[Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

Hey. I've been gone for so long. Life's been pretty crazy and looks like it isn't going to let up any time soon. I won't have time to roleplay for the foreseeable future.
Alright, thanks everyone who's replied still interested! Love that we're hanging in. I think it may be best to discuss where we want to take our characters from here. Unforunately AE's character Donovan was the driving force behind the plot in our current main thread. We could make a different driver. Perhaps Hunter's intel about the group surrounding them is actually just a gov't swat group that the Resistance can handle? But maybe they take hostages or something? Could take Nadia hostage and then Tank, Hunter, and whoever else with combat experience has to go after her? Just a thought. It would also cause the Resistance members (women and children especially) to scatter. Maybe they all regroup out in the dessert and then after that decide what to do about finding a new HQ since their location was uncovered. They could end up joining another Resistance cell or something. Could move them to a whole other state with a whole group of new non-playable (or adoptable) characters from the other cell.... I'm open to any ideas you have. I didn't want to reply in the current thread without giving a bit for a head count and to discuss how we want to regroup. If you haven't replied here soon I will be archiving your threads in this forum. If you ever do want to become active again just PM me and I'll unarchive or you can post new threads.
Well, my characters are in a gap between being in the resistance and not. The "seeking shelter" thread is in the past so that means they should be know in the present?

I had planned on splitting my characters up. It would do bad things to them as a pair so maybe one of my characters can be taken hostage along with Hunter?? Idk. I'm completely open for anything.
Your ideas in terms of where to go from here are fine with me, also I was wondering if you had to review my second character before I can post as him.
@revo maybe my second character can be in a hit squad sent to take out the resistance? It would definitely fit his profile and he is the kind of man who would kidnap/kill/do really evil things to get his way.
That seems great! And now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't it be funny for Thomas to be caught in the crossfire, again? Maybe he would willingly help this time since he had some training in between. I think that the best way to implicate him, for now, would be a daytrip with hi friends, but I'm open to suggestions!
Hmm... maybe Naj is protecting the young half of @YoungDreamer's pair when shes taken so they get them both. Not sure. Or maybe the brother shifts into Naj to try to throw them off her trail so they take them both??

Hunter yes hes approved. I just needed to post and was waiting for AE to have a look.

As for Sector 10... it is out of control and the gov't doesn't rly have a handle on them anymore. Maybe they bring Donovan in hoping to cut off the head of the snake for a while. Then either I can lead as Marcus or you can lead with ur new guy Hunter. Let me know.
Oh and for Thomas. He could be there for his training. Maybe in one of the rings at the bbq. Idk. Or there to see Holland. Fine with me if he gets caught in the chaos again. =)
@revo it's up to you really, Artyom is more of a soldier than a leader so I see him more as a second in command type rather than a commanding officer but if you want, I can definitely write in Artyom as the leader.
I'll have Marcus take control. Hes listed as a NPC so u can read up on him and we can work on the history btwn the two of them. Maybe we have a 1x1 debriefing or something in the past?
Would Ina be of any use here? lol :) I am not sure about Ina and Jess being together still too. Is AE still going to participate in the rp?
Yeah, I'm not sure pretty face would like boxing =p Could ruin his perfect chin! But the second idea seems good! @Akeira Want to discuss where their relationship will be at that time?
Alright. I have archived threads by anyone who hasn't replied with an interest in continuing to RP here. If anyone missed this thread and still wants in just PM me and I'll move your stuff back. Not a big deal at all! I will also be cleaning out the members shortly and posting a recruitment thread. Maybe we can get some fresh blood and new characters to get us going again.

As for the main thread, I think it will work like this... Naj is currently interrogating an inactive character with an inactive character. So unless anyone reactivates, she'll leave Dex to be interrogated by Darren (just a short line in my post will set that up without too much god-modding). Then Naj will join Tank and Hunter in dealing with the pending attack. Maybe Thomas and Holland are hanging out and see them hustling about and join up or something? Then Ina could be called in by Naj via phone or something? She could actually have the job of trying to evacuate the members and get them back to her dessert compound without being tracked. Ina's place seems like the best place to send them unless the gov't has discovered that location as well.

As for the s10 units attacking, I talked to AE and Kira Wemming, Donovan's SOC will have framed him and had him removed by the gov't. She will have taken command and be moving on the resistance under orders. Hunter's character can be leading her team perhaps? I'll NPC Kira for the foreseeable future and I'll have her bio up shortly.

Please let me know if this works for everyone and if this works. If we don't like this we could rework the plot entirely and have a whole new structure to everything and start from scratch. I'm really up to ideas here. <3
@Antoine , that's probably a good idea. How long after the training sessions does this next main plot take place? I think that will give us a general sense of how far their relationship might be.

As for the idea of the main plot, that definitely works for me. I'm excited to see how everything plays out.

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