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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

"I didn't." Deren said chirpily to her "but if you ever need anything whilst your here, just take it,or use it, because if you asked, i would say yes.and those robot tools also work on a ship, if you understand what I'm getting at." He wondered if Mika did want a drink, shrugged, and just got a second one anyway as he proceeded to the lounge, setting the two drinks down on the table. "I got one for you aswell, you don't need to drink it if you don't want to." he said, before sitting back onto the sofa, and taking on a very chilled position, with his drink in hand. @Daniel reaver
N'dia woke up quite late, the sound of pouring rain interrupting her nap. "Damn, look at the time..." She grumbled, pushing herself out of bed. N lived in a little ramshackle house near the edges of the Black Market. Living here was easy. Being found wasn't an issue, only the traders and explorers knew their way down. It didn't exactly matter anyways, it was just a place to sleep. During the day she visited her father and stroll around the city. Once in a while she'd go looking for artifacts, but today wasn't the best day for it. Besides, the weather was crappy. She slipped off her sleeping clothes and pulled on a brown cloth top. It was worn, dirty, and cut short to expose her midriff. She then grabbed a pair of shorts and slipped her tool belt through the loops. Next were her work boots, then her leather jacket. She grabbed her dagger and slipped it into her picket, just in case any trouble arose. With that, she opened the door and headed into the rain.
mika walked over with him and sat down next to him "thank you for allowing me to use the equipment" she said as the table lit up and a key board appeared and she started to type rapidly on it her fingers moving almost to fast for him so see as codes and programs opened up just as fast as she typed her reading every thing as fast as they came up taking in all the information as she typed not paying attention to any thing else as she worked

"That's fine" he mumbled as he stared at Mika for a few moments, in awe of the speed at which she worked. 'Damn, that's fast' he thought. Deren then opened his drink can and began slowly drinking it, trying not to make any annoying slurping noises.
mika suddenly stopped typing and slightly looked over at him "c-can i use your desk" she asked as she stared at him the windows still there on the table as she waited for a reply from him

Shaun then looked over at Maia and then said "Nice we met Maia." he paused for a moment and then said "The rain is so relaxing." he then got up and grabbed his glass of whiskey as he went over to the window and looked out, he saw few people standing around in a crowd, two people in the middle were fighting, it was probably one of the common entertainment people get, he noticed that is is getting quite dark outside, the lights on the streets slowly flickered on, a message appeared on Shaun's computer, he then went over to it and looked at the bounty and then accepted it as he said "Looks like I got to get to work." he then pressed a button on his wristpad as a storage unit came out from the wall, it contained his gear. Shaun but on his gear and then took his revolver and holstered it, he thought for a moment and then took his railgun and then holstered it on his back, he then looked over at Maia and said "Wanna come?" ((@trix))
Deren smiled at her and said "sure, as i said, you can use anything, no need to ask, make yourself at home." He curled up on the sofa and turned the tv on, watching some sort of action movie, he looked a bit sleepy. @Daniel reaver
Mika got up and walked over the the desk then sat down. And started typing at incredible speeds as windows constantly opened and closed while they quickly schooled through the coding and data in then
Deren eventually fell asleep, curled up on a ball leaning on the side of the sofa. The movie was still playing and his half-finished drink was on the table infront of him, next to a full one he had gotten for mika. He mutter incomprehensible things in his sleep.
Mika worked for a while before she looked over and got up silently walking over to the table and taking her drink and twirling it around before taking a drink
Deren looked at her with his eyes half open and raises his head, He muttered sleepily "you can sleep on my bed, it isn't hard to find." Before he closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the sofa-arm with a quiet thud. Forgetting to turn his movie off. @Daniel reaver
Mika stared at him then laughed a little before she turned the tv off then walked back over to the computer and sat down then continued to work in darkness typing coding and collecting data
Deren woke up later on, and sat up, groaning a little. He looked over at mika and his jaw dropped, but he said nothing. He wondered what to do today, then he remembered. He was going to show mika his ship! He smiled at the thought. He carried on sitting and watching mika, as if entranced by her quick typing. He hoped she would turn around and notice him. Because he didn't want to disturb her.
Mika kept typing before she suddenly stoped and leaned forward as her face hit the desk having passed out as she started to softly snore slightly as she slept there on the Desk with at least 600 windows open on screen at the time

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Deren let out a laugh, before quietly walking over to her.he put the computer/desk on sleep mode, gently picked Mika up,checking her face for bruising , and carried her to his room. He set her on his bed and returned to the lounge, switching the tv on.
Mika groaned and nuzzled his chest a little as he carried him before he layed her down as she mumbled random things in her sleep as she rolled on the bed a little


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Maia blinked curiously pulling her attention away from the door she knew the hover bike was behind "Um sure" she grinned sheepishly. She had never been on a bounty hunt for another living thing, though she knew the risks and what it took and was well prepared. She stood up gulping the rest of her drink back in one swallow handing the glass to Shaun rubbing a drop off the corner of her mouth with her wrist "Ready" she grinned eyes glittering.


So sorry it took me so long ;^; stupid exams done now though!
As the transport ship docked 2 figures stepped out the first clad in an orange and black jumpsuit with 2 swords over his back and another who was clad in old dusty medieval clothes. As both walked out of the ship any who looked at them would see the large skull walker lumbering behind the medieval one, being able to tame a skull walker was a great feat and probably took hours on end but to those who knew it actually only took 2 days and alot of meat.
Shaun then looked over at Maia and said "Good." he then went over to the door that was closed and then opened it soon after getting onto the bike with Maia, he then turned on the bike and then it lifted up a overhead roof opening up, he then flew up and out of his apartment, he then began to fly for a while until they got to an area where rich people lived, they drove up to a tall apartment building, he then broke an window on one of the floor and then jumped inside along with Maia, he then said "Go hide, he ain't home yet" the bike flew off alone, Shaun hid up on a shelf and then began to wait for the man to come home. ((@trix))
N made her way to the ports. Transport ships were flying in and out, goods and other items being carried about. She made her way down the line, examining what every ship had to offer. She could snatch some goods off these ships easily, but nothing seemed to be of value. What caught her eye were two beings exiting a ship, with a a notorious beast, the Skull Walker. She shouted at the two. "Well, what a beast ya' got there!" She made her way towards them quickly, stopping at their dock. "Where's ya' find 'em?" She shoots the two a smile and crouches to examine the beast.
The automated droned stopped and looked at N then reached over his shoulder to his axe but was stopped by the second "That is personal" he replied. The one that spoke was a Hylotl more commonly known as the fish people the second being a Glitch, both were armed to the teeth and probably could kill at a moments notice. "Now move along" the Hylotl spoke before walking past her.
Trix eagerly jumped on the bike interested to see how it worked. She tensed a bit when they lifted into the air but relaxed quickly. She smiled as they flew along her hair kept getting in the face but she didn't even mind. When they reached the building she jumped off the bike gracefully and nodded to Shaun doing as she was told she went and hid in a closet hidden behind a bunch of jackets stretching a bit listening carefully for the door to open. The house was really nice, high end and fancy, nothing like her place. @ClassyBunny

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