Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

Raven held the other pup, she set down the she-pup spotting the rouge who had helped horribly scar her face, she flattened her ears. Cinder looked back at Dante, she looked frightening like Fang, yet more slender, and sleek. Then without a word the she-wolf looked up towards the sky, before streaking off into the forest, back towards her territory.

Raven then caught a weird scent, she looked towards the sky and spotted the black smoke that began to thickly pollute the sky above them, she gasped "
Dante! Fire!!" She barked to him, terror filled her good eye, and she nervously ran up beside him. "Someone has caught fire to the territory!" She whimpered, she wanted to investigate, yet Haven and the rest of the pack were unaware of the situation, and they had to save the pups! Her pelt bristled nervously. "Oh no." The fire began to lick at the sky, as the flames traveled from tree to tree.

Cinder ran quickly, the smoke becoming thicker. She then tumbled into another wolf, and unknown wolf. She looked around. The Phoenix pack stood around her and she became frantic, this was an unknown pack, foreign to the territory and she was alone! The smoke becoming overwhelming. She then rammed past the larger male, Shoving him aside to get out of the smoke and away from the fire. She ran quickly her heart beating so fast as her legs began to become numb and weak. The sleek, black she-wolf stumbled weakly over logs. Her vision blurring before she tripped and crashed into the forest floor. She panted her body weak and numb, Her vision blurring as she became dizzy. She attempted to move again, the she-wolf clawed at the ground attempting to get back to camp. She must warn them! She whimper as she slowly stood up, the pack was possibly following her, and her lungs burned from the thick black smog. She stumbled as she attempted to get back to camp her usual bright eyes becoming dim and clouded.
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Haru knew that his sister was going to lecture him at the tone in which she sighed and glanced at him, and once her attention had turned away from him once more, he quietly got up and exited the clearing. Proceeding to pad silently among the rocks and scarce undergrowth that made up the Shaitan territory, he heard a familiar sound - the quick drumming of hooves as an animal ran along frantically. A soft growl rose in his throat at the prospect of another hunt, seeing that he hadn't gotten to do very much when he had assisted Rya in her expedition, and he started off at a steady lope towards the sound. He judged that, by the sound of the ringing hooves, it was a single animal; and a decently sized one as well - and most likely healthy. The low growling noise quieted as Haru went into hunting mode, his paws making as little sound on the hard ground has possible. He carried his weight low to the ground in a stalking position as he moved, gaining on the panicked animal as it ran.

Rippling muscles moved smoothly under his thin coat, and he immersed himself in the chase, his eyes locked ahead and his ears pointing forwards. Surefooted steps were suddenly halted as the black wolf skidded to a sudden halt as a potent smell registered, and his yellow eyes narrowed dangerously. A trail of blood (Aurora's) crossed his path, and he carefully raised a paw out of the trail, putting it down again to create a red paw print in the ground. He lowered his nose so that he could register the scent better, and a low rumble in his throat began as he recognized the smell. His fur bristling, he felt himself baring his teeth as he slid into hunting mode once again; following the fresh blood intently. Now he made an extra, almost subconscious, effort to silence his steps, knowing that if this wolf heard anything that it would scare and maybe get away from him. His legs worked smoothly under his weight, his left hindpaw leaving a small blood mark on the ground which gradually faded away as he loped among the rock outcrops.

Some sense told him that he had gotten very close to his prey, and Haru stopped and crouched to listen. He heard faint steps up ahead, and knew that he was near. Leaving his trail, he moved out a few paces before resuming his chase. Knowing the territory, he knew that there was a long rock outcrop that would conceal his position from the intruder, and he raced alongside the footsteps in a gentle lope, hidden from their sight, and making special precautions to quiet his steps as he was now at loath now to make any noise that would give away his presence, until he was ahead of the other wolf by a decent few strides. He then crouched to wait for the steps to catch up to his current position, his ears flicking every now and then but otherwise remaining completely still, before tensing up and preparing to pounce. Closing his eyes, as he was not able to see beyond the rock outcrop anyways, he used his ears to judge the other wolf's distance from his position.

