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Fantasy Ex-Harmonia

Trying to consider if I should change my character a bit.

I was looking at some application and I stumbled upon Mandus. The problem here is that Mandus uses an assault rifle, and is capable of "...the art of killing multiple targets at once through his assault rifle with immeasurable pinpoint accuracy and reflexes that can only be matched by a certain people throughout his experiences.."

While this is all fine and dandy, I'm wondering how my character could compare. He doesn't have heavy armor, and if he did, it wouldn't block any rounds from an assault rifle. Now I'm aware we probably won't be fighting each other ( Or will we? ) but I'm trying to get my character to be an equal standing with all others. Anyone have any ideas for a buff I could give to Gareth?
Hey guys! I'll see if I can post sometime today. I have a very important Marching Band audition today, so I'll have to work on the posts on specific times of the day.

@Constance Auburn Sorry for the wait, bro. I'll see what I can do.
korigon said:
Trying to consider if I should change my character a bit.
I was looking at some application and I stumbled upon Mandus. The problem here is that Mandus uses an assault rifle, and is capable of "...the art of killing multiple targets at once through his assault rifle with immeasurable pinpoint accuracy and reflexes that can only be matched by a certain people throughout his experiences.."

While this is all fine and dandy, I'm wondering how my character could compare. He doesn't have heavy armor, and if he did, it wouldn't block any rounds from an assault rifle. Now I'm aware we probably won't be fighting each other ( Or will we? ) but I'm trying to get my character to be an equal standing with all others. Anyone have any ideas for a buff I could give to Gareth?
I was under the assumption that this was to be a more plot centered roleplay and not one devoted towards PvP, with the PvP being within it simply being relegated to flavor events. Since the character I made is considerably powerful just because he is invulnerable to stuff like bullets and most attacks by only being able to be wounded in one heavily armored spot while also having Iron Man esque laser beams etc.
Archer said:
I was under the assumption that this was to be a more plot centered roleplay and not one devoted towards PvP, with the PvP being within it simply being relegated to flavor events. Since the character I made is considerably powerful just because he is invulnerable to stuff like bullets and most attacks by only being able to be wounded in one heavily armored spot while also having Iron Man esque laser beams etc.
Yeah, I can understand that, but now I'm trying to figure out what Gareth could actually bring to the table. He's close range, which is useless since we have Close-Quarters Fighters+Long Range Fighters mashed into one person, which basically makes me useless as the only 'unique' ability he has ( Apart from being an experienced swordsman ) is that his sword is the weight of a normal sword, not a greatsword.

I'm not saying your character is OP, since Noble accepted it and he's the GM, but I'm just trying to figure out how I should buff my character and have him who he is ( A sword-wielding giant. I can't exactly make him agile and stuff like that. )

Metaphysics said:
Is he immune to magic?
If you mean my character, no. As mentioned before, only unique thing is a pretty wicked sword. I'm aware this is probably PvE based, but I still want my character to be relevant to the group. ( Which is why I'm trying to think of buffs :D )

Also, completely unrelated to the question at hand, but is your avatar suppoesd to be Xerath?
korigon said:
Yeah, I can understand that, but now I'm trying to figure out what Gareth could actually bring to the table. He's close range, which is useless since we have Close-Quarters Fighters+Long Range Fighters mashed into one person, which basically makes me useless as the only 'unique' ability he has ( Apart from being an experienced swordsman ) is that his sword is the weight of a normal sword, not a greatsword.
I'm not saying your character is OP, since Noble accepted it and he's the GM, but I'm just trying to figure out how I should buff my character and have him who he is ( A sword-wielding giant. I can't exactly make him agile and stuff like that. )

If you mean my character, no. As mentioned before, only unique thing is a pretty wicked sword. I'm aware this is probably PvE based, but I still want my character to be relevant to the group. ( Which is why I'm trying to think of buffs :D )

Also, completely unrelated to the question at hand, but is your avatar suppoesd to be Xerath?
The majority of these characters don't seem to have the amount of implied expertise in a specific field like yours does. Aside from generally overtuned characters like mine, I don't think you will see much of a problem. I still think it would be prudent to have your character have a supernatural physical condition so that his melee combat edges out against others since we have people that have melee power and strong ranged magic that also buffs their melee at the same time.

Also I never noticed that Avatar was molten Xerath lol.

Archer said:
The majority of these characters don't seem to have the amount of implied expertise in a specific field like yours does. Aside from generally overtuned characters like mine, I don't think you will see much of a problem. I still think it would be prudent to have your character have a supernatural physical condition so that his melee combat edges out against others since we have people that have melee power and strong ranged magic that also buffs their melee at the same time.
Also I never noticed that Avatar was molten Xerath lol.
Yeah, I'll try to think of buffs to him by tonight, as long as Noble is ok with it.

