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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

(Yes yes i do lol xD she will examine it one way or another! lol she likes shiny things)
(Haha she won't hurt it don't worry XP But now she gotta figure out how to fidn it again O.,O)
(Oh no the hugs! ruunnnn)

Maia looked at the coin thoughtful she had an idea. She made her way down from the roof heading towards the black market part of town, maybe someone there would recognize it. She had enough friends there she was sure she could find someone who knew something. When she reached the area a couple people bowed their heads to her. She bowed her head back, she looked out of place with her bright pink hair and metal body coverings. A certain person caught her gaze out of the corner of her eyes and she whirled on her heels narrowing her eyes.

Donovan was sitting with his feet up on a crate "Well hello there pretty"

Maia hissed "Leave me alone, dare you try and touch me i'll kill you i swear"

Donovan put his hands up in self defense "Woah woah now calm down. What're you doing in these parts? I feel no need to try and snatch you right now" he crossed his arms. He saw the coin "What's that?"

Maia looked at the coin and figured it was worth a shot, she begrudgingly threw the coin at Donovan "Do you recognize this?"

Donovan immediately recognized the face of the other bounty hunter and tossed the coin back to Maia "Names Shaun, or Deadshot... hear he lives downtown somewhere in an apartment building.."

Maia glared at him "Thanks..." she headed off towards town.
"I won't, don't worry mika. The walk will be about 5 minutes by the way, just nudge me if i need to act for you" he said, smiling, he really wanted to show mika his ship. @Daniel reaver
Shaun was looking out his window as he was drinking a glass of whiskey, he then looked around before sitting on his couch, he received a message on his wristpad "A woman might be coming to your house, I am sorry! Please leave my family alone!", Shaun then giggled and then walked over to his desk, he looked at the monitor and then turned it on, it displayed the daily news article, it was about two dead people, the title was "A dead couple, no clues" he then giggled slightly and then went back to sit over at the couch, he then pressed a button on the remote as few cameras displayed what they were seeing, he noticed the woman on the cameras, he slightly giggled as he said "Well damn, I have to clean up." he then flicked the TV off and then began to tidy his home, he then lit the fireplace and then put some scented candles onto the coffee table, he then lit them and then smelled the air "Agh, that's better." he then sat down onto the couch and turned the TV back on and continued to watch a movie on the TV, it was a movie about detectives.
mika nodded to him as she walked her eyes constantly slipping around as she identified more and more of them "lets pick up the pace" she whispered to him as she watched the criminals a calm look one her face as she processed every thing at once a hidden blade appearing at her side under her shirt just incase

He began to speed up his walking. Holding her tightly to him with his arm. "Not long now mika, don't worry." He muttered quietly. He jumped slightly as the hidden blade was unveiled, but quickly regained his neutral stance, trying to look slightly confident, but natural. @Daniel reaver
mika sighed before she accidentaly bumped into one of the men instantly playing 'girlfreind' as she pressed into him and nervously looked back "h-hey" she said as she pressed into him as the man turned towards them "hey watch where your going" he said with anger
Deren looked back with a fake confidence, before looking ahead again. He turned a final corner with mika before entering a small door into a large skyscraper. Once in the door he sighed with releif and released mika from his tight grip. "Phew, thank god that turned out well!" He said happily, grinning all the while. "We'll go up to my room first, you can see my ship later if you want to." @Daniel reaver

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/0apsmbF.jpg.7f2634f81dc912ee8ed43a955803efef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/0apsmbF.jpg.7f2634f81dc912ee8ed43a955803efef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (his appartment)



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Maia looked up at the apartment building she figured this Deadshot guy would live in, most places on Eluvia especially in this area required background checks which she doubted this guy would've gone through. She walked into the building and looked at the board that had the list of residents on it, there was one room with no name, must be him. She walked up the stairs towards the room and knocked on the door determined to find out more about this guy. She had her one hand on her thigh just in case, ready to grab one of her energy blades.
Mika looked around in amazment "I-it has every thing" she mumbled as she looked around the appartment at all the technology then sighed "hell of a lot better than my place" she said wit a sigh

Shaun heard a knock, he then said "Come on in." he then stood up and looked at the woman as he said "Seems like you found me" he then grabbed a glass from the table and a bottle of whiskey, he then opened the bottle and began to pour in the whiskey in the glass, he then offered it to the woman "Want some?" he then looked around and said "Security, OFF." a small tile on the ground lowered back into it's place Shaun then said "Don't worry, just being careful." he then paused for a moment as he noticed it started to rain outside "Looks like it's raining, anyway come sit down." ((@trix))
"Hm..." He said, standing and awkardly scratching his head. "It isn't that good, is it? It was quite a good deal actually aswell." He went over to the fridge and pulled out a soft drink, before looking around at mika and saying "would you like one?" @Daniel reaver ((sorry for a late reply))
Maia raised a brow at him but nodded and walked in looking at the tile on the ground for a bit. When he offered her a drink she shrugged "Sure why not, thanks". She looked around the apartment. She relaxed a bit as she heard the rain start hitting the window, she had always liked the rain, found i relaxing.

Shaun then went over to the door and closed it so the cold from outside wouldn't get inside, he then went over and sat on the couch, the daily news were ongoing on the TV, Shaun then looked over at the woman and said "Well, here we are" he then slightly chuckled for a second before asking the woman "So, anything you want to know about me?" he then looked over at the slightly open window, he got up and then went over and closed the window. He then went and then sat back onto the couch, a room door was open, it could easily be seen that the man's hoverbike was parked there. ((@trix))
Maia watched him over her shoulder carefully, she did just see this man kill someone after all, even if that was a pretty common thing in Eluvia. She took sip of her drink tentatively. She noticed the bike through the open door, but instead looked at Shaun crossing her arms "Who are you?" she remained standing but leaned against the side of the couch.

Shaun then looked over at Maia as he said "A bounty hunter, deadshot they call me." he then paused for a moment "I never got your name." Shaun then continued to watch the news on the TV, it then displayed the chief of police saying "The case of the two people killed in the cafe, has been closed due to no evidence whatsoever" the news then switched to a woman talking about weather "The weather the whole week will be rainy, there might also be a storm." then a TV show began on the TV, Shaun stood up and then walked over to the garage door and then closed it, he then looked at Maia and said "My name is Shaun, I don't have many friends." he then looked out the TV as he noticed the rain picking up it's speed, he then looked over at Maia, he liked her hair, he then said "And what are you?" he then sat back down on the couch. He looked over at his glass of whiskey and then drank it whole, two ice cubes were left inside the glass, Shaun poured in some more whiskey himself. ((@trix also going off now but still reply I will able to read it ))
Mika shook her head as she looked around the place "it's better then what I have" she said before she walked around some more "you do know that some of this is made for repairing robotics and stuff right" she said to him as she Skopje back at him

Maia nodded at his introduction "Nice to meet you, though i already knew your name" she grinned. She realized she had forgot to introduce herself and put her hand out "I'm Maia, artifact hunter..." she trailed off as though that weren't everything about her but didn't continue. When he asked what she was she flicked her hair out of her eyes "I'm an eldava, a type of space elf i suppose" she flicked her bangs out of her face. She closed her eyes momentarily listening to the rain outside. @ClassyBunny

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