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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Soon after a man came home and walked inside it, he was putting his coat away, Shaun then hopped onto the man as he fell down onto the ground, he then looked up at Shaun and said "Not you again!" Shaun then grabbed the man and stood him up, he then kicked him. As the man got kicked he fell over the couch and onto a glass table and broke it, Shaun then walked up to the man and then grabbed him and threw him against the wall, the man then broke through the wall and fell down on the other side in the hallway, Shaun then walked in and then grabbed the man and dragged him back inside near the window, he then held him up out of the window and then dropped him. ((@trix))
Kio lands on Eluvia. She had been waiting for a while to come here. Her parents back home told her that she would find the ones that she had originally spawned from had gone here, to the trading center of the universe. She wondered why, but she was more curious to see them. she walked off the landing pad and into the station. Once she walks outside of the station, She finds herself in a sea of different species.
(Well the Quinn is taking forever so I'll just meet you then or something like that)

The Hylotl and Glitch continued through the crowd shoving and pushing anyone who got in their way including Kio who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time to put it lightly "Move it" the Hylotl yelled at the girl that hadn't move before shoving her to the floor and walking onward with his accomplance and the pet Skull Walker, from first sight they looked like they shouldn't be messed with.
Kio falls to the ground and she hits the pavement with a clang of metal "ow..." she said slightly starting to get up. she looks up at who pushed her down.
The Hylotl took no notice of Kio just kept walking with one hand over his back gripped on his sword and his other moving the crowd out of the way, the glitch spared a single look at Kio before placing his own hand onto his axe and walking off.
As Kio got up, she noticed some of her synthetic skin had been scraped off. As it regrew she took another look at Hylotl and muttered "Jerk..." as she turned and walked the opposite way. Her armor Clattering along with her body movement, until she found the Main Hub of the trading center. "Okay.... the Complex should be... no... ugh.. im so lost..." she muttered to her self in Krillian. She had to look around for someone to ask for directions.
As the Hylotl continued he called over the Glitch "Retin, I need a data display on screen" in reply the Glitch stepped forward and plugged a data stick into the black and orange helmet that was over the Hylotl's head, an imaged flashed on screen showing a mid aged Eldava with pink hair, whoever she was she wasn't going to have a good day.
Kio walked past aton of people. eventually stopping to ask a Pink haired woman directions to her complex. she had recieved no help whatsoever from her as she laughed as if Kio was an idiot and continued laughing as she walked away. Kio looked at her as she walked 'Is everyone here a jerk?" she asked her self in Krillian so noone would take offense from it.
(ill find it eventually i wont do anything)

Kio finds her building after searching endlessly. She drops her stuff in her apartment and gets her mobi charge out. she needed it since they didnt allow them on the shuttle. She plugged it into the back of her neck as she started to charge up

(Is anyone else on?)
William looks out from the cockpit window of his ship. The view is breathtaking and wonderful. He sees a derelict ship in the distance, he decides to go and explore the inside.
The man that Shaun threw out of the window fell down onto the ground below, the area was quite populated and was located near the space station, as the man fell down a big thump could be heard as he hit the ground and began to bleed even more than he bled before, a crowd gathered around the spot where the man had fallen down, soon enough medics arrived along with the police, the medics began to scoop up the body and then put it in a body bag and then in an ambulance as they drove off to the morgue, police stayed looking for evidence.((@The Jackal @trix @Quinnn @The Unamed Character))
Kio looked at where he landed then looked up to see a broken window. She rushed into the building and guarded the stairs with her mouinium axe in hand. "He will come down eventually" she said to herself
Shaun looked out of the window and then ran and jumped out of it as his bike hovered under him and caught him, he then flew up close near the window and then called out "Maia, let's go" he then waited for her to get up onto the bike. ((@trix))
Kio hears more glass shattering outside and runs outside seeing Shaun on his bike up higher. she cursed in krillian. She then yelled "Im not an Officer.." up to them "Or a Bounty hunter..."
Shaun then looked down and said "I don't care" he then dropped down a coin with the letter D on it. Shaun then flew slightly off the building and figured that Maia would find her own way out, Shaun then quickly rushed away from the spot with his hover bike back to his apartment, he turned on the cloaking device on the bike before heading off to his apartment, as soon as he got to his apartment he landed inside and hopped off as he said "Security ON" soon the turrets on the ceiling activated and began to scan the room, Shaun then went and sat down onto the couch and began to watch the news.((@The Unamed Character))

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