[Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

If anyone in S10 wants to ask questions during the briefing, today is your day to do so. Tomorrow I will be advancing plot again to unfreeze most characters. Also, that Resistance party isn't going to last forever. If you haven't posted anything about being at the party, I recommend you do so sooner than later.
Posted. I just need to get through things with Dex in the interrogation room and get Nadia back to the party before Donovan's reveal.
I created/updated a character roster here. Check it out and let me know if anyone's character is in the wrong place or has incorrect info. =] I enjoyed making the list because it gave me a better idea of who we have and where everyone is at. Also, I think we could use some older characters, characters who are family of Resistance members, gov't characters not in S10, etc.
AmericanEagle said:
Sector Ten is the Government. At least if Donovan has his way.
They may have more power than the actual human gov't but I still imagine some crotchety politicians somewhere... organizing the camps and human refugee areas. There's still bases with human soldiers. But yeah, as far as those the specs fear, I would say S10 wins out.
revo said:
They may have more power than the actual human gov't but I still imagine some crotchety politicians somewhere... organizing the camps and human refugee areas. There's still bases with human soldiers. But yeah, as far as those the specs fear, I would say S10 wins out.
Oh I don't mean to imply that they would win out. In fact, I would consider the current gov mods powerful simply because S10 doesn't have the manpower yet. I was simply stating that would be end game for S10.
Hey guys. My grandfather died and I've had to be around for the family. That's why I haven't been posting. I'll try to get something up in the next few days but I ask that you be patient with me. If needed AE of Eff can godmod my characters.
revo said:
Hey guys. My grandfather died and I've had to be around for the family. That's why I haven't been posting. I'll try to get something up in the next few days but I ask that you be patient with me. If needed AE of Eff can godmod my characters.
I have also had some family stuff come up, not a death in the family mind you. As such, I'm traveling or away from home for the next few days and likely will have limited access to internet. I should be back on Saturday.
I am sorry about your grandfather revo :( My thoughts are with you and your family and you too American. If I can do anything for you guys, please let me know <3
@HunterJJ how does a fight scene with Tank strike you? Either that or have Darren hear his thoughts and send Eric our to confront him? Something needs to happen to catch Hunter bit I didn't want to control him getting caught without running it past you.
I'll be in Punta Cana, DR from Aug 13th - Aug 20th. Sorry! I know I'll hold up the main thread but I know @AmericanEagle is busy this week as well. I encourage people to start up 1x1 and side adventure threads while they wait or get at the plot pages. Love all yo faces! <33
Sorry to have been inactive for a long time, I was just taking so much time watching once upon a time... sorry! I should be more active this week! And Welcome back revo! (No, I'm not 11 days late!)
Hey guys. Alot of people have been inactive. (Including myself) can I just do a little interest check? Post if you're still here and want to take part in this RP.
I'm still here, and want to take part in the RP. I apologize for my inactivity, which is mostly due to starting my classes.

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