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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

(My into post is going to be a little long, I hope you don't mind.)

The game had lasted the full night and Holiday hadn't been sober for a second of it. He was a true shark when it came to Serravelian Chance. Once one learned the basics, it wasn't much different from standard poker. The other players were a bunch of Dorainans, a lizard like species from a nearby solar system. This reminded him of the old, even ancient, memories of his nights spent playing cards with the deputies. Unlike before, however, he was here to make a significant profit. His money laid not within the game but within the players. The week prior they slaughtered a settlement on a nearby moon killing every man, women, and child. They were worth thousands.

The head of the group looked up at him, Jake tried to recall his name but it was to hard for him to pronounce for him to care enough. He just called them 1, 2, 3, and 4. That would be the order they would die. It was real difficult for Holiday to not pull his gun the second he saw the scum but he needed to wait for them to challenge him.

The head, 2, spoke and gave Jake his chance. "You have won the last 15 hands, your a damn cheat." He stood up and the rest followed. "Excellent," Jake thought to himself. He rose just like the lizards and bowed.

"Now my dear gentlelizards, I am a lot of things, a pain in the ass or an insufferable bastard for instance. But I am not a damned cheat and have been deeply offended by this wild accusation. I would beg you to find a sense of decency and withdrawal said insult."

Now this got 2 real angry. Jake watched 2's hand inch towards the holo-pistol on his thigh. "No one is that good, I'm going to skin you and gut you alive. I hear you humans taste real good roasted over an open flame."

"Now get this through your walnut sized brain, you hand touches that weapon and you and your crew are dead," Jake warned. They didn't listen. When 2 started to lift his gun from his holster Holiday pulled his pistol. He leveled it at ones head, fanned the hammer with his opposite hand and let the led fly. He repeated this with 2, 3, and 4. In a total of .09 seconds all three lizards lied dead at the foot of the table. Holiday's Colt found it's way home back inside its holster. Quickly, Jake scanned the 4 corpses into the system and the credit was registered to his account. He then searched them for cash. When he found it he tossed it towards the barkeep. It was enough to pay his and the Dorainian's tab as well as the damages. He did pocket a small portion of it.

Jake walked out of the tavern. He hadn't drank in a half hour and was starting to sober up. The anomaly had increased his metabolic rate to overcome poisoning and drunkenness quickly. The latter to his dismay. It was boring and he needed to sober up anyhow. He looked down the street and saw a coffee shop. "Nothing helps a hangover like a cup of black coffee," Jake thought aloud. He made his way down the street to enter the shop.
(That's fine no worries :) )

Maia had almost forgotten about her drink and began sipping on it slowly as she looked outside seeing a guy begin to approach the shop as Alex walked out. The way he held his head, a bounty hunter maybe? She raised a brow curiously watching him. She was considered a bounty hunter as well though she specialized in objects not lives.
Jake walked to where the coffee could be ordered. "Barkeep," he said, "I'd like some coffee, black." He handed the barkeep the money. He supposed he should call him a different, more correct name, but he had always refered to someone who sold drinks a barkeep. Some habits took a long time to break. He still wore the same style has he had before. Jake believed he would never fully integrate with this new world, no matter how close he was. Jake grabbed the coffee and thanked the barkeep.

When he turned he saw two women staring at him. He moved towards the wall opposite from them and leaned back on it. Jake made sure to keep watch on them. They were sizing him up, so he would do the same. The elf looked like she could fight, the other he wasn't sure. Holiday made a point to be cautious, he didn't want to end up like Hickok did.
Aidan walked in with a black hoodie, covering his face and putting the hood on, he kept his sword and sniper with him, hanging off a bit from his back. He looked around, his red eyes glowing as he sat at an empty table in the corner, staying silent as he observed the others.
Maia looked at Ever putting her drink down "I'll be right back..." she walked over to he man leaning against the wall having noticed him watching her. She raised a brow at him flicking some pink hair over her shoulder "May i help you sir?" She often had people approach her whom she did not know so it wasn't too unusual for her. She tilted her head to the side curiously listening to his answer. She kept her head high, she learned to never show any weakness. She noticed the man in the hoody walk in and sit down without getting a drink, was turning into an interesting crowd.
"I saw you sizing me up, honestly, you piqued my curiosity. Back in the day a lot of my friends were killed by getting shot in the back, and I'd rather not end up like that. I want to know if you mean trouble or not? Hey I could be wrong. Maybe you just think I'm handsome, couldn't say this isn't the first time a girl fell for me at first sight. However, as the old saying goes, better safe than sorry," Holiday answered. He couldn't help but smile when he saw her reaction. He eyed the stranger sitting in the corner. His days as a lawman pointed out all the red flags flying about him. Jake made sure he would be able to react at a moments notice.
Maia raised a brow at him "Ain't much to be curious about here. I mean no trouble, i'm just an innocent artifact bounty hunter" she grinned. It may seem like an innocent occupation but in reality it wasn't always so easy. She rolled her eyes at him crossing her arms over her chest "I'm not so easily attracted so no worries on that front". She grinned and held out her hand to him "Maia..."
He looks straight at Jake, giving him a nasty glare, then looking down at the table, he slowly pulled out his sniper, placing it on his lap and polishing it with a small rag. "Surprised so many people were here today...time to not cause some trouble this time..." He said whispered, looking around.
He took her hand, "We'll see. The names Holiday, Jake Holiday. If you work the black market you have probably heard of me. I'm a bounty hunter by trade, and the deadliest gun in the West."
Maia could've swore she heard the man sitting at the table say something she narrowed her eyes over her shoulder quickly before turning her attention back to Jake still on edge. She raised a brow but grinned "Indeed i have heard of you," she knew a bit of his endeavors hearing whispers here and there. She flicked her bangs out of her eyes letting her hands fall to her sides "I'm not well known bu my parents were...."
He saw the stranger pull his sniper and begin polishing it. He spoke something softly and by the movement of his mouth it looked like he said something about causing trouble.
Donovan walked into the coffee shop narrowing his eyes looking at all the people, none were his target though... He saw the man sitting on his own at the table. And judging by his appearance he wasn't a good guy. Donovan grinned walking over sitting casually across from him draping his arm over the back of the chair. She noticed him watching the two having a conversation "Anything interesting going on?"
He loaded in a new clip, a loud ring echoing throughout the shop. He placed the sniper carefully on his back and sat, thinking for a bit. His hair covered his left eye as his right stared right at Maia. He completely ignored any others around him, just simply observed.
Maia blinked curiously at Jack but looked over her shoulder then back at him "Do you know that guy?" she kept her voice low, she could feel him watching her. Donovan followed the guys gaze to Maia grinning raising a brow "She would fetch a good price now wouldn't she?" he grinned and raised a eyebrow at Aidan.
He watched the other come in. Both could easily cause trouble. He recognized the newcomer after a second, Donovan, a trouble maker. He had seen a minor bounty placed on his head a few weeks prior. Jake did not like the way this was going. Holiday adjusted the trick gun in his sleeve should he need a surprise attack. Holiday turned towards Maia, and "Are you sure you don't want just one kiss." He leaned in and when he got close enough he whispered, "We should all get out of here now. Those two over there are about to cause trouble. I was a law dog once so I know how to identify threats. Ones just loaded a high caliber weapon and spoke of causing trouble the other has a price on his head."
"Hmm..yes I would say so.." He said grinning. "Hm...Donovan isn't it?..I've seen your bounties...surprised your not dead yet." He said sitting back. "Hm...as far as I know the whole world wants to kill me..." He said quietly, trying not catch attention.
Maia blinked curiously narrowing her eyes at him slightly "I'm pretty sure" she wondered what was with people today, she never saw this many people in one day. When he whispered in her ear her eyes sharpened and she nodded "Alright..." she turned and walked towards Ever telling her she should probably head outside before walking back over to Jake.

Donovan grinned "Nice to see i'm well known." he eyes Maia up then looked at Jack, he was an obstacle. He jumped up quickly almost in a blur and grabbed Maia a knife to her neck eyes trained on Jack. He wondered how the man he had been sitting with would react.
Holiday pulled his gun without hesitating and shot Donovan 3 times in .04 seconds. His gun swerved and pointed at the sniper. His second gun flew out of its holster and Donovan found himself a target yet again. He was knocked back just a bit. Jake smiled, "Don't get ahead of yourself, it's your ugly mug on the wanted poster that caused me to remember you, not your petty crimes. Trying to take a girl I have no relations with hostage as well, you should have tripped and fallen to death by now. You're lucky you have made it this far. Hey longshot in the corner, my guns trained on you and I wont miss. Please do not interfere or you're next." He gazed at Maia, she had taken a small scrape from Donovan's knife and a flesh wound from one of Jake's bullets. "Leave now Maia, I'll follow shortly."
"Mhm...whatever.." He pulled out his gun, trying not to show hostility, it turned into a magnum, the barrel shrinking and some extra attachments disappearing. He began to polish it again, not caring about them at all. "You guys have fun..I'm not killing anyone..yet."
Maia jumped slightly but instantly her eyes narrowed. She was no coward and definitely wouldn't back down from a fight or run away, that just wasn't her. She twisted out of Donovans grasp kicking him in the shoulder throwing him off balance.

Donovan hissed at the man and woman, he grinned at Jack "Why i'm honored my reputation precedes me." He phased into darkness appearing behind Jack a scythe held in his hand, "I'm not afraid of you sonny"
"Oh," Jake holstered his gun fast as lighting and pulled a primed grenade from his pocket. "Then how about this." Holiday dropped the grenade and leapt away. He grabbed Maia and pulled her undercover as it went off. "The best way to destroy a demon is to kill it with fire. It worked in Salem."
"Hmm...this is getting quite interesting..." He said loading his weapon with different rounds. He looked up to see them fighting. "Not involved...yet....now I am." He said as he saw the grenade fall, disappearing out of thin air and on top of the roof. "That's tiring...shouldn't do it again..." He sighed as he sat watching the two.
Holiday wasn't 100% sure the grenade killed that bastard. He pulled his command panel form his coat pocket and called for an emergency pick up from his ship. He quickly reloaded his pistol in the remaining few seconds he had. He would only need to fight a minute or so longer before the evac. He hoped he could keep the girls alive.
Donovan hissed as he covered his face with his arms hiding behind a table to protect him from most of the blast though his arms were scorched in places. He stood up and growled "I'll get her eventually" he grinned at Maia before disappearing out the door. Maia narrowed her eyes as he walked out she hissed "Great even without a bounty on my head i gotta worry about being kidnapped" she huffed.

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