Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]


"Yes. I really do think so. " She smiled again. Her ears perked up in excitement. "Hey Essence, just because I am an elder I can't catch prey? Wrong! Look what I caught.. From the corner of the den she held a big meaty elk in her jaws. "I caught it yesterday, it was a lot of work! I'm never gonna catch another one like this in my old age, so you wanna enjoy this with me?" She threw the elk down, excited for the pups answer.
"Woah! It's huge!" Essece bound over to the giant creature before her. Its eyes stared blankly off into blackness, and its massive body smelled of fresh kill. "I'd love to." She yipped happily ripping a piece of meet from the Elk carcass.

"Yup it's huge." She helped Essence by ripping to the large deer. "You did seem a little thinner than usual, Essence. So i decided why not eat with a pup who's hungry." She savored the deer meat,
(Oh goodness, Can someone sum up what has happened in the last few pages?) *i'll edt this once i understand what is going on
Axel stands on a rock overlooking a valley, his pack right behind him. Axel sniffed, Our prey is practically already in our jaws. Axel thought confidently. Axel growled as the signal to be off, Axel leaped first, then his pack behind him. "Cut them off! Hox take the left flank, Gertone you take the right!" Axel ordered. The Elk where just a few hundred yards ahead. Axel swiftly dodged the large pine trees as the ground rushed passed him. The Elk were in sight now, there ears perked then they bolted. The chase has began, however its futile for them. Axel thought. Axel reached the elk just as Hox and Gertone pounced on there own, the rest of the pack found there mark, including Axel. They would eat well tonight.
Raven opened her eyes, her face ached, but was beginning to heal. a scab covered the entire right side of her face. she whimpered, and could hear whimpering in the distance. she looked up and saw many wolves who seemed to be looking over their leader, she seemed to be having contractions, She told no wolf she was expecting Raven took her chance, her face being the only injury, she slipped out of camp unnoticed. she needed to leave here.. how could she face her pack looking like a hideous monster she was now. She trekked through the forest, tripping over logs due to her now blind right eye. She whimpered and in the distance heard more wolves, she crept up silently, and she watched Axel and his pack kill an elk from the thick coverage of the bushes. she watched with her one good eye, spying on this brute, careful not to make a sound. in the position she was in, he could kill her easily.
Haven cried out in pain as her body was hit with another shock of agony. She got to her paws with the assistance of a pack member and walked to her den. Just as she laid down her body was hit with yet another contraction of pain. It flashed through her body, spreading through her nervous system like wildfire. Never in her whole life had the she-wolf felt a pain quite like this. Haven whimpered quietly as not to let her pack hear her distressed calls. She felt as if her whole body was being struck by lightning, and then tossed into the flames of a fire.

Dante sat with the rest of his pack waiting outside the den of his leader. This was how it was usually done. The female would enter the den and have her puppies, but normally she would have another member stay with her throughout the process. Haven didn't have anyone besides Spike and he was nowhere to be found. An annoyed feeling began to work its way into his heart. Where was her mate when she needed him most? The golden brown wolf growled slightly before storming off. Dante needed something to keep him occupied while she went through this. Everything in their pack seemed to be going up in flames. Haven would be vulnerable after this, Raven was injured, and that was one less warrior they had to protect the pack. The brute scrunched up his nose in disgust. Finally he caught the scent of a rabbit. It wasn't a meal but it would due for now.

Essence beamed happily up at the she-wolf that she had looked up to her entire life. Carel was everything she had always wanted in a mother. She was beautiful, even in her older years. She had a heart the size of the moon, and a brain the size of the universe. She was strong, brave, and kind. To the pup, Carel was perfect.
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Carel was stuffed so she stopped eating. She yawned and sat down again. "Ah Essence, that was good. Maybe we'll save some for later." Carel smiled happily at the tiny pup,


He splashed in the little pond by the woods, Aidan sighed about how sad it is to play by himself. He wished he had someone else to play with, he could not even play with Akira because she is always busy.
There was never a time in which Kalypso felt so torn. She stumbled throughout the forest, the aching feeling of her stomach constantly reminding her of her starvation. She had gone without food for days, and her paw-steps had become weary and ungraceful. The blue aura was dim, there wasn't enough energy in Kalypso's half starved body to support the burst of energy.

I need to find a pack soon, she thought, trekking across and open clearing in the forest.

