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Fantasy Escape into Deep Water

Moana bit her lip and sunk into the water. She laid on her back and stared up from the water in silence.


(SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT POST. I shall try next time? I'm trying to animate sooo. :D )
as he got the request Glass used the tentacles and jammed them in the lock as a squshing sound could be heard and after a couple of minutes a click sound could be heard and Glass said "all done ill be going to inform and ill be back" so Glass ran out to the deck and screamed "put on a course for cursed mermaid island ok" the crew knowing him didn't ask any questions and did what he said as he supervised them.
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy]Moana bit her lip and sunk into the water. She laid on her back and stared up from the water in silence.

(SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT POST. I shall try next time? I'm trying to animate sooo. :D )

Aqua said:
as he got the request Glass used the tentacles and jammed them in the lock as a squshing sound could be heard and after a couple of minutes a click sound could be heard and Glass said "all done ill be going to inform and ill be back" so Glass ran out to the deck and screamed "put on a course for cursed mermaid island ok" the crew knowing him didn't ask any questions and did what he said as he supervised them.
He walked back over to Moana and sat on the edge of the tank next to her "What did you go all quiet for, you said treasure beyond measure right, well I'm going to go and get it all." he looked at her scales all shining the bits of candle and lantern lights that were in here. "Those scales of yours are quite pretty, of course its coming from someone thats almost 3000 years old, but beauty never changes." He got up and went over to the chest and started thumbing through everything sorting out all the gold, gems, and extras, nothing he was looking for. "Damn, one more chest thats out of the way though, still didn't have it."
Moana looked at Walford as he spoke to her. Just a few bubbles came up as she sighed. She watched him go through the chest, and mumbling about how he didn't have enough. Moana bit her lip as her right hand slowly felt her scales. She wondered how much a scale would cost. Especially one from a mermaid, and shines like stars. she closed her eyes tight as she held grip on one large scale and ripped i out. The pain was exhausting, and a small amount of blood filled the water. She came above water with the scale in hand and cleared her throat. "How much would this cost?" She asked, voice breaking. she tried holding back tears from the pain.

He didn't think about turning around because he knew what she had in her hands "Well, if you ask me, one from you is invaluable, however if it was to be sold through a few people I know, it would definatly fetch at least 10,000, minimum, but since yours are so well kept instead of any other mermaids, probably upwards of 75,000, that is if its just the scale by itself." he didnt intend on it to come out to a sense of morbidness but the truth of the matter was that any kind of scale that was rare and poor quality would get a boat, much less if there was more attached to it, for instance the whole thing, then the price wouldn't even be fathamable. He finished sorting everything from the chest and pointed to a little container behind her "There is a needle on the bottom that you can put the scale on after you fill it with water."

@Queen of Fantasy
Moana nodded and did as she was instructed. Once she was finished and sunk back into the water and continued to watch him rummage through the gold, jewels, and gems. She feared for not only him, but the rest of the crew if they go to the island. There was horrific things there, some things even larger than the leviathan...
Glass came back saying "im back!" and got a wiff of blood in the air saying "it smells good in hear it smells just like fresh seafood in here for some reason" and looked over the room with slitted eyes now that looks like a snakes scanning for the source of the smell and saw moana, after he saw Moana he said "you smell delicious Moana can I have a piece" as he stared at thetank that had some blood in it.


@Queen of Fantasy
As I saw Mae walk to her room and I pushed the door open " Listen I don't know what your deal is but enough is enough. If you want to be a brat then be a brat but don't be one to me." I said as I slammed her door shut. I heading upstairs to go check on the crew to see how they were doing. Someof them were siting so I put them to work and told them to swab the deck.
Walford's slight grin quickly changed to a frown as soon as he heard what Glass had said, he grabbed the nearby geode and threw it at glass hoping to hit him in the head. He picked up Moana and held her with a big hug "You can't eat the beautiful guest, i mean look at her, shes not food, come on now, use some decency Glass!" he didn't realize how close he had pulled Moana and slowly let her go back into the water and ruffling her hair and went over to Glass and grabbed his collar and drug him outside "Excuse us for a second" and he shut the door behind them and dropped Glass onto the floor "Was that really necessary to say such a vulgar thing to such a pretty lady, come on now, don't think like a fish right now, that is probably one of the prettiest women you will ever see, i mean did you even see these." he used his hands and gestured to his chest immitating breast "I mean ddaaaammmmnnnnnn, you may come back in when you think about what you just said." unfortunatly that whole conversation was probably heard through the door as he came back in and let out a sigh "So sorry about that, he doesnt use his head all the time, now, where were we."

