Elder World

Raven saw another person, the young man who was with Jessica, leaning against a tree. "Hey, care to join us?" he asked, giving him a small wave. Then he began talking to Jessica again. "So, that guy (summoner)... did he come to you, too?" he asked curiously.
John had simply stood where he was,not showing any sign of taking any part in this. Like before he was waiting for this to pass over though that didn't seem to be happening,he tried to think of something but nothing came to mind. All he knew was that no one popped up and spoke to him until he met that girl,which he found her and wasn't the other way around. So he had nothing to do with this,right?
Venn pushed himself off the tree and walked over to stand near Jessica, but he gave her enough space so she didn't feel crowded. He put his hand out for Raven to shake, "The names Venn." He stifled a small yawn and then gave a lopsided grin to the newest member.
Jessica automatically leans away from Venn and continuously scans her surroundings, paying closer attention to the males but not passing over Eve, just because she feared guys more didn't mean that she did not view females as a possible threat also. She rarely seemed to not be observing all that was around her out of fear for the unknownShe looked at John with curiosity, he had not sad not done very much as she wondered why this was.
John noticed Jessica looking at him and just glared,then quickly snapping his gaze away from her with his arms crossed. Seemed he wasn't forgotten of yet and he saw that as a problem,aren't the ones that are quiet and stay away the ones that are forgotten? Well it wasn't working out for him and he didn't know why,he might as well forget getting out of here. He looked over at the trees lining the clearing as if in a daze he sighed,something was familiar about all this but he couldn't remember what.
Jessica flinches under John's glare and shrinks into herself, quickly looking down in fear. Judging by the way he had acted before, she wasn't very prepared for his harsh glare when she was looking at him but that was just the reminder she needed to never assume that someone will always act the same as before. She wondered what she did that could earn her such a look and she shifted uneasily. Maybe she was looking at him wrong or he didn't like it when she looked at him simply because she looked at him, this wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened so it must be the reason. She decided then that she would stay away from him so he wouldn't be angry.
Raven grinned. Venn seemed like a decent person and someone he could trust. He took Venn's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, Venn. I can't wait to work together with you!"
Xavier flew above them, above the trees as he watched the warriors with his arms crossed. A smile tugs at his lips because they all managed to meet each other at the appointed time which to them, had simply seemed random. He had been observing them all since they first reached the clearing and was pleased that that they were able to defeat the first of the Sorcerer's minions, Lyra. However, now he needed to direct them further. Xavier sighs then flies down to the group, reaching the ground and walking over to them all. "Well, now that you've all met you can begin your journey." He looks at each of the warriors and his mouth forms a small smile. "Are you ready?"
John looked at the new stranger,what was he talking about? John never knew of a journey he had to take with these people,and he was sure he never agreed to ether. He then thought about this,he did want something to do before and this seemed to come right after. It just saved him time to find something,it was true that this was better then wandering around. He shrugged his shoulders and figured this might not be so bad,hopefully.
Xavier suddenly remember he had yet to speak with Jon about him being a chosen warrior, he had seemed so busy before. He slapped his hand to his forehead in annoyance at this and faces the man. "Oh right! You are a hard man to find, Jon." He smiles chuckles a bit, at least he's already met the others so he won't think he's crazy like all the others did. Xavier walked over and placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Well, at least now you won't think I'm crazy."
Venn smiled at Raven and then drew his hand back into his pockets. As Xavier started to speak to them Venn kept quiet and just listened, which was an easy thing for him to do. For a moment, he cleared his throat and another ball of black smoke erupted from his mouth. He patted his chest lightly then stuck his tongue out like a dog as another puff escaped his lips. "What the hell..." Covering up his awkward expression eh closed his mouth and looked up at the clouds like nothing had happened. It was likely he hadn't digested enough flames to keep him energized for a long period of time, he had only eaten five small flames during the fight. He nodded, mostly to himself, since he knew why all the black smoke was clogging his throat. "I'll fix the problem later...now I should just shut up and listen." Glancing back over at Xavier, composure now written on his face, he listened more intently than before.
Jessica looked over at Venn curiously when the smoke first started erupting from him. She couldn't help but giggle quietly at his expression when he stuck his tongue out. She then quickly bit her lip and put her hand over her mouth, trying to silence her laugh. She knew she should be paying attention to what Xavier was saying but he was speaking with Jon so she simply kept an eye on him, making sure she kept a good distance between them. She looked away with a small smile on her face, trying not to laugh again.
The composure faltered slightly as he saw Jessica giggling from the corner of his eye. Before he could ponder over it anymore he felt another ball of smoke roll up his throat, and he quickly put his tongue out again so it would escape and not choke him. As it blew into the air his stomach rumbled. He face palmed regretting not eating enough and he wasn't too keen on doing it now in front of everyone. Slumping down onto a nearby stump he could feel more smoke come up his throat. After only a few minutes several balls of blackness erupted form his mouth and blew up into the noonday sun. He was used to it, but it never happened so frequently, "Maybe the fight is what is causing this?" Suddenly, hiccups of black smoke escaped his lips and his eyes widened in embarrassment.
Jessica couldn't stop herself from giggling more at him as the smoke continues to roll out of his mouth. She tried to stop herself because she could tell he was embarrassed but he just seemed too humorous and she couldn't stop. All she succeeded in doing was remaining quiet as she did so. Her only hope was that he wouldn't be angry at her laughing at him.
Looking over at Jessica he also began to chuckle slightly, he could only imagine how he looked right now, "Probably like an awkward dog." He smiled and scratched the back of his neck. The hiccups were rolling out still, but they seemed to have slowed down enough to where he could actually talk. "I probably look ridiculous huh?" He really hope he didn't though that would totally be uncool.
Jessica bites her lip and looks over at him. "O-oh, um, n-no. It's just.. Um..." She wasn't sure what she should say as an answer to that. He actually did look pretty funny but she wasn't about to tell him that. "I'm-I'm laughing at something else..." Another puff of smoke hiccuped from him, causing her to laugh again, thus ruining that excuse. "Um, s-sorry..." She apologized for her laughing at him and looked away.
Venn gave her a lopsided grin, his eyes scrunching up in the process making him look like a little kid. "It's okay! I know I look like a goofball right now. This whole smoke thing happens when I'm not energized enough..." He was surprised when a few more large smoke balls puffed out causing him too fall back of the stump and landing on the dirt with a loud 'THUMP'. Chuckling softly he rubbed the back of his neck with his eyes averted to the ground in embarrassment. ​"Nice going cool guy that was so lame!"
John put his hand on the man's wrist and pushed his hand off his shoulder,"Well so far I think this is all crazy so I wouldn't be surprised if you were,and the name's John by the way..."He crossed his arms back as he looked at the man,this must be the one the others were talking about.The one that told them about this,though seems like he was going to tell him so John didn't hold it against him. He didn't know he was hard to find since he had been in this opening for a while now before everyone else,but the man was here now and he was sure he'd find out what was going on now and if he was even suppose to be here.
Jessica giggles at the face he made then full out laughs when he falls off of the stump he was sitting on. She covers her mouth with her hand and tries to stop her laughter. She walks over to him, not really thinking about thins action and bends down a little bit next to him. "A-are you ok?" Unlike her normal stuttering from nervousness or fear, this time she did so because of her laughter she was trying to quiet. This whole time she wasn't really thinking of her normal fears, she was simply caught up in the humor of the moment which was a rare occasion for her since she always seemed to be afraid of something at all times, except now.

Xavier let him push his hand off, still with a half-smile on his face. He then put his hands up to show him backing off. So this man was just as cranky as he seemed. "Well, John, I'm not crazy, I just seem like it at times." He nods to the other warriors. "At least that's what they all thought when I spoke with them for the first time." He shrugs. "Anyway, I've been meaning to find you but... well I got distracted. So, I assume you know about the Sorcerer who seeks to take control, am I correct?" Xavier crosses his arms as he waits for John's answer.
Out in the forest rustiling could be heard. Leaves were falling and branches snapped.The girl was climbing a tall oak tree.As she grabbed each branch her movement was as if she resembked a monkey. Her goal was to get to the top and to scan the area. She grabbed ahold of one branch useing her body to swing forward letting her swing up onto the branch. She held onto two hands on it. she jumped up grabbkng ahold of the next one keeping up with this motion.
Venn nodded and sat up so he was a little taller than her, even when she was kneeling. "I sure hope these hiccups stop soon, I'm gonna get a dry throat." As he finished speaking a small hiccup exited out a tiny puff of smoke that flew up into the clouds. Chuckling he stood up and put his hand out for jessica so he could help her up. Waiting for her to take it he looked over curiously as John spoke, but shrugged and smiled down at Jessica
John nodded at his question."Yes,I know him all to well...Should I guess where your getting at with this or let you continue?..."He had a very good idea on what was going on now after that little hint,he may not remember much but he couldn't forget that Sorcerer. John couldn't help but think about it now that he brought it up,though he snapped back into reality fast.
Jessica's personality went back to normal a bit when he sat up and then stood. She glanced at his hand for a brief moment then up to his face with a haunted look in her eye but quickly shook her head, Venn was a nice person and wouldn't do anything mean. She lightly took his head and pulled herself up. Once she was standing she looked down at the ground, biting her lip. "Um, thanks." She spoke kind of quietly.

Xavier nodded, still keeping a grin on his face. "Well, you are one of the select few who's job it is defeat him. You've already met the others." He glances at the warriors who were around them, "Well, most of them anyway. Some a still to come but I'll talk about that later." He waves his hand dismissively. "Each of the Chosen warriors were selected by Fate to join together and fight the Sorcerer, you're the only ones who can. But, you have a long journey ahead of you, not one simple path you must follow, there will be many twists and turns along the way and it's up to you to decide where you should go." As he spoke the smile faded from his face and he became serious, he may have had to repeat this speech for each of the warriors but that did not take away from the meaning behind it for Xavier.
She finally reached the topp as she sat on the tip that had a platform of leaves. She looked around sniffing out the air.Her Tiel green hair moving sideways due to the brush of wind. She scratches at her blind fold then holding it as she remembers her past.Her nose picks up a few scents but to her they dont seem hostile thry could just be a heard if animals. She shrugged it of as she git her knives from her waist and began to outline tbe details .
John thought so,seemed he was right about what was going on.He smiled,he was happy that he was one chosen for this.He wouldn't miss this for anything in the world,and he knew it wouldn't be easy but he had been ready for that. And what the man said was true,he was going to make sure he remembered it. The only thing that he hadn't seem coming was working with others,though it wouldn't be much of a problem if they didn't cause any.

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