Her keen nose picked up the scent of wolves, and with the last remnants of energy within her, she bounded towards the scent, collapsing before a male wolf, exhausted.
Raven took a paw step back, she had to warn Dante.. No.. she thought to herself, i can't let him see me this way.... I'm a monster.. As she took another step back, she stepped on a brittle twig that broke loudly under-paw. she gasped and perked her one hear forward. The unknown pack knew she was there now... She cursed softly, stumbling back before quickly charging into the forest, away from her pack's territory, and away from Axel's unknown pack. She ran partially blind, and deaf. She then came to the river, the water rushed fast and cracked loudly, she inhaled deeply, the fresh water scent made a tingle shoot through her, she hesitated, something telling her to turn back... She pressed forward slightly, nearing the river's edge more and more, as she got closer, she looked down. She saw her reflection, distorted and broken, yet her beautiful complexion was as well broken, she no longer looked like a young warrior, a young, beautiful hunter... she looked like a lost cause. She growled loudly, before closing her eyes, she wanted to end this, how could she go on being so.. ugly? Turn back. A voice whispered, she looked up and spotted her dead mother, her eyes gentle, and still loving. "How can i? I'm not how i used to be.." Her mother's gentle gaze soothed her slowly I doesn't matter how you were.. only how you are now, my love. It is not yet your time.. He loves you, deeply, embrace and share that feeling with him. Then she began to fade, Raven charged forward "W-what?" She barked at where he mother had been, "Who?!" She growled, before looking back to where her pack was, after realizing her mother's figure wasn't about to return, she sighed before charging into the forest, she could smell Dante, and an unknown scent, she approached silently, before watching from the coverage, as a she-wolf laid at his paws. Raven watched, feeling a tinge of something inside her, was it hate towards the brute, or jealousy towards this unknown she-wolf...
Kalypso could hear the oncoming scent of another she-wolf come close and she was filled with hope. I don't care if this wolf is an enemy, she thought. I just need to find the Source... She whimpered loud enough for the two wolves to hear, hoping, hoping
Raven flattened her ears, she made no noise, and just watched Dante. This she-wolf was greatly emancipated, and needed help. yet everyone was getting hurt, and Haven was pupping. She made a decision and slowly relieved her horribly distorted face, she looked not like a she-wolf, and not like a brute, not like a wolf at all. She looked like death, horribly scarred and her eyes glowed a bright amber, at least the one that was blind. She watched from behind Dante, her good eye met the she-wolf's and she narrowed her gaze. Raven looked horribly frightening, and evil due to the missing half of her face, one ear, and eye. She stood, motionless, quiet, and watching, as if she was death, waiting to take the she-wolf's innocent soul at any moment.
Kalypso stared, wide-eyed at the some-what ugly she-wolf, but she didn't care. She had been alone for far too long and all she wanted was to join a group. She didn't care for the wolf's ugliness, she wanted to get to know her and become friends, but the look the she-wolf was giving her drained her hope. She closed her eyes, hot with despair
Raven saw the despair, and smelt it. the scent was pungent. She growled deep in her throat, it was an ugly, horrible sound. She pushed past Dante, probably shocking the brute, due to him not knowing she was escaped the camp unnoticed. She stepped before the she-wolf, her eyes burned brightly, and seemed to harden with each second that past, making her look meaner. Then Raven swiftly bit onto the near dead she-wolf scruff, not hard enough to peirce the skin, or harm her, the most damage Raven had done was frighten the unknown she-wolf. She picked her up, and then shifted her onto her shoulders, she she laid on Raven's back. She huffed softly, the wolf was quiet light. She then looked to Dante, her gaze softened momentarily, before she quickly began to run towards camp.
Kalypso gave out a weak yelp. What was this she-wolf doing? She clenched her eyes shut, hoping she would survive long enough for her fate to be revealed to her. No! she thought. I will not give up! Not now!

The ride was bumpy, but Kalypso managed, drawing ragged breaths of air. The world was a blur, spinning and revolving around her. She tried to put as little of her weight on the she-wolf, she did not realize how light she really was.
Raven ran to the camp, she then heard the yelps coming from Haven's den. she pricked up her one good ear, before gently setting the she-wolf in a soft patch of grass. She stared at her for a moment, before vanishing into a den for a moment. When she returned she had a medium sized rabbit. She dropped it before the she-wolf, watching her. Raven's eyes were stern and hard, fixed on the injured she-wolf.

