Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

Sky looked up at the Alpha female and grinned, letting his tongue roll out of his mouth as he crouched down like he was going to fight her, even though his tail was wagging playfully. "Hey here," Sky said with a toothy grin, not sure why Haven was saying that the Hey or whatever it was called was somewhere else. Playfully jumping side to side on his front paws, the young pup let out a small yip, trying to get Haven to play with him if she even would.

Kole had laid his head down on his paws, resting his eyes since he was slightly tiered from the early run, but pricked his ears up at the sound of Sky yipping. Raising his head and looking around, Kole had to blink several times to get clear focus and finally spotted the small, off white pup trying to play with Haven. Kole inwardly groaned, and started making his way closer to the pair incase he needed to pull Sky out and find a corner to stick the pup into if he misbehaved. Looking up from Sky to Haven, he titled his head, silently asking if she was being bothered.
Haven looked at the Omega out of the corner of her eye. She could tell by his body language that Kole was worried about Sky annoying her. Looking back at the pup, Haven flicked her tail, a silent signal telling him that everything was fine. A small smile appeared on the face of the beautiful white wolf. She batted him gently on the side, playing of course, but it was enough to cause him to loose balance. Haven was gentle enough not to harm the young one, but she wouldn't let win the play-fight if he didn't deserve it. It was this technique that she used to judge the character of a wolf, young or old; by the way they fight.

Dante suddenly felt a surge of anger. Not only was this wolf not a rogue, he was also not a Seraphim. No. This treacherous wolf was from Shaitan. In the short time that Dante had been with his pack he had learned to hate their rival pack. All of his golden fur began to stand on end. His chest puffed out as his lip curled up in a deadly snarl. "Get off our lands you imbecile! No one of your kind belongs here!" The large wolf advanced towards the male, snapping in the air as if to give him extra persuasion to leave. He glance at Raven out of the corner of his eye, rage coursing through him like electricity. "How dare you." It was meant to come out in a growl but instead he barely whispered it through his gritted teeth.
KaDesh's heart instantly doubled its speed. His blood now turn hot he could feel the pressure building in his head. He got up on all fours and lowerd his head slightly while keeping his eyes locked on Dante and staying infront of Raven. He didn't snarl, nore bark, not even grinned in the slightest. He only gave Dante a threatening look and kept his eye on him. "Dante listen to me very closely. We do not haft to fight. I could leave now and we act like this never happened." He looked at Raven reluctantly it felt like his own words where tearing him apart, but all in his mind was to keep her safe, no matter the cost.
Kole relaxed a little when Haven didn't look annoyed, and sat down to watch the play-fight in amusement. Sky, oblivious to the silent conversation happening over his head, shook out his fur after regaining his balance and tried growling. In his mind it had come out very fierce, like when Kole growled or another wolf did, but in actuality it was a very silly sound and Kole had to hide his laughter from the sidelines. Charging forward, Sky aimed at one of Haven's legs, but turned last second and attacked the other leg, hoping to surprise her and biting her leg. He was still "growling", if it could be called that, and his tail was wagging as he unsuccessfully tried to pull the Alpha female's leg out from under her.
Raven's tail went between her thighs, the she-wolf stood behind Kadesh, She looked to Kadesh, her eyes solemn, As she pushed her way before Dante, Past Kadesh. "He saved my life, Dante" She muttered, her eyes not locked on the male in any way, only at the grass that brushed against his paws. She straightened out her tail, She looked up at the brute from her pack, her eyes serious but hinted a slight fear and sadness. She felt disgusting, and for the first time.. She felt as if her heart was being torn two ways.
Haven decided to give the pup the benefit of his attack. It was a decent move, especially for a wolf his age. Not many of the pups in her pack were able to fight at all at his age. So for him to be playing the way he did she knew that someday Sky would make a great warrior. Haven made a mental note to keep an eye on him as he grew up. Her thoughts drifted back to the fight and Haven gave a playful growl. She acted as if he had truly managed to pull her leg out from beneath her and stumbled slightly before falling to the ground with an "Oomph!"

