Elder World

Eve looked at the two and started to process the information,then began to flipped through her spellbook,"Hmmmm...ahhhh,here it is!"She squeaked with delight,as her eyes sparked with energy an a orb enveloped Lyra,"Byebye."She said with a giggle,as the orb disappeared.Eve had used a teleportation on Lyra that would send her who knows where,but she did know that it was a long way away from the group of Chosen Warriors.She turned to Venn and Jessica,"Do you guys need me to heal you?"She asked them concern in her voice as she rushed over to tend to their wounds.
Jessica shies away from him as he approaches then instinctively flinches when he grabs her to help her up but quickly shakes her head at this and hopes he didn't notice. She still remains wary of him but smiles gratefully at the help up. Once she is standing she tries to break away from him and stay up on her own but her legs quickly start to give out on her causing her to automatically grab onto the closest thing to her: Venn. Her eyes widen at this and she looks away from him but no longer tries to move out of his grip, now knowing that she can't stand on her own. At the offer for him to help her she looks at them both and shock briefly flashes in her eyes before she quickly hides it and nods with a small smile. "Um, thanks, could you do that for me... p-please?" She stutters out as her eyes glance up to meet his then they look to Eve for a short moment before she looks down again, unwilling to make and keep eye-contact with either of them. Since Venn put the whip on his belt loop she continues to glance at it uneasily and stays as far away as she can while still using him to help her stay up. She swallows the lump in her throat nervously but this just causes the cut on her throat to sting briefly.
Venn watched as Eve transported Lyra somewhere far away, well he hoped it was far, he then looked at Eve at her request for help and smiles, "Maybe your healing way would be less painful since mine has to do with fire." He held onto Jessica tighter when her legs almost buckled beneath her. For the adolescent he was just helping out a fellow Warrior, but he could tell there was something in Jessica's past that made her weary of others, male or female. His skin pulsed with a small amount of heat and his face flushed, he sure hoped Jessica didn't feel that it wouldn't be good if he freaked her out in her fragile state now. His head shook softly and he ignore his rising temperature skin for the moment, focusing solely on Eve and Jessica.
Eve smiled as she took a slow stride over to them,while a light dome enveloped,"Stay still please."She said with a soothing voice,that was like candy to a person's ears.The light flickered with brilliants,as their wounds were slowly being healed and closed.As their cuts and stabs were closed,she dropped down to her knees with a sigh of exhaustion.Healing people was not easy,and she was not the best at it,but she could low-level healing like this,"There,your cuts should be healed!"She cheered with a smile,as she looked up at them
Jessica watched her her carefully and with amazement at the dome and the rapid healing of her wounds. Once Eve was done she looked over her legs and felt for the cut on her throat, but, finding nothing, she smiles she is about to thank this girl for healing her but, seeing her fall Jessica quickly kneels down next to her and goes to put her arm on the girl's back but stops herself and her arm falls at her side. She looks at her with concern, "A-are you ok?" She asks hesitantly.
Venn scrunched his nose up at the light dome, but after Eve was done he simply looked at the stab wound from earlier. It had heal completely without any harsh burn marks. He smiled, ready to thank Eve until had fallen to the floor. Before he could hurriedly catch her though Jessica had already faltered to her aid. Although she did not reassure her with a warm pat she did ask if she was alright.
Eve only sighed with relief,"Yes,I'm.This happens when I heal others."She explained to them with with small as she regained her composure,and semi-staggered to her feet,without much trouble.She looked at the both of them,"Are wounds fully healed?"She asked with concerned in her voice,and not much confidence in her healing ability.She closed her spellbook and latched on to her hip.
Jessica watched her stand, being sure she doesn't fall again then, when she was sure she was fine, she too slowly rose to her feet and glances over her legs to double check that she was healed. Upon this closer inspection she realized that even her wounds from before she was attacked just now were also healed. She looked over her legs in amazement then up to the girl in fron of her with a small smile. "Yes, I'm all healed, even my wounds from before seem to be gone." She told her comfortingly. "Thank you-" She was about to say this girl's name but suddenly realized with a feeling of dread that she didn't know her name. "U-um, I-I'm sorry but I d-don't know you name." She stuttered out apologetically. She then wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold and looked away but glanced back to the girl.
Venn burped suddenly and a cloud of black smoke exited his mouth, "'Scuse me..." A sly smiled played at his lips and he decided to lean up against the nearest tree and wait until the girls were fully acquainted. It would be rather use of him if he interrupted. He crossed his arms over themselves and stifled a small yawn. That had been quiet the adventure and Venn could feel his energy diminishing with every second. He could absorb more fire, but he wasn't allowed to do that very often in a small twenty-four hour window. Firstly, it didn't cooperate with his diet and secondly he still wasn't used to the burning sensation it gave his skin. He pushed himself out of his thoughts and raked his eyes around the surrounding area in case anyone else decided to come and say hello.
Eve thought about it for a moment,"Oh dear,your correct."She said with a smile,then did a slight bow,"My name is Eve Dreyer,of the Kitsune Dreyer clan."She said with a smile,as she looked Jessica in the face.She tapped her spellbook,"I also happened to be half witch,so I can use all kinds of magic."She explained to her,what she hoped,new friend.She held out her hand,"Nice to meet you..."She said trailed off waiting for her to reply with her own name.
Jessica looked over at Venn when he burps and her head jerks back slightly in shock from seeing the cooud if smoke come from his mouth. she then turns back to Eve when she begins to speak again and smiles at her then nodded back when Eve bowed to her. When she trailed off she remembered that she too didn't give her name. Her eyes widen as she thought of this and stumbled out, "Oh! Um, my-my name is Jessica Ashlynn. S-sorry, i completely forgot to introduce myself!" She blushes in embarrassment at this and swiftly shakes her hand. She then quickly pulls her hand back to her side shyly.
Venn decided to speak up to the girls, "The name is Venn Knightingdale, although I believe I already introduced myself to Jessica." He smiled towards her and nodded in a polite manner. His elbow pushed his body off of the tree and then he walked up to Eve with his hand outstretched. "Nice too meet you miss." He bowed his head slightly and gave a cheeky grin. He was having much fun talking with the girls.. it was like he had friends or allies whichever works best. Suddenly, his mind whirled back around with Lyra and where she had gone, but not wanting to be rude or seem like he is questioning Eve's powers he simply ignored his thoughts and focused on there and now.
Jessica stays where she is then looks up at Venn when he says her name but doesn't make eye contact and smiles slightly but then immediately goes back to looking at the ground shyly and keeps her arms wrapped around herself. She seemed to do this every time she felt very shy and wanted to shrink into herself, away from whatever or whoever was around her. These people did help her and they were very kind but she still felt uneasy around them and continued to watch them both warily, but she mostly seemed cautious about Venn, despite the fact that he helped save her moments ago.

She glanced up at them both and spoke, "Sh-should we get back to the o-others now?" She asked, personally, she did not want to do so because she disliked being around so many people but she knew that they probably should, they must be curious as to why they are gone. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited for their replies.
Raven had been resting in a nearby tree, but the noise from the fight caused him to wake up. Rubbing his eyes, he mumbled to himself, "What was all that about?" Curious, he leapt from one tree to another toward the direction the noises were coming from. By the time he had gotten there, the fight seemed to be over, but he did see a young woman. (Jessica) Who's that? he thought.
Jessica hears the branches from the trees rustle under Raven's weight. At first she ignores it, thinking it is just a couple birds who decided to come back to the nearby trees since the fight was over but then the rustling continues from one tree to another moving closer to them. It's nothing, just birds... But birds aren't that heavy to cause so much noise... And it's coming closer... She thought to herself and immediately stiffens then looks around at the nearby trees to find the cause of the noise. "W-who's there?" She asks, frightened.
Raven silently curses himself for being discovered. Normally he was much better at stealth than that. Figuring there was no reason to hide, he leapt off of the branch and landed on the ground perfectly before straightening himself out. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," he told the woman sincerely. "I thought I heard fighting coming from around here. Are you alright?"
Jessica lets out a startled shriek when he suddenly jumps down before her and stumbles back a few steps in fear. She quickly quiets herself and watches him with wide eyes. "Uh-um, yeah... Th-there was a fight here a couple m-minutes ago but sh-she's gone now and we're all h-healed." She spoke very softly while trembling slightly. She swallows nervously and avoids eye contact as she speaks.
Raven smiles, happy that she appears to be unharmed. "That's good to hear," he says. "So what brings you out here? This forest isn't exactly the safest place in the world."
She shrinks away from him, hopefully without his notice and fiddles with the strap of her maga as on her back uneasily. "Oh, um... I-I was... L-looking for some p-people..." She says and weakly motions toward Venn. She didn't want to say anything about the chosen warriors yet because she remembers the girl from the clearing talking of the Sorcerer's followers maybe hearing like before and he might be one too. So she instead just remains vague. She glances up at him for a brief moment before looking away quickly.
Raven sits down on a rock, hoping that this wouldn't frighten her nearly as much. "I see. That's funny; I'm looking for a few people myself," he says in a friendly tone of voice. "If you don't mind my asking, what's your name? I'm Raven, a Ranger of the Wilds."
Jessica bit her lip nervously but isn't as stuff the further he got away but she continued to watch him carefully no matter what. "O-oh, my-my name is J-Jessica Ashlynn..." She said softly. She glanced at him curiously, wondering who he could be looking for too. "I-if you don't mind me asking... B-but who are y-you looking for?" She asked him, unsure if he was ok with her question.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Ashlynn," he says politely. Raven glances off to the side and scratches the back of his head. "Uh, this is gonna sound weird, but... I'm searching for people called the Chosen Warriors. I don't suppose you know who any of them are, would you?" he asks sheepishly.
Jessica straightens up and looks over to him and looks into his eyes for the first time in surprise. "R-really? Y-you were looking for the ch-chosen w-warriors too?" She asks then tucks some loose hair behind her ear shyly. She licks her lips nervously then glances back and forth between him and the ground. "W-well... Y-you found them- I-I mean, s-some of them..." She reaches one arm up and grabs her other which is still hanging by her side, unsure. She wasn't sure if she should have just told him this but he seemed nice... Her mind flashed to an old memory and she realized her mistake, she should have been more cautious... after all, she should know more than anyone else that just because a guy looks and seems good, he may not be. This didn't mean she trusted him at all- that would definitely take much longer for her to begin to trust him at all; she still didn't feel all that comfortable around Venn and Eve and they just saved her life minutes ago. She desperately hoped that he too was a chosen warrior and not a random stranger or... a-a supporter of the Sorcerer... She shuddered at the thought, she had just gotten out of a fight and if another started now... She bites her lip and shivers slightly at this.
Raven tilts his head, a concerned expression on his face. "Are you sure you're alright? You seem nervous," he says. "But if you're one of the Chosen, then I'm glad I ran into you. To be honest, I thought that that man coming up to me and saying that I was a Chosen Warrior was just a strange dream. Seems I was wrong."
Her eyes widen slightly when he asks if she's alright, normally she was able to hide her fear around others but apparently she was getting worse with all these new people and circumstances arising around her. She quickly shakes her head and won't look over to him. "I-it's nothing..." A ghost of a smile appears on her face at the rest of what he says. "Oh, ok. I think that's how most people felt about him coming to us..."

(btw, now the Summoner is a boy, I changed it from the original rp)

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