Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]


The wolf she was following had turned around and was now swimming directly towards her. She panicked a bit, slowing her swimming in case she needed to do a double take. He growled, however didn't seem to be up for a fight. "I don't have a pack" she said bobbing up and down,water going in her mouth she said, "but how bout we get onto solid grounb before we starf making conbersation". With that she paddled closer to the edge of the river
Shadow nodded to his Delta, using his eyes to convey the thanks that he wanted to grant her. He was about to head out when the sound of Akira's distressed voice reached him. "What Happened!" She was snarling at Essence, the one canine he'd never thought she would act this way towards. His mate was terrified, heart broken, but no mater how badly he wanted to go to his mate, Shadow would have to comfort her later. Smoke was already billowing into the clearing. "Everyone! Go Now!" The brute turned and then turned to lead the Shaitan from the clearing. Everyone moved at a swift jog, hurrying across the barren land as the fire advanced upon them. Anger rose in his heart, hatred raged like a hurricane, fueling him to continue. The Seraphim would pay for what they'd done!


Essence cringed at her mentor's harsh words, implying that she herself had been the one to kill Carel. Tears threatened to resurface, but she wouldn't let them. Something changed inside her, hardened at the death of one of her loved ones. The warrior refused to let her Alpha take out on her the emotions she felt for something that no one had done. "Nothing. No one did anything Akira." There was something about the coldness in her voice that reminded her of her mother. Heartless. But she wasn't. Essence was one of kindest wolves that they had; it was the cold exterior that she had put up around herself that kept the warrior from comforting her leader. A cold exterior that she didn't know she had. So the new, hardened, Essence turned away from her leader and took her place in line, earning dumbfounded stares from some of her pack mates.


Spike felt the relief flood through him. "Quickly." The dark brute motioned for Kole to follow him and then he dashed off, coughing at the ammount of smoke he had inhaled. Worry was still zinging through him. What about Sky? Would the young warrior truly be okay or was the Alpha just saying that to get Kole to evacuate? He shook his head, hoping for the best to come out of a horrible situation.
Rya's eyes had traced Akira as she went to Carel, and would have clenched her teeth if it hadn't been for the pup in her mouth, and as it was, Rya had to remind herself that Willow was there - as the pup seemed to weigh nothing at all; and seemed to be lost in Rya's distressed mind. The fae-wolf's yellow eyes blinked in surprise as Essence turned away from Akira, and so Rya decided that she would have to be the one to comfort her alpha, as Shadow was busy leading the pack away. Vehiron had gone and followed him already with Midnight and was running at the front of the line, but Rya dropped behind slightly to wait for Akira, Willow dangling from her mouth. The smoke was starting to get stronger, and Rya knew that soon the pup's health would be in danger, and she went to Akira quickly, nudging her softly. "Hurry" she managed to say around the pup in her mouth, and started to lope off after the pack.

As soon as Shadow had set off, Vehiron had started running behind immediately, the pup Midnight in his maw. The pup squirmed in protest as he started running, but soon settled down, to the black wolf's relief. Looking behind briefly, he saw Rya waiting for Akira, and having seen his sister his eyes cast around for Haru's lithe form. He soon spotted his brother at the back of the pack, and turned back to face the front in relief, since Haru was the one most likely to suddenly disappear and put himself in danger. Not having known Carel particularly well, Vehiron only felt a marginal amount of grief, though he knew that many wolves in the pack had been close to the elder. He would probably feel worse about it later, as his concentration was focused on getting out of the fire, his warrior's focus intent on the situation at hand and blurring out anything else.

Keen yellow eyes rested upon Carel's corpse, taking in the mourning that surrounded it. I saved a Seraphim. I shouldn't have helped her. I should have let her die a burning death after her pack had set fire to our territory. Haru's level-headed reasoning didn't distract him at all, instead he thought while he moved after the pack. But no, a Seraphim wolf had cried out... The fire was effecting them too. They would not be so foolish to set fire to both of their territories, they loved the animals and nature and fire only killed them. Besides, hadn't he smelled something weird in the fire? Wolf-scent, but not Seraphim, and not Shaitan. There was also a Shaitan wolf, though. The one who had howled to alert the pack of the fire. Who had that been? Scanning the pack, he saw Vehiron looking at him, but ignored his brother as he searched. Cinder. Cinder was missing. The rogue turned Shaitan was gone. Where was she? Probably in the fire.

