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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Maia narrowed her eyes slightly as she heard the hover bike fly off she bit her lip to hold back a sigh. Geuss she would have to find a way out of here. She had gotten her foot caught on a piece of clothing at the bottom of the closet making it so she couldn't go to Shauns call. She tensed up as she heard someone approaching the room. She pressed her back against the back of the closet but she had already made a lot of noise. She kept her hand on the silver handle on her thigh ready to activate her energy blades if need be.

@ClassyBunny @The Unamed Character
Maia narrowed her eyes not coming out of the closet, she activated one of her blades holding it tightly at her side just in case. She called out "Yes i'm here, what do you want?" she was prepared for the footsteps she expected to approach the closet.
Kio walks to and opens the closet she kneels down and says "Why did you two kill that guy..." she asks


Kio puts her weapons away and started to clear away the clothing to help her out of the closet
Maia blinked curiously, why did this girl seem so calm? She looked the girl over quickly, she figured she could put up a good fight, probably even even fight against Maia so she figured she might as well put her weapon away. She helped the girl with the clothes and stepped out of the closet re attaching her weapon to her hip holding out her hand "I'm Maia, and i honestly don't know" she rubbed the back of her head realizing how odd that seemed. @The Unamed Character

Donovan walked into the area of town where Shauns place was, he wondered if Maia was still there. He grinned and walked up the stairs to Shauns apartment knocking on the door and whistling slightly hands in his pockets. @ClassyBunny
Maia narrowed her eyes at the window "Yea that jerk... but nice to meet you" she muttered to herself then looked back at the girl infront of her, she was pretty. She stood up and rubbed off her hands on her shirt "come on we should get out of here...she didn't want either of them to get hurt or caught and people get the wrong idea" she headed towards the door cautiously occasionally checking over her shoulder at Kio.
Kio followed her to the door "we can go back to my place.." she said after checking her wrist. she was running low and on 15% of power. "its safe and is not far from here..."
As Fortis was walking to his apartment, he stopped and noticed an ambulance drive by and in the other dirrection a familiar face on his hover bike. "Strange.", he whispered to himself puzzled at the event. He lost his curiosity and continued his stroll to his apartment.
William docked his ship with the derelict and took his first steps inside. He was met with burn marks, blood marks and destroyed electrical a, but no bodies of the crew. "Well, this is creepy"
Shaun heard the knocks on his door and said "Non lethal." He then opened the door as the turrets aimed at Donovan, they seemed highly dangerous. Shaun then said as he looked at the man "Need something?" He then paused and waited for a moment. "Ignore the turrets" he said. ((@trix))
Fortis finally made it back to his apartment. He opened his room door and saw that a maid had been there. He was a little concerned that the maid may have found his case with his guns in it. He opened the closet door to find it exactly where it last was. He opened the case to find everything there. He sighed in relief and closed the case, then took it with him to his bounty contractor. When he got there the man greeted him. "I believe your the one getting this contract?", he asked. Fortis replied, "yes", as they sat down on a bench in the park. The contractor gave him a holo-tab which had his target. "why is this guy wanted alive only?", Fortis asked. "He kidnapped a young girl and is wanted alive so the people paying can find that girl, and if you find here you get a 10,ooo mark bonus, of course you won't get paid anything if he dies and the girls not with him. Also there may be other hunters that got this contract and i know for sure Shaun will be getting this.", he replied. "Great, if i don't find him first then deadhead will", he said. The contractor snickered and shook his head. "If he heard you say that i don't think you'll have your clever thoughts anymore because your mind would stain the ground". "So let him hear me", Fortis said as he got up and walked away. He looked over the last location and he had no doubt Shaun wouldn't be far behind. When he arrived he looked for clues of any type for where the target might be heading.

@ClassyBunny I am just trying to make a cool scenario.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((who da girl?

(Really just an ill-important character, unless you want to be her.)
He did a scan of the ship to see what systems, if any are online. "Hmm, life support is down, good thing I don't need oxygen".
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]((i think that would be interesting cause then there could be a chase scene and everything))

(if you want you can make her look like whatever but she has to atleast be a teen. I was thinking maybe she could wear glasses and her father was a richman, but thats up to you)
Kio gets to her apartment after gettin Maia out of the building she sits down and begins to charge herself. she looks at her wrist "Ugh.. only 20%" she says

Morbuskid said:
(if you want you can make her look like whatever but she has to atleast be a teen. I was thinking maybe she could wear glasses and her father was a richman, but thats up to you)
((Then NVM brah lol))
Shaun looked at the man standing in front of the door and then said "I have to go we can talk later" he looked at his wristpad and then saw that there is a new contract, he then closed the door and said "Maximum security, lethal." he then got onto his hover biked and then flew out of the apartment, he then toggled his GPS on his bike and then looked where he had to go, he said "I need info on target" suddenly some data appeared on the hud inside the helmet, he then checked some things and saw where the man worked, he then set his GPS to there and soon was at the spot where his GPS led him, he saw the girl through the window, he saw that she was tied to a immovable shelf, the man was standing near her, Shaun then jumped off his bike and into the building, he quickly rolled over to the man and then grabbed him and hit him against the shelf knocking him out, he quickly cut the binds on the girl and then told the girl to follow as he grabbed the man, he then walked over to the window and jumped onto his bike, he then laid the man onto the bike and secured him, he hovered near the window so the girl could get on, soon on the girl got on too, Shaun flew off, while flying he passed Fortis. ((@Morbuskid))
(Sonuvabitch actually that was unfair tuss bag xD )

Fortis saw Shaun already with the target. "damn, thought this was going too smoothly.", he said a bit pissed. Although he already received a new contract with just as much as the last one. He made it to the location of the guy and was already there. When he made it upstairs the guy alreaady had a gun out, although Fortis shot the man's hand and tackled him. He then grabbed the guy up by the throat and dragged him to a window. Fortis picked the man up by the throat with one hand , "I'm not in a good mood today, so i'm going to make a message.", he said. He then broke the window and shove some broken glass in the guy's mouth and delivered a jaw breaking punch. The guy fell down and began coughing up blood. Fortis grabed the guy by the shoulder, slammed his back into the wall, and and made a long cut from the chest to the stomach. Fortis then dug his machete even deeper until it went trough the spine. He then took a picture of the dead target and sent it to his contractor. Though no one else knew he completed it so he carved the word "EVEN", into the wall for Shaun to see when he arrived. Fortis then left and called his contractor. "What do you think?", Fortis asked. "I am going to have nightmares", his contractor replied sarcastically. Fortis laughed as he went to wait for Shaun to find out the contract was no longer available.


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