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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

He had soon returned, heading to the tavern, a man had tried to pick a fight with him, all that could be heard was a gunshot, ringing across the area. He took a seat, everyone looking at him as he wiped some of the blood from his shirt with a rag.
Alex pulls back slowly from the door, covering his nose. "Ow... Stupid door..." He opens his apartment door and walks in, closing it behind him. "Sweet home at last~" he jumps onto his bed and lies back, staring at the ceiling.
Maia put the weapons away and put her hands behind her head as they walked nodding "Yea quite a few actually" she shrugged like it was no big deal. No one got in the way of Maia and her treasures. Maia blinked curiously as the message came through and she responded telling the shop owner for the hunter to bring it to the tavern where Jake and her were headed.

Donovan crawled through the streets in the city anxiously waiting for something interesting to happen or for a target to pass him by. His bounty was getting larger and he wanted to avoid getting caught the best he could.
He looked over at the man as he sat down and pulled out his sniper, keeping it on his lap as he waited to see what he would do next. "Hmm..the others are here...along with some new ones." He mumbled to himself as he sat and drank.
Maia noted the cyborg walking in carrying a bag she looked at Jack "I'll be right back, don't cause too much trouble while i'm gone..." she walked over to the cyborg and bowed her head slightly "Hey nice to meet you, I'm Maia." she grinned.
"Well...shit," thought Holiday when he saw Aidan sitting with his sniper, "This will be interesting." He still didn't completely trust the man, but he had to work with him for now. He scanned the other occupants of the room. There was the usual assortment gathered around. However, there were two men who stuck out. One was a cyborg who kept looking Maia over and the other was a spitting image of his wanted poster. Jake glanced at Aidan, then nodded to the target. He quickly swiped his finger over his neck, an old and outdated sign from earth that no one used anymore. If he was from earth, Aidan should have understood they were there to kill the man for a bounty.

"I'll be right back, don't cause too much trouble while i'm gone..." he heard Maia say before she started walking over to the cyborg. Now Holiday realized why he was staring at them, he was selling some merchandise to Maia. She had mentioned it to him on the way there. He stood for a moment waiting while Maia did her business with the man...robot...thing. "Eh, he's probably a nice guy," Jake thought to himself. After a while his eyes started to turn back towards the target, Corrus Nike. He was a Cryptan, a species from a nearby galaxy. They very much resembled humans, minus the fact that they were pale white, had pink eyes, and feathers for hair. According to his wanted poster, he robbed cargo ships for a living. However one time he made a try at a small passenger ship, that led to it's crash and destruction. 65 people died as a result, mostly women and children. Holiday's blood started to boil over at this atrocity, he wanted this man to see justice served in the frontier fashion. "Define too much," Jake said quietly.

Jake strode over to bar where Corrus was seated and sat in the chair next to him. "Barkeep! I'll take a whiskey. Make it a bottle not a shot," Jake hollered, "And and for god sakes not any of that sissy crap this lily-liver next to me is drinking." Jake saw the man was a little pissed at this comment. "Good," he though. Holliday was extremely quick with a gun, he had a real unfair advantage. As a courtesy he usually let his opponent draw first to counteract this. This usually didn't help them at all. Jake glanced over the man again, noting all his weapons. He had a holo-pistol and an electric gauntlet, nothing to fancy. "Hey Whitey, got a light," said Holiday as pulled out a cigar. He didn't get an answer, the bartender however did. Holiday puffed the cigar for a bit, then he blew the smoke into Corrus's face. "Sorry Whitey, did I get you with that." Corrus's grip tightened around his glass, Holiday smiled. "You sure don't talk much, now do you Whitey." This time he stood up.

"My name's not Whitey!" he growled.

Holliday put out the cigar by smashing it out on the table. He stood up as well, then took a few steps back. "No, I suppose it's not. Your name is Corrus Nike, a cargo ship robber and child killer. You have a price on your head, and a fairly good sized one at that. My name is Jake, and I'm a bounty hunter. Now are you going to draw or what?"