[QUOTE="ashlyn heckman]As I saw Mae walk to her room and I pushed the door open " Listen I don't know what your deal is but enough is enough. If you want to be a brat then be a brat but don't be one to me." I said as I slammed her door shut. I heading upstairs to go check on the crew to see how they were doing. Someof them were siting so I put them to work and told them to swab the deck.

((everyone is in the captains coders so come on up))

"muu~ it was instinct BAKA!!!" so after that he sat on the stairs and looked at the rising moon, so after a while he grabbed a shining rock and started carving it into the shpe of another leviathan that was his mate but he lost track of her when he was almost captured " I miss you" he said in a depressed voice as he set the idol next to him as he looked at the sea.

(Anyone that wants to respond.)
Mae heard what Max said and groaned. "That kid is really starting to get on my nerves." She then walked up the steps to see what was going on. She stood around the crowd for like five minutes before getting bored and walked away. She noticed Leviathan sitting on the steps looking a bit sad. She walked over to him. "Hey is something wrong?" Mae asked.
Glass looked at Mae and said "hey Mae.....just remembering old memories after Nii-Sama threw me out" as he was saying the he handed Mae the leviathan female that was the mate he lost and said "that was my mate but I lost her and seeing Nii-Sama and the mermaidd I started remembering her again."

Moana blinked to what Glass had said about her. She chuckled nervously as he was drug out the door. She paid no attention to what they were saying, in fact she scanned the rom at the odd trinkets the captain held in his room. He walked back inside and asked an obvious question. "You were looking through the chest." She murmured as she pointed to it. She glanced over to the closet in the room and tilted her head. "What's in there?"

Looking at the doll Mae felt bad for him. She brushed her hand against his back. She felt awkward. She didn't know really what to do to help him feel any better. "What do you mean mermaid?" Mae asked a bit confused.
"Oh yea, i was looking through it, ah its not too important." he looked to where she had been pointing "Oh that, its just a closet full of jackets, some are made of one thing and the others are made of something else, they can vary quite a bit from jacket to jacket, would you like to see." he walked back over to Moana and sat at her side for a minuet while looking at her scales again and thinking to himself 'those would make an interesting jacket for someone else, that is if it wasn't for them being on her i would've taken them by now, what is it about her thats so interesting'
Glas looked up and changed his tone saying "no mermaid at all...lets go play" he said as he picked her up with two tentacles from his back and ran down to the deck while she was in midair saying "funtime, funtime"

"Yes, I would like to see. Could you tell me what are used for the jackets too? I want to learn about this world as much as I can." She said with a grin. Her eyes gleamed with curiousity. She glanced at the closet door again, and waited for him to open it and show her th various coats.

"Well then, give me just a second to get them all out." he walked over to the closet and opened it up, it was packed with different things, mostly a c, he pulled them out one at a time setting them on the table, he only had five in there, six including the one he was wearing as he was human. "So there is only six different ones that i have currently, the first of which being a chain mail coat made of mithril, nothing gets through it, and it weighs nothing, next is a dragon scale tailcoat, this is actually the one i had a bounty picture made in, next would be a simple leather coat, nothing special about it, after that one is my gold plated one, made to be both nice and tough, as well as comfortable, last is my favorite, flemish giant snow rabbit fur coat, this thing will keep you warm for years to come, oh, and my simple captains coat i was wearing earlier."
"were going to have fun Mae" Glass said happily as he carried her off the ship and onto the dock setting her down and said "wait here" and set her by the glowing chunk of stone and went behind it.
"They're very beautiful." She said smiling. "Did you make them yourself?" She asked tilting her head. She kept her eye on the gold plated one. "That one is very pretty." She muttered.
(Oh my gosh!!! I leave for 1 day and come back and we have 15 pages!!! *facepalm* Music! Help me to read all the post!!!)
"Okay" Mae laughed. She looked up at the sky watching the stars. "Wonder what Glass is doing.." Mae thought in her head.
MagicalFlower said:
"Okay" Mae laughed. She looked up at the sky watching the stars. "Wonder what Glass is doing.." Mae thought in her head.
Glass came back with a pendant in the shape of a leviathan that looked like him and said "with this we'll be friends forever okay Mae-san" he said with a cheerful tone.

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