Dante's ears laid back on his head, his muscles bulging with anger, and every single one of his furs was standing on end. Raven walked up from behind the male and stood with her tail tucked between her legs. For a moment she stood like this, submissive before the golden warrior, but then she raised her tail from her legs and looked up at him. There was fear in her eyes but also sadness. She had actually found a way to love this wretched wolf from another pack. It was at this moment that something inside him changed. His fur laid down flat against his back, but his posture remained the same. He turned towards the male. "Leave." It was quiet but his deep voice carried over the pond. "Leave now. I'll let you go this once but I swear to the Seraphim if I ever catch you back on these lands you won't live to see the next sunrise." His voice was no longer loud and raging, but that would have been better that how it was now. Instead it was low and deadly. For if it had been loud then Kadesh would have had less a reason to fear, but it wasn't and so the Shaitan male should fear for his life.
Raven looked back at Kedesh, "Leave." She growled at him. She surprised herself, The loud growl wasn't always heard from Raven. She was usually patient, and quiet. She stared into Kadesh's eyes, with no expression. No sadness, anger, or love. Her eyes were now blank, and expressionless. Then she looked back to Dante, Also expressionless, yet she twitched her ears in a signal only she herself knew. Then, without single word spoken, She walked away. She didn't look back at the two males, she refused. She was being dumb, like a pup, for ever feeling anything towards that male. Her heart throbbed slightly, but once she was out of the two male's view, she began to sprint, swiftly jumping over fallen trees, and dodging past bushes. She ran for a bit, before coming to a small stream. She sighed, looking down into the water, She thought about Fang, How whenever she asked about her mother, Fang never said anything, Besides that she looked a lot like Her. Raven imagined her mother, A wolf. No, a beautiful wolf. Her eyes soft and gentle, Her voice smooth and sweet. Raven growled, looking at her reflection made her sick, She wasn't a soft, kind-hearted wolf like her mother was. She was rude, and snappy. Raven watched as she imagined her reflection, like her mother. Her eyes paler then Raven's, Her fur glossy and soft. Raven growled again before tearing through the reflection with her paw.

The she-wolf huffed softly, looking around for any other wolves. Before stepping into the shallow, cold water. She waded around for a moment, letting the icy water clutch at her fur. She lapped at low water quietly. Her mother came back into her mind once more.
Why? Why does she keep returning. Raven growled again, at times she would dream of her mother, seeing her eyes, and feeling her warm tongue, but it never lasted long, Soon these dark wolves would come, and slaughter her mother, who stood trying to protect Raven. Then eventually she would wake up. Raven pushed herself out of the water, shaking off the icy droplets. She then sat down, Not wanting to move anymore. She started to think of Dante's growl, it was dark, and frightening. She growled herself at the thought, Then of Kadesh. She quickly pushed him from her mind.
Pain. Kadesh raised a smirk reluctantly and looked back on Dante. "Well that was fun." The young warrior clouded his true feelings with feeble attempts of self humor, trying to provoke laughter into the situation to make himself feel better but as far as he was concerned, it wasnt working. He raised himself up straight and began walking away. "I'll catch you later then." He ended as he broke his head through the shrubby and landed on the other side. He then sniffed out where he was exactly and began to walk in a straight line to his pack's resting place. Scenes of the previous events filled his head. Laughter, Joy, Peace, Happiness, all of these made him want to stop in his tracks, turn around and bolt back after Raven but he knew he couldn't do that. Now Dante will be more alert now than ever before but Kadesh pasted the idea of Dante being a threat off though it wasn't to easy considering that Dante looked Nearly twice as older than him. He slowed his pace as he neared his packs entrance and shook himself a bit wanting to get any scent of the rival pack off of himself and wanting to get the thought of the tragedy he just endured out of his mind. He solemnly trotted to the middle of a clearing and fell on his side then shut his eye.