Also, Astra Siegefreed has a mastery of swordsmanship and an expertise with guns. Asura Knightwalker has "..Near mastery level with the sword.." and magical abilities that he channels through the sword, making it near invincible. Michi Torteis uses grenades so I guess he's a bit of a glass cannon, but think of what they'd do to someone in heavy armor lol. Ellis Penbrooke has a specialty in archery, having garnered years of experience, and also is extremely proficient in the one-handed blade, being able to "..go toe-to-toe with nearly any combatant.." And then there's your character. I purposely made my character not be overpowered but I might change that :>

So are you guys league fans?

korigon said:
Yeah, I can understand that, but now I'm trying to figure out what Gareth could actually bring to the table. He's close range, which is useless since we have Close-Quarters Fighters+Long Range Fighters mashed into one person, which basically makes me useless as the only 'unique' ability he has ( Apart from being an experienced swordsman ) is that his sword is the weight of a normal sword, not a greatsword.
I'm not saying your character is OP, since Noble accepted it and he's the GM, but I'm just trying to figure out how I should buff my character and have him who he is ( A sword-wielding giant. I can't exactly make him agile and stuff like that. )

If you mean my character, no. As mentioned before, only unique thing is a pretty wicked sword. I'm aware this is probably PvE based, but I still want my character to be relevant to the group. ( Which is why I'm trying to think of buffs :D )

Also, completely unrelated to the question at hand, but is your avatar suppoesd to be Xerath?
Well... there are a couple of options. You can either have your sword magically imbued or its blade can be coated to have unique properties in combat since Cornelius has a lot of gizmos and stuff. You can also make your sword technologically upgraded, not just your sword but also your armor and other equipment which you have. Or how about drinking some elixirs or drugs or weird potions to increase your biological assets and abilities, because Poormin. The options are wide, it's up to your choosing.

P.S. You can also have a loyal companion like some beast or something to help you in combat, just saying...

I did create Novushka


An additional note on my recent post. Since ancient times, early Aristidian settlers would train day and night to perfect techniques that deemed impossible for any normal human being. They had a secret, after training, they'd thank anything. May it be the wind, the sun, trees or any animals. They'd thank them for helping in their training and when the next day comes, they'd wake up feeling a foreign aura around them. It made them feel safe. So now whenever they fight, nature's spirits would assist in their battles against any foe to overpower the enemy. Or something around those lines


<= Noticed the Xerath thing first time she posted, but didn't see the use of talking about it.

I noticed it before it was cool.
korigon said:
.go toe-to-toe with nearly any combatant
Wait, did I leave that in?

I was supposed to remove that part when I added the bow...

*goes to go do that*

...And now I find myself considering whether I should just turn her into a pure archer or not...

Decisions, decisions...
Welp. 3 pages of posts here.

Good thing I have my trusty co-mods such as

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10997-constance-auburn/@Constance Auburn

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10997-constance-auburn/ , handling shizz here.


https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15592-korigon/ , as Constance suggested, I'd go along with improving the gear he has by either applying magical imbues on them or making use of the more high-tech weaponry the Novushkuns are opt to have. Once you have decided on your change. Do inform me or my co-mods.
I think I figured out how to buff my character!!


Name: Anthony "Tony" Stark

Mid Forties

Side: Novushkin!

Appearance: Male, 225 lbs, sky blue eyes, and black hair.

Species: Human

Personality: Tony Stark is, for the lack of a better word, complicated. During his early days of success, Stark was a man who only cared about fame and wealth. He had no sense of responsibility or humility, always rubbing his success on the face of everyone he met. This all changed when he was captured by terrorists. After building the first Iron Man armor and escaping captivity, Stark had realized the kind of person he really was and engaged in a life of heroism to atone for his past mistakes.

Plagued by many vices, Stark is prone to womanizing, pride and most alcoholism, the latter being an addiction developed as a consequence of the abuse from his father and his social status. This lifetime of troubles has caused him to develop a cynical view of the world.

Despite this, Stark is devoted to truly make the world a better place. This desire has sometimes caused Stark to resort to morally questionable methods, as long as the end justifies them, including his crusade to safeguard his technology (leading him to confront heroes such as Stingray and the Captain), and the super human Civil War, during which Iron Man was hellbent on implementing the Super Human Registration Act, because its failure would have led to a harsh response from the government. However, Iron Man has shown being ridden by guilt over this type of course of action,[which has developed into self-hate. Tony Stark has been described as "man enough to do what needs to be done, even knowing full well what it will cost him." Stark's self-hating tendencies have also led to Stark being suicidal, and undervaluing his own life, also in favor of others'.

