[Evolution] The Lounge (OOC)

That's some neat drawing @effervescent

And to worsen the injured list, I'd add the still alive army wo-men, which is a very high number considering (if I calculated right) that only five are knowingly dead (one Nadia saw and Aya killed four if I read right. If I missed some, great!). That leaves us eight-ten remaining soldiers (again, if I counted right). At least we have NPCs and the last truck of the resistance =p But to add realism, people on the resistance' side shoul die (NPCs, obviously), which would lower their numbers.

So, instead of farfetch'd (sorry, I had to use the Pokémon name) recoveries, some could play NPCs? And I think that both mentionned telekinetics are alive too.
AHHH!!! How did I not see your beautiful drawing earlier @effervescent ?! I'm in love with it. #shipthemsohard

Hmm... yea people should die. I really love Tank... but I guess some electric-type of gun could down him. Or we could kill off Mischa. No one likes her anyways. xD Of course, those are the only NPCs I've named. You guys are welcome to kill off some Resistance NPCs tooo!
Established number of enemies is around 11 to 13.

"There were five military trucks all together with four auras in the first truck, nine in the second, eleven in the third, five in the fourth, and one in the last. They probably had the prisoners in the second and third trucks if the numbers and general emotional states were any indication."

The four in the first truck and the five in the fourth are definitely just enemies. The rest are drivers and possibly one or two extra for safety purposes.

Ina killed the sharpshooter, Tank had to have killed or mortally wounded at least one of the five from the fourth truck if not all of them (with his RPG), and Aya maimed two and killed two. In any event, I would say it's safe to say their numbers are thinned. Darren was able to enduce seizures to a few that were likely taken out by Aya's attacks, and Nadia forced some crippling emotions into a few (which they could have been the ones taken out by Aya's attacks as well instead of Darren's? It would just be up for interpretation). The remaining guys could either make a run for it (which would be considered deserting so I doubt they'd do it?) or use that lovely RPG Nadia mentioned in her last post to try one last hurrah in taking out the specs. Definitely five soldiers are down for the count if you want an exact number from what the roleplay states.
I'm tempted to do something like in most movies, when all the fighting is over, it turns out there was some guy skulking around who witnessed the entire thing and goes "Interesting...". But with the telepaths and empaths running around, going the entire fight undetected just doesn't seem feasible :D
There's enough chaos to possibly merit it. I know Darren might not pick up on it at all due to his state. Everyone's thoughts are like a large crowd in his mind and it's difficult to focus. But Roan might be too calm for Nadia to not to pick up on him. That emotion would definitely stick out among the rest, and she has a pretty long range in terms of how far she can feel people. You can risk it from a roleplayer standpoint, but do ask yourself why is the character there, how did he know, etc. We already have people on the inside, so why would someone from the outside come to witness and risk getting caught?
Actually Donovan is there, I just haven't taken the time to post about it. He has a specific reason for being there which will become clear in the near future.
Now we just need to tie in Thomas. He's had a brush with death and based on the character's reaction I think Nadia needs to notice him? He doesn't seem keen on heroics.

How awake is Kimmy? I'll write out in my next post how Daisy the medic handles her. I imagine Daisy is a human who joined the Resistance to help, so she'll use traditional means of healing and such.
I've gotten him a little bit closer so he's easier to see. As for Thomas being heroic, I don't see it happening soon. Unless it's an accident, but I don't think it would count as heroism. It's a shame Darren won't be able to (clearly) read Thomas' thoughts, I would have loved to read his reaction! Oh no, I just remembered I forgot to put your "Naj" mental call in my post, even after I thought on how I would include it. Oh well, I'll put it in my next post!
Yeah, my original idea was to have Darren out so that he wouldn't be super suspicious of Thomas. He wouldn't be on board for letting him come with the Resistance and it could have possibly hindered progression. I have it to where he knows Thomas is out there just by hearing his thoughts, but he can't distinguish it from the other prisoners they're rescuing. So for now Darren believes Thomas is someone they're trying to save.
Sorry I haven't posted over the week-end :/ You know, work and social life are such bummers! =p

@effervescent You're right, it's better that way!
Y"know, I just now realized I should PROBABLY Post in the OOC Chat and tell people I made my Char.

Hey, I made a Character!

I did a thing!
You want me to start that thread we discussed? Him hacking their network and the subsequent meet up? A few other Resistance people are welcome to join in. Nadia will bring back up. =)
revo said:
You want me to start that thread we discussed? Him hacking their network and the subsequent meet up? A few other Resistance people are welcome to join in. Nadia will bring back up. =)
When will this take place? It might be interesting to have Jessica tag along.

Also, I am planning on Operation Boom-Boom starting Thurs.
revo said:
You want me to start that thread we discussed? Him hacking their network and the subsequent meet up? A few other Resistance people are welcome to join in. Nadia will bring back up. =)
Mind if I jump in? A plot concerning hacking the network sounds interesting, plus a telekinetic might be useful.
AmericanEagle said:
When will this take place? It might be interesting to have Jessica tag along.
Also, I am planning on Operation Boom-Boom starting Thurs.
I'm interested to know when it takes place, too!
Some time before the power goes out after the OK mission. Beyond that I hadn't thought about it. Lol

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