Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

Raven jolted awake at the nudge, and growled loudly. She flicked her ears forward and licked her muzzle, looking at the Elk, then to Kalypso. She sat up slowly, "Nice catch." she grunted softly, glancing to her, with her one good eye, before sighing. She looked upset for a moment, before shaking off the look of despair, it was changed into what looked to be anger, or possibly courage. She sniffed it, "Are you hungry?" She asked, "If not, we can take it to Haven, she is pupping at the moment, and will need it after words." She looked up at her, her head down as she sniffed the carcass.
Without another word, Raven picked up the elk carcass and began to drag it towards the Alpha den, as the two walked past Fang, who laid guard, Raven shot him a warning glare, in which he heeded, watching the two she-wolves lay the carcass near the entrance, "Haven is our Alpha."
"Mmm that was delicious! Thank you Carel." Essence ran her tongue over her muzzle, cleaning any exccess blood from her face. "It was an amazing catch." Her words were filled with awe and happiness. The pup stood and walked away from the dark brown elder, bouncing towards Akira. "Akira!" She ran up to her leader, grinning madly. "Did you see what Carel caught!?"

Haven raked her claws along the sides of the den, causing shower of sparks to fly off the rocky walls. Her mid section convulsed again and again, and each time she would let loose a cry. Finally she realized that something wasn't right. Haven knew that it would be painful, but there was something wrong with what she was going through. The white wolf felt a deep sense worry settle in the pit of her stomach, but it was immeaditely washed away by another contraction. "Spike!" Her pain filled words rang out of the den and over the camp. Where was her mate when she needed him most? Tears of agony threatened to pour down her contorted face.

Dante followed Raven back to camp, momentarily confused. She was...different than before she had been attacked. Something about her was off. The way she carried herself and the way she gazed at others with her single eye had changed. No longer was she the emotional, sweet wolf that she had been before. No. Raven was something else entirely. Stronger. Less Merciful. Dauntless. He pushed all thoughts of her from his head as she laid the rogue she-wolf onto the ground. Dante stepped back, watching how she handled the situation. They conversed momentarily before she presented the rogue with a meal. Out of the corner of his eye, Dante spotted Fang aproaching. The scene that followed shocked him. Father and Daughter stood defensively before eachother, growling at one another. Both showed signs of aggression, but Raven more so than Fang. What could have happened that led to the two of them and their hostile actions? When Fang retreated and Raven calmed down he moved back into the shadows and watched as she fell into a deep slumber. It was very late, yet everyone was up and running around. Dante glanced worridly over at Haven's cave just as a gut-wrenching cry of pain erupted from the darkness of her den. He winced. No wolf liked to hear the pained cry of another. The golden furred brute stood and walked over to where Raven slept. It was then that he realized the rogue had left. A growl resounded from deep within his throat but instead of letting it out he held it in. For the she-wolf had returned carrying a meal fit for a king. In her jaws was a decent sized Elk. Dante padded away from a silent Raven to watch and see what the she-wolf would do. Again he watched in the shadows as the rogue walked up to Raven and gently nudged her. The slumbering wolf jolted awake with growl. Dante took this time to step out of the shadows and walk up to the two females. "Leave her be." He was speaking to the rogue but was talking about Raven. She needed a solid sleep before morning came. His golden eyes met Raven's for a moment before returning to the rogue's. "She's been through some tough crap today, and she's right Haven will need it soon."
"O-oh..." Kalypso looked away. Maybe it was too soon to ask for a position, but...

"Is it okay if I join the pack. As Omega, of course" 
She stared at the brute in front of her, backing away shyly.

"S-sorry for intruding, b-but.."
Dante watched the rogue cower backwards. "If you need a place to rest then I my den may be yours for the night. When Haven is capeable she will decide wheither or not you are allowed to stay." He motioned to his den as he was speaking with a flick of the tail. It was a decent sized sleeping place with a large opening, large enough for his masculine body to fit through.
Raven looked up at Dante, the gaze in her single eye softened, She looked away, her one ear pinned to her head. Her ear pricked up at Kylpso's words. She looked to Dante, then to the she-wolf, curious. Of course it was neither of their decisions, only Haven and Spike's. Raven hesitated, then let the soft fur on her side brush against Dante's. She still showed him affection, she saw him differently, she felt his tongue on her muzzle not to long ago, he had saved her. She glanced to him, with her good eye, before motioning for him to join her once he has finished the conversation with the rouge she-wolf. She slowly made her way from Haven's den, and trotted to a shaded area, in a soft patch of grass.
She nodded, unsure of what to do. "T-thank you for letting me stay."

