken let out a sigh as he rubbed his ear. "Yeah yeah fist fight in two hours got it." He muttered as he walked to some random place. "I'll be there...most likely."
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Eva sighed taking in another drag of her cigarette only for it to retreats instantly, "Whatever kinda a dumb point though. What will is "rank up" test entail?"

Jackie leans more heavily on the railing, "Well, all of us go out into the woods and have to survive the night out in the storm Mist is creating. While all that is happening, we're being hunted down by his mini hurricanes. After the night is over, we have to head back to the guild. Those who make it back conscious and not standing at death's door rank up, and those who don't... Well, don't."
CelticSol said:
Jackie leans more heavily on the railing, "Well, all of us go out into the woods and have to survive the night out in the storm Mist is creating. While all that is happening, we're being hunted down by his mini hurricanes. After the night is over, we have to head back to the guild. Those who make it back conscious and not standing at death's door rank up, and those who don't... Well, don't."
The two blood hurricanes orbiting Jackie seem eager to make siblings out of the unfortunate guild members.

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