He didn't really think before stopping in his tracks and spinning around, nearly bumping into Essence who had taken her place near him at the back of the line and running straight back into the fire. Rya was preoccupied with Akira, Vehiron had already checked up on him, and Haru knew that he wouldn't be missed until the pack stopped to regroup. Running strong back to the camp clearing, Haru kept low to the ground and breathed as little as possible, his black fur blending in with the smoke and charred ground around him.
Raayd took a deep breath, calming himself. The sound of crackling fire seemed to have disappeared, but that might have just been water in his ears. "Y-yes. Cave." Despite everything happening, Raayd still remembered the object the drowning wolf had tossed in there. What was it? Raayd began paddling toward the cave, still feeling far weaker than he would of liked. If the female wanted to kill him, it would be easier than catching a lemming.

Dayra felt herself welling up with pride, but pushed it down, forcing herself to focus on the rest of the pack. The danger wasn't over yet. She kept slightly behind her Alpha, still watching the forests for changes in the path. The fire seemed to be behind them, for Dayra couldn't see any, but there was still an awful amount of smoke. Forgetting her own advice, she lifted her head up to sniff, and immediately regretted it. Stifling a cough, Dayra hoped nobody had seen it.
Kole followed Spike, barely able to see the alpha in all the smoke even though he was right in front of him. He wanted to turn around, wait for Sky just a little longer. Or for the young wolf to just charge out of the woods and run along with them, claiming he had gotten lost or something. Anything except nothing.

Sky saw the wolves swim close together, then swim somewhat closer to where he was hiding on the bank. His ears perked up when he recognized Raayd as one of the two, and the other wasn't one he'd ever seen before. "Raayd!" He called out and stepped out of his hiding spot. Jumping into the water, Sky swam over to the two and noticed how tiered Raayd looked. How long had he been swimming? Glancing at the other wolf, Sky tried to remember if it was a Shaitan or not, but finally decided that it wasn't. "Come on, you two look a little tired," he joked lightly, then gently grabbed Raayd by the scruff of his neck and got him inside the cave in a few powerful kicks. He glanced back at the other and watched carefully, ready in case they went under but not going to help them if they didn't need it. He didn't know who they were or what weird things they had, so there was no way he'd pull them over like he did Raayd unless absolutely necessary.
The male beside her whirled around, charging off into the shadows of smoke. Instinctively the young warrior turned and followed Haruki into the fire. Essence trailed him silently, curious as to where he was headed, but also as to what it was he was after. No one would just suddenly turn back into a wall of fire unless there was a reason behind it. Sp the gray wolf stalked after him, making her way quietly through the smoke filled land.


Dante faintly remembered carried from the water, whisked away by some creature of the sky. Its wings beat fiercely at the wind, pushing the massive beast into the air. His lungs burned at the intake of water, searing them like fire. How was he awake? How was he even alive. Teh nautiosu wolf looked upward, only to met by a curling feeling in his stomach. What seemed to be a massive eagle loomed above him, but when her looked the other was he saw the tail of a lion. What was happening...

(He'd been carried away by something. For more information on the something look at the newly edited Overview. At the bottom you will see a tab marked "Creatures of the new world." Hint. Hint. Check it out.)
Raayd turned toward the sound of his name being called, attempting to figure out who it was. The wolf, a young hunter, judging by the build, jumped into the water and swam towards them. The thought 'Sky' had barely registered in his waterlogged brain before he was suddenly swept up and carried powerfully into the cavern. Blinking, Raayd shook himself off a little, and paused as he noticed water coming out his ears. Now where had that come from? "Sky?" He looked at the younger wolf, suddenly getting a strange sense of oldness. Wasn't he only a few years older? It must have been the water, Raayd decided. Actually he was feeling a lot better now that some of it had gone out his ears. Then he spotted the small, wet bundle on the floor of the cave. It was a pup.
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The smoke was getting thicker as he ran, and Haru's slowly clouding consciousness started wondering if the smoke was actually getting thicker in the sense that it was growing more solid, or if it was just because of his oxygen-deprived mind that made it seem harder to plough through the smoke. It stung his eyes and filled his nose, and breathing steadily became more troublesome. However, he quelled the urge to turn back, determined to find Cinder. I need answers. Cinder knows if the Seraphim started the fire or not. Shaking his head to clear his mind, he realized that he was back in the Shaitan's old camp. Slowing to a stop, he closed his eyes as he tried to remember what the clearing looked and smelled like before the fire. With his feet planted firmly apart, he looked around the clearing with his eyes closed - his mind's eye playing back what he had felt when running into the clearing with Vehiron after the fire had started. He saw Shadow in the middle of the clearing, Akira and her pups, Rya about to nip at him; but instead of focusing on that, he scanned further out into the rocks surrounding the camp.

