Elder World

As she sniffed over the forest she gathered informatiin about it. The forest held mostly dear and a few hare. there was a bear by the river not to far from here. Theres mainly pine trees and a few maple.She sniffed more looking over toward the entrance. Only a few people came through here but it isnt visited by many.
Xavier nodded, allowing the information sink in for John. His head then rises a little as a vision flashes in his mind. Once it passes he looks around the clearing with interest and a smile comes onto his face once again. "Speaking of of the other Warriors... One is about to come by here soon."
She filled up on information and nodded as she grabbed hold of the man branch then slid down. A smile crept on her face as she was sliding down , twirling around the tree. As she continued she opend her mouth cetching an apple and eating it. She touches ground and finishes the apple as she begins to make her way north.
Venn sat up, he was taller than Jessica even when she was kneeling, he found this quite interesting. He gave her a lopsided grin before another small hiccup erupted a black cloud up into the sky, "Yeah I'm okay, I just hope these hiccups stop or I'm gonna get a sore throat." He looked over at Xavier and John for a moment, but then swiftly got to his feet and extended his hand towards Jessica, "Need help up?" With gentle eyes he looked down at her hoping she wasn't too skittish to grab his hand momentarily.
Jessica's personality went back to normal a bit when he sat up and then stood. She glanced at his hand for a brief moment then up to his face with a haunted look in her eye but quickly shook her head, Venn was a nice person and wouldn't do anything mean. She lightly took his head and pulled herself up. Once she was standing she looked down at the ground, biting her lip. "Um, thanks." She spoke kind of quietly
Ch'lottorath sat upon a throne of human bones, hooded head resting in his hand, the other swirling a goblet filled with an unknown liquid. Hovering in front of him was a crystal orb, filled with the souls if the damned and revealing great secrets to him.

"So, it's all coming to fruition. Yes, this all works quite nicely indeed." he said to the dark room around him. He caused his tome to hover in front of him, flipping through thousands of pages as the runes began to glow. "Now, what gift shall I bestow upon them? Helbrecht, fetch me Lyra"

Ch'lottorath sat upon a throne of human bones, hooded head resting in his hand, the other swirling a goblet filled with an unknown liquid. Hovering in front of him was a crystal orb, filled with the souls if the damned and revealing great secrets to him.

"So, it's all coming to fruition. Yes, this all works quite nicely indeed." he said to the dark room around him. He caused his tome to hover in front of him, flipping through thousands of pages as the runes began to glow. "Now, what gift shall I bestow upon them? Helbrecht, fetch me Lyra"
With a grunt, a scowl on his warped face, the massive form of Helbrecht, at the command of the sorcerer, set himself into motion, leaving the adequately-ornate room, walking through twisted corridors lined with the wizard's paused, failed and on-going experiments, in search of the rather elusive she-vampire. To this he had, apparently, been demoted, a simple messenger!

"LYRA! LYRAAAA!!" the gargantuan being's growling shouts echoed through the halls and corridors of the Sorcerer's lair, his voice akin to metal scratching on metal, his heavy steps heralding his ongoing search "WHERE ARE YOU, DAMNIT!"
Lyra rolls her eyes at the beast's shouting. "I'M COMING!! Just shut up you idiot!" She groaned and walked through the twisting hallways toward him. Once she made it close enough to see him she did her customary look of disgust at him. "I swear you get uglier every time I see you..." This was the same hint she would say every time she saw him, she didn't care if it angered or annoyed him, that was what made it fun. She placed her hands on her hips and smirked at Helbrecht.
While many others of his trade would have been at the very least felt challenged and enraged at the insults, Helbrecht merely grinned, revealing two rows of murderousely sharp, filed teeth as he spoke "The Sorcerer wants to see you, I suggest you get moving.", one bone-plated thumb pointed back the way he had come from.
Lyra crosses her arms and looks like she's pouting. "You're no fun." She would have much feather had someone who would at least get angry by her comment. It was not at all entertaining when the person she makes fun of or insults gives her no reaction. She sighs then grimaces. "Do you think what he wants to see me about has anything to do with those brats beating me, do you?"
"Lyra" Ch'lottorath said as the vampire entered the room. A bright light shone from the ceiling, beams illuminating only the sorceror's chair and the girl herself.

"I'm wondering what to summon for these adventurers." he said. "I'm currently tied between Gomorrah and Hekatoncheir. Your thoughts?"
"You are not amusing me either. Put on some armor, girl, get some muscle on those ribs of yours, carry at least ten skulls of defeated enemies with you, I will get the white-hot iron bar and we can start having fun." he growled, following her as he spoke, before returning to the matter at hand "As to the warriors who you so readily admit to have defeated you, it is to my knowledge that you are not the weakest of opponents one can encounter, thus it makes me curious enough to ask: Are they powerful?" there was a slight gleam in his inhuman, red-glowing eyes as he asked his question.
Lyra smirks as she enters the room. "Well, Hekatoncheir is always an interesting fight." It truly was and she wanted to see those warriors fight it. Once she answered the Sorcerer's question she turned her head back to Helbrecht to answer his question. " They have a witch on their side and this one girl, she may seem helpless but... She can do this thing, she can access your memories or something it's just..." She shivered at the thought and she had a haunted look on her gas as she spoke. The memory that Girl brought back to her was the worst she could think of and she made her re-live it. For that Lyra vowed to make her pay.
She continued walking north stretching out her hands as she put them behind her head.She slid from side to side in a playful manner humming a tune she made. She sniffed the air to tell her where to go as she dodged and walked around tress, hoping and walking over the rocks in the woods.
"If you are afraid of your memories, then you are simply weak." Helbrecht stated, matter-of-factly, with some disgust in his voice "Rage, determination, desperation, all that yes, but fear? You might as well be afraid of the air you breathe!"

Turning back to the Sorcerer, noting the intricate movements of his fingers as he conducted one of his usual, cowardish spells, the massive demon spoke up "Why are you not just sending both of the beasts? In fact, why do you not just send us all? Crush the enemy, have their offspring grow up in hate, so that they too may one day walk the path of their parents, letting their hate guide them to become worthy challenges?"
Lyra glares at Helbrecht, she was not weak. It-it just messed with her head is all it was. "Shut up you big ugly beast." She told him angrily and spitefully used her venom burn on him a bit. He was so much about strength and being the strongest that he rarely talked of something that didn't have anything to do with it. She didn't like being told she was weak or less powerful than others and she clenched her fists in anger at his comments about her.
The gargantuan berserker gave a slight growl as the venom seeped into his system, before turning back around to the she-vampire "I am used to pain, vampire, do not waste both our time, there is glorious battle to be had! Sorcerer-" he turned back to the evil overlord in question "- how are the chosen warriors of this world faring?"
Lyra rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. She knew her venom burn wouldn't hurt him as much as it does to others, she mostly did it out of spite and the whole 'it's the thought that counts' sort of thing. "Whatever..." She grumbles. She may be evil and one of the trusted followers of the great Sorcerer but she still acted very childish and was almost proud of this. She then looked toward the Sorcerer to see his answer, she was definitely curious about this too.
Raven looked around at his fellow Chosen. They all seemed so different, he silently wondered how they would function as a team. They would have to, if they were to fight the Sorceror like Xavier said, but it certainly wouldn't be an easy task. He was curious about Jessica, though. The shy girl seemed to catch his interest somehow.
"Because summoning that many demons at once would kill us all and possibly collapse the universe into a singularity, removing all of Creation from existence." Ch'lottorath X'ncrorax answered the behemoth. "Also, I want them alive for later. And thirdly, it would be supremely boring to merely kill them all at once." the pages stopped turning.
She continued to walk humming her little tune. walking by a group of kids sniffing there scent. Before walking off she stopped turnning her head sniffing again." ...so what i smelled werent deer but people...a grouo here in these woods."
Because he wanted to find out more about Jessica, Raven moved ever so slightly closer to her, hoping he wouldn't make her too nervous. "So, Jessica... where are you from?" he asked as he leaned against a tree near her.
As Eve flipped through her spellbook,she looked at everybody else,"I thought I would just warn you,but there is a human female in the forest."She groaned as she looked back at her spellbook,as a breeze blew through,making her lose her page.
Lyra smirked and stuck her toy the out at Helbrecht. "Yeah, duh. What a stupid idea." She made fun of him to get back at Helbrecht for insulting her earlier.

Xavier looked to where Tier was nearby. "Tier! Will you come here please?" He used his friendliest voice so he wouldn't freak her out too much. He new she would eventually come over but he didn't know when or how he would convince her to.

Jessica jumped slightly at the sound of his voice then looked over to him shyly. "Oh, u-um, I'm from the town of Paxhaven... How about you?" She quickly changed the subject over to him.
"Children, stop fighting" the robed figure said as the book slammed shut, still hovering in the air. The goblet disappeared in a blast of eldritch fire. "I am an overlord, not some grandpappy here to give you a pacifier every time you act up. Now, I'll need one of you to fetch me a few things for the next summoning. I'll need the liver of a unicorn, a shark's intestines, the kidneys of a rattlesnake, and a giant's tears. I don't care how you get them, just do it."

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