Elder World

" mh.." She put down the basket and took off her blind fold and listend closely. Her ears twitched as she turned toward their direction. She walked past them looking futher into the forest her ears twitching rapidly. She smiled realizing the steps of the animal running. " Well i think were going to have a feast tonight." She looked back at them but here eyes were closed.
She watched Raven swing on the vine with a small smile on her face, he seemed to be having a whole lot of fun up there. She then looked over to Tiel curiously. "W-what do you mean?" She was listening intently to something but Jessica wasn't sure what.
"She means we got a ton of deer meat, berries and peaches," Raven said as he stood up and dusted himself off. "C'mon, we'll lead you back to camp," he said to Jessica with a reassuring smile.
" Nope." She stood her ground with her blindfold in her hand. she listend intently then opend her eyes makeing eye contant with the animals eyes. The animal screeched and landed sliding infront of her. She smiled as she put on her blindfold. " I caught a bear."
Jessica's eyes widen at this and the sight of the animal. "Uhm... Woah..." She hadn't ever really seen a bear before so the sight of this beast was pretty surprising to her. She then looked over at Tiel curiously when she put the blindfold back on. Why would she do that?
Raven stared at Tier with wide eyes. "A-Amazing..." he commented, not really sure what else he could say at the moment.
She lout out a sign then smiled big at her cetch. She loved her ears, they could pick up anything from anywhere. She took out the two knives then threw it at the bear. The knives jabbed in each shoulder. She took the long wire the twirled it around and pulled it into her chest now holding it to her heart. The bear slowly began to fall apart in block like piecies.
Jessica was amazed by this girl, her hunting skill were magnificent. She knew she could never be as good as Tiel and looked up to her more because of it. However, when she saw the bear fall to pieces she couldn't help but feel sick at the sight. She grabbed her stomach with one hand and covered her mouth with the other so as not to get sick. She looked away and took a couple deep breaths to calm herself down. It was no big deal yet she was about to get sick by this. She quickly shook her head continued taking deep breaths, trying to act like nothing was wrong and hoped that no one noticed her reaction.
Jessica jumped at his touch and glanced up to meet his eyes then looked away. "Oh, um, ye-yeah. I-I'll be- I'm fine." She tried to smile convincingly and casually moved out of his grip. She wouldn't look at the bear, or what's left of it that is, but looked at Tiel. "G-good job, with-with the bear." She grinned a little to her.
She looked back as she drew her weapons back to her side. She looked toward the bear and began to cover itup with maple leaves to hide the scent. Slowly she stacked it upon the deer meat that was in the basket. As she was doing this a voice came into her head. She shook her head multiple time to shake it away but it just kept talking.

"thanks". She continued to put the meat away.
"Okay, just let me know when you're not well," Raven told Jessica. "I think we have more than enough food, Tier," he said with a chuckle.
She was dazed as she was arguing with the voice in her head. Hearing something she snapped out of it while piking up the basket. "huh..oh yea right" . She chuckeld as she walked towards them.
She looked at Tier concernedly, it seemed like something was bothering her but she shook it off as nothing when the girl started walking away and Jessica instead looked worriedly at the large pile of meat that was stacked in the basket she was carrying. "Um, do you-do you need any help with that?" The basket looked pretty heavy for just one person to be carrying and there was so much in it, it looked like it might spill.
" no its fine ahahha thanks for asking anyways". She smiled at her. The voice got louder as if it was yelling at her, she ignored his argumetns and continued forward.
" no really its fine". She moved forward toward the camp holding the basket. It was a little heavy but nothig she couldnt handle.
Jessica walked over to Tiel worriedly, something was... off with her at the moment. "T-Tiel... a-are you ok?" She studied the girl's face as she walked along side her to see if there was any evidence supporting her feeling.
She like Jessica and Raven enough to share information with her so she smiled. " I'm fine just havign an argument with someone at the moment..other than that im fine."
Eve continued to do her tai chi,even though she felt something was wrong.Her aura powers allows her to see people's emotions and their personality.Eve took a stance and launched a barrage of kicks at the tree,but the kicks were not visibly to people,without the same speed as her.
Jessica still looked at her confusedly. What did she mean, she was having an argument with somebody? She opened her mouth to question her further but closed it, Tiel didn't seem to want to share what she meant so she didn't want to push her. Jessica simply nodded and continued walking toward the camp with them.
Raven mirrored Jessica's confused look. There was nobody else around except the three of them. But he wisely decided not to say anything. He had heard about people who had voices in their heads. Maybe she was one of them?
Helbrecht looked at the vampire for a moment, then gave the closest thing he could manage to a sigh of resignation, which actually just sounded like a dragon's growl "And you said that I am no fun, but in truth you do not have any sort of humor either. What I used in my earlier sentences was the high art of sarcasm, which you should truly get used to as we travel together. For, you see..."

He pointed at one of the charred rocks in the wasteland before them "That, is a normal rock. You will find thousands, millions, probably billions more like that in this deityforsaken-place. The only way you could ever possibly hope to differentiate it from other rocks, is by giving it a name. Names are universally given in accordance to the remarkable traits of the subject granted said name. Thus, for example, a river known to flow with gold might get a grand name such as "The Fodré Falls of Fortune". Now, there is nothing remarkable about this rock right over there. Giving it a name, any sort of number, is literally the only way to differentiate it from any other rock. So, using my superior art of sarcasm, I gave it a suitable name in accordance to its sheer unremarkability, I would call this one-" he pointed at another rock, just as normal as the other ones "Unremarkable Rock Number 646346."

Looking back at her, he concluded, with something of a sorrowful tone in his voice "See? I made a joke. It is quite saddening that someone like I must explain to you what humor is, is it not?" giving another growling sigh, he set his gaze, again, back at the endless desert "Now, let us finally get started with this. Since what we seek might be anywhere in this hellhole, we might just as well run in a straight line from here, we are bound to find the damn snake sooner or later. So, how about... a race? While I can not move as fast, my legs are quite long and I can make quite big steps, so let us see if you can keep up with my maximum running-speed."

Giving a rumbling laughter, Helbrecht set himself into a starting position almost like marathon-runner "Do you accept the challenge?"

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