Imaginary scents filling his nose, Haru was so still that it looked like he had died on his feet. The dead awoke, and he suddenly whipped around, leaping towards one of the clearing's corners. So intent was he that he hardly noticed the smoke anymore, instead living in the world before the fire had caught up with the camp, his head close to the ground as he sprinted towards his prey. A few seconds later, he saw a shape on the ground before him, and he skidded to a halt and examined it. Cinder. She was covered in ash, and Haru could honestly not tell if she was dead or not; but at that moment the smoke penetrated his consciousness once more and he realized that even if she wasn't dead, she would be soon, and Haru would die along with her if he didn't move quickly. Biting down on the older wolf's scruff, he started to pull her back in the direction that the fleeing Shaitan pack was heading, eyes closed to prevent the smoke from filling his eyes with tears, relying solely on his knowledge of the ground around him to navigate.
She could barely see in front of her, let alone the wolf she was tracking. The warmth of the fire was becoming steadily warmer, and she knew that it would be here in a matter of minutes. Essence held in a cough and moved to catch up to Haurki. When she found him he was crouched over a dark shape. Her sense of smell may be messed up, but she could tell that the figure was a wolf, possibly one of their own. The brute began to drag it backwards the way they'd came. At this rate he'd never make it before the fire caught up to him. She rushed up to the figure, gripped its lower quarters and pulled. Their progression began to speed up. Her grayish eyes met with his telling him the obvious. They needed to hurry. She dug her paws into the ground and doubled the pace. Fire could be seen in the not-so-far distance, and it was coming upon them quickly.


The world was a spinning blur of a thousand colors; red, blue, green, brown, pink, yellow, orange. All of which seemed to connect with each other. Dante had been fluttering in and out of consciousness. Once he had been in the air. The next he was laying on a sandy beach. And now he was back in the air, swaying back and forth. Nothing made sense. He couldn't be flying. It was impossible. Falling maybe? No. Wings flapped above him, massive limbs with tons of beautiful feathers. No bird was that big. His stomach clenched and the brute vomited everything he'd eaten before now. The puke fell towards the green color bellow him. The ground? Maybe. This had to be a dream. He was dreaming. Yes. The fire, the cliff, all of was a dream. He'd wake up any moment and Raven would be beside him, sleeping peacefully. Dante squeezed his eyes together,but when he opened them...nothing had changed.
Raven looked around frantically from Dante, holding the pup in her maw tightly, she then began to run back towards camp, the fire burning at her fur. She barged into camp and looked around frantically, Where was he?! She whimpered and flattened her ears holding the small pup tightly, it whined gently. He eased her bite and cautiously, tears rose in her eyes and as became frantic. The fire was beginning to die, and everything was covered in ash. "Raven!" The brute's voice made her heart flutter, she looked towards him and her stomach sank, it was only Fang. "We must find the survivors!" He then began to search, "No!" Raven cried through the pup's fur, "Dante is-" Fang met his daughter's gaze, he had watched the brute plummet to his death just before this, "Raven.. He's.." Raven's eyes widened and she let out a distressed wail, and sadness clutched her heart tightly, tears welling in her eye. Fang cautiously moved forward, "I'll search, my dear." Raven remained quiet, Fang's eyes meeting the pup that dangled in her maw, it was so innocent and small. Fang then went off to search, leaving Raven. She set the pup down, and began to lick the ash from its beautiful fur, tears blinding her. She whined loudly, her ears pinned back as she let out a long, mourning howl of distress, the tiny pup looked up at its adopted mother, letting out tiny, squeak like howls that only made Raven begin to sob.

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