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Fandom Elder Tale RP (Log Horizon) - Notes

@ishnorb you can show me the progress of your character as of now, since Thanksgiving has gifted me extra time. I'm also creating a new roleplay from the dice format. If anyone likes Star Wars and dice, let me know!

Glad to see some life there with you. Hope you are having a good Thanksgiving break. Look forward to when you get caught up and things get rolling again. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Yes, the thread is still active and going. Currently there is a slight pause since the GM has been busy with some real life stuff. However, he has also been using this time to work on more of the story/world so that when he comes back, things will hopefully go smoother. If you need any assistance or have questions about creating a character, feel free to ask. Alistair will have to be the one to give final approval on your character once submitted.
Shineko said:
Yes, the thread is still active and going. Currently there is a slight pause since the GM has been busy with some real life stuff. However, he has also been using this time to work on more of the story/world so that when he comes back, things will hopefully go smoother. If you need any assistance or have questions about creating a character, feel free to ask. Alistair will have to be the one to give final approval on your character once submitted.
Ok ty! Im glad I asked instead of assuming, ill go make my char now.
*Rises from the depth below* Ahh that felt great, how's everyone going? I have indeed been working on the story some more, it would be great to have more people in!
@Alistair Good to see you are still alive. I wasn't sure that we would hear from you this soon. I expected another week or two since most schools still have a couple weeks left til finals are over. Looking forward to the new material
Shineko said:
@Alistair Good to see you are still alive. I wasn't sure that we would hear from you this soon. I expected another week or two since most schools still have a couple weeks left til finals are over. Looking forward to the new material
Mmmyessssh my friend Shineko.

I have a piece of the story already drawn out, would everyone like to hear? It wraps up the Barrier arc, and begins upon a new arc, which will set up to have a kidnapped player from a different guild, in which we would have to safe that kidnapped player.
This sounds like it could be very interesting and enjoyable. Depending on the individual who was kidnapped, you may find some of the members harder to keep patient while the group mobilizes.

I am torn between wanting to know more and wanting to wait to let the information unfold as we experience it.
As of now, I will tell what will happen as of current, Smashbro's character Mairi, will succeed in creating a crystal to help the barrier, and we as a party shall find our own crystal as well to help the barrier, in equal amounts of time. Our party will return to Akihabara and try to utilize the crystal in rebuilding the barrier, we succeed. But there's a setback, we needed two crystals to help fully restore the barrier, and in turn Mairi will arrive with her made crystal, and with both crystals combined it'll restore the barrier. Just afterwards though, the barrier needs to take the energy from the crystals, in doing so we need to protect the barrier while it recharges from a scripted event during the Quest, where we face off the boss of this quest, and ensure it does not break the crystals being absorbed, if they do so we fail the quest, and potentially lead Akihabara into immense danger. If we succeed the quest, each character will gain an item that will suffice to their character's needs.



@That Guy Over There




@Galain Fletchawk

*Continues to debate where/when he would like to enter Ginko.*

So this event/mission at Akihabara. The fight/protection phase of the mission while the Barrier draws energy from the crystals, where exactly is that fight going to take place? Outskirts of the city? An important landmark/place? All over the city as monsters run rampant? (Just perfecting my image on what's going to occur so i can respond accordingly X-X )

Obviously he would of seen the quest by now? Since i'm pretty sure everyone in Akihabara did (Pretty sure that's what was stated.). But due to plot reasons, i'll make him "not have cared, knowing others would of eagerly handled the heavy lifting/majority of the mission." xD (or he mearly overheard "through the grapevine/over hearsay" that you all were doing a fine job.)
ishnorb said:
*Continues to debate where/when he would like to enter Ginko.*
So this event/mission at Akihabara. The fight/protection phase of the mission while the Barrier draws energy from the crystals, where exactly is that fight going to take place? Outskirts of the city? An important landmark/place? All over the city as monsters run rampant? (Just perfecting my image on what's going to occur so i can respond accordingly X-X )

Obviously he would of seen the quest by now? Since i'm pretty sure everyone in Akihabara did (Pretty sure that's what was stated.). But due to plot reasons, i'll make him "not have cared, knowing others would of eagerly handled the heavy lifting/majority of the mission." xD (or he mearly overheard "through the grapevine/over hearsay" that you all were doing a fine job.)
You can have him join up with Mairi. She also doesn't think she is needed there, so she is trying to spite Alistair by getting the quest item without leaving the city.
Which will be hilarious, in its own way.

ishnorb said:
*Continues to debate where/when he would like to enter Ginko.*
So this event/mission at Akihabara. The fight/protection phase of the mission while the Barrier draws energy from the crystals, where exactly is that fight going to take place? Outskirts of the city? An important landmark/place? All over the city as monsters run rampant? (Just perfecting my image on what's going to occur so i can respond accordingly X-X )

Obviously he would of seen the quest by now? Since i'm pretty sure everyone in Akihabara did (Pretty sure that's what was stated.). But due to plot reasons, i'll make him "not have cared, knowing others would of eagerly handled the heavy lifting/majority of the mission." xD (or he mearly overheard "through the grapevine/over hearsay" that you all were doing a fine job.)
It'll be in the Outskirts of the city, as the barrier draws the energy. Oh yes, and as for the Adventurers, Akihabara's adventurer's are all pretty scared of the expansion, thus they aren't in high spirits, and are unwilling to do anything outside of Akihabara, Alistair's plan as of right now is to lead them out of their depressive states, so that Elder Tale can feel alive. After the 3rd Quest is finished (Rescuing the captive player) other adventurer's will begin to come out of their shells.
@Alistair So the current InCharacter RP status will be fast forwarded to the point you described above for events happening? If so, when you are ready to continue the RP or maybe even now, I would recommend pasting that over into the actual RP thread so anyone reading through later or re-reading won't forget/wonder what happened there.
Shineko said:
@Alistair So the current InCharacter RP status will be fast forwarded to the point you described above for events happening? If so, when you are ready to continue the RP or maybe even now, I would recommend pasting that over into the actual RP thread so anyone reading through later or re-reading won't forget/wonder what happened there.
Oh no my dear friend shineko, we'll get there, soon the battles in the cave will commence mwuahahaha
Awesome, I wasn't sure if you were saying that we were going to kind of gloss over the cave piece or if we were going to run it out. I am looking forward to when this picks back up. And I am really looking forward to the event where we will be protecting the crystals while the barrier recharges.
Shineko said:
Awesome, I wasn't sure if you were saying that we were going to kind of gloss over the cave piece or if we were going to run it out. I am looking forward to when this picks back up. And I am really looking forward to the event where we will be protecting the crystals while the barrier recharges.
The First Big Bad of the story will be shown in the event. Just to give you a head's up. I'll make a post and see where everyone's at

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