It was obvious that Kalypso had not been with other wolves for some time. 
She sat down, hearing Haven's cries echo in the cave. She winced, oh how she wanted to help her. Kalypso dared, oh yes, she dared to step inside the den and see the mother for herself.
(Bans are nowhere to be found and then you get two for the price of one. I can tell Haven that Spike feels horrible)


Spike was calming down some wolves in the camp that were afraid their leader was about to die. Pain had been striking his heart because he couldn't be with his mate. Once he heard her second cry out of pain, the Alpha Male almost started crying and he couldn't execute his tasks any longer so he ran over to Haven's den, pushing anybody that was in his way aside with quite some speed which made it quite violent.

The Alpha male panted once he entered the den and immediately ran over to Haven and started licking her. "I'm so sorry my love. I'm so sorry" he said with a tear running down his cheek and his tail lowered.


Shadow came back into the camp with a frown on his face and a huge deer clenched between his fangs, dragging it to the kill pile. The Alpha's fur was covered in blood, not just the deer's, but also some nasty slashes in his chest could be seen. Being injured was quite odd for the Alpha and he didn't really know how to deal with it so he just continued dragging the deer to the pile.

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Essence the pup excitedly went over by me. "Really? Carel caught prey?" I chuckled. "She is still a warrior I guess." Akira licked Essence. I decided to play with her but I felt some kicks from the pups. I gave a warm smile to Essence. "Essence, want to feel my pups kicking? Just come over here and put your paw on my stomach. Maybe when they're born, I bet the'll think your there big sister." i chuckled at the thought, Essence does always play and talk with me so maybe the pups will think she is the big sister.


She nodded and smiled at her granddaughter and the pup talking. She licked blood off of her muzzle and paws. She moved it aside for later. She laid down, wincing. She muttered to her self, "Akira will take care of Essence when I'm gone.." She thought of Essence being so depressed when she was..gone. Carel sighed at the thought and closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep.
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Kalypso walked over to the expectant mother and examined her state. She'd seen this with her mother before and she knew just what to do. She grabbed a nearby stick: it was long and thick, sturdy.

"Here, bite this," she murmured to the pregnant she-wolf. Now all Kalypso had to do was get some poppy...
"stretches and sniffs the morning air, ears go up" The sounds of leaves and twigs breaking but not loud. Nervously mist gets up and puts her ears back not wanting to attract attention she slowly walks and sniffing the air curiously.
Haven spit the stick at the rogue wolf, snarling aggressively as she did so. "You have no right to be in here." Haven looked from her mate to the loner, aggressively baring her teeth at the female. Hormones were seriously getting to her. The white wolf suddenly threw her head back, howling out in pain. As the contraction came to an end she looked to Spike with teary gray eyes. "It hur-" Her words cut off. Blood began to fill the cave floor. She had been right; something was going terribly wrong.

Dante followed the light brown wolf to a dark spot under the shade of a tree. The moon shone upon the branches above them, casting a blazing glow onto his golden fur. He watched her carefully for a moment before setting himself down onto the grass. Another wrenching howl erupted from his leaders cave, sending a shiver down his spine. The worried feling that had settled in his stomach began to grow. It wasn't suppsed to be like this. "Something's wrong." Dante met her eyes with his and a silent message passed between them. Haven's pupping wasn't going right...

He stalked some prey, accidentally startling it as he clumsily fell. "Ugh stupid deer, I'll get them someday." He strolled through the forest, making sure he doesn't stroll off in to the Seraphim land.

Spike had no idea what to do and his tail was lowered lower and lower. He looked at the rogue, and although Haven had spit at the rogue, Spike just hoped the rogue would be able to help him out. "Ssst" he said to Haven, laying down next to her, rubbing his warm fur against hers. He quickly turned his head around and the rogue and winked, hoping that she would understand Spike allowed her to help Haven the best she could, because if it would come to Spike it was definitely becoming a disaster.
Kalypso whimpered, but quickly regained herself. "Someone get moss! We need to clean the blood!" She tried to give the stick to the she-wolf again and looked at her stomach. Kalypso licked the she-wolf's stomach, soothingly.
Axel and his pack enjoyed there meal, they made a campfire for the night in the woods.

(Yes I said campfire, The Phoenix Hunters have learned to use fire. ((Thus there name)) )

Axel stayed awake on lookout with his two right hands Hox and Gertone. "The Shaitan are on the move again Axel, we should act know before its to late." Gertone growled. "No Gertone! We can't interfear it would bind us to there war." Snapped Hox in reply. The two continued to argue, however Axel wasn't paying attention..

