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Fantasy Escape into Deep Water

Glass looked at Captain-onii-sama and said "hai~" as he jumped up to the side railing of the ship and ran toward the front of the ship and jumps up high turning into his leviathan form and used Float to stay above the ship and went a couple of meters and splashed into the water creating a massive wave that was like a tsunami that went under the boat and splashed the harbor and he left onto his quest to get great material's for the fish tank.
Mae followed him to his room not caring if he was trying to sleep. She shook him a bit trying to wake him up. "You think I'm scared of you or Walford? I would watch your attitude if I were you. The captain isn't going to be there for you every second of your life." Mae said walking away and went down the steps to her room. @ashlyn heckman
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After being soaked in water and his hat being half crocked he fixed it as much as he could "So, Moana, you seemed to be interested in the ship, would you like to get a better look around, after all i am soaked head to toe in water now, im sure you can use what there is on me for a little while, at least up until Glass gets back with the tank or whatever he decides to bring, with him there's no telling, what he will bring back." he looked around to see where he might suggest her going first, but the whole ship was nice and fancy, it was built to take the toughest storms, waves, and monsters.

"I'd love to look around the ship, Captain. The problem is, I don't change like some mermaids do. I have a tail permanently." She said as she lifted her tail a bit as a gesture. "I can't walk like you humans can, unless flopping around like a fish out of water is considered walking." She uttered. A small chuckle escaped her mouth, mostly because of her own comment on the whole walking thing... She shivered a bit from the beach breeze on her wet skin.

(Ever gotten that feeling when you get out of water and a breeze hits you and your suddenly an ice cube?)
He laughed a bit "No flopping around like a fish doesn't count as walking, that's counted as falling continuously." he looked at the scales she had and a lot of them and they were really pretty "So how do you keep your scales all pretty, is there something that you use on them. Where is Glass, he should be back by now, he's a leviathan after all."
in his leviathan form Glass was at the sea floor scanning to see if any material he would like to make the tank out of so he kept searching when he saw a chasm going down, oooo whats down here so he started using his tentacles to smash the sides of the chasm this stone would usally be rare and one of the hardest stones in the world but he smashed it like it was butter and travled down until he found it. a giant slab of glistening stone so he mind it and took it all together it was the size of captain-onii-sama's ship. after he mind it he took it toward the ship after he got to the ship he rose his tentacles up out of the water and made a whale type sound that was actually him talking saying "onii-sama I found the tank" he said in a voice that sounded proud of what he did.


@Queen of Fantasy
Moana blushed as he complimented her scales. "I spend a lot of time in sun actually. I think that has something to do with it, but I'm not sure." She smiled. She pulled a lock of her long raven hair behind her ears, and blinked. "The child is a leviathan, then?" She asked as her eyes glanced toward the direction she last saw Glass go in. "However did you become befriended with such a large beast?" She asked.
"Well i guess it would make sense because my skin looks nice as well after being in the sun for so long...... Glass.... is that going to fit in my room as it is, if you want to make a fancy tank out of it, set it down and i will carve on it, just don't hit any of the three masts again, we really need those." he looked back to Moana "Well, to put it simply we've been friends for the past few hundred years, and before you ask, no I'm not human either, well, anymore that is." He waited on Glass to set the big rock down so he could make something nice out of it, after all its going to be the new ram for the ship as well, the old wooden skull had seen its better days.

Moana glanced at Glass bringing in the stone, then at Walford. "You've been friends for years? impressive. I haven't been able to hold a friendship for very long. And.. You're not human? You look just like one, to me at least." She said, knitting her brows together.


(Sorry for the shorter post. I'm getting tired.)
Glass looks at Onii-sama and says "Hai!" and a little humming sound could be heard and a black light could be seen emiting from the water and all of a sudden and blast could be heard, and after a blinding light could be seen and when the light stopped the block was cut in half and he set them lightly on the dock so he didn't smash anyone and went back to his human form ant used a tentacle to climb up and when he got up he made a pose saying "mission completion"


@Queen of Fantasy

"We've been friends for going on what almost a thousand years now Glass, of course give or take a couple hundred years, just a friendship between some good friends is all, I cant think of a time when we weren't friends really." he looked back to Glass doing the silly pose he always does and just laughs at him "Well now it will fit in the cabin, all that's left to do is make it into a big bowl pretty much, i mean really, that all we need for a tank, of course for a temperal sense." he stood up on the side of the ship and jumped off with incredible speed, mostly because he was using the bottoms of his boots as an impact for the flames he was using to get to the shore so he could cut out the center of at least one of them. He pulled out his sword while it started to glow neon blue and he stabbed it into the rock and began cutting little pieces out of it and tossed them over to Glass for him to set on the deck of the ship for the crew to put away with the valuable gems and stones down way below deck. It didn't take too long before he had cut out enough for Moana to sit comfortably in. He picked it up like it was nothing even though he had started using the ice flames to 'levetate' it over his hands as he brought it on board and slid it into the captains quarters, which was massive, and ordered the men to begin bringing in the buckets of water and filling it. Even if Moana didn't stay he could still have a nice little tub to relax in afterwards. He went back over to Moana and offered his hands to carry her to the bowl. "I won't drop you I promise."