I was not comfortable enough to talk about the pups with Shadow so i got up and greeted many pack members. Most of the pack members know that i am expecting pups, I sighed at the thought. I checked in most dens and saw my grandmother sleeping like always. I nuzzled Carel and I looked around i enjoyed the view of the pack stirring. I nuzzled a few pack members and carried on..


Aidan went up to Akira and licked her face, he knew she is always busy so this was the only time to say hello. When Aidan reached his breakfast all he got was tiny scraps of meat on the bones of a deer. He sighed as always,
Shade was careful where he stepped, he was in a territory he didn't know. He could smell wolves in the distance, But they were not close enough to smell him, Yet he could tell many wolves walked this path before. He was deep in Shaitan territory, with his two litter mates. He glanced behind him, Amber and Cinder we're walking close to him, yet sniffing around. Cinder smelt the air and caught the smell of their fourth litter mate, She growled softly, Shade glanced to her, almost shocked. He then tipped his head back and let out a long, loud howl that echoed through Shaitan territory. The three of them ran through the forest, their paws landing on the ground heavily. They growled loudly, coming to a clearing, No wolf was in it, yet they were nearing the camp of this pack they were guessing due to the scents getting stronger. Then Shade spotted a herd of Elk, weary due to their howl,The three spread out and crouched low, stalking the elk herd, unaware of their presence.

Shade neared the front of a massive bull elk, While Cinder, and Amber both took the two back sides. Then the hunt began. Cinder lunged for the Elk, biting at its heels. The massive bull let out a loud screech that rang through out both of the pack's territories. It took off forward, Amber bit at its ankles with her sister, as it ran faster and faster. Shade lunged towards the Bull, It reared up and swung its sharp hooves at Shade. It turned and shoved Amber out of the way, She fell onto her side, as the massive elk ran over her, barely missing her. Her two siblings ignored the fact she fell, and chased after the elk, its herd running the other way. Amber was left, alone in a field. She whimpered softly, before looking around wearily.

Cinder growled before jumping onto the elk, biting at its shoulders, It gave a cry before throwing her off. She growled louder and continued to chase the beast. Shade rolled his eyes, then opened his mouth wide as he bit into the Elk's ankle. It let out a cry and kicked out, Shade backed up quickly and watched as the massive bull fell onto its side. He charged forward sinking his fangs into its tough throat. He shook his head hard, and the bull screamed again, They had just entered The Seraphim's territory as they began to kill the elk. It screamed again and then hit Shade in the ribs with its hard hoof. Shade felt the air escape his lungs and he released the Elk, it quickly took off again, Cinder chased it quickly, Her brother behind her as he regained his breath. He then growled, chasing after the elk he past his sister, and jumped onto the Elk's back, He sunk his long fangs into the Elk's neck, and it screamed as it toppled to the ground. Shade pinned the Bull quickly, Strangling it to death as he crushed its trachea in his powerful jaws. Its thick blood dripped from his maw, Cinder panted and nodded to her brother, how released the now dead Bull Elk.

Raven heard a Bull Elk's scream, Se pricked her ears forward and looked up. She quickly got to her paws and proceeded towards where the noise came from. Amber laid in Shaitan territory, Her pads sore from walking, She looked around before sitting and licking at her swollen pads. She could smell the Shaitan pack near-by.
Sky froze when Haven fell over, blue eyes wide in surprise as he stared at the Alpha female. He glanced frantically between her and Kole, worry and hesitation clear on his face. Kole, who had noticed the fake fall, was trying really had not to laugh or smile and instead just shrugged his shoulders. Taking that as an OK, Sky perked up and his tail started wagging as he hopped up and sat on Haven's back triumphantly. "I win," he boasted, and off to the side Kole chuckled at the site of the pup sitting on the older wolf before going over to get some food since everyone else had eaten. Yawning a little, Sky laid down and rested his head on Haven's, looking around at the woods. "When I'm not a pup no more, I wanna be a Hunter like Kole," Sky said absentmindedly, more interested in a butterfly that was flying around.


Spike was enjoying the sight of his mate fighting with the pup. He always loved to play with pups and he knew Haven loved to do it as well. Spike did it quite often, not just because he thought it was incredibly fun to do, but also because he knew how important it was for the pups themselves. They'd improve their skills and have fun at the same time.

