Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

The young brute cautiously rose to his paws, eyeing the old black wolf warrily. Something about his tone told Dante that his words were false. He was about to follow the two of them when something entered his thoughts; something that Haven had asked him to do. "Yes. I'll catch up with you in a moment." He gazed around the camp, searching for Rayyd. Once his eyes landed on the Delta the golden wolf padded swiftly twards him. "Haven needs to speak to you. Oh and tell her that I will return before dusk." As soon as Dante was sure he had heard him, he turned and made his way back to Raven and her father. His eyes shimmered with the slightest bit of anger towards Fang. For he had left Raven when she was injured, only to turn up weeks later to do the exact same thing. When they were out of camp he moved to where he was infront of the brute. "If someting was truely wrong with your sense of smell then it would have been very unlikely for you to have caught the hares in the first place." His tone was low, but calm; implying that Fang hadn't acturally misplaced anything. Dante did not want to get into an argument with the male, he just wanted the truth. Already his life was filled with too many lies...

Haven watched as Fang entered their camp. He was welcome here on her territory as long as he continued to come back. Some of the pack might think of him as a rogue, but she thought of him as a...traveling friend. She had never banished him, as others believed she had, for he had never done anything to deserve it. Raven stood to follow her father, and for a moment Haven thought that she might be leaving, but then Dante rose to go as well. She watched on silently as the three of them left. Not two minutes after they had dissapeared through the tunnel, three rogues entered through the same place they had just exited through. Their arrival was not unexpected, for a scout had informed her of their pressence nearly twenty minutes ago. A loud, sharp bark spread over the clearing, silencing all who stood in it. The command was clear; silence, and as she made her way towards the she spoke. "I am Haven, Alpha of the high and noble Seraphim. You have entered our camp, but not under our watchful eye. What is it that you have come for?" The quietness that followed her words was almost deadly. After the death of nearly all of her pups she had hardened, becoming slightly less kind, but all the more caring.
Fang followed them to the exit of camp, before noticing the rouges, He growled softly, feeling as if the camp would be safer if he stayed. "I'll follow the rouges, I left the hares a bit east." Without waiting for a reply, the brute trotted after the rouges quickly, without looking back. Raven rolled her eyes "Brute." She growled under her breath, she then began to sniff the air for the rabbits, yet something else struck her... Blood, and... Pups.. She glanced to Dante, before pricking her ears forward "do you smell that?" She said softly,as they neared a lush area, cougars were very common around the east area, most lived by the river. She sniffed around a bit before a small white bundle caught her good eye. She hesitated, her ears pricked forward as she focused on the two tiny pups. She gasped softly, She very cautiously approached the two shivering bundle of fur. She whined. One pup was a tan-ish orange with a small white patch on the chest, who closely resembled Dante, the other was a very pale gray-ish tan, close to hoe Raven looked. She sniffed them for a moment, and they responded with soft squeaks, almost pleading for warmth. She flattened her ears, before looking to Dante. "I found something... But not rabbits.." She mutters, the twp pups crawled to her, curling against her fluffy tail in search for warmth, "Their so young.. And small." She whimpered as she bent over, and began to gently lick the pups, They whimpered and yipped as she began to warm their small bodies.

The young she-wolf looked up, meeting Dante's gaze, even with her blind eye. She looked almost like a mother would, protective of the young pups, as they curled against the warmth of her belly. She twitched her ears, before looking down at the pups as they pawed gently at one and other, and began to nuzzle her warm belly. Suddenly, she no longer felt hate, it diminished at the sight of the pups, she felt responsible.. She watched them squirm and struggle to open their eyes. She licked their heads gently, Then one of them opened their eyes, the orange one. His eyes opened wide, showing off the almost mesmerizing amber color. Raven smiled slightly, the pup didn't flinch at her scars, yet let out a soft, pup-like howl, To which Raven responded to with a nuzzle and lick to the small male's muzzle.
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Essence's toned muscles seemed to bulge as she made her way over to Carel. It had been many months now since she had become a warrior and the training had already turned her into one of the strongest wolves they had. "Don't worry so much old timer. She'll be fine." Her words were laced thoroughly with love and kindness, but within them was also a small hint of respect.

(This is Essence; Click for larger picture)

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Dante felt a piece of his hard exterior melt away, and as it did a single tear dropped from his left eye; rolling down his cheek until it fell softly to the ground. He stood rigid with tension, and a memory flashed through his mind like lightning in a storm of thunder...