Fang saw Raven, walking. He quickly sat up. She had another, unknown she-wolf on her back. Fang growled softly, what was she doing, as she dropped a rabbit before this she-wolf. Fang growled louder, before leaping off the rock he laid on, where he was watching over Haven's den for Dante. Raven looked to the brute who lied to her about being her father, her good eye met his, they glared at each other, coldly. Raven stood up, her pelt bristling. She growled a low, growl. Telling Fang to back off. Fang was shocked, she has never growled at him. What had gotten into her? He took a paw step forward, And She lunged at him, Fang scrambled back, shocked. Raven stood protectively over the starved she-wolf, baring her incredibly long, sharp fangs. Warning him for the last time, to back off.
Kalypso looked at the rabbit and pushed it away. Once she had her strength back, she would have to hunt. It was shameful to be accepting food from this pack. And she saw that the brute did not approve of it. No, I won't eat. I'll catch my own food...soon
Raven looked to Kalypso, snapping her gaze on her as she refused the rabbit. She growled loudly. She grabbed the rabbit, dropping it in front of her, her eyes stern, and hard. watching her closely. Fang stepped back, what was wrong with Raven? Does she know... Fang shook his head Impossible.. She was far to young to remember.. He watched his adopted daughter from a distance. Raven held her gaze on Kalypso's, her ear pricked forward. It was a dominate stance, and she wanted her to eat. She was clearly hungry starving actually.
The look on the she-wolf's eyes made Kalypso eat. She did not want to anger the generous, but some-what frightening wolf. She ate the rabbit slowly, trying to savor the meaty flavor, but soon she could not restrain herself from eating ungracefully. She finished the rabbit, her strength replenishing.

"T-thank you," she spoke, her voice quivering slightly
Raven looked up from the she-wolf. letting out a sigh as she laid beside her, She looked to Fang, her gaze cold, and almost unforgiving. She then looked to Kalypso, Her gaze softened, before she rested her head on her large paws. She watched the pack buzz around, she closed her good eye, listening to the pack carefully. Her hearing was a marvelous now that she was partially blind. Her heart burned with hate, and anger. She was truly different, not the sweet pup she had been just a season before. she looked and acted like a cold blooded killer now, and wouldn't stop herself from becoming one if it was needed. Her heart bubbled with anger, then the thought of Dante shoved its way into her mind, causing the hate to diminish. She flattened her good ear, her tail wrapped to her right side, she thought of his words How dare you. echoed in her mind for what felt like seasons, yet it was only seconds.
Kalypso looked at the she-wolf, shocked. One moment she was showing a ferocious side, the next she was vulnerable. She got up slowly, her legs wobbling. She had to thank the she-wolf for saving her life, but how? Hunt. she thought. Bring back prey.
Raven heard the she-wolf shift, and she looked up at her. She narrowed her gaze, focusing. she growled deeply, She sat up slowly, she to was exhausted, and wanted to sleep. She watched her closely, before standing up. she was larger then Kalypso, due to her malnutrition. She stepped in front of her "You need rest." she growled, stopping the she-wolf. Her eyes were again, stern. "You can move once its dawn." She growled, slightly pushing the she-wolf back to she had been laying in the grass.
Kalypso obeyed. It was the least she could do for the she-wolf. She closed her eyes, waiting to be submerged into the inky blackness of sleep. 
She slept, but not for long. A noise awoke her from her slumber, causing her to wake up. Kalypso smelt the air and realized it was elk. And it was coming wonderfully close. She followed the scent, careful not to make a single sound. I'll repay her, she thought.
Raven had fallen asleep beside Kalypso, unaware of her actions. She slept restlessly. dreaming of the rouges who made her the way she is. she growled and kicked in her sleep.
Kalypso glanced at the she-wolf, who was kicking in her sleep. She lingered for a bit and then padded up, whispering in her good ear. "I don't care if you're ugly."

She tracked the scent and it led her to an elk grazing the grass. She stalked closer, her ears pricked and her paws light. The elk sensed her and broke into a long run. Filled with determination, Kalypso chased after it, bringing it down by jumping. She looked into its eyes and thanked it for letting her kill it. She then finished it off with a swift bite to the throat. It was time to bring it back 
She returned to the camp, a bit tired from carrying her load. She dropped the fresh elk onto the grass, besides the she-wolf that saved her life. Kalypso noticed that it was dawn, and she nudged the she -wolf awake, hoping she would be pleased.

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