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Fantasy Escape into Deep Water

i went down with them i did not want to help with new recruits " your going to let her be down here without a guard she could ry to steal the goal this is your gold sir you have been putting money into barely for how many years aren't you worried at all"
Glass was pouting saying "muu~ captain is a meanie are you calling me fat and a Glutton because that's very hurtful to me its not like im going to eat someone again I learned my lesson from last time with that other ship" he said as he kept pouting and puffed his cheeks out.

"Now why would i call you fat, come on now, your one of the coolest people i can think of." He ruffled Glass's hair for a bit "Im sure you learned your lesson, how long did i have to dig out all the splinters out of your teeth, that was a task meant for a crew." He looked back to Max "Nope, im not leaving her down here by herself, that would be crazy of me, you will be here to keep her company, that is all." He walked back out of the room onto the deck and made his way up to the wheel. "You look just fine in your leviathan form, there just isn't a need for it right now, were still in the city and im pretty sure there are a lot of ships that would be willing to hunt you down, and i wouldn't let someone like you get hurt, you know how i am."

(@Cheesesandwitch if you thought that one was well thought out wait untill i get into character later on, it will only get better, also, idea, would you like to run your ship alongside me, it would be interesting)
"wait what oh no no no no. you know i respect you captain but why me there are hundreds of pirates on this ship so why choose me." i said him as he was heading up to the sail.
Glass was embarrassed and upset that he was reminded of the time with the ship and how he had to get the giant splinters remover "Muu~ don't remind me of that I lost four teeth from that it was painful and embarrassing that you sold them to another ship, and ill stay in my human form" he followed the captain to the wheel and sat on the side of the ship, after he sat he looked at the other ships and said " I could probably take most of them down".

(muu~ is going to be his upset Catch phrase. xD )
Mae smiled at the captain nodding her head to what he said. She was glad that he well...sort of trusted him. Least she wasn't in trouble. Mae continued cleaning the guns but in a more cheery mood. "Now to clean my revolver." Mae said pulling put her revolver. Carefully cleaning it.
Moana blinked and jumped into the water. She started toward land where a giant golden gleaming boat was docked. She cocked her head and slowly rose from the water and peered onto the deck, watching each person walk onto the boat.
"Well if you dont want to stay here then get someone else to do it, im sure you can get someone else to do it for you, like you said there are hundreds on this ship, if you can get one of them to do it." his attention went back over to Glass and he laughed remembering the teeth that he had sold for a ton of money "yea i remember selling your teeth, its not like you didnt grow them back i mean come on, we both know you were going to get them back anyways, after all, you've lived this long on the crew, why not just stay .... a .........." his words trailed off when his eyes caught sight of a mermaid on the side of the ship, she must've had a bit of trouble trying to climb up the side of a a man o' war. "Hey glass, dont be a creep or anything but look over to the side, i think we have ourselves a visitor, lets go say hi." he stepped down from the wheel and made his way over to Moana, at least with a subtle movement as he was blending in with the crew acting like he was doing a quick inspection over everything as he stood in front of Moana with his back to her acting like he didn't see her and then he turned around "Well, who might you be, you seem to be quite the looker."

"fine i will watch her but only cause i respect you" i said heading back down i sat down on one of the stools watching her making sure she didn't steal anything.
Moana's eyes widened and she crept down into the water a bit more and looked up at the captain without a word. She brought her hand to her mouth and started biting her nails. A habit for her. She did it when she was nervous. She looked at the captain and the at glass. She looked at them back and forth, without saying anything except a small whimper.

when captain-san said to look over the side there was a mermaid so he said "got it captain-chan" as he jumped over the side and hooked on with one of his tentacles ready to grab Moana at the captains signal or ready to turn into leviathan to go after her either way he was ready. he looked at the mermaid and she looked scared so he decided not to hurt her while he captured her.


@Queen of Fantasy
"You can relax a bit, I'm not going to hurt you, you seem to be quite and interesting one, making it all the way up here without any help, you must be a mermaid, and a nice one as well, you would make a better bride than anything else, would you care to join me?" he stood straight up again instead of leaned over and placed his hand with the claws on the hilt of his sword, depending on her reaction he may or may not give glass the signal to take her hostage, after all, it was rather simple what he had to do, just barely unsheath his sword and glass would take anything that would come as a threat and if glass was having issues Walford would help him, after all the battles they had been though, a little mermaid would be no challenge, but a swarm would be a different story.

"Um..." Was the first thing to escape from her lips. Her eyes glanced to the water then lifted herself onto the dock, and sat on the edge. "See humans and how they live?" She asked with a tilt to her head. She looked up into Walford's eyes then bit her lip. "Will they hurt me?" She asked again crossing her arms over her chest with ease. She glanced back at the water and sighed. "I do not know." She murmured. How would she survive out of water? In a large bucket maybe? Who knows. She simply looked back at the captain and slowly nodded.

Mae finally finished cleaning her own revolver and added some bullets into it. "Don't worry I'm going now. You can protect your captains precious gold." Mae rolled her eyes starting to walk away. @ashlyn heckman
at the mermaids response Glass looked toward captain-chan to check if he wanted to attack or be on standby and he looked at the mermaid with a tentacle with serrated edges on it for easy piercing its not like he needed it all he needed to do was constrict her until she died or use his shadow claws to attack quickly so he looked back up to Captain-chan and said "Captain-Chan what's the order" he said with a gleeful voice.


@Queen of Fantasy
"I don't think you want to give me that attitude, the captain may be on your side sometimes but he does trust me. Oh and don't always think the captain will be on your side." I told her hoping up of the stool and we walked out I locked the door and but the key in my pocket. As i walked over to the king to give him his key, I saw him talking to a mermaid. "ill give him his key back later" I said to myself. I headed to my room and looked at the map on he wall. The map i put there when I was a little kid I always would write down were we have been. After marking it I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.
"Well humans live in their own world, and its always interesting to discuss, they wont hurt you, there is only a handfull that would and only at my order." he looked back over to Glass "See what you cant find as a water container, we have a guest to enjoy, do make it look nice, even if she doesnt stay i would like one i could use as an aquarium later." he offered a hand to Moana "I didnt seem to catch your name, surely its as pretty as you are, im known as captain Walford 'heart stealer' Sleigh, and you are aboard the Golden Capture, as well as the crew of Golden Swabs, the finest of pirates, and if not, you walk the plank, pretty simple, so what is your name.

Moana hesitated to take his hand, or reply. She eventually placed her small hand into his and gave a small smile. "Call me, Moana." she muttered quietly. She glanced at the boy, Glass, and gave a small wave with her free hand, then gazed back at the captain. "How am I going to get on the ship exactly?" She asked with a small shrug in her shoulders.


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