Spike knew that Haven was simply pretending to lose the fight, and he truly loved the way Sky reacted to the Alpha females action and could barely hold back a laugh and a flick of his tail. Spike sat down next to Sky and Haven and nudged his mate a bit "I hope you didn't beat her up too much Sky" he said, acting quite seriously.


Shadow had never been sure about getting pups. He didn't really like them and never was really comfortable while talking about it. He especially hated to talk about his pups in public since it would definitely show a weakness in the Alpha male's personality. Shadow didn't want to look weak. He was the Alpha. He was supposed to be the strongest. Mental and Physical.

He sat down and sighed as he saw his mate walk off to greet the rest of the pack's members. The Alpha male stared at the ground and started thinking about how many pups he could possibly get.
Fang pricked his ears forward, He scanned the clearing and watched as two large, rouge wolves, One female, One male, took down a Bull Elk. His fur bristled slightly, Before he ran towards camp. He ran through the entrance, "Spike, Haven." He called across the clearing. He trotted towards them, clearly distressed, "Rouges, Spotted inside the territory." He bowed slightly in respect as he spoke. Before standing up straight. He looked to Haven, who was playing with a pup, Sky he believed his name was. He then looked to Spike, the two were both quite large wolves, Spike was larger, and had clearly more muscle mass, Yet Fang held vicious battle scars, he had a lot of muscle as well, Not like Spike, But enough to seem larger then most. He also had long fangs, which gave him his name. His eyes were worried, he felt like he recognized these wolves. No, they wouldn't follow me all the way here, Not this far.. He looked around the clearing Where is Raven?

Raven carefully approached where she heard the elk, she looked around and spotted two massive wolves tearing into the carcass of a Bull Elk, She growled softly. Were these wolves from Shaitan? Had Kadesh only been distracting her while his pack stole their prey? She flattened her ears. Before stepping out from the coverage. She watched as the two, bloody, large wolves looked up at her, Cinder growled loudly, her pelt prickling slightly. Shade bared his fangs, and growled at her. Raven growled back, her fur bristling, and she kept her ears pricked forward. She licked her sharp fangs and growled again, "Get off our territory." She snapped, Cinder lunged for her in a threatening warning, Raven didn't flinch and growled louder, "I said leave, Rouges." Shade then charged Raven, with cruel intentions..
Haven smiled inwardly at the young male's reaction to his victory. With his head laid gently down on hers the pup spoke, "When I'm not a pup no more, I wanna be a Hunter like Kole." The white wolf refrained from reminding the pup that Kole was an Omega not a Hunter. Instead she said, "I believe that a strong wolf like you would make a great hunter. However you may change your mind before it's time for you to choose." With that Haven carefully stood, waiting for Sky to get off her back before she turned towards Spike. "Why don't you find Kole? I bet he just can't wait to hear how you beat your Alpha." She spoke to Sky but was still facing Spike. A pit of worry had begun to make it way into her stomach. She loved Spike like no other brute but for some reason she was over the top nervous about telling him... Before she could go on to tell him Fang ran up to their side. "Rogues?" Her voice carried over the large clearing, carrying a deadly edge to it. It was times like this that she was truely respected for her position as Alpha. "Silvermoon, stay with Sky. Kole, Spike, Fang, Destan, and Raven are all coming with me." As she looked around she realized that Raven and Destan were nowhere to be found. An aggervated growl escaped her mouth before she could control it. Now they were short two warriors. Never the less they would be fine against three rogues. There was a demanding glint in her pale grey eyes as she led her pack towards the rogues at press paw speed; not a full blown sprint, but much more thant just a jog.