"Take him away from here Alex! They're coming! Please, go now!" The eyes of the golden brown pup were still glued shut with the days of infancy. He was curled tightly to his mothers side, taking in her sweet smell, like roses and a rushing river. The warmth that she gave off surrounded him like a blanket, making him curl closer as the wind whipped into the den. The coldness made him shiver, but it was more out of fear that he did so; fear of leaving the warmness of his mother's side. He was aware of another, much large wolf in the den with them but he had yet to speak. "Alex, if they find him..." "I know, I know." Now a rough deep voice spoke. He didn't understand their words, but he could feel the tension in his mother's body. Then suddenly the jaws of someone wrapped gently around his small body and lifted him away from the warmth of his mother. It was while this happened that his eyes opened. A beautiful golden colored wolf appeared before him, smiling as tears rolled down her face. "I love you my dear. Always, always remember that." It was his mother. He struggled in the jaws of his taker, trying to get back to the safeness of the den. But no. He was taken away into the deadly white land, filled with bitter cold wind, and red stained snow... It was everywhere this red, all over the place that he called home. And within the midst of the red stood a pure white wolf, stained with the color of the ones he had murdered. The wolf that carried him turned and ran, sprinting through the snow drifts. The teeth of the wolf's jaws jabbed into his spine, tearing a gash down his back. He cried out in pain. Though it was no use, they were being chased. Suddenly he was thrown from the mouth of his rescuer, thrown into the wet snow. He heard faint sounds of fighting over the ringing in his ears. Once the cloudiness cleared from his vision the pup nearly cried out in fear. Before him the white wolf had his rescuer pinned to the ground. "Always gotta be the hero, don't you Alex." His voice was dark and gravely, like grinding claws against metal. It made the pup shrink back in fear. As he did the white wolf leaned down and sank his teeth into the neck of the wolf who had taken him from his mother. He wanted to close his eyes, look away, but he couldn't. The golden wolf pup watched until the end. He watched until the life had drained from the eyes of his rescuer. Then the white wolf stepped off of him and walked over to where the pup laid in the snow. An evil, menacing sound erupted from his throat making the pup cower in fear. And just like that...he left. The white wolf turned and left, leaving him to die in the snow...

Dante snapped back into reality, and as he did he realized the reason that the memory had resurfaced. It was the pups...they smelled slightly of roses and a rushing river. Dante felt more tears fall down his face, dripping off his clenched muzzle. He turned his face away from Raven not wanting her to see him like this. As he turned away he noticed a scar that ran down his back.



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Carel sat down and sighed. "She is just in too much pain.. It hurts me to hear and see her like that." She said looking at Carel, she got up and nuzzled her. She smiled. "You have become strong Essence.. Oh and I am getting so old.. Don't know how much longer I got." She mumbled. "Beautiful you are, you turned into the strong warrior I told you about when you were little." She said smiling, "I would love to fight with ya' but Akira is just worrying me to much.." She said nuzzling her again.
Essence tilted her head, licking the elders cheek to sooth the wolf she had looked up to since puphood. "Don't say that. Old you may be, but you've got plenty of great times ahead of you. Think about being a Grandmother." She smiled, before taking her place outside Akira's den, guarding her mentor.
"A Great Grandmother to be exact... I wish her mother was here. She was the only one who could make Akira truly happy..." She said frowning a little. "Essence.. You remind me of Akira when she was younger." She said smiling.

Akira looked out the den to see Carel and Essence. "Carel.. Essence.." She said, wincing. Her eyes widened as she felt her pup come out, she howled again as another one was coming, this was going to be a long day...
Essence turned her head to the sound of her name and peered inside the den. "Yes?" Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she could see that one pup had already been born. Happiness flooded through her, for it was a good sign, a sign that everything was going to be okay.
"How.. Are you?" She said, half smiling. She wanted to talk to someone at least to distract her from her current thought., her thoughts were very negative.. What if something goes wrong? She thought. But decided to talk about Essence, in a matter of minutes the second pup was beginning to come,She whined in pain but forced a smile to Essence.

