[Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)


May I humbly ask for help joining the RP thread? I just realized that being Unaffiliated might be the best way to be Unincluded as well....
Take a look at my Character Nadia. She's basically in charge right now. If you can think up a back story for them or how he joined the Resistance I'd be happy to write you in as an already established member =)
S10 people have til tomorrow afternoon to make any other opening posts they want. I will be posting the start of the briefing then.
TheGentlemanlyOwl said:
Oh, okay!
....I understand that it is difficult to find the Resistance headquarters on foot?
Not really. The govt thinks they're a charity organization that provides services and supplies to displaced humans in the surrounding towns. They're in a rubble ridden shitty part of Dallas.

Their substation in the desert though is hard to get to on foot.
revo said:
Not really. The govt thinks they're a charity organization that provides services and supplies to displaced humans in the surrounding towns. They're in a rubble ridden shitty part of Dallas.
Their substation in the desert though is hard to get to on foot.
You think its a rubble-ridden shitty part of Dallas now? :devil:
Ah. In that case I'll just say Dex wandered over to the Resistance by himself.

I was thinking of starting a monologue in the form of Dex's sketches and notes, I could elaborate there.

Is that alright?
TheGentlemanlyOwl said:
Ah. In that case I'll just say Dex wandered over to the Resistance by himself.
I was thinking of starting a monologue in the form of Dex's sketches and notes, I could elaborate there.

Is that alright?
That's a hell of coincidence but it could probably happen. It'd be more realistic if he heard of the resistance from a member or an ally and he wanted to join them so he went in search of them. Also, if an unexpected Egen stranger shows up he'll probably be taken at gun point to meet Nadia and she'll get Darren to read his thoughts to make sure he's not a threat and people will treat him all suspicious... But I guess she'd let him stay. He'd just be watched like a freakin' hawk. And then when the attack comes he'd probably be lumped in with the enemy unless he makes an impression in the fight as being on their side.
I.. thought of that, but seeing as Dex is basically a loner....hm. But then, Dex runs into a lot of "coincidences", thanks to his precognitive skills. If they tell him that joining the Resistance is the best way to survive, he'll do it. He won't like it but he'll do it.
He could see the future attack I guess and show up to warn them but be too late. Donovan is going to offer them 'peace' and when they refuse, attack.
That sounds reasonable.

Thanks for helping! I guess I made the wrong sort of character at the wrong time.

Sorry for any inconveniences I may have caused.
I'm a serious fan of how obnoxious she is. Someone needs to mess with these up-tight, stoic, soldier / assassin, macho men. It's perfection.
Folks at the Government briefing, I will be posting Donovan's briefing on Friday. I'm pushing it back two days to give you all more time to interaction before. After Donovan's briefing, he will head off while Kira will take questions on the operations and assign final orders. Following that, there will likely be a time-jump over the teams gearing up and traveling until the teams arrive at their destinations.
Sorry for no replies yesterday. Busy day at work. Was working on an assignment until like... midnight and passed out. xD
revo said:
Sorry for no replies yesterday. Busy day at work. Was working on an assignment until like... midnight and passed out. xD
I've been working crazy hours this week with a big deadline. I haven't had a chance to reply to posts. I'm hoping to get some writing done tomorrow including advancing Operation Boom-Boom for Government, replying to 1x1s, posting Jessica's time at the Resistance party, and getting that new history piece done.

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