Dante growled at the male, watching cautiously as he left. Deep down a part of him hated the fact that he had probably just ruined their love, but that part of him wou probably never surface. He shook of the anger that had just coursed through his body. Then came confusion. Just a few moments ago he had been more than just mad, Dante had been enraged at the fact that she was meeting with a wolf from the Shaitan, but the more he thought about it the more he came to realize that it wasn't him that he was mad at it was her. The thought almost caused him to trip over a log. He had been jealous of Kadesh. Dante had been jealous that Raven was with another wolf and not...and not him. A piercing cry of an Elk cut of his thoughts. Acting on instinct the golden colored brute raced towards the sound. His muscles pumped furiously, for his first thought had been that it was Kadesh that had hunted on their land. As he came closer he was able to make out three rogues. One female, and one male. but then he spotted another. The sight made him stop dead in his tracks. The other was Raven. She stood growling at the two of them, commanding them to leave, but the female came at her. It was then that he launched into an attack. A dangerous battle cry errupted from his throat as he charged the advancing female. Dante crashed into her body, sending her flying into the male. His shoulder stung from the impact but it wasn't anything horrible.
Sky hopped off Haven's back happily, rushing over to Kole who had stood up when Spike came over. He let the pup run around his legs, watching him but keeping his ears up for the conversation happening between the Alphas and Fang. He felt a chill go through his body when Fang said there were Rogues, glancing down at Sky before making his way slowly towards the group when he was called. "Stay here with Silvermoon, ok Sky?" Kole said to the pup, but he didn't wait for a reply before running after Haven and the others. Even though he left after them, he quickly caught up and was running in stride with them, weaving through the trees smoothly and sniffing the air, picking up the faintest sent of unknown wolves.

Sky pouted and sat down sadly, watching as Kole and the other wolves ran off. "But I don't like Silvermoon that much," he grumbled softly, then huffed and laid down, content on not moving for the rest of the day until Kole or someone else came and played with him.
Kadesh slowly opened he eyes. He felt very reluctant to get up. But out of sheer boredom he arose. He felt better his pain was gone and he could think clearly. He tried not to dwell to much on how he felt though. He didn't want to remind himself of what happened earlier that morning. He looked around and saw Shadow looking deep into the ground. Kadesh got up and walked over to his superior. "Nice looking ground aye boss."

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My ears pricked up. I heard a battle cry from the Seraphim. I growled loudly, i started to bark orders to the warriors, i had one hunter protect Carel just in case.I howled to Shadow to come. I went leading some warriors to the sound even though i was expecting pups, i had to defend her pack.
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Marilia left Essence with Carel and the hunter, racing off with her leader. Her gait was somewhat off due to the lack of one leg. She could run quickly but it didn't look quite right. Loosing a leg can do that to a canine. The half crazed wolf followed her pack towards the sound of battle. Off in the distance she could barely make out the sounds of fighting wolves. A lust for battle began to rise from within her, making the wolf seem to crave blood.

Essence watched on as her mother left without a word of goodbye. The lack of words left the pup with a pang of sadness. Her gray head drooped down, upset by her mother's quick leave.
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Sky quickly got bored and stood up, then took off for a run in the woods like he had seen all the older wolves do countless times before. It was tiering though, and not five minutes into his trip he was just about exhausted when he reached a stream. Grinning happily, he took a drink and started wandering around, hearing quiet noises and following them to a camp, much like Seraphim's but with different wolves. Spotting a small grey wolf about his age, Sky's tail started wagging and he tried quietly calling to the other pup. "Psst. Over here."
Essence lifted her head to the noise, curious as to where it had come from. Glancing around the young grey pup bound over to the rocky hiding place in which the noise had come. When she got there Essence was shocked to find another pup. One that seemed to be about her age. A pupish growl threatened to escape her muzzle, but something made her decide to hold it back. She knew that he wasn't from her pack and that it was against the rules to play with him, but when did she ever get to have fun. "Shh! They'll hear you. C'mon this way." She led the young brute out of her camp. Once they were a safe distance away she turned on him playfully, wagging her tail all the while. "Who are you? I haven't seen you around here."

