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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Mika stared up at him before her few emotions she had kicked in making her giggle in a surprisingly human way even though you could hear her voice creator go slightly robotic then back to her normal voice "that's good" she said to him wondering about his concerned and confused look

Deren felt somewhat sorry for mika. He smiled slightly. "So, what's your name? I'm Deren." He confidently held out his hand, watching mika intently. He was indeed very interested by her almost-human ways. With his other hand he brushed his fringe over to one side, feeling slightly conscious of his hair looking terrible. He had been wearing a helmet all day afterall. @Daniel reaver
"I'm mika" she said as she took his hand in hers accidentaly squeezing it more than she ment as her expression went back to its emotionless state as she stared at him her eyes showing a life like yet robotic sense as the lenses in her pupils constantly focused in and out on him noticing every thing he did and emediatly knowing why he did every thing

His eyes widen and he flinches slightly as his hand is squeezed. He looks up and to the sides a little, feeling unnerved by her gaze. "Do you have a job?" He watched her inquisitively, when he did manage to make eye contact.
"Not at the moment I'm more of a gun for hire" she said frankly as she let go of his hand and an old school dessert eagle appeared in her right hand as she smiled at him wondering why he had looked away from her wondering if she had done some thing that would make him embarased or a different feeling


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He shuffled back and leaned away when he saw the desert eagle appear. The confident posture he had before was gone, and his frown had turned into an alert face. "Uh..that's a nifty trick you've got there" he said, trying to sound friendly. He giggled nervously, feeling very ashamed of how submissive he might seem, but he didn't have any weapons
Mika giggled again as the gun dissapered "yeah" she said softly before looking at him "hey you alright" she asked him curiously as she took another step twoards him as she scanned him readying his body language and facial expretions

"i'm fine" he mumbled, "just um....in a new area of the city. That's all." he wasn't a good liar, calling him a bad liar would be an understatement. He stopped leaning away as the gun went, he looked a little more relaxed. "why? do i not look alright?" @Daniel reaver
"You where nervous and you just lied" she said frankly to him as she still stared at him tilting her head to one side just a little bit as she waited to see the way he reacted to her

"i'm sorry,but i just don't feel comfortable around people who can make guns appear in their hands, that's all." he replied, feeling a little more confident than before, hoping he didn't sound cocky. "anyway, i need to found somewhere to eat, care to join?" he asked, wondering whether Mika actually does eat or not, 'probably not' he thought.
"A-sure" she said to him with a frown as she felt hurt by his words thinking he was referring to her being an AI android but didn't say any thing even though she started to want to shoot this boy but decided against it "where do you want to go" she asked some hurt lacing her voice

"um...." He looked about. "I have no idea, do you know any places?" he vaguely noticed her change in tone, but assumed it to be a voice issue, which he had heard before, and so decided not to react, yet.
Mika looked around and shrugged a little "I don't know" she said still a little hurt but tryed to push it aside as she looked around scanning for some where to go to before pointing at a small bar like place about four blocks down "we cliud go to where I usually go" she said softly to him

"sure!" he said excitedly, eager to see the newer parts of the city. "what kind of food do they sell?" he inquired as he began to walk in the direction of the bar she had pointed out. He carefully looked at all the buildings as he walked, looking for anything that could come of use to him.
"Any thing really" she said frankly to him as she started to walk with him wondering if he meant what he sad about her as they neared the bar "come on" she said as she walked in before him and walked over to the bar and sat down

He fell back into the seat with a light thud. Smiling with joy. "Hmmm" he carefully scanned the menu for the word 'BBQ'. Anything BBQ would suit him just fine. He finally came across a BBQ hotdog on the menu and enthusiastically thrusted his finger to that point. "I'm going to get this. What're you getting mika?" He asked. @Daniel reaver
Mika sighed as she pointed at an adult drink that was on the holographinc menus in front of her then sighed as she sat there "a drink" she said softly to him

"Alrighty then" he exclaimed in a chirpy tone. He ordered his meal and Mika's drink. He Then sat back and looked down at the floor, appearing to be in deep thought, frowning slightly. "I'll pay for your drink by the way, i'm feeling extra nice today" Deren chuckled a little. @Daniel reaver
Mika looked over at him some mechanics messing up in her cheeks and making seem As if she was blushing a little as she stared at him"y-you don't need to do that" she said softly to him

Deren smiled at her, pretending not to notice her blush. "Well i choose to, it isn't much, but it's the little things that count." He shook his head to rough up his hair. Then brushed his fringe over to the side again. He felt proud of being nice. @Daniel reaver
Maia nodded "That would probably be pretty helpful, they can be a pain to deal with sometimes" she wrinkled her nose a bit and chuckled. She pulled out a silver phone looking device and handed it to him "Put yourself in"
Mika sighed at him quietly as se sat there waiting for her drink. She had to admit he was nice and for a pilot of his line of work he was on the more handsome side then most

He cocked his head slightly as she sighed, then he looked down, tapping his thigh and thinking. After a few moments he lifted his head, "are you alright? You keep sighing." He asked in a friendly tone, hoping to lift her spirits. @Daniel reaver
Mika smiled a little and looked over at him tilting her head a little "yeah I'm fine. Just nothing to do after I leave here and we part ways" she said frankly to him even though her mind was already full on what she wanted but could never have because of her creator diying "why do I look like some things wrong" she asked him

"You just keep sighing, i thought there was something on your mind. Well, i mean... you could stay with me, if you, want" he stuttered a little, looked away for a second, then back at her. "I could get you a job the same as mine, if you want one." He grinned, "flying ships is so fun!...but unloading cargo is the boring part." @Daniel reaver

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