Elder World

"Hey, relax. I promise I won't hurt you," Raven says, noticing that she was getting more and more nervous. "I don't look that scary, do I?"

(changed it, thanks future!)
Eve popped up next to Jessica,"No you don't look scary at all,you look handsome to me."Eve spoke casually as she flipped through her spellbook,as she usually do when she is bored or nervous,at the moment she was just bored.She looked at Raven,"Sorry,but Jessica is the shy kind of person."She explained what she knew,just from being near the girl and looking at her aura/chi.
Raven blushes at the "handsome" comment, glancing off to the side. "Ah, I see. I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know," he says, apologizing to Jessica. He really did need to get better at reading people. Then he faces Eve. "I'm sorry miss, I didn't catch your name."
Jessica jumps in surprise when Eve jumps down beside her then mentally sighs in relief at Eve's coming into the conversation, she didn't really like the one-on-one. She subconsciously leaned back, away from him and finally scanned her eyes over him. She hadn't really looked at him before, being to concerned with keeping up a conversation with this new man.
"Oh I'm sorry.I'm Eve Dreyer of the Kitsune Dreyer Clan.I am also a witch,pleased to meet you,Mr.Raven."She said with a simple bow,and smile.She then began to fiddle with her braid,trying to release it so she could let it fall and hang.
"And you as well, Miss Dreyer," Raven says, returnng the bow. He notices that Jessica is looking over him and briefly makes eye contact with her. He then starts talking to Eve again. "So what are you doing way out here? Are you a Chosen, too?" What are you asking that for? It can't be that easy! he thinks shortly after asking.
When Raven catches her looking at him and makes eye-contact she quietly gasps and her eyes widen then she immediately looks back away, mentally berating herself for even looking over to him. Once she hears his question she looks over to Eve out of the corner of her eye to see her answer, she hadn't asked that and was also now curious if she was or not. But, no matter what she constantly kept everyone within her sight out of a now natural precaution for her.
After Eve bowed she had went back to flipping through her spellbook,and when he asked that question,she got a sadistic grin on her face,"Actually I was sent here to kill you all."She croacked,but she couldn't hold as the grin turned into a smile,that giggle.She bursted in laughter,"Hahaha!Just joking,of course I am."She said with her usual straight and shining smile.
Jessica's eyes widen and she stumbles a step back at Eve's first comment about coming to kill them but stops herself as she continues on to laugh and admit her 'joke'. But she did not relax and stayed tense, observing them all from the corner of her eyes while acting as if she's instead looking all around, at the nature surrounding them.
Raven's eyes widened for a second, but when Eve said she was joking, he laughed with her partially out of relief. "Wow, I... really didn't think it'd be this easy," he admitted. "Of course knowing my luck, it's gonna get harder to find the others from here on out. ...Say, is that a spell book?"
Jessica bit her lip and piped up softly, secretly hoping he didn't hear her but she couldn't help herself from correcting him, saying "A-actually, w-w kind of all met a couple minutes ago. F-for some reason we all came t-to the same clearing." She wasn't comfortable around him, but at least she was stuttering less she thought hopefully to herself. The whole time she spoke however, her hands wouldn't stay still and continuously fidgeted with the strap holding her katanas to her back.
"Really?" Raven asked, his eyebrows shooting up. "Sorry I was late for the party, then. Guess I'm a heavier sleeper than I thought," he said as he stretched his arms.
Jessica subconsciously moved away from him slightly when she saw his arms start to go out but caught herself in the process of doing so and stopped herself. "Y-You were asleep?" She cocked her head to the side a little in curiosity, he was sleeping? In the middle of the forrest? Where anyone could attack him? These other warriors seemed to have a lot less fear than she which caused her to be embarrassed and ashamed of herself for being so fearful of... well just about everyone. She sighed silently, momentarily lost in her own thoughts.
Eve flipped her hair and looked up from her spellbook,"Yes,yes it is!I got it from my grandparents.I have to practice everyday or I will get rusty."She explained as she turned to Jessica with a understanding look,"Oh yea,I did see a group of people in a clearing,a few yards back."She continued with a angelic face.
"That's cool, I learned a little magic myself," Raven said, trying not to sound like he was bragging. Then he faced Jessica. "And yes, I was asleep. Up in a tree. I do that a lot, it's very relaxing."
Jessica looked at him with veiled curiosity then looked away and nodded. Of course he would find something relaxing, I bet everyone else would too. She thought sadly to herself. She may be able to sleep outside because she has needed to do so on multiple occasions but only when she knows no one could sneak up on her because if she was caught sleeping outside in her old town people would always become too curious as to why she was doing so and simply out of her learned caution of the unknown. She could never be able to find sleeping outside relaxing, being awake in nature she loved but not being asleep...
Raven shot Jessica another concerned look. I know she says she's fine, but I can tell she's not, he thought. "Hey, Miss Ashlynn," he said, getting her attention. "We may be helping each other in the future, so let me know if something's bothering you, okay? You can tell me anything."
Her eyes flickered over to Raven when he addressed her, "Hm? Oh-um, o-ok..." Jessica nodded hesitantly, automatically shrinking a boit into herself at his concern. Of course she wasn't going to take him up on this, she's learned to take care of herself and not trust anyone but she knew she should just agree anyway. She shook her head inperceptively then looked to him. "Um, s-so you know magic?" She asked, hoping to quickly change the subject.
Raven nodded. "Uh-huh. I know aeromancy and cryomancy. That's about it as far as magic goes for me. Now weapons are a whole other story. I can use a bow, twin daggers, bombs and throwing knives. But enough about my skills. Tell me about yours!"
Jessica becomes glad when he begins talking about himself but this soon deflates as he asks about her. She immediately becomes nervous and won't look at him. "W-well, um... I-I use dream p-projection against my enemies and um, h-have my two katanas... Th-that's really it for m-me..." She trailed off. She wracked her mind for anything else to hopefully get him to talk about and not focus his attention on her as much. She then quickly says the first thing to pop into her head. This seems like a great thing to get him distracted on, she thinks. "S-so what's your story? Um, h-how did you b-become a chosen warrior?"
"Hmm? Oh, well... I actually didn't know about it until a man told me a few days ago," Raven admitted. "One day, I was hunting and he just came up to me, telling me about the sorceror and the Chosen warriors. As I said earlier, I thought the whole thing was a dream. It just seemed too strange to be real... until today, that is. Now I know I'm not completely crazy, anyway!" he finished with a grin.
She nods in acknowledgement to his explanation and the corners of her mouth turn up into a small smile even if it doesn't reach her eyes. "I-it is a v-very strange thing t-to take in..." She told him, when the man had come to her she was terrified and tried to run away, she had just made it out away from her town and he was the first person who knew who she was and that scared her more than any of her fear for people (and men) in general.

(I have to go, I'm about to fall asleep. G'night!)
Venn had been observing the newly trio from the side of the nearby tree. He was still awfully hungry and the chase took a lot of speed out of him. After Raven had come along and mention the word sleep he felt his eyelids go heavy on several occasions, but he managed to burn himself awake each time. Venn knew it was awfully strange to be so laid back about the whole Chosen thing, but to him it was like a huge game. It was like they had wooden swords and were pretending to go slay a dragon. He chuckled to himself at the thought. His eyes raked over the trio and he simply relaxed, leaning up against the tree a little more.

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