The room went silent, and everyone stared at them. Holiday felt the eyes upon him, the eyes of his friends, the eyes of the scared, the eyes of those who knew they might find themselves as his future targets. Holiday stood tall and proud waiting for his call to be answered. He waited for the man to draw his pistol, it didn't happen. Corrus just held out his hands like he was waiting to be handcuffed. Jake wasn't born yesterday, "So you want to play it that way? Fine, die like a coward," Jake thought to himself. He adjusted the trick gun in his sleeve discretely as he reached for handcuffs. Jake then pretended like he was going to detain the target with the metal bands. As he reached out the electric gauntlet crackled. The trick gun shot out of Holliday's sleeve and landed in his hands. He quickly unloaded it into the Cryptans head. The alien fell limp, just as the gauntlet was inches from his face. Holiday looked around the room as everyone stared. He scanned the body, payed his tab, and got ready to leave.
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He slammed both his hands on the counter, making a loud bang as he stood up and walked over to a table near the entrance and had his sniper transform into a revolver. He pointed it at random people, he was obviously drunk.
Maia nodded "Indeed i am, so what do you got for me?" she tilted her head looking at the bag. She looked over her shoulder briefly hearing the gunshot then shrugged it off looking back at her business poster. What a weird world just being able to shoot someone in a tavern and have no one bat an eyelash. She noticed Aidan walk in and narrowed her eyes at him telling he was intoxicated.
Holiday glanced at Aidan throwing his hissy-fit. "Damn idiot, can't even hold his liquor," Jake said under his breath. He would leave, but Maia was still doing her business. Holiday called out to the bartender and bought another bottle of expensive whiskey, courtesy of Corrus. He popped the cork and drank one-sixth of the bottle. Holiday annoyed the damn loudmouth as he rambled on and turned his attention toward Maia. She didn't even seem to care what the hell was going on in this crazy place. It was business as normal for her, she acted calm and fluid as she negotiated. Jake though he might go over and join her for a bit, though he wouldn't interfere until her business was done. The two didn't know much about each other, maybe he'd buy her a drink and they could talk for a bit. As for Aidan, at the rate he was going he'd pass out in no time. If that wasn't the case, his gun was a pistol. Jake didn't care if he was immortal or not, there is no way that Jake couldn't shoot the damn pistol out of his hand.
He shot Jakes leg, waiting to be shot back. He walked over to him and held onto his shoulder. "Screw.....you." He fell back and passed out, others laughing.
Holiday remembered an old latin phrase, absentem laedit cum ebrio qui litigat. It meant, to quarrel with a drunk is to wrong a man who is not even there. Jake looked at the man who laid passed out before him. Holiday reared his leg back and then kicked the bastard in the head. He hoped that Aidan would feel it when he woke up. "There is a reason nobody speaks latin anymore," he thought. Jake then produced a small device from his vest pocket, a stimpak. He applied it to his wound and then wrapped it. With this device he should be healed very shortly. He kicked Aidan's head once more, than turned to go talk to Maia and the customer.
Maias eyes lit up as she looked at the ornamental weapon, she bit her lip a bit taking it. Her pink eyes glittered as she looked it over looking up at the cyborg voice having a certain tone to it now, almost a tone of madness "How much?" she smiled sweetly. She glanced over at the commotion between Aidan and Holiday before lookiung back at Errant as Holiday walked over.
"Taking your sweet time over here, I see." Jake looked towards the cyborg and offered him his hand. "Name's Holiday, what's your's?"
Maia blinked curiously rolling her eyes at Holiday as he came over. she shited her eyes back to Errant and grinned reaching into her pocket pulling out the money and handing it to Errant "Sorry about him, he's a bit of a handful" she grinned playfully. She looked the weapon over as she waited for Errant to take the money, she could feel the heat from Holiday beside her.
Maia grined and took the blade looking it over getting lost in its shine for a bit. She looked back up at Errant "Are you in this area lots?" she was always looking for new contacts. She always wanted to find more stuff.

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"Ehhh..." He stood up and sat down at a table, his head slamming down on the table, then staring up to listen on their conversation.
Eluvia. Such a large planet with so many souls. It reminded the Zurol of its home planet along with past memories that were forgotten. However such memories were meaningless as it needed to search for souls to replenish its energy. Unfortunately the Zurol was not in a favorable enviroment that would help keep it hidden, it would stick out easily for everyone to see.

But since its species was considered extinct the Zurol might have a chance to gain as many souls it needs before finding a new source. As far as the Zurol was concerned, no one knew of its presence or whereabouts yet. It had done its best to keep low and out of radar from mercenaries, hunters and anything else that it considered a threat. So without further hesitation the wolf-like alien made its way down the sidewalk in a calm and casual walk, the sight and pulsing sensation of souls all around it was almost too much to handle but it kept calm as it continued walking.