Carel chuckled, "Akira, your in labor... And your asking someone about there health?" She laughed a little again. She saw one tiny pup and smiled. "A great mother you'll be.."
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Feniri lifted his gaze to the Alpha, bowing his head respectfully. Sapphire stayed with her pup, motioning for Feniri to speak for them. Feniri smiled a little, nervously, then spoke. "We are sorry for the intrusion, but we have traveled quite some time to get here...Um, We would greatly appreciate it if you considered letting us join your pack. My name is Feniri, and my sister is Sapphire. Her pup is Inferno. In our previous pack, I was a hunter and she was a warrior, but of course...we humbly accept any position you are willing to give us." He paused for a moment, then continued. "We promise not to be a burden." Sapphire watched as her brother spoke, smiling in pride at his courage. He wasn't usually so well-spoken, and she hoped he had convinced the alpha. She looked down at tired Inferno, willing for them to be able to stay.
Raven rubbed her muzzle against the pup gently, He responded with a yip and a nip to her nose playfully. Raven smiled the other pup was very quiet, and it made her nervous. She licked the pup.. No response.. She licked again, over and over. The pup laid unresponsive and Raven whimpered, Then the small she-pup whimpered and moved slightly. Raven flattened her ears and exhaled relieved. She then looked to the clearly distressed Dante, She whimpered softly, and slowly stood up, the golden pup barked at her, and tumbled after her. Raven brushed her side against the brute gently, Before nuzzling him lovingly, and comfortingly. She twitched her good ear and licked Dante's tear stained cheek "Are you alright, Dante?" , Then the golden pup tumbled over her paw, and laid in front of Dante. He wagged his tail excitedly, and barked at Dante. Raven looked down at him with gentle eyes and smiled. She wagged her tail and licked the pups tiny ear softly.

The tan-ish gray pup grunted as she attempted to walk towards her family. She yipped, her eyes glowed a beautiful sky blue. She clumsily made her way over, and toppled against her slightly bigger brother, the two fell over. Wagging their tails happily, and nipped at one and other playfully.
Essence smiled lovingly at her leader, nuzzling the wolf on her cheek. "I'm fine Akira. But please, don't worry about me. Worry about yourself." There was a kind smile on her face, one that only came naturally when she was around the ones she loved. Essence gently scooped up the pups in her mouth and placed them easily at their mother's stomach. "There you go." Her words were soft, like wisps of a cloud.

Haven seemed to relax, relieved to know that they meant no harm. "A Hunter and Warrior? Then those will be your positions with us. I hope that you understand that Inferno will still be your responsibility." Now that she spoke her voice seemed to be calmer, more laid back. The white wolf slowly rolled her shoulders, working the tension that had built up out of them. "As soon as Dante returns I will have him fill you in on the way things run around here. For now I should ask if Fang will remain with you. Fang?" Her eyes traveled over to the elder wolf

Dante stood there for a few moments, rigid and unable to look back. As soon as the tears had dried from his eyes he looked back over at Raven. "Its nothing... We should really look for their mother." He knew that they had probably been abandoned, but never did he want the two of them to end up like him.
(((Edit: didn't see the post above, sorry)))

The two young adults relaxed, and nodded to the Alpha obediently. Sapphire glanced around, wondering which Brute was Fang. Feniri walked to her, settling next to her and waiting. The feeling around them was friendly and cautious. They exchanged glances, taking comfort in their siblings company. Inferno had fallen asleep on the ground, make occasional small sounds.
Haven walked over to where the three new members sat and smiled gently, her tough exterior melting away for a moment. "If you're tired then the dens are always open to you." She gazed at them knowingly before padding swiftly over to where Fang stood. "Would you mind keeping an eye on them until Dante returns?" It was a question, but the force behind it meant that he had better say yes. The white wolf rolled her shoulders, flexing the muscles that she had built up over many years of training for Alpha position.
Feniri and Sapphire both smiled. "Thank you." Sapphire said, dipping her head. She picked up Inferno by the scruff, carrying him inside of one of the dens. She stayed inside to watch him. Feniri glanced around, a little tired but not enough to cause him to rest just yet.
Dante turned to Raven, his eyes hardened like a frozen lake. "They don't deserve this..." He murmured mostly to himself. One of the two came up to him, yipping playfully. He bent his head down to lick the pup on the nose, smiling slightly as he did so. They were innocent. Innocent as the day they were born, and now they'd been left here; likely to die. Anger boiled up inside him but he pushed it down, not letting himself be angry in front of them.
Raven glanced to Dante and nodded, before her ears twitching for him to follow her, As they slowly neared the lake, the scent of blood and death was becoming more apparent now. She flattened her ears in disgust, Her paws hesitating with each step and looked to Dante, "This scent, Dante." It was the scent of pure rotting flesh, and blood. It made her feel sick, The little pup scrunched her nose at the scent as well, yet she still didn't fully understand the severity of the situation they were in. She slowly took a paw step forward as the trees began to clear and the sound of the river was becoming louder, the scent was becoming overwhelming.