If we attack the Shaitan then both clans will think were on Sepharam's side, same goes if we attack Sepharam. Shaitan will surely win this war with there new found Abilities. I can't allow that, but.. if we join Sepharam my pack may be destroyed as well.

Axel growled in frustration and both Hox and Gertone stopped bickering. Axel dug is claws into the soft earth, "We have no choice but to teach Sepharam's clan our abilities and to help them win this war.. If we don't help defeat the Shaitan then they will come for us when they are done with Sepharam's clan." Axel said solemly.

(If you want me to change some of this I can, I just thought this would add a good twist to the story.)

(I'm Back!!!! Okay we can get this Role Play back on the road. So sorry that I was gone for such a long time

:( but lets get it going guys.)
Time Skip

I'm going to skip ahead a few months so here's whats going to happen. Bellow are a list of Events that came to be during the time skip.

:Seraphim Pack:

- Only one of Haven's pups make it. I will create that character later.

- Haven allows Kalypso to join the pack as a Warrior

- The tension is rising between both packs and a battle can now be seen upon the Horizon.

- Combat training has become a number one priority

- I would like for all current pups to mature into teens. Ex. Essence and Sky

:Shaitan Pack:

- Malinia has become even more crazed and is showing slight signs of rabies.

- Essence has grown into a strong warrior just as Carel expected and (If its okay with you Sandra) Akira is her mentor.

- Akira will currently be having her pups.

(If anyone as anything that they would like to add the please post whatever it is in OCC)

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Akira was wincing, as her pupping has began. She laid in her den, wincing and trying not to howl in pain, but she was still in pain, very much in pain. She clawed the ground trying to relax. She howled a little as a wave of pain made her feeling numb, she howled again.

Carel was walking outside Akira's den, worried about her and the pups. "Where was shadow when you need him.." She mutter, growling. She hoped the pupping will be alright.
Raven laid in a soft patch of grass, Her wounds were officially healed, And they didn't really stop her from being a true fighter. She pricked her good ear, and her little nub-like ear forward. She looked up, And then with her good eye spotted Dante. She wagged her tail slightly. Before shifting onto her belly. She beckoned the brute over with her long tail. Her good eye still its beautiful hazel, Her blind eye a tighter, almost blue like color. She watched him. and no many would be able to tell she was blind in one eye, Due to the was she uses it seems as if it can see. She licked her pad gently, Twitching her ear as she waited for Dante.
It had nearly three months since he had been born. The memories of the agonizing pain that it had caused her seemed to stick with her even now. Though Kalypso had helped her through it, doing the best she could with what little she had, in the end only one survived. Haven had never felt lost. For the longest time she had been hesitant about her own pregnancy, and now she realized why. A mother seems to have a sense of foreboding when it comes to her children, and it became apparent to her many weeks before her pupping that something was wrong. She realized now that she had been right. The white wolf shook the memory from her thoughts and focused solely on the task at hand. Many weeks ago they had discovered a mysterious group of rogues; The Phoenix Hunters. Their activity in the area has increased greately in the past few days, leading her to become wary of the incredulous band of wolves. As a response she wanted to prepare for anything, wheither it be them or the Shaitan. Just the word caused a vile taste in her mouth. Again she realized that she was becoming distracted. It had been happening a lot recently. Shaking her head again, Haven re-entered the camp, for she had been off to clear her head. The weight of being leader seemed to weigh down on her more and more lately. On the other side of the camp stood her mate, and beside him was her, not her son. He was their son. A smile pulled at the very corner of her face. It was a sad smile, but a smile all the less. Sad because she had brought him into this hard world, and being who he was, many of his pack mates would uphold high expectations. Life would be especially tough for him but she had made it so he would too. That single thought lit a spark of happiness and hope withing her. A spark that would soon ignite into a flame, but that flame would be what ruined her...

