Elder World

Jessica blushed when he said that Jess was cute but wouldn't look up from her hands as she then answered, "I um, I-I just don't really like that nickname anymore. Th-there's some bad memories connected with it for me..." She shivered at the memories which haunted her thoughts.
"Oh. Okay, I understand. Jess it is, then," Raven said in an understanding tone. "You don't have to tell me about those memories right away, but when you want to, I'll be here to listen."
Jessica smiled thankfully at him but her eyes still look haunted and show her inner sadness. "Thanks." She took a deep breath and finally looked fully at him. "What about you? Do you have any nicknames?"
"Hmm... well, my master would sometimes call me 'Ray,'" Raven answered. "No one's called me that for a while, though. You can, if you want."
Jessica's grin widened a little more. "Thanks. And that's a good nickname, I like it. Ray. It's nice." She really did like it and it seemed to fit him too.
She sat atop the highest tree, with her blind fold in her lap. It was good to see the the world through her eyes. She was able to talk freely to those in her head. The voice in her head asked her how she was doing. " I'm doing fine .."The voice replied with a laugh then a no really how are you. " i'm fine i guess"
Due to her past the only one that can be summoned with ease was wrath. A small puff of black fire appeared before her then it slowly turned into a man. The man floated beside her looking out toward the sky.
Jessica cocks her head to the side thoughtfully. "R-really?" She hadn't really noticed but then again, she hasn't been smiling at all lately... It was good that she now had a good reason to. "Hm, I-I guess so, huh? Wow, I haven't done that in a while..." She continued, almost as if just talking to herself.
"Really? Why's that?" he asked curiously. He then remembered that she had mentioned bad memories earlier. "Never mind, forget I asked. I just think you look... nice when you smile," he finished, blushing when he said "nice."
Jessica blushes and smiles shyly when he says she looks nice, "Um, thanks..." She tucks a strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear then looks back over to him with a more serious look on her face but a small smile still on her lips and the her blush still fading. "And, uh, you-you can ask me questions if you want. I-I just might not like remembering the answer..."
She put back on her blind fold except this time she tied it extremly tight. She covered up her ear and the slid down the tree. Wrath was beside her as she swung around eating the acorns off the tree as she went. Wrath smiled at her as the others began to talk inside of her head. She jumped down from the rest of the tree and began to walk back to camp. " your just going to stay ou..your not going away." "why should i..." She sighed as wrath stayed behind her.
Jessica looked over at Tier curiously as she walked over to camp. She had heard her talking to herself and was wondering if something was wrong. "Um, T-Tier, are you ok?" She had asked earlier but really wanted to know what was wrong.
She looked up and away from the wrath as he hid himself behind her. "..ugh...just stuff, but I can handle it." Behind her wrath had made a samrt remark on how she couldnt but she ignored him.
(Wait, can they see wrath?)

Jessica nodded, uncertainly. "Ok..." She wanted to believe her but wasn't sure if she was just saying if she was ok when she wasn't.
Raven somehow got the feeling that they weren't alone in the forest. Did someone follow Tier back? He wasn't sure, but decided not to bring it up. "Well, have a seat. Dinner's gonna be ready soon," he said to Tier.

(I'ma gonna go to bed now. See you guys tomorrow! ^^)
She sat down as wrath behind her stepped to the side sitting beside her ashe played with the grass.
Jessica finally noticed wrath and looked at him curiously, she hadn't seen him before, she really should pay more attention... She looked at him curiously but smiled a little, "Um, hello..."
Jessica still had the small smile on her face and shifted uncomfortably and glanced over to him then back away. She really wasn't good around new people... "I-I'm fine... How are you?"

(Can you post a pic of wrath? I'm curious as to what he looks like)
Jessica nodded and watched him curiously, she wanted to introduce herself but was really shy. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then opened them and smiled politely. "M-my name is Jessica, w-what's your's?" She asked, glancing between him and her hands nervously, she doesn't seem to keep eye contact very often especially when she just meets someone.

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