According to Reed Richards, Tony Stark is "a future man trapped in the now. A prisoner raging against the slow crawl of human evolution." Stark's relationships, morality and ethics are highly adaptable and malleable to what he would consider the greater good of mankind's necessary survival and progress

Abilities: Iron Man's primary powers mostly come from his armored suit.

Suiting up the Iron Armor: Originally, Iron Man's armor was put on manually. Since the Model 2 armor, the only parts needed to be snapped on his body were the torso, the arm-leg "adaptors" (the cuffs of the gloves and boots), the fingers and the back of the hands, and the boots' soles. Metallic meshes were pulled magnetically from the adaptors to the other sections of the armor in less than two seconds.

The Model 4 suit allowed for every section of the suit to be stored in the torso, with an ultra-sonic signal proceeding from Stark's wristwatch and I.D. bracelent activating a polarizing unit in the chest-beam, which caused the shoulder and collar rings to expand in a 3D form, letting out the sleeve and leggings of the suit, which were expanded upon reaching the forearm and calves by memory circuits into the cuffs of the gloves and boots, and then encasing his hands and feet. Meanwhile, the mask slid over his head from behind. This process took micro-seconds.

The Model 8 armor and later suits required again for the entire parts of the suit to be snapped on. The Model 17 armor was able to be stored compactly and fly towards Tony if necessary, quickly encasing him.

The Model 20 armor had the mesh covering the entire body made of S.K.I.N., a liquid metal, automatically covering the entire body once the chest piece was placed on it. Gloves, boots and torso had to be put manually.

After injecting himself with Extremis, Stark was able to store his suit's undersheath in the hallows of his bones, being able to make it cover his skin at will. A signal sent from the lockchip in his arm caused the rest of the pieces of the armor to be pushed towards Tony using vectored repulsor field, being able to equip his armor in "the blink of an eye."

After losing Extremis, Tony's new Model 38 armor was composed of neurokinetic user-controlled morphologic nanoparticle bundles that resided in Stark's body, and formed a fibrous wetweb of iron and platinum, that could be commanded to form any type of structure upon Stark's skin, from weaponry to clothing. Once that armor was rendered inert and expelled from Stark's body, Tony used several machines to suit him up.The suit could also fly towards him and encase him incredibly fast.

After being morally inverted, Stark's new suit, made up of liquid smart-metal which hardened instantly on connection with the user's body, featured symbiotic "building blocks," creating a psionic bond between the suit and Tony, allowing the armor's start-up to be completely psionic and not rely on tech.


Repulsor Rays
: The armor's primary energy weapon. A particle beam weapon, standard equipment in the palm gauntlets; can repel physical and energy-based attacks, traveling as a single stream or as a wide-field dispersal. Beams possess penetrative strength ranging from effortlessly punching through 2 inches of steel to blasting a hole through a mountain. Power output can be adjust for larger beam or an omnidirectional, full-form repulsor blast. Power output can be adjusted to fire beams generating 2 gigawatts (like the Mark 3) to the beams in the high petawatt region, as seen with the Mark 27 (with assistance from outside sources). The latest version, the Mark IVa, was introduced with the Iron Man Armor Model 42, featuring a red color.

Unibeam: A powerful searchlight, capable of projecting beams in virtually every light spectrum. Also used as a powerful weapon that can destroy anything in its path. It fires a boosted form of the Monobeam with some energy backing it up.

: This unique version of the Unibeam runs on direct power from the chestplate, draining it's energy rapidly if not fully charged; causes considerable recoil.

: As the name implies, the Multi-beam can fire multiple energies at the same time. Generally used with the energy that Tony Stark has absorbed.

: The Pentabeam has microwave lensing projector that allows for directed beams of ultra-high multi mega-joule electrons, protons, acoustic energy, and neutrons.

: Rather than only firing beam type attacks, the Omnibeam can generate heats at 25,232 degrees Fahrenheit, extremely powerful lights causing irreversible blindness in the enemy, and emit ultrasonic attacks capable of stunning even superhumanly durable foes and even causing disintegration. The other way the Omnibeam is fired is by absorbing or draining any energy in Iron Man's vicinity, drawing it into his chest reactor and converting it into billions of petawatts and firing it.

Lasers: Standard lasers that can be used as weapons or for welding, including UV laser to penetrate light-permeable shields.

Bio: Anthony "Tony" Stark was adopted by Howard and Maria Stark. During a conflict in Vietnam now shifted to Afghanistan, Stark was captured by terrorists and, with a piece of shrapnel in his heart, was about to die. Constructing a suit of iron armor that would also help with his recovery, Stark broke out of captivity and journeyed back home to the United States where he built an advanced suit of armor and become the armored superhero: Iron Man.

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