Carel awoke from the battle call. The pup essense was sitting nervously next to her. Carel swore she heard another pup's voice. She looked around, eyeing everything.
Sky followed the other pup, wagging his tail before smiling at her. "My name's Sky for now," he said, using his standard introduction before tilting his head to the side in curiosity. "I was on a run like the big wolves do, and found you. Speaking of which, who are you?" He hadn't met any other pups his age, all the ones in Seraphim being older or younger, and was excited but still nervous at the same time. Kole had told him many times not to talk to strange wolves, but she wasn't a wolf, she was a pup like him so it was ok, right?
Raven was shocked to see Dante attack the wolf charging her. She stood behind the male, She growled, surprised, and slightly angry. She could have took the she-wolf. She then moved so she stood beside him, Without looking to him, She growled loudly at the two larger wolves. Cinder crashed into her brother, Making him stumble. Shade sniffed Cinder slightly, Then bared his long teeth at Dante. He held his tail high, and lunged, it was a warning. He growled louder, Then charged at Dante. Raven took her chance and attacked. She sun her fangs into the side of Shade's throat. He growled loudly as blood began to mat his fur. She clawed at his shoulders and bit harder. Shade shook her off, and bit onto the side of her head. Raven's eyes widened as the wolf attempted to crush her skull in his powerful jaws. She cried loudly, clawing at his muzzled, Cinder charged Dante. to distract him as her brother attempted to kill Raven.

Raven's skin and fur began to give way, tearing and ripping under the brute's sharp fangs. She felt her skin rip from her body, And she felt her hearing becoming distorted as he shook her, Tearing away the skin on part of her face. She screeched in pure agony as the brute threw her limp body aside. Raven laid on the ground, blood pouring from her ripped complexion. Her eyes wide, Yet her vision was blurry and going black in her left eye, where the brute had bit her, as blood clouded her vision. She watched as Shade slowly made his way towards her, injured, and wounded body. She closed her eyes, Remembering Kadesh, Then remembering what Dante's last word were.
How dare you She whimpered softly, This is my fault... How dare i.. She exhaled deeply as she felt the brute press his massive paw against her wounded throat

Fang bound through the forest, after his alpha female. Once they pressed through the clearing, he spotted Raven in the brute's jaws. His eyes widened in terror, "
R-raven.." He muttered, watching as he tossed her limp body aside. He felt his legs go weak. Then his heart began to pound as she didn't move. The only thing he learned to love, Other then his dead mate, was dying... Right before his eyes.
Dante lifted his massive paw, smacking the she wolf aside with a single blow to the face. His claws raked the side of her cheek leaving a painful gash that ran down from her cheek to the side of her muzzle. The female was nearly three times smaller than he was and did not have nearly as much muscle as he. The golden colored wolf streaked towards her while she was down, gripping her throat between his jaws. His fangs drew into her neck, letting blood pour from her wounds. It was the sound of a whimper that finally got him to release her. He opened his muzzle and let her fall to the ground. (Please tell me if this sounds to powerful.) Dante whirled around only to face something that he had only imagined he'd see in a nightmare. "NO!" His voice carried on over both territories. The male had nearly ripped off the side of her face, leaving her with a wound that would scar her for the remainder of her life. He rushed to stand between the rogue and Raven, shielding her from his cruelty.

As Haven reached the field she began to sprint, running swiftly towards her injured packmates. The female stopped and stood discretely beside Dante. She could feel the rest of her pack stand beside her. Slowly the white wolf circled the male, growling deeply in her chest. It was obvious that he had been the one to harm Raven, as for the female, she figured that Dante could handle her. "What are you doing here?" Her words were dark and filled with the rage of an Alpha. "You come unto my lands, nearly murder one of my packmates. Who do you think you are?"

Dante felt the tension literally drain out of him as his pack arrived. Haven would know what to do, she always did. 
Essence grinned at the pup like her. "I'm Essence!" The gray wolf seemed to perk up immeadiately, glad to finally have someone to play with. It was then that she realized that Carel may have seen them sneak off. "Uh-oh." She muttered quietly to herself.

Akira ran and saw Haven, the alpha female. "It has been a long time,.. Haven." Her voice colder than usual.She growled angrily at them two also at Dante.
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