Elder World

"I am sure it does." Helbrecht dryly replied "And, would you perhaps have the farthest of notion as to how we could make one of these things cry?"
"Awesome!" He clapped his hands together and smiled at Jessica, "I just need those vines to finish off the little tents. Man being a boy scout all those years back really payed off." Chuckling lightly to himself he looked over at the meat they had gotten and wrinkled his nose. That was definitely not what he was eating, but he would be happy enough too cook it for his friends.
Lyra shrugs, "Oh well I was thinking maybe we tell them a really sad and heartwarming story of how a little blind orphan found her long lost family- we hurt it you idiot!" She snaps at him at the end and rolls her eyes.

Jessica smiles shyly. She then gets up and pulls the vines off from around her shoulders and handed them to Venn. "Do you need any help finishing up the camp? You've already done so much.."
Her stress was rising as they all weren't making any since. she calpped her hand to get evryones attention. The seven men stopped and looked toward her. "how about each of you take a turn talking then decide what to do then come talk to me..your arguments are stupid." The outside noise soon came back as she opend her eyes slightly. She reaches for her blind fold and slides it on.
"That might work, however, I am not an honorless torture-expert and I doubt it would yield less pain and more rage, followed by quite the splat as the giant in question falls off the face of the cliff. Why giants decided to settle in mountains I will never understand..." Helbrecht said, staring thoughtfully into the distance "Perhaps, we should seek out their children, threaten them, thus lure their parents out and kill them before their eyes? That way, we get the tears and vengeful offspring that will live solely to kill us as they grow up to become worthy foes."
Raven took some of the firewood and arranged it before taking out a piece of flint and steel. He struck the steel a few times until the wood caught fire.
Lyra raises an eyebrow at him. "That's your plan?" She laughs. "And you say your not an honorless torturer..." She shakes her head at him amusedly.
"It is my life to accept any challenge that is demanded of me, just as my existence is that of a merciless butcherer." Helbrecht began, fully turning to the vampire now, a stern expression on his inhuman visage "But rest assured, vampire, even amongst hundreds of years of bloodshed and dozens, maybe even equally hundreds of opportunities, I never hurt a child..." his voice trailed off, as his eyes wandered to the medallion attached to his chest, the vampiress may have observed something like a... mournful view in his eyes "Even when I wanted to with all my heart..."

Shaking his head free off the memory, he cast his gaze anew at the vampire "Regardless, vampire, I must ask. It will take at least a few days to reach the mountains... if we traveled by normal means, that is. I can keep running for quite some time, if we both manage to travel at full speed, we might be able to manage the journey in a day, a night and at least one more day. For how long can you keep running?"
Venn shook his head at Jessica, "It's cool. I'm almost done anyway." He reached out and took the vines from her walking towards the little shelters in the process. He strung a thick vine under the top of the shelter and tied the ends on the trees that propped up the wood and leaves. He did this two more times and patted himself on the back, metaphorically, for his great work. Turning back to the fire pit in hopes to light it he caught Raven striking a piece of flint and steel, "Ah wait wait!" It was too late though as the fire wood caught the spark and was engulfed in plain orange flames. Like a little kid Venn groaned and sat on the grass pouting slightly. "Now the fire is gonna taste all metallic..." sticking his tongue out to point down his throat in a vomiting motion he shook his head and laid back on the cool grass with a forced grin on his lips.

Welp, I guess I'll have to just roll with it or make a smaller pit for myself. Feeling tired still he shook his head at the latter. Naw too much work, I'll just deal with it.
Lyra watched Helbrecht confusedly as he spoke. He seemed sad when he spoke of his life which seemed strange to her, he didn't seem like the kind of person who would be doing the things he does unwillingly. She wondered why he was a follower of the Sorcerer anyway, the berserker didn't seem to like him so why would be follow him? She followed him like of sight to the medallion around his neck and curiously looked at it. Where did he get it and why was it so special? Lyra walked over to Helbrecht and looked up at him. He had begun to talk about how to get to the mountains and that it would take a while but she wasn't paying attention. "What do you mean? When would you want hurt a kid? You just said you would never hurt one but you wanted to. A lot. What's the story?"

Jessica nodded unwillingly, she really wanted to help, she was always told that she needed to help and not let others do the work for her and she needed to pull her own weight but he didn't seem to want it. She internally shrugged and walked over to the fire, watching Venn as he finished the camp and mentally took notes, she had never made a camp before and so she wanted to get some ideas for the next time thy would need one. She jumped when he suddenly exclaimed for Raven to stop making a fire and looked at him, confused. "What's wrong? D-don't we need a fire?"
Venn sat back up and gave a cheeky grin towards Jessica, "Yeah you guys do need one for the meat, but I guess I'm just a little picky with my own food." Shrugging he began to pull the dead grass out of the ground and toss it inside the pit. He was used to natural flames, like the ones he created or the ones that catch flame when your rub two sticks together and add oxygen. Last time he tried flint and steel fire he had metal grey smoke exiting his esophagus for weeks. "Yuck.." he muttered to himself as he looked up towards the clouds. It didn't really matter though he couldn't skip anymore meals or put off his food for much longer. If he wasn't energized enough he was just a normal person with a normal life, his flames would catch even if he willed them too.
"Oh" she said and looked toward the flames absentmindedly but still looked at Venn curiously from the corner of her eye. She didn't really understand what he meant about the fire. She wrapped her arms around herself, starting to feel kind of for with the setting sun.
"That is a story, I suppose." Helbrecht noted in answer to the vampire's question "But one that I would prefer not to speak about at this moment, it is, what you would call a 'personal matter'. Perhaps, if I know you better, then maybe. But as it stands, suffice to say that I did all of my evil acts in full knowledge of their evil and never with even a hint of hesitation. I did what I did out of my own, free will, rest assured of that."

Nodding at her, he continued "Now, back to my earlier question, for how long can you run?"
Lyra sighed, she had wanted to know the tale behind him but he won't tell her. She shrugged, "I can run pretty far and for a long time as long as I drink enough blood every once in a while." She motioned toward the giant snake she had just made a meal of. "And with all the blood I just got from this thing I should be good for a while." She turned toward Helbrecht. "What about you? Don't you need to eat, judging by the size of you I'd say a lot too."
"Oh, do not worry about me. I am blessed by the God of Murder to never be in need of eating thus that I may always be able to kill and slaughter. As for sleeping, I do require it from time to time, mostly if I am damaged, but that is not to worry about for this time. As long as I am allowed to committ murder, I am not in need of ordinary sleep. Now, shall we go? To the northeast, the mountains of Lordré lie, within them many fabled beasts, the giants merely some amongst them." Helbrecht concluded, ready to go.
Lyra looked at him, slightly amazed by this, he was truly a killing machine. She wondered how he became this way, he was 'blessed by the god of murder' but she didn't how that could have come about. She really wanted to aks but Helbrecht was seemed to be the type of person who like to keep their past just that: the past. She then looked over to where they shall journey to next and sighed. "All right, I'm ready. Let us get this quest going!" She finished with a smile. Lyra was actually looking forward to the rest of this quest, it has been exciting enough already and it can only get better.
"I see you are finally growing into the spirit of this journey. Do keep it up, I am curious as to see whether or not your enthusiasm perseveres." Helbrecht commented, almost cheerfully, as he set himself into motion, to the northeast, a trail of dust and clouds of whirled up sand left in the wake of the vampiress and the berserker, onto a travel that would take them two days and a night.

((I wonder, when we go into the forest, perhaps after the mountains, should we meet the group of heroes, or does the sorcerer have something planned for them? Because, right now, the heroes appear to be doing quite... nothing. If this goes on, the evil side will win, how preposterous!))
Lyra shrugged as she ran beside the large creature. "Meh, I'll probably get bored in a little while so enjoy my enthusiasm while it lasts." It was true, she may enjoy their journey now but she needs something interesting to happen org heresies she gets bored and has to find something to do, which doesn't always end well... Sometimes for her but mostly for whoever she decides to annoy or simply manipulate them to react in a way which is amusing to her.

(the Sorcerer has nothing planned that I know of so ya, we definately need to fight them soon)
(Well I don't exactly get what we are SUPPOSED to do.. Obviously we can't march up to the Sorcerer's castle and demand he die at our feet! I have suddenly become very confused of the role-play.. o_o And we don't even have any heroes at the moment.)
(I highly doubt we'll be facing the sorceror right away. We'll have to get stronger first, fighting his minions and, according to Future, fight our inner demons. That's how I see it, anyway.)

Raven shrugged, slightly confused at Venn's reaction, but left the fire alone and leaned against a log with a sigh. "Hey Jessica, is it okay if I call you something shorter, like Jessie?" he asked randomly.
(yeah, I know. Right now they need to be getting to know each other more so they can be a better team but we can't seem to be on at the same time so it just seems to take a while. Also, there aren't many Sorcerer's followers on here that can be attacking them right now so I'll probably have Xavier send them on a mission if no one has any ideas.)

Jessica suddenly straightened up and her eyes widened, a flash of fear going through her eyes at flurry of memories rising to the surface of her mind. She quickly shook her head to clear her head then looked to Raven, seeming a little more on edge. "Um-uh, h-how about Jess instead? I-I don't really like the nickname J-Jessie very much... Sorry."
She didnt like just sitting unless it was to gather intel. And shes been dieing to climb some tress like she was doing before. It seemed that the conversation had turned anyways so she got up stretching her arms. with out looking back towards the others. "I'll be back." She pushed of her right foot jumping into the nearest tree and climbing it. As she reached the tops she lunged again heading for another.
Jessica suddenly straightened up when she heard Raven's question and her eyes widened, a flash of fear going through her eyes at flurry of memories rising to the surface of her mind. She quickly shook her head to clear her head then looked to Raven, seeming a little more on edge. "Um-uh, h-how about Jess instead? I-I don't really like the nickname J-Jessie very much... Sorry."

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