Elder World

Jessica stops walking as they approach the camp. "oh, um. wait. I-I came out here with-with Venn, sh-should we go and find him, o-or something?" She didn't want to leave him out in the woods after she offered to help him. She may have gathered the vines like he said to but he might need help carrying everything he gathered for the camp.

Lyra glares at Helbrecht. "I was talking about how you said I had to be careful and that's why you weren't going to just wrestle with one of the monstrosities around here to get the attention of a rattlesnake" She crossed her arms at him. "And you suck at sarcasm by the way." She rolled her eyes and sighed, contemplating whether or not she should race him or not. She was a very fast runner but she had just witnessed first-hand how fast he could be when he dragged her from the Sorcerer's castle. She shrugged, she had nothing better to do anyway. "Sure, why not?" She too got into a starting position and smirked. "Ready... Set go!" She said set and go very quickly then took off running.
Venn had found a few trees that were close enough to prop the leaves and bark against it to make some sort of shelter. He was still waiting for Jessica with those vines, he needed those to help prop up the shelter so if it rained it didn't all come falling down. He sure hoped she didn't get lost. The fire pit behind him was stacked nice and neatly, sort of in a triangle shape pointing towards the sky. Inside was dead grass and a few cotton things found down some path. Stepping back he admired his work. There was three tent-like shelters that would be split up between the group and they were at least big enough for two people to sleep in. They could all draw stick or something to see who would be sharing a tent with who.

He sat on a large log he had drug over here next to the fire pit. Stomach growling he remembered how hungry he was and if the others were close by. It would be rather rude to eat without them. At the thought of food a large fireball erupted in Venn's right hand, he stared at the licking flames and willed it to change colors. After a few minutes it began too morph into a dark crimson red color, but it didn't last for very long. Sighing he looked around the area waiting for his comrades too return.
"Its ok..if you want to know something you can ask and sure lets go find him you cant eat without a family right..." she smiled.
Jessica looked smiled thankfully but was confused what she meant by family. "W-what do you mean, a family?" none of them brought a family member with them so she didn't understand.
Raven smiled at the thought. "A family, huh? I've never really had one that I can remember... I like the sound of it. What do you say, Jessica?"
Jessica smiles softly at that thought. "I really like that idea." She also had never had a family and the thought of getting one now was wonderful for her. She looks to Raven, "I never really had any family either s-so I'm glad I'll get you guys as one." She looked down as she spoke, feeling embarrassed by her words.
"HAH!" Helbrecht roared as he went, following after the vampire whose acceleration was quite higher than his own. However, even as she managed to keep her distance from him, he was still slowly taking up speed, ever so slightly getting closer to her with each gargantuan step, the earth trembling underneath his titanic propelled weight.

"I WILL HAVE YOU SOON!" Helbrecht roared, now only around ten metres behind her and coming ever closer, "SOON!-", just a few more steps, "SOO-", only to suddenly trip over a suddenly-emerged shining surface, the giant crashing to the ground face fist in a thunderous impact, whirling up sand and stone.

Behind the fallen form of the berserker, a scaly shape emerged, colored just like the blackened sand of the wastes, a rattle-like sound emanating from it, as a snake of monstrous proportion, easily ten metres in length with a head as huge as a siege-engineered catapult, dug itself out of the desert, venom dripping from its elongated fangs, reptilian tongue tasting the air.

"Now that almost hurt." Helbrecht commented as he spat out sand slowly rose up, turning around to behold his foe.
Jessica bit her lip and looked between Raven's hand and his face, trying to remain calm. She then shook her head slightly, she may not fully trust him jut yet but she could trust him enough to grab his hand. She tentatively takes his hand and smiles a bit. "Ok, l-let's go."
She followed behind a small smile on her face. From time to time she would fix her blindofld rearrangingit to cover her ears.
Lyra starts to speed up as she feels and hears him getting closer. Then she suddenly stops when's she hears the ground shame under his weight as he falls. She turns around and starts laughing at Helbrecht but stops when she see the huge snake. "Uh oh."she ran back over to Helrecht to help him fight the beast.
Raven slowly led her through the forest, keeping an eye out for Venn. "This is kinda nice, isn't it? A nice walk in the forest," he commented, trying to make conversation.
[MENTION=3934]Tacolettuce[/MENTION] actually no, no I wouldn't find this to be an appropriate thread for that...

Jessica nodded a little and continued to look around for Venn but still watched Raven out of the corner of her eye. "Um.. Y-yeah I guess so..."
Venn had fallen asleep on the log in the midst of waiting. He was sprawled out on the uncomfortable surface snoring lightly. A drop of drool exited his mouth and he shifted in his sleep to wipe it away, he seemed to be in deep slumber completely oblivious to the oncoming comrades he had met not long ago. Hiccuping for a second he continued to snore gently and twitch his fingers once in awhile as he muttered a few words too himself, which was normal in his case. He was always prone to falling asleep before eating.
She followed more voices going through her head as she held the basket. She listend to their conversation while the one in her head.
Raven finally spotted Venn, asleep on a log. "Heh, I'm trying my best not to make a joke about this," he said. (meaning he's very tempted to say that Venn is "sleeping like a log." *rimshot*)
"At least no more endless searching..." Helbrecht growled, raising his massive fists as the beast slowly slithered towards them, some blood glistening in the side of its midsection where Helbrecht's clawed foot had crashed into it. Upon the vampire's arrival, the giant cracked his knuckles, saying "Normally I would demand that you step back and let me answer this thing's challenge one versus one, as honor would demand. However, it is just too laughable an enemy to have us waste time. I will charge at it and hold it fast by its maw, I suggest for you to use the time that I have it grasped to strike at its eyes, launch a projectile there into its brain, if you have something like that. Clean and easy."

Without waiting for her answer, Helbrecht did just that, clawed fists raised, as he charged straight at the mutated snake, who was somewhat confused that its prey actually ran directly towards it instead of away, though its mouth soon opened, its venom-coated fangs ready to strike, as Helbrecht kept on storming towards it.

Deeming him close enough, the snake lounged its head in a lightning-quick movement towards the berserker, teeth ready to sink into his mutated flesh-

Only for the berserker to quickly grab it directly by its upper jaw, its fangs coming to rest just inches from tearing into his form, inhuman muscles straining beneath the giant's red flesh.
Jessica shifts her weight nervously at Raven's question as she walked with him. "Um well I-I've been wandering around l-looking for you guys for about a month maybe? Before that I was at the orphanage in my hometown. I haven't had a family for as long as I remember..." Once they reach Venn she laughed quietly at him. "Wow, th-that doesn't look very comfortable."

Lyra was about to argue but it was too late and he had already done the attack as he said. She didn't want the snake to get away so she did as he told and pulled out a large dagger. She then lunged for te beast and used the handle of the knife to hit its eyes then threw the knife into its head, her strength launching it fully into the beast's brain, killing it.
"Simple." Helbrecht shrugged as the monstrous snake fulfilled its last death-throes, the berserker letting go of the twitching carcass.

Beholding the massive beast for a moment, he soon leaned down and began to cut open a section of its body, rummaging through flesh and bone in search of the kidneys.

"Would you perhaps be so kind as to assist me here? Otherwise, this might take some time..."

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