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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Shaun was sitting in his apartment on his coach watching the news on the TV, as he was watching the TV he received a message on his computer. He then went over to his computer and took a look at the message, it was a bounty, a rather easy one. He then enter a code on a keypad as a suit storage unit opened and his suit was revealed, he then carefully put on the suit and then synced his wristpad, he then opened a small suitcase and then took out his weapons, he took his revolver and his sniper, he had decided he would do this mission out of sight and from afar. He then put the sniper on his back and the revolver in his holster, he then jumped up to the ceiling and then using an access card he opened the window on it, he then climbed out of it and jumped off the building as a hover bike flew under him, he then flew over to a building's roof, the building was located in the central area of the city, when he landed he got off his bike and then took out his sniper rifle, he then went into a prone position on the end of the building, he then looked at his wristpad and it displayed the details of the man and a picture of him, he then turned on a filter on his helmet so he could easily find the target, the target was sitting with someone at a table, he then aimed down at the target's head, he realized that the shot would kill the person in front of him, but he didn't really care. Shaun then aimed down for a couple seconds and then pressed the trigger. A loud shot could be hear and then the man's head being shot, the person in front was shot in the stomach and died too. Shaun then holstered his sniper and got back on his bike, he then flew off to his apartment and then jumped off his bike into a window opening. He then put his gear away and then locket the storage unit, he then continued to watch the TV as he drank his unfinished glass of whiskey.
Shots could be easily heard, making the Zurol tense up as it continued its trek down the sidewalk. Was the shot itself meant for it? Or was it meant for something else? Not wanting to stick around to find out the Zurol quickened its pace, gaining a bit of distance until it spotted its next target.

A young child.

The child was standing next to her dad while he was busy looking at a map presented on a tablet he held. The Zurol knew energy from children was more filling and lasted longer. Possibly because of the youth or pureness of a child's soul the Zurol wasn't sure nor did it care. All it wanted was the energy the child possessed, although since the parent was present it would not be easy for the alien wolf.

Without further hesitation the Zurol calmly made its way over to the father and child, acting as it had before with the teenager. The father was oblivious to the Zurol as it came closer but the child noticed it right away, smiling and giggling as the Zurol curiously sniffed at the child before licking her face.
Mika shook her head quickly "no thank you sorry. I'm not built for that at all. And I my code wasn't made to make it so I like sitting in cramped spaces all day" She mumbled the last part quietly before she saw the waiter coming with there orders


(Sorry it didn't post)
"That's fine." He said "anyway, drink up!" He exclaimed heartily. He now knew that she was definately artificial, whether it be a cyborg or a full robot. He grabbed his hotdog and began to eat it fairly quickly, he was hungry, very hungry.

After a few bites he looked up at mika. "So, what was your code designed for? Maybe i could help you get a job that suits you." @Daniel reaver
Mika took a drink before she set the bottle down "i was made for any military operations. Security, covert operations, firefights" she said frankly to him before taking a drink

Deren quickly froze, his eyes widened and he looked at her. "Oh" he blurted out. "Sorry mika, i can't really help you there. I know that there are tons of bounty hunters about though,because if high crime rates but they may be competition. I don't know of any contacts either. So i guess that pistol wasn't just for personal protection eh?". He took another bite, watching her intently and waiting for an answer, he was intrigued.

@Daniel reaver
"Bounty hunters aren't competition. Dealing with pety Crime is a walk in the park for me. And yes the pistol is no where near as powerful as some of the things I have. Maybe I could show you after this" she said as she looked over at him and smiled

He finished his hotdog and wioed his fingers on a tissue, smiling a little in his thoughts. "Sounds cool. Are you ready to go now?" He said grinning. He loved high-tech things, of any sort.
He hastily stood up and began to walk outside, feeling really excited. "Maybe i could show you my ship sometime, it's quite fast, near the top of civilian class ships, but nothing compared to racers" he said. ( i gtg for a few hours) @Daniel reaver
"Sure" mika said frankly as she followed him out of the bar seting money in front of the bar tender as they left before she saw some men she recognized. Men that where after her making her how slightly wide eyed before she walked up next to him and slid her arms around his lressing into him and smiling inocently while also giggling as if they where dating as the men neared them

"uuhh" Deren smiled, with a confused look and hesitantly hugged her back. He inconfidently giggled with her, looking around consciously. He was speechless. @Daniel reaver
mitsu pressed into him till the men passed and turned the corner before she stopped giggling and started to pull away "sorry" she said to him as she looked up at him

"i only did it because if i didnt some guys would have noticed me then i would have had to either run or fight" she said as she stared up at him

"i was sent to destroy one of there safe houses and now they want me dead" mika said frankly to him as she still stared up at him

"You're a bit of a cheeky one aren't you?" He said as he laughed."you said you had nothing to do though, and don't think you're getting away with paying for the food and drink Mika, i will owe you back" he smirked. @Daniel reaver
mika just silently nodded to him before seeing two more men and clinging to his arm again "just walk with me" she said as she walked leaning against him as she warped her arms around one of his

He put his arm over her shoulder and leaned towards her as he walked, blushing slightly. He talked quietly, "do you want to come to my apartment for a bit? It'll be safe, and i could show my ship whilst we are there, she is my prized possession." @Daniel reaver
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Maia nodded and bowed her head a bit "Thank you for your services have a good day" she walked out of the coffee shop since Holiday had disappeared somewhere she was sure he would find her later. She was walking when she heard a sniper shot and a window shatter. She jumped slightly and quickly followed the most likely path of trajectory and saw the sniper disappear from the rooftop. She blinked curiously and walked to the building she quickly jumped up the stairs with her agility and reached the door to the rooftop. She opened the door a bit peeking out to see if she could see anyone. She saw a big bike which made her eyes widen, it was so pretty. She snuck out of the door hoping the man wouldn't notice as she crouched behind a barrel looking at the bike.

@Holiday @ClassyBunny
When Shaun was about to fly away he looked around for a moment and then slightly saw someone behind a barrel, he then dropped a coin with a engraving of the Shaun's face, he then said "Nice hair." afterwards he quickly flew away from the roof as he slightly giggled, as he pressed a button his bike suddenly became cloaked only leaving a path of slight heat behind it.

(@trix) (( Sorry for the short post :D ))
"s-sure" mika said quietly as they passed them "just keep walking and dont pull away alright" she said as she scanned every civilian finding at least six wanted individuals in the crowd as they walked

Maia blinked curiously as the man flew away, interesting. She walked out from behind the barrel since she figured he wasn't going to hurt her even if he was still floating around. She bent down and picked up the coin looking at the face engraved on it, was it the man she just saw? She looked up where the man had flown off, maybe she would run into him eventually. She flipped the coin in her hand and wondered if anyone would recognize it. She wrinkled her nose a bit, she wished he had stayed she had wanted to look at his bike. @ClassyBunny

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