Elder World

Shrugging again, the berserker continued to work himself down the body of the creature, cutting it open with his claws "It is your decision, as I said, it just may take some time without help..."
Jessica stood a couple feet away and looked at everything that Venn had already made and set up. Wow, he had already done so much... and all she did was collect some vines...

Lyra sighs unwillingly then walks over and helps him. "Fine..." She really didn't want this to take very long.
Even working hand-in-hand, it took the two some time to search the massive corpse, but finally, after around fifteen minutes, they found what they were looking for, as Helbrecht, having arrived somewhere at the middle of the carcass's tail, tore out a... well, fleshy thing, fitting comfortably into his massive fist, meaning that it was easily twice as big as the vampiress's head, the berserker himself drenched in the beast's crimson lifefluid.

"Well..." he began, holding up the kidney "I am quite certain that you are unwilling to carry this around in your pocket for the duration of our journey, I will thus just quickly bring it back to the sorcerer, although you are of course quite welcome to follow me, just to see the cackling coward's face when I put this thing in front of him." giving her a bestial grin, the berserker took off, the lump of flesh in his hands wobbling precariousely.
Lyra quickly jumps out of the snake once Helbrecht retrieves the beast's kidneys. She immediately starts wiping off the blood which has seeped onto her, the scent driving her instincts crazy. He longed to simply bite into the serpent and drink its blood but tried to restrain herself. She heard Helbrecht say something but couldn't pay close enough attention to know what he said. As he ran off she nodded absent-mindedly, she could stop herself from lunging at the dead serpent and drinking the remaining blood from its system.
"Hmm, must be a heavy sleeper," Raven muttered. He then motioned to a spot on the ground. "Shall we sit down?" he asked Jessica.
She put down the basket by them . She sat down a few feet away from them as she turned her back and took off her blind fold.
"SORCERER!" Helbrecht shouted as he arrived at the throne-room, looking for his blood-master "WHERE ARE YOU? I HAVE A DELIVERY FOR YOU!"
Reality folded in on itself as the sorceror stepped out of an ethereal portal behind the behemoth. "Yes, thank you." he took the organs. "Go fetch the rest." he disappeared in the manner he arrived.
"..." Helbrecht stared for a moment where the sorcerer had disappeared "Also, we need something with which we would be able to preserve the rest of the organs we would gather..."
Several large jars came out of another portal onto the ground in front of Helbrecht. Each had an identical set of runes in some obscure language.
Jessica nodded tentitavely then sat down a little behind the others so she could see them all, a natural habit which has grown over the years so now she just automatically does it when around others. "So how long have y-you been on your own?" She asked Raven quietly
"Two years," Raven answered. "The first seven, I always traveled with my master." He looked off into the distance as he continued to speak. "One day, when I was attacked by a huge monster, he held it off long enough for me to escape. I waited for days, but he didn't come back. I've been on my own ever since."
"You just had to do that, did you not?" Helbrecht commented at the appeareance of the silver plate and the slip of paper "Perhaps you should not so haphazardly tear apart reality, though certainly I am not one to talk." shaking his head, he picked up the jars "You should work on your throne-room a bit, perhaps. It seems to lack some lava-flows to go with all the skulls." nodding to himself, the berserker went for the exit.

Some time later, he would arrive back at the snake-carcass, to find the vampiress still waiting, apparently, with something of a vacant stare in her eyes. "Hail thus again, vampire." Helbrecht yelled from a distance, jars clutched in his massive hands, as he approached her "Did you begin a meal, by any chance, or would you prefer if we discuss the further conduct of our quest?"
She put the blindfold in front as she inhaled . She drowned out all the noise from the outside and listend to those in her head. She has made an image to where she was in a dark room surrounded by seven men , all aruging about something.
She looked at Raven sadly, he had a master who was so kind to care for him but the he just disappears? He must have been so sad when he realized he was gone. "Oh, w-well at least you had your master for as long as you did." She smiled, hopefully comfortingly.

Lyra shakes her head and looks over to him, licking the rest of the blood from her lips. "Um, well I kind of just had my meal..." She told him, looking at the now bloodless, dead snake lying behind her with a smirk.
"Yeah. I just wish I knew what happened to him," Raven said with a sigh. "But on the plus side, he taught me so much, I have almost no problem living on my own now."
"Good then." He calmly noted, beholding her blood-drenched form with some approval "Thus, to get back to the matter at hand, we either go into the mountains to... somehow, make a giant cry, or we attempt the forest first to attempt to lure out one of the incredibly-elusive unicorns, or, we find a boat to go onto the sea for some fishing of sharks. What would you prefer first?"
Venn rolled off the log in his sleep and shot up just as he made contact with the floor. Wiping the drool off his chin he ruffled his hair and looked at his three comrades who had returned. "Sup guys.." He gave them an awkward smile and mentally slapped himself for falling asleep. At least he finished the camp before they arrived.
In he trans she could only hear bits of what they were saying but was more focused on her minds argument. They were all shouting at once so noone could be heard. She stood in the middle with her arms crossed annoyed with all of them.
Jessica nodded with a small smile on her face. It was good he at least learned so much, there were many others, such as herself, who didn't have someone to teach them what to do and how to survive. Heck, she was making everything up as she went. "Well that's good, at least least you were able to learn so much." She then jumped when Venn rolled onto the ground suddenly. Her head snapped over to see what happened and smiled a little at him. "Hello, g-good to see you're awake."

Lyra took a deep breath and looked up at the sky thoughtfully. "Well, giants sound pretty interesting. How about we go find them next?" She grinned and looked back at Helbrecht.
Raven turned as soon as Venn woke up. "Ah good, you're awake. We found a ton of food, and Jessica brought back some vines."

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