When he judged that the time was nearing, he took two quick steps back before making a running jump; managing to clear the outcrop by a few hairs, and quickly judging his position mid-air he twisted his body so that he bowled into the other wolf and knocked them to the ground. Unable to keep his balance, he skidded off a distance, but whipped around to face his opponent with his lips bared in a snarl, his legs spread apart in a defensive stance. A low growl rumbled in his chest, and his fur bristled as he took in his opponent. Especially light hair marked her a Seraphim, and he flattened his ears aggressively. A red wound on her chest marked the place she was bleeding from, and he recognized the vague shape of a deer kick. That had happened to him before, and the memory of it made his snarl even fiercer, but he made no move as he waited to see what the Seraphim would do first. His bright yellow eyes were locked onto her, his muscles tense as he waited for a retaliation.
As she trotted quickly through her enemies land, Aurora felt her apprehension and fear rise, though she knew not why. At some point, she was beset with the most uncomfortable sensation of being hunted, and her already spiking fur stood straight up in what she knew was justified fear. Though she heard nothing, saw nothing, and smelled nothing but the oppressive odor of her sworn enemies, the feeling did not dissipate.

Dropping her head low, her quick trot accelerated into a slow lope, for her desperation to get out of this place made her throw caution out the proverbial window. Where she should have moved unseen and unheard, she rushed though with blind fear. The telltale wound she should have have tended, continued to bleed freely, destroying even the smallest attempts she might have made at stealth, for the smell was strong, and the color stood out starkly against the pale rocks and green undergrowth.

Somewhere in her mind, Aurora cursed herself for all these cowardly mistakes, but it was as if her body was stuck in flight mode. Perhaps it was due to the unrelenting notion that she was being hunted that caused her to run so blindly, or maybe it was her own mounting fear that was the culprit. Whatever it was she cursed it to the deepest realm of the underworld and vowed to never let it happen again should she come out of the alive. A prospect that just became a whole lot more unlikely.

Feeling her fear rise to fever pitch as she bounded around a rocky outcrop, she barely caught sight of the dark shape that came flying over the rocks before it slammed into her. Voicing a sharp cry as she was knocked clear off her paws for the second time day, she skidded a few inches halfway on her back, though she was quick to jump back up, fearful that her assailant would target her soft underbelly.

When she'd found her footing, she whirled on her attacker with bared fangs. Her hackles raised, and her liquid amber eyes aflame with defiance.

She carefully sized the up the Shaitan brute, judging her chances against him should this encounter come to further blows, she didn't intend to let it though. For even as she growled and threatened, every muscle in her body was drawn in, and she stood almost on tiptoe, ready to spring away if and when he should come at her again.
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Cinder winced, the smoke making it difficult to breath. She had to warn the rest of the Shaitan pack, Her pack. She weakly tipped her head back, the fire blazing the trees nearby. She inhaled deeply before letting a long, warning howl of danger. It was loud, and smooth as it echoed throughout the territory. She stumbled and began to stumble her way through the thick smog of the burning cedar trees above. She could smell another pack member nearby and a Seraphim. Yet she didn't care she had to escape the fire, other animals charging past her, deer, rabbit, fox.
As the loud note of a panicked howl cut through the air, Haru's ears flickered in annoyance briefly. When a rabbit ran passed, then a coyote, a scent started to reach his nose; fire. Running footsteps from all kinds of different animals started to sound along the rocky terrain as the whole habitat seemed to run from the fire, and the smoke became steadily thicker from the way of the Seraphim border. Staring intently at the Seraphim in front of him, Haru wondered what he should do. He could kill her, let her run blindly into the fire, or help her out. Making up his mind with a sigh, he cautiously lowered his hackles and his growl stopped in his throat, though he remained tense in case she decided to attack. "You might be able to run around the fire if you are quick." He said shortly, his fur bristling slightly at the thought of letting his prey run away alive.