Fang looked to the new comers, his eyes held a deep, mysteriousness, then he looked to Haven. He hesitated, studying her for a moment, The older brute let out a huff as he stood up form his resting spot, "
Indeed i shall." He nodded to her, it was respective, yet still a little mysterious. He twitched his worn ears and looked to the new comers, they were young, but possibly inexperienced. It made him chuckle slightly,

Cinder rested silently near the river, watching the carcass of the she-wolf being washed upon by the water. The scent of rotting flesh covered her scent, it was quiet interesting indeed how her pups vanished out of no where, those rats deserve to die like their mother did. She pricked her ears forward as she caught a slight scent of the rival pack's scent. She glanced up and saw the silver she-wolf, her face horribly scarred due to Cinder's sibling. It made a mischievous smile slide across her muzzle,
So they stole those pups huh? She chuckled slightly to herself Well, were just going to have to get them back. Cinders pure black pelt blended well with the shadowy trees near the river, without a sound she stood up, and slipped away into the forest, back towards her pack's territory.
Once Inferno fell back asleep, Sapphire came out of the den and walked over to Feniri, glancing at Fang. She smiled brightly. "Hello! I'm Sapphire, and this is my brother Feniri."
Fang studied her for a moment, He was clearly a more recent elderly warrior, His eyes still held a bright fire to them though, and even though hi jaws were shut, the tips of his long, sharp fangs were showing. He looked to Feniri. "I am Fang." He huffed as he sat down, many wolves would mistake his laziness as he is weak or old and cant stand very long, But in reality he could fight a few youngsters and live, with them dying. He isn't weak, just...lazy
Dante scrunched up his nose in pure disgust. Whatever it was that was giving off that scent, it was dead. He turned back to the pups, picking up the golden one in his mouth. "Get the other one. Were not leaving them here." Dante turned and padded quickly towards the scent. As they came closer to the stream it became increasingly overwhelming. Then when the water was in view a terrible scene came before them. A female wolf lie in the water and near her on the bank sat one of the rogues that had come into the territory many moons ago. Dante set the pup down began to stalk towards the stream, growling as he came closer to the rogue.
Akira smiled for a second before another howl came from her mouth. "Thank you Essence." She said forcefully smiling. Quickly, another pup was born. She clenched her teeth and tried to remain calm.

Carel smiled at Akira and Essence. Akira was going be a mother and Essence was like a only daughter to Akira. Essence was going to be just fine, with or without Carel.
Essence glanced over her shoulder, smiling at the elder wolf. "Three of them." She looked back to Akira. "Oh Akira you're going to be a great mother!" The young warrior gently set the next pup beside the others, letting it nurse as well. It filled her with such happiness to be helping her leader, her mentor with such a sacred process.
Slowly the pain stop. Akira let out a huge huff of breath. "Three.. Pups.. Wow." She said grinning. "Thank you Essence." She said softly. She felt weak but it didn't stop her to look at her pups. Three squirmed. She licked them lightly, making them squirm even more.

Carel came closer to Akira, licking one of the pups gently. "Two girls and a boy. Congratulations Akira." She smiled and licked Akira muzzle playfully and nuzzled her, she looked at Essence. "Thank you Essence once again." She said and nuzzled her also.
She felt as if she was intruding on a private moment and quickly excused herself from the den. Essence smiled at the Alpha and the Elder before retreating to the outside world. Her own mother sat some distance away, lurking in the shadows and rambling on about something that made no sense. The old wolf had been slowly loosing it her whole life and now it had finally gone. "Oh mother..." She murmured quietly to herself.
Pride&Perfection updated ☾★ Echoes in the Stars ★☽ with a new update entry:

Back on the Road

A few others have joined, and I believe that this Role Play can get it going again. So I have re-started the Rp. The "Accepting" availability will be reset to "Closed." One more thing, Kevinbrechie has been permanently banned, therefore I will take over his two characters; Shadow and Spike. Again thank you to all those who have stuck with us. After I close the Rp anyone who seeks to join, please PM me.
Read the rest of this update entry...
Akira looked at Essence when she left then at her grandmother. She smiled and looked down, inspecting the pups. The first girl was redish-golden. Then the second one was brown and orange-ish. And last but not the least her little boy was black, just like his father, she smiled. She looked at Shadow, "He looks like you." She smiled again.

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