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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon) - Notes

If i'm welcome, :3

I guess i'll lurk around, read character sheets, IC a bit (unless i get a mini-briefing or something..). While working on my character sheet! ^-^
There are currently 2 groups at play, group 2 has just really started. The main group (group 1) are a bunch of high level characters that are close to what was max level. Characters level range of 80-90 for this group if I remember correctly and the max level was 90 before the expansion which raised it to 100 but since we are in like day 2 of the new world, not much chance yet for players to have gotten even to 91 yet. Group 2 is a lower level group, around level 40. Think the range of characters for it currently is like 35-44. Would have to look back through to double check that information.
That was the original plan, at least. Now that B-group has joined the A-group, but Mairi stayed behind since she wasn't needed. She also wants to accomplish Alistair's plan in an easier way just to spite him.

@ishnorb If you made a character, you could join Mairi. Just don't be passive about it. She's on a mission, after all.
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I sent a draft of my character to @Alistair, super close to being finished. Just waiting to get a few questions answered, along with get told what I've done so far is OK and to keep going. ^-^

(IF this character is OK'ed) My character would be a LVL 90 Summoner/Pathfinder. If it's only day 2 since the "Apocalypse" beginning. I would assume my character is "gaining his bearings" in the new world. Since things have changed greatly. (Also dealing with the fact he cannot log out.)

Also: I think Mairi and my character could get along well. (Considering their both summoners.)
Sorry everyone!!! I'm off doing a lot of school stuff, just wanted to check back in to make sure you guys are aware, @ishnorb I will get to you and your questions very soon, I must go!
That is completely understandable and please no rush/take your time. ^-^

I just figured I would take this time to remind you, if life became to busy and cause it to slip your mind. (Since I know life can cause me to forget things a lot, due to it's over-activity.)
Don't worry too much about combat adjustment and bearings. We kind of super sped through the gaining an understanding of how those worked. While looking at the time passed by our actual roleplaying, this would be day 2 of the Apocalypse (time being measured as in game time), for personal adjust to the environment it would be more like several days to a week by the anime standards. Might could consider this group your super prodigies with adjustment on a personal level though we are still working on the figuring out the larger scope of things and how we will approach it.
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Depending on the questions you had, it may be possible that myself or some of the other players might be capable of answering your questions if you don't mind asking in the forums or messaging me.

Alistair, now worries bro. Real life comes first. Had a lot of that happening to me as well the past couple months.
I messaged Alistair just to make sure he wouldn't mind me filling in to help with answering questions and the like. While he isn't able to get on as much right now thanks to school, he is still utilizing this time to work on more of the story for us. But for general questions or things about character creation and such, I can probably assist and if there are any that I am not sure about, I will let you know or try to contact Alistair to verify.
Been a while since we talked, I'm still interested.

Should of let you know, i'm willing to help as long as it means getting my character accepted and keeping this RP alive ^_^

(Should I just finish up what I had and then post it here?)

Since i possess a great desire to be apart of a Log Horizon/Elder-Tale RP..... (Still need to watch second season...)
Alright, then if you all would be so kind as to help me with my character once i post it? (Finishing/making final and minor tweaks right now..)

For future reference, I'm going for a "Fox-tail + Pathfinder + Summoner" (Puppeteer build (Not sure if that's necessary or how that works exactly.)
Okay, I've gone through your character sheet.

Every piece of equipment seems to have the properties of phantasm-level gear. You might want to change that.

The backstory is perfectly fine. You might want to ask Alistair about the name of the Debauchery Tea Party expy you mentioned. Since Alistair's character is a Shiroe expy, maybe your characters (and possibly Reynald) could know each other.

The skills and spells really aren't necessary to mention. You can just make up a play-style and have skills matching it be more upgraded than the rest.
Tweaked the items a tiny bit. Could/will do more if needed? (Don't have a lot of time to edit atm)

Was semi-talking to Alistair about that as well. (The Backstory thing you mentioned.) It's very possible for high-level characters or etc to know him due to his employment. (Many complain about his high-cost though U-U )
While I can't officially approve any characters, I believe the character you have now for submission would easily be approved. You could probably increase the cloak's affect for strengthening summons without issue to moderate instead of faintly as well.

I wouldn't worry too much about gear though. From my understanding talking with Alistair before, there will be more opportunities in the future for gear upgrades as we get past this beginning section.
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Alistair said:
*Emerges from the ground screaming*

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