His eyes flickered away, onto the smoke starting to trail into the sky, before quickly returning his attention to the Seraphim. "Follow me." He ordered on second thought, an irritable tone in his voice. Turning around, painfully aware of how risky turning his back to his opponent was, he loped off in an attempt to lead the Seraphim around the fire before it spread too far across. He subconsciously picked the quickest paths, for his knowledge of this territory was immense due to his constant venturing as a hunter, and wound around rock outcroppings or jumping over them without second thought. This close to the Seraphim border, the prey was usually fatter, so he often hunted around this area; which really only added to his knowledge of the ground here. He never once looked back to see if the Seraphim was following. For awhile, the smoke was thick and made his eyes water and his breath came with effort, but it went past fast enough for him to not falter in his stride.

Scanning over the trees, he saw as the fire thinned and the smoke became less. Judging that it was safe enough to now cross through to the Seraphim territory, he slowed to a trot before halting completely; his heart beating at an accelerated pace after the long, speedy run. His yellow eyes searched for the figure of the Seraphim, wondering if he had done all that running for naught.


Vehiron and Rya's ears shot up almost simultaneously as the sound of a howl rang over the territory. Rya instantly lifted her head to spot where the howl had come from, and upon seeing the smoke, felt her heart drop to her stomach. Looking around the clearing, her eyes caught an empty spot where Haru had been lying. Vehiron, upon seeing her glance, responded to her unasked question. "He left a little while ago." He said, and Rya twitched her ears in annoyance. Unsure of what to do, she got back on her feet and looked at her remaining brother. "Could you go check out the fire? I want to know how bad it is, who howled, and what caused it." She demanded, and the bigger wolf nodded in acceptance of the order before proceeding to briskly trot out of the clearing.
Cinder panted, her body weak as she ran blindly through the smoke. She finally busted into the fresh air. She let out a cry as she collapsed. Her body stung and her eyes watered and burned. She whimpered, pawing at her muzzle in pain. She panted, hacking up the foul residue in her lungs from the smog. She panted and gasped the fresh air, yet the fire pushed onto the Seraphim territory. She looked to the sky, black with smoke. She could smell her pack members nearby, she very weakly got to her paws, watching the smoke pollute the fresh air. She stumbles back and shakes her head dizzily.
Listening to the warning howl, Aurora watched in abject horror as thick black smoke billowed up from her territory. The acrid smell of it burned her sensitive nose and stung her eyes, but she continued to just stand and stare, standing stiffly as the animals paid the two carnivores no heed in their flight. The Shaitan brute was all but forgotten in her dismay, and he may well have taken advantage of her distraction, but he did not, a fact she would later ponder. But right now the only thing she could think about was getting back across the border, back to her pack who was in danger.

The dark brute's low voice snapped her out of her shocked trance, and she blinked in surprise at his words, watching as he darted off. Follow him? Did he think her an idiot? He could be leading her into a trap, or just somewhere more secluded to finish the attack he started, and yet....What if he wasn't. Dawning a determined expression, she decided to take the risk and ran after him.

When she caught up, she found him standing at the border between their lands, and she smiled in utter relief despite herself. She didn't stop moving, but kept running until she was safely back on her own territory, only then did she stop and glance warily over her shoulder at the male. "Thank you" she barked curtly, offering the smallest of head dips. He had let her go when he so easily could have taken her prisoner, or killed her, and what's more, he had just helped her. This meant she owed him, and the thought did not sit well with her. Growling low, she turned and raced deeper into Seraphim territory, heading for her pack at full speed.
Haru growled at the Seraphim when she ran passed him, not responding to the head dip or the thanks except for staring aggressively at her until she left. Turning around, he began to run back to his own territory. By now, the majority of the pack would know about the fire, but what they would do about it remained to be seen. He set out at a steady sprint to get away from the flames, but after awhile he slowed down to a trot as he recovered his breath. Returning to the spot where he had faced off with the Seraphim, he encountered Vehiron. His bigger brother was bristling from head to tail, his eyes aflame and crazed; evidently having come upon the Seraphim's scent.

