Elder World

(Why didn't you tell me they were in a forest back when I was asking where everyone was? -.- Before I wrote a four paragraph post saying that my character was in a town. Now I'm going to have to delete that hard work and make a new one.)
(([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]: Except that it would really not be hard to just handwave that your character stayed with the others and was merely silent until now.))
(that could work,though that would state he's worthless and just watches everything xD I rather say he got lost.)
(([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]: It is certainly your decision, you can also use that 'having gone lost' thing to team up with Metronome's characters, which, I am certain, would help him quite a deal. Just saying.))
@Unwavering Knight oh, sorry! I totally forgot, I started it then was too busy to finish...

Lyra looks up at the giant skeleton with wide eyes, amazed at it's size the fact that it's just sitting there on a kind of stone chair. Then a large smile grows on her face, "That is one of the greatest and strangest things I have ever seen." She runs over to the corpse and starts climbing up the stone it was resting on. Once she reached the top she simply stood there, looking around and enjoying the sight of everything from such a high perspective.

She was able to see the entire mountain she and Helbrecht were traversing, and from that height it was beautiful in a cold way. The mountains were composed of mostly rock with few patches of grass. The rock was a light gray which reflected the sunlight so it almost blinded her and succeeded in causing Lyra to stumble back from the shock of the light being so bright on her eyes all of a sudden. She fell off of the top/back of the throne onto the skeleton's leg, breaking it and making the rest of the leg go crashing down. "Ow!!" She cried then started rubbing her back in pain. When the bones loudly clattered to the floor in a large cloud of dust she froze and looked over the edge of the throne at them. "Um... That was not supposed to happen..."
"I'm bored." Ch'lottorath stated.

He waved his hands in front of him; six or seven skeletons, wearing rusted armor and weapons assembled themselves before him.

"Go attack those heroes. I want to see something exciting." he said. The warriors saluted in perfect unison before running off in search of their new prey.
Helbrecht, while finding the vampiress's rather sudden increase of cheerfulness in sight of a gargantuan skeleton coupled with sight over the mountains nearby rather... funny, soon found his mind busied with another matter.

His eyes taking on an unfocused gleam, he appeared to stare just into nothingness for a few seconds, before he spoke up again, his inhuman voice echoing over the mountain "Lyra! There is a battle nearby, it is there that we might get what we seek to receive. Come, we must go further upwards." he called out at her, while he moved behind the stone-throne and began to ascend further onto the icy mountainside.
It had been a while since dinner, and Raven was asleep. After a few hours, a noise woke him up and he sat up and looked around. 'Okay, either I'm imagining things, or we're not alone,' he thought as he reached for a throwing knife, just in case.
Instead of sleeping she was sitting by a tree. Her blindfold in her eyes, as her blue mixed with purple eyes scanned the forest. She as listening to each movement.
Raven looked back at the others, most of whom were asleep, and he slipped away, hoping to lure whatever was out there away from the other chosen warriors. Once he was a good distance away, he stopped. "You can come out now," he said, throwing knives in hand in case a fight should break out.

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