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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

"Hmm...yeah lets go.." He looked around and saw nothing, changing his assault rifle into a pistol. "Where do you plan on exactly going?" He asked as he took his hood off and walked in. "I don't know..but anywhere else from here would be safe."
"Well since this could be considered kidnapping, not far. I just want to get a safe distance away. There's a town about 20 miles north. It seems like a decent place to take refuge. If the girls want to go back it won't take long at all to return them."
(Yup..not to sure though I was half asleep)

"Sounds good to me..lets head out before we draw more attention to ourselves." he laid back, relaxing. "Well...20 miles..shouldn't be that long until we make it.." he yawned. "What do you plan on doing if anyone comes after us?"
"That's simple, if they pose a threat we kill them. If not we establish communication and figure out what they want. I have hell of a hangover so I'm switching to autopilot and I'm going to take a nap. I'll see you when I wake."

(I'm going to be busy for a few hours continue without me for now.)
(ok see ya later)

"goodnight..." he said quietly as he watched him walk away. he walked over to the pasted out girls, kicking them a bit. "mhm...thier asleep for sure." he said sighing and sitting down.
Holiday woke up in his cabin a couple hours later. He rose and began to gear up. As he got dressed he whistled Dixieland. He had been born in Alabama and lived there before he moved west. The song always reminded him of home, it made the idea of it seem almost tangible. Still every time he heard it, a sense of melancholy filled his heart. He pulled a picture out of his pocket, unfolded it, and stared at it for a minute or two. It was all he had left from his previous life. A aching pain welled up inside of him as he stared at the girl he left behind. No matter how hard he tried he was never able to find out what became of her, he doubted he ever would. He hadn't realized until they had boarded but that Maia resembled her quite a bit, or as close as another species could become. Still from what he had seen, they were very different in personality. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but he thought this adventure could be fun. Still he needed to focus on figuring out what that Donovan was up too, and kill him before he could hurt Maia.
Maia blinked open her eyes wearily shaking her head before rubbing her forehead growling slightly. She could tell by a familiar feeling that they were in the air. She jumped slightly and looked around blinking, she saw Evera beside her and poked her a bit "Hey are you awake?" She stood up as she waited to see if the other girl woke up. This must be Jacks ship.
JAKE walked into the main corridor of the ship, still whistling Dixieland. He expected everybody to still be asleep, so he froze when he saw that Maia was up. "Morning, Im about to start a pot of coffee. Care to join me? We can discuss what happened while you were zonked out as we wait."

While Jake waited for a response he strode over to a shelf and pulled out a brand new hat. He swatted the dust off and placed it on his head, thus completing his outfit.
Maia blinked curiously jumping slightly at the sound of his voice she figured her friend wouldn't be waking up yet and walked to the door "Sounds good..." coffee sounded good right about now. She remember most of the previous day but didn't have any idea what happened and how she got on the ship after she blacked out. She stretched and followed him.
He had woken up from sleeping, opening one to see her awake. "Hey..finally awake?" He asked, smiling. "hm...wonder what happened to the others in the shop." he stood up and looked at Jake. "hey Holiday...good..afternoon." he said tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
Holiday handed the girl a mug and then began to explain. He didn't leave out anything from the exploding hat to the uneasy truce . He even told her what he knew of Aidan's origin. "He said he'd follow anyways so I let him tag along so I could keep my eye on him. We hauled you aboard the ship to administer medical care and help you two recover. It was also decided that we should get the hell out of Dodge in case Donovan was to return. We're docked in a medium seized town about 20 miles north of the city we were at yesterday," Jake explained. Jake saw Aidan walk up and bid him good afternoon. "Likewise," Jake replied, "There's a pot of fresh coffee over there, fill yourself up a mug and join us." Holiday turned back towards the girl, "Sorry that we kind of kidnapped you, but we though it was the safest option for you at the moment. We'll let you dictate the next move."
"you..you know what...ok that sounds good.." He walked over but fell on the ground. He spoke as if he were drunk, "im..im just tired is all.." he got up and poured hisself coffee and drank the full mug, placing it down. "done..and awake, so what did i miss? anything inmportant?" he asked, a bit confused of what was going on. "I see the others are still knocked out..welllll...just us." He took a seat a pulled out his mini railgun, polishing it.
"Wow you must really be tired Maia is awake right here. I'd consider getting some rest if I were you. I was debriefing Maia on the events that occurred when she was out, and were just about to discuss what our next course of action should be."
"Yeah...i noticed..don't worry I'm fine for now.." he yawned and looked at her, then back to him. "What now? have a plan or something...anywhere to stay in this town?" he asked, having his gun transform into a sniper. "Ready when you are..."
"There are plenty of options, really. We can restock and resupply, take on a few local bounties, lay low, move on, etc, etc. Im going to leave the final decision to the girl," said Holiday.
"whatever..im fine with anything really.." He opened the door and jumped onto the landing pad. "clear...for now.." He aimed his scope down at the town, looking at the people pass by.
Alex smiles, finally making it to his apartment. "There it is..." He chuckles and continues to run, tripping on a rock moments later and face planting into the door. "Ow..."
"Alright we'll wait for her to make her decision, in the mean time I'm going to pour me a drink. I think I have been sober far to long."

(I need to get to bed, sorry. Can we pick up tomorrow?)
(yup, cant be certain i wont rp with the others :3)

he sighed and looked back at them as the door hung open. "im going to head back to the previous town...ill be back here tomorrow.." he didnt give a reason at all, he called his ship, climbed in and flew off.
Maia shrugged when Jake asked her what she wanted to do "I'm cool with anything. Getting a couple bounties in would be nice...funds are getting low" she tilted her head back closing her eyes holding the warm mug in her hands.
"Music to my ears, little lady." Holiday screwed the top back on his flask and put it away. He opened a panel and refiled through a few files. "Aha," he said, finding a few bounties that would work just fine. "You said you were an artifact hunter, good then you should know how to fight. Suit up, you're coming with me. I can't afford to have Donovan showing up while Im gone. Let me know if there is any gear you need and I'll provide it. Ill leaver a holo-message for your friend to explain all the details when she wakes up." Holiday put on his jacket and then recorded the hologram.
Evera grabs her head as she wakes up. "What? Where am I?" She stands up and looks around. She walked towards the holo-message, and watches it. "What is going on?"
(Can MAia be the buyer? :3 @Jaeger BLU ?)

Maia nodded and grinned "I sure as hell know how to fight, can't survive in this world if you don't" she shrugged slightly. She stood up stretching "I'm gonna need armour but i have my own weapons..." she looked down at the deactivated silver handles on either side of her hips clipped to her belt. She walked over to the window looking out thoughtfully.
Holiday digi-structed her the basic equipment they needed, and the two went off. They were headed to a tavern on the other side of town to pick up a lead. "Ever kill a man?" He asked her as they walked.

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