@Aqua @Cheesesandwitch ( i only tagged you cheese so it would give you a reason to come over here if you wanted to)
Moana watched as Glass cut the rock in half. She was surprised that he had so much strength. Her attention then turned toward the captain who was cutting out pieces of jewels and rock from it and throwing them back to the crew. She tilted her head in confusion, but then saw the tank she'd be staying in. Then Walford walked up to her and gave her his hand. She smiled faintly and took them both slowly so she wouldn't have startled anyone. "Alright. I trust you." She muttered.


After Glass got done doing his pose he did as Captain-Onii_sama did and started carrying the big chunks that he cut off with his dark claws while he used the tentacles coming out of his sleeve the shoot some type of stomach acid to melt extra weight so some crew member's could pick they're pieces up, he looked over to Captain-Nii-Sama and said "praise me im doing back breaking work its hurting~ me Nii-sama" he said with puppy eyes to try and get some praise.


@Queen of Fantasy
"Oh your fine Glass, i know you better than that, but, for your work i will let you join me for lunch if you like." He knew it wasn't quite what Glass had in mind as 'praise' but it was the first thing that came to mind. He picked up Moana with both hands and carried her to the captains quarters and set her down in the tank "See, it wasn't all that bad." he looked back to see if Glass was still there, which he probably was, and he pulled out an extra seat and slid it up to the table while he made his way to his seat on the end and made himself comforatable. "Though you are correct Morana, I indeed look human, just like any other person on the ship. He looked back to one of the crew members still in here and tilted his head a bit to let him know that he needed to step out. "That is if you take me at first glance." he waited until the door had shut to finish his sentence. "However, I'm not even living any more, you can call me a zombie, undead, whatever you like, though i prefer undead." he engulfed himself in the ice fire for a moment as his entire outfit and appearance changed.


he looked like a king from many years ago "I've been an undead for thousands of years, you can even ask Glass. I had it all and then i lost it all, but now i'm on my way to getting everything back."

"yay~ food im hungry even though I ate three whales on the way back" he said laughing a little and ran in with onii-sama and the mermaid with a smile then listened to Onii-samas story and said "yeah that's true I thought at first Onii-sama would be a great snack for me but I had to learn my lesson the Hardaway" he said with a pouting face as he waited for the food with eyes that looked like they were drooling.


@Queen of Fantasy
Moana nodded, as she listened to the story and jumped when he changed. She leaned her arms against the sides of the tank and rested her head upon her arms. "So you were a King then?" She asked, tilting her head. "What happened? I mean to you? How did you die...?" She asked, biting her lip with curiosity.

Glass listened in and interrupted the mood saying "i don't know what happened to him but at that time I was wiping countrys off the face of the map there was so much food during that time" and then you could see the blood lust twinkle in his eyes for a second.

@las0r0o7 @Queen of Fantasy
He leaned back in in his chair for a bit and relaxed trying to remember what had really happened to him, but as much as he wanted to remember he couldnt. "Well i couldn't tell you, I cant remember what happened, maybe one day i will remember." He laughed as he was watching Glass talk about the countries being slaughtered. "Hey dont forget, i helped you with some of those countries, and yes, yes there was a lot of food, it was an all you can eat with food, at any rate, help yourself, except you Glass, we both know how much you eat, and how much I eat, so just one plate at a time."

Moana giggled quietly as she listened to the conversation between the two. "So when will the ship be departing?" She asked sinking back into the water to breathe, then came back up, pulling the wet hair sticking on her face. "Where are we going exactly?" She asked again. She wasn't sure where they were heading, but she hoped it would be fun. She smiled and watched the captain for his answer.

Glass pouted saying "noo~ don't make me wait to eat" he pouted as he waited to eat then he heard Moana ask a question and he answered saying "we'll be departing when I get my energy back so I can turn into leviathan since im the protector of the fleet" he said in a proud voice as he stuck out his chest hoping that was the right answer as he keptstaring at all the food on the table.


@Queen of Fantasy
"Yep, we will be departing after we eat, who knows where we will go, just follow your instinct right, its what keeps you alive." he looked over to where Glass was and saw him sitting all pretty and ready to eat "Fine, make yourself something to eat Glass, just make sure there's enough for a few extra plates." he chuckled and went head and made himself a plate "You can pick whatever you like." He tried to think of a place for them to go but couldn't think of a place that they haven't already been, maybe they would come across a new place. Once he made his plate he got up and went over to his desk and looked at the board of maps near it, it was almost a map of the entire world, only a few places they hadn't been yet. "Do you know of anything that's on these maps that is missing Moara, I mean I'm pretty sure I have almost everything across the world, surely the world will come to a stop at some point."

Moana peered over the maps and placed her index finger on her lips. "I think they are missing a few islands. It isn't surprising. They're very small." She said painting to the west, and south. "That is where the islands should be... I wouldn't want to go to the west one though... they say it's cursed. Or at least my people do." She mumbled. "Though they also say there are riches beyond imaginable. But... Wealth is something that comes and goes. Yo only have one life." She uttered quietly.

Glass looked over while he was stuffing his tentacles and said "oh Nii-san! I found something while I was in the water and thought it may be valuable" he said as he took off a small treasure chest out of his chest (pun intended) and shot something at it making it go back to it's original size and set it on the floor saying "i could open it if you want because this chest is to hard even for me to crack open" he said as he bunched thechest with full force and made the boat bob up and down. "but my tentacles could unlock it" he said in a cheerful tone.


@Queen of Fantasy

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