Elder World

Jessica smiles a little in appreciation at Venn's movement for her sake. She then started to think of some things she and the others from her hometown would do when they didn't have anything to do but nothing came to mind that they could do here. "Um... y-you guys could p-practice fight styles?" She simple said the first thing which came to her mind and it seem like an ok idea considering their mission. She then looked up and noticed that the sun was starting its descent. "O-or we could s-start setting up a camp, th-the sun is starting to set..." She glanced at the both of them shyly at her ideas. They weren't very good but they were something...

Lyra tries to struggle out of Helbrecht's grip. "Ew! Ew ew ew! You're touching me you fat ugly beast!" After a while of his grip not loosening she huffs angrily and crosses her arms. She roll her eyes at his question, "Are you serious? You haven't been out yet?" She laughs. "Well no wonder, your ugly shouldn't see the outside world." She smirks at her insult, this should at least get some sort of reaction out of him.
The blind fold was fixed the way she liked it. She looked up at the man then leaned to the right looking at the others. " Who are you suppose to be...our giude'
Xavier shrugs with a smile on his face. "Pretty much. I'm here to tell you your missions when you need me to and to get you back on track when you're going wrong." That was basically his job summed up but he did leave out a couple of things about him that didn't matter as much.
She stood back up putting her hands in her pockets. " Alright then...do I just walk over there and introduce myself or..what"
Xavier looks over at the others then back to Tier. "That would probably be the best idea, since they are the ones you're going to be with for a while on your journey."
She nodded her head then walked past him toward the group. She stopped a few feet away from them and coughed befoe talking. " Hey....My names tier and I will be working with yall".
Jessica's head snapped over to look at the new girl who just joined them. She gave her a small smile and shyly waves to her. "H-hello..." She won't make eye contact with Tier though. "I-I'm Jessica... It's n-nice to m-meet you."
No one in sight eh? This was getting boring, not enough death for me. I continued to walked along and saw the man I was looking for, the sorceror. I looked up at him and noticed his staff, scary shit there. "Hey Ch'lottorath, point to me to a warrior now. I'm not here for small talk or anything, just give me somewhere a warrior is now and I'll be gone." I wasn't here to joke around, I needed to kill, this blood is getting to stale for my..taste.
"Haha, even better then!" Helbrecht roared in jubilation at the vampire's insult, before turning his head towards her, a bright grin on his disgusting face, unheeding for the fact that he was now running without actually seeing where he ran "In any case, I could either keep running around here with you to keeping on spitting your venom at me, or we could actually get something done, your decis-", before being, predictably, cut off as he ran straight into a wall.

Without slowing down, his terrifying strength had him break through, his bulk protecting the vampire from most of the harm "-ion, really, I would prefer-", again, he crashed directly into one of the obsidian-walls, decorated with loads of skulls "- it really to go on a glorious ADVENTURE!"
she turned her head toward the girl that waved. She smiled back. ' how are you". It scared most people that she had a blind fold on but it helped making your other senses stronger So she didn't mind what others said.
Lyra looked at Helbrecht incredulously. "You're crazy." She shook her head at him and sighed then looked around to see where they were at the moment. "Fine, just take a right here and keep going straight until you get to a door then turn left." She looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "You do know where your right and left are, right?"

Jessica shifted her weight uncomfortably and looked at Tier shyly, "I-I'm fine.. H-how are you?" She looked around at the others.
"I'll help if you don't mind." She smiled thinking about the best route to take to get to the main herd.
Jessica watched the new girl curiously, she wondered why she was wearing a blindfold, she didn't seem to need it yet she still wore it. She must have her reasons however so she didn't ask. She then looks over at the both of them and, not wanting them to do all the work says, "I-I can go too, if-if that's ok..."
"Ohohohoho, vampire, calling me crazy? Perhaps, you should just for once-" for a moment, Helbrecht thought about just pretending to be as stupid as the vampire obviousely thought him to be, but decided that, in the long run, it just wasn't worth it, as such he simply took her directions, approaching the equivalent of an exit from the truly evil lair, a massive portal set in the obsidian, decorated with skeletal figures, flanked by the sorcerer's evil minions who stared at the newcomers with empty, beguiled eyes "- ask yourself: What sense is there to be sane -" without pause, Helbrecht ran through the portal, over a bridge underneath which boiling magma flowed in a river "- in a world, -", before finally emerging from the volcano in which the evil lair was hidden "- ruled by madness?"

Before their eyes a wide, open wasteland of charred, blackened earth, populated by the sorcerer's failed experiments, mutant aberrations, and darkfallen scavengers loomed.

"Want to go on foot, or do you want to carry me for a change?" Helbrecht asked her, giving her his most charming of facial expressions, which made him actually look just more bestial.
"I know these woods from front to back. If you really want to hunt the biggest heard is north east from here. There hiding in the tall grass and the pine tress." She started to walk through the along with the others smiling. "I'll go by the trees since its faster."
Silently she jumped through the trees listening to the movement of the animals. She came to a fast hault as she looked down pointing, " There they are".
Lyra shudders at the thought of carrying such a large creature then pats his shoulder. "You wish, Ugly" this seemed to be the only thing she really calls him and his new nickname from her. She then jumps out of his grasp now that they had slowed down a bit then landed a couple feet in from of him. She then brushing her clothes off with a grossed out look on her face.

Jessica watched as they left. She had offered to go with so they wouldn't have to do all the work but it seemed like they didn't want her to go also. She simply stayed in the clearing and walked over and sat down, leaning against a nearby tree, trying to relax while still keep all thee others in her line of sight.
Noting her spite, Helbrecht merely commented "Get used to it, and do not think I am any less disgusted of myself than you are of me.", before averting his gaze, back to the horizon, where far in the distance mountains loomed "Now, the quest, what do you want to look for first? I am certain we can find a rattlesnake around here, even if it is probably quite oversized, a unicorn in some of those 'ancient forest' things, giants are in the mountains and a shark... we need to find a port town for a ship with which to drive out onto the sea or something like that. So, what do you choose?"

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