Dante watched as his leader entered the camp, looking over her face. She looked...sad. His thoughts were inteurrpted as Raven called him over. His heart jumped with happiness. After she had been attacked he had been distant and would get nervous around her, but lately the female seemed to be growing on him. Anyways he had something to ask her, so he figured that this would be the perfect time. The brute turned and padded across the clearing towards her, his golden fur glimmering just as brightly as he felt. Halfway there he heard Haven called his name from across the clearing. Dante dropped his left ear, annoyed as he made his way over to where the white wolf stood. She was young but her face looked worn and old with the responsibility of an Alpha. Immediately his annoyance vanished and his posture changed from aggitated to respectful. "Yes?" She looked over the brute with steady gray eyes, before speaking. "Talk to Raayd about increasing the skills of all of our warriors and hunters." He felt a pang of worry, for her words hinted at something much larger that him. "Is something wrong?" She shooke her head, dismissing his words. Dante felt like he should prod for more of an answer, but instead he nodded and padded over to Raven. He sat himself down beside her, and smiled uneasily. "Hey." He would talk to Raayd, but he would do it after speeking to her.
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Feniri, Sapphire, and Inferno walked into the pack area nervously, looking for the Alpha. They looked worn and tired from a long journey. The orange pup, Inferno, laid down refusing to walk anymore and whined. Sapphire turned to him with a kind smile, telling him to stay put and behave. Feniri raised his head, glancing around for the Alphas of the pack they had journeyed to join, the Seraphim.
Raven watched Dante. When he sat beside her and uneasily spoke she pricked her good ear, and nub ear forward. She looked up at him and twitched her nub ear. "Something wrong?" She asked almost worriedly. She rested her long, fluffy tail over his, attempting to comfort the worried beta, gently. She was much different then how she used to be, She was much.. quieter.. And she felt as if she didn't truly fit in this pack anymore. Dante was the only wolf keeping her here, Her 'father' was never around anymore, Some say he got up and left, but at times he does return, But never for long. Raven wants nothing to do with that brute, he lied to her, and he knows she knows. She flattened her good ear with anger at the thought of him, betraying her trust in such a cruel way. She then shoved the thought to the back of her mind, to lay dormant till nightfall. Raven looked up at Dante, her eyes were only gentle, and warm towards him. Yet cold towards any other wolf. Raven then noticed a group of wolves enter their camp, She growled loudly, they were rouges. With them was a pup,Her lips twitched slightly in a snarl, She licked her scarred muzzle. Most pups avoided her, due to her nasty, frightening scars. To some wolves, they saw her as Death, as if she was only in the pack to reap the injured, or sick souls of her pack mates.

Fang laid in a clearing, He rested on his side. His body was sore, and old. He sighed as he kept his eyes closed, until he heard a cry in the distance, His ears shot up quickly, He stood up and the howl of pain made his body go cold, He growled then charged into the forest. He ran fast, the scent of blood becoming stronger as he neared the river. He sprinted faster at the soft whimpers and yips of pups. He came to the river and was horrified at the sight. Fang stumbled slightly, having to caught his breath from the shock. A she-wolf laid in the shallow part of the river, Her blood clouding the water as it rushed quickly. She whimpered and her eyes were cloudy like a dead fish. He slowly stepped forward, Claw marks through her throat signified it was a big cat, possible a cougar. As he drew closer the soft whimpers made his ears prick forward, Two pups laid against their mother's torn, and bloody stomach. Their eyes were barely open. He twitched his ears and sat down beside the corpse and her offspring. He looked around before gently picking both of the pups up in his maw. He took them away from their dead mother quickly. As he neared camp, He gently set them, down and began to groom their slightly bloody fur. One pup was pure white, the other pure black. He nuzzled them gently, and they squirmed. He couldn't care for two young pups, not t his age, or after Raven found out she wasn't his actual kin. He then got an idea, He slowly entered camp, and spotted his adopted daughter laying beside Dante, he watched envious for a moment, before sighing. He slowly approached Raven, The half blind she-wolf twitched her good ear and snapped her gaze onto the brute, "
Raven.. Dant-" He began, "What do you want?" She growled deep in her throat, He was an elder, but what he did was almost unforgivable. "I am sorry to disturb you, But would you two please help me.." Raven narrowed her gaze curiously, "I-i was hunting and I'm afraid i misplaced a few rabbits after i tried to chase down a herd of elk... My sense of smell is no good anymore.." Raven looked to Dante, They should help, She sighed before slowly standing up "Are you going to join me?" She asked to Dante, Her tail brushing his flank gently.

Akira still howled in pain, snarling at everyone who came close to her. She scratched the ground, making screechy sounds. Her ears flattened and it was hard to breath for her. She howled and howled. Her howls echoes throughout the territory. She hated feeling weak but it was just too much pain.


Aidan was close to the cave, worried about Akira. "Pups.." He thought. I'm going to be a uncle! He thought, even though he was her adopted brother he still was excited about the pup and about Akira being a mother.

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