So far no one was screaming or shooting at the Zurol which gave it a bit of a chance to plan out on how to gain the souls it needed without giving itself away. Maybe if it acted harmless and friendly it would be just what it needs to replenish its energy to survive. Now to pick out its first target, the Zurol's eyes scanning the many faces around it.

One face grabbed its attention, the face of a young adolescent male looked to be a good first choice. The Zurol went up to the teenage male, wagging its tail as it did its best to act like a friendly canine animal.
As expected the teenager began to pet the Zurol, figuring it was friendly and showed no signs of aggression. The Zurol nudged the teenager and tried to "play" as a domestic canine would, snatching the teenager's backpack that he held loosely in his left hand. It immediately took off running down the nearest alley with the teenager following after it.

"Hey! That's my backpack! Give it back you mutt!" he shouted, as if saying it would make the Zurol stop.

But it did not stop and kept running, heading further and further into the deepest part of the alley. No one would ever find the body...at least not for a while. The Zurol dropped the backpack as it slowed to a stop and stood next to it, watching as the teenager had finally caught up, out of breath as he panted in exhaustion from running. The Zurol watched as the boy walked towards it, leaning down to grab his backpack.

That would be his last mistake as the Zurol's tail moved to the boy's chest and pressed against him. The Zurol's antenna went stiff as the boy became paralyzed, unable to move as his soul was taken from him, being slowly pulled out from his body until there was nothing left. A small ball of light sat on the gem of the Zurol's tail before disappearing into the gem, filling the Zurol with energy.

The empty body then fell to the ground with a dull thud, lifeless eyes staring into the ground as the Zurol walked away as if nothing had happened.
Mika had droped the money off at the bank then sighed brushing some hair out of her face and behind one ear. The day had been nice and beautiful her eyes scanning constantly for any thing suspicious she thought she had seen some teenager and a zurol a little bit ago but decided to let the beast have it for now she didn't feel like dealing with it unless it came after her "well this is a boring day" she mumbled as a old school dessert eagle appeared in one of her hands and a clip in the other before she put the clip in and cocked it as the nanites in her created a drop down leg holdster for the gun and she set it in there before leaning against the wall of a building and waited for some one to come along

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Maia nodded eyes glittering as she adjusted the sword in her grasp. She looked around her eyes resting on Holiday for a couple seconds before turning back to Errant "I just like to have contacts who can bring me useful artifacts" she looked down at the sword and grinned "I'm a good customer"
Deren landed in the large hanger of his apartment building, before slowly crawling out if his seat in the cramped cockpit, setting his helmet on the chair,

and exiting his ship. He smiled with the knowledge that he had earned money. Once in the open space, he sighed with relief and stretched his arms out wide. He began to happily trot out of the large hall, with the rings and clicks of mechanisms depositing his ship underground behind him.

Once out into the street he stopped and thought; "Do i go to my room and chill, or hit the town?". He paused, a very long pause, until he got self-conscious from standing still in the middle of the street. "Hit the town it is", he set of at a brisk walk, in a direction he didn't know, hoping to suprise himself with something new. " Maybe even a racing team!"
Mika sighed after about half an hour of standing there at the street side she decided to start walking around the town looking down at the ground. as she walked a small frown formed on her face as she searched her data banks for any think new specifacly some new emotions she could use besides the sweet and cute data that her creator had downloaded to her before he died "why" she wispered before she accidentaly bumped into a man

He was suddenly distracted from his interesting-building-search when he bumped into a girl that seemed similar to his own age. He jolted to a stop and almost fell backwards. He quickly put his hands on her shoulders apologetically and said "i'm so sorry, i was busy looking at the buildings, exploring. I hope you're alright". @Daniel reaver
Mika blinked as she stared at the boy an emotionless look on her face as her eyes refocused on him "it's ok" she said blankly to the boy as she scanned him looking through the data banks she had been allowed to by the government "are you ok" she asked him as she tilted her head slightly considering she didn't move at all when they bumped into each other and he almost fell down

Deren shuffled his feet and stood upright once more, looking at Mika with a concerned and confused frown. "I'm fine thanks, in fact i couldn't be better. I have a day off work!". He had realised that she wasn't entirely human, and felt kind of creeped out by how emotionless she was.

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