"The Seraphim set our territory on fire!" Vehiron barked, his gaze and voice distracted with rage. He seemed to be making for the border, and Haru saw that by the light of his brother's eyes that he planned to go and attack the Seraphim just like that; and would probably run into the fire and die to do so. Haru snarled at him aggressively, but when that was not noted, went and pounced on his brother and pinned him to the ground - using the element of surprise to do so, as he would not have been able to win a fight by muscle. "Come to your senses!" He snapped at his brother, growling at him in irritation. Seeing the crazed light go out of his brother's eyes, Haru backed off. "Lets get back to the clearing. We can't do anything here." He said firmly to the bigger wolf, and proceeded to lead the way back to the rest of the pack.
Fang heard the howl of distress, he looked up and saw the black smoke. Raven! He thought before ditching his post. He ran into the forest quickly, looking around frantically, he charged forward then spotted Aurora. He noticed her wound and he stared at her for a moment, "Hurry." He ordered, "Get back to camp." He wasn't beta, or alpha, yet his age gave him wisdom. Without another word her began his search for his daughter and Dante.
Akira looked at them. "Well.. I heard slight growling.." She was wondering if it came from them. "Also, it's okay. The pups are okay and so am I." Akira smiled. Xena was squirming again at her mothers belly. What a energetic pup. Willow was sleeping soundly and Midnight somehow managed to get on top of Willow. He was asleep also. Akira took Midnight and put him by her sisters and not on top of them. She licked them again and looked up, but then a howl rang out. Fire? It seemed so. She started to panic. She got up painfully and nudged shadow. "Wake up! Our territory is on fire!"

Fire?! The word rang in his ears. His territory was burning, burning into ashes. "Akira. Stay with the pups." Shadow licked her muzzle before darting out of the den. Smoke rose from a fire in the distance, advancing like a predator on its prey. "Holy s-" His words were cut off by the agonizing howl of a Seraphim wolf. A small smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. At least they were gaining something from this disaster. The black wolf turned his eyes onto his pack, staring at them with the gaze of a leader. The fire would reach them in a matter of minutes, and then their whole camp would go up in flames.

They needed to leave. Shadow snarled in anger before leaping up onto a dark rock that jutted out into the clearing. "Shaitan! The Seraphim have struck us with the weapon of fire. We need to evacuate our territory until it is safe to come back." The anger from before was rising. His voice resounded deeply over the camp with his next words. "But when we do return...The Seraphim will pay!" Shadow paused letting the threat echo around the clearing before continuing.

"We will head to the farthest border from the fire. All elders and pups will travel in the center of the pack. Essence, Adian, and Haruki. You will travel at the back. Watch behind us for intruders. Ryadran, Vehiron, Dayra, and Kadesh. You four will assist me in the front. Akira will need help with her pups. Rya, you will carry Willow." As he looked around he realized the problem with his orders. Vehiron and Haruki were nowhere to be seen. "Ryadran where are your brothers!" Shadow was becoming increasingly agitated with her siblings.


The Seraphim had set fire to their land?! How dare they! She felt rage well up inside her, but suppressed it for the time being. Her leader had called forth an evacuation. She would follow the pack, scouting out behind them with Adian and Haruki. Essence nodded stiffly at the order he had given her. Already the pack was moving into formation. Malinia was at the center, fidgeting nervously. She had become an elder a few months ago, and now the old wolf would travel beside Carel and Dakota. It made her nervous to have her mother travel alongside Carel, but there was no other choice


Malinia jerked her head back and forth, rambling on about the flames. "They're gonna eat us. Gobble us up like prey. Were dead. W-were dead. P-prey. They'll g-gobble us. 'Mmmm' they'll s-say. Gobble. Gobble. The fire'll eat away. We're prey. Prey. Prey. Eat away at out souls. Licking our meat from out bones." She continued like this, speaking of them as prey to the fire. Her eyes had glassed over, giving them a faraway look.


Smoke wafted into the clearing, burning the lungs of the Seraphim pack. "Fire!" She heard someone shout over the panