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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

Chloe just stared in surprise. Many nightguards were too scared to even do anything, and it made for an easy kill. This guy, however, was actually going to be a strategic challenge. Pfft, who am I kidding, all she would do is stand there and drain the asshat's power. "Good evening, Mr Nightguard! Most of my friends and I are coming to visit you! Sorry to be of any inconvenience, but we just wanna-" Chloe paused for a moment before she comtinued in what she thought was the glitchiest voice she could pull off "-PLAY." This particular phrase scared most guards s**tless. Damn, this guy is good. I hope I scare him. Chloe thought.
Dawn2Dusk said:
Chloe just stared in surprise. Many nightguards were too scared to even do anything, and it made for an easy kill. This guy, however, was actually going to be a strategic challenge. Pfft, who am I kidding, all she would do is stand there and drain the asshat's power. "Good evening, Mr Nightguard! Most of my friends and I are coming to visit you! Sorry to be of any inconvenience, but we just wanna-" Chloe paused for a moment before she comtinued in what she thought was the glitchiest voice she could pull off "-PLAY." This particular phrase scared most guards s**tless. Damn, this guy is good. I hope I scare him. Chloe thought.
Able was freaked out at first at what she said but got curious, soon he got an idea of deactivating all the camera's beside's the hallway ones which would save a lot of power. and just stared at the Animatronic saying "I wouldn't like to play with the like of you got it" he said as he puffed out his chest with pride then said "You vandal"
"Me? A vandal? Nah, more an arsonist. Wanna see a trick?" Chloe said sweetly. She struck a match and held up the flame, before dropping it on the metal door to make it heat up. "Have fun opening the door now that the circuits are fried!" When the door was what Chloe deemed hot enough, she picked up the match and blew it out. "Bye, Mr Nightguard, good luck with the vandalism charges you'll be facing for breaking the door!" Untrue to her word, Chloe remained slumped by the door, giggling every so often.
"Damn you piece of shit" Able said as he went out the other door with his steel baton out wanting to wack the vandal/arsonist with all his might, more important he as pissed that he had to now fix the door circuits....Good thing he specialized in electronic's and combat even though it was a weird mix.
"Geez dude, watch your language, there might be the ghosts of kids around~!" Chloe spoke with a glitchy tone to establish that what this nightguard was hearing wasn't a regular AI. As soon as Chloe heard footsteps she stood up, clutching the small knife she got from the kitchen. "I see you've got a baton. Are you hoping that it will somehow arm you against my friends and I? 'Cause it won't, unless you're looking for the pink slip." Chloe giggled to the guard.
Able deeply sighed saying "You'r the most annoying thing i ever met and i only met you like 1 minute ago jeez" he said as he twirled his baton a litle and put it in a defensive stand just waiting for her as he said "You aint scary you dang puppy dog" as he smirked a little at the animatronic but he will survive no matter what, even if he had to burn this place to the ground.
"Puppy dog? Pfft, it's rather obvious I'm a pussy cat. Meow." Chloe smirked. "Why are you here? I heard that you get minimum wage, and my friends and I aren't too fond of adults. Want me to prove it?" As she said the last part, Chloe held her knife up to her neck. "Cha ching! There goes your head!" She giggled glitchily. "Have you seen any of my friends? They'd love to meet you, especially Leo. He's had a rough day, and could use a punching bag." Chloe smiled innocently and leaned against the door. "You're trying to fix this door, aren't you? Well, it's my door now, and I'll set it alight however I please."
Able couldn't help but smile saying "You think im a adult im only sixteen, you better get your lenses fixed Putty tat" He said in a mocking way then listened to the rest saying "And I would love to meet them maybe i can fix the bugs you guys have or even better, I could shut you down for good" he said as he smiled s he braught a combat knife he brought from home saying "You know this knife can go right through your robotic arm like butter" as his grin grew wider, "This is your last warning putty tat get out of my way or your friends are going to get you in mince meat" as he started messing with the blade.
Chloe laughed. "Oh yes, please tell me more about how a knife can pierce through metal. What did you get your high school major in, bluffing? Please. If anything, I'm the one with the upper hand here. I don't usually give the new-comers a rough first night, but you're starting to grind my gears. Get it? Cause I'm a robot, and YOU'RE DEAD MEAT." Chloe swiped her knife at the guard, only just puncturing his skin.
Able was stabbed with a knife but stood there and took it, he looked up saying "you think this is anything compared to the bullying i went through because of the trama you guy's gave me" he said as he grabbed his own knife sweeping down and cutting the wires in the arm of Chloe before backing up.

(Total Yandere moment. xD )
"What the fu-" Chloe was interrupted by the guard's knife cutting through her exoskeleton and, consequently, some of her wires. "You're gonna pay for that, bud." Chloe removed her exoskeleton hand to reveal a gaping hole. "Wanna see what comes out of there?" She spun around the small circular handle attached to the tube, and fired the small explosive. "Bam, there he go- Oh." Chloe realised the explosion hadn't done s**t to the guard. "For f**k's sake, this is why you humans are so annoying! You guys killed off my Micheal Bay quality bazookas! Go f**k yourself, I'm going back into sleep mode." Chloe grabbed her knife and walked down the hallway into Cheer & Charm castle. "Effing humans and their effing tools..." She grumbled.
Able laughed a little saying "You defected military trash" as he walked on over to the door opening up a 10 inch solid steel panel, luckily the wires weren't to damaged so he repaired him and walked on over to the other side of the room. he hoped into his seat and started drinking his coffee he brought "serves you right for attacking me for no reason" with a smug look on his face.
Polly appears at the right window, and starts cracking it. "SQWAK! LET ME IN AND I WILL SPARE YOU!" @Aqua
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As all the commotion happened inside the restaurant, a pale man stood right outside the front doors, thinking to himself,"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza... its been a looooooong time." He suddenly remembered the last time he had seen an animatronic, it was one of a newer model, it had attacked him a while before he found out that Freddy's had reopened. He tried to calm it down, but, alas, it would not stop until he was dead, so what else could he have done? Needless to say, the next day people found a hunk of tangled wires and animatronic scrap half-buried in the ground. He sighed, wiping away some tears, and opened the door and went inside. @Dawn2Dusk @TheRubyWolf @CelestialBunny ( I don't care which one of you meets him first, I just thought of a couple of you who might see him walk in.)
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Bonita heard something come in, she jumped back. Realizing she was alone she peeked to look out the door. "Hello?" She asked. "Is anyone here?" She added. I thought no one was allowed in this time of day, she thought.
Ripper nearly jumped when he heard Bonita's voice call out, "Bonnie? Is that you!?" He ran towards where her voice came from until he saw her, "Bonnie, it IS you!" He yelled, giving Bonita a hug at the same time.

@Aqua @fma fan
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She giggled, "No no I'm not Bonnie, I'm Bonita, the female version of Bonnie. Who are you and what are you doing here this late?" She said sweetly.
"What? Your not?" He said, "Oh yeah, they shut him down, your Bonita? I remember hearing... you. I'm Ripper, and I was raised at the location that shut down in 1987..." He trembled for a moment, remembering wanting to help her and remembering Bonnie. @Aqua @CelestialBunny @Dawn2Dusk @TheRubyWolf (I have no idea if I have to send these emails or not :/ )
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"Really, how did you learn about me? According to the staff, I don't even exist." She said. "There were more locations? Why are you here now? The place is closed" she said.
"I was allowed to travel around the restaurant at night, and that means I could go to the parts room." He said,"I was at the same restaurant as you, and I could hear you crying for help, I wanted to help, but I wasn't able. I'm sorry."He said, sadness growing in his voice," As far as I know, there was only one restaurant, and this is that place, they just decided to reopen it, cutting down on the budget,however. I was raised here as a kid, but I wasn't born here." Ripper tells the rest of his backstory.
Bonita listened, "wow" she said at the end. "That's amazing, do you have a real name?" She immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, but it's usually us animatronics who have weird names, ripper seems more like a nickname and the little kids I hear have names like Molly, James or Ariel." She said hoping he wouldn't be mad at her.
"I have forgotten my real name,Ripper was what I was called by the old animatronics. You can call me whatever you want though." He said, happy she did not want to fight.
"Oh that's sad, how many years are you since your creation? I mean birthday?" She didn't understand human stuff. "I'm like a few 10-20 old years, but technically am like a total of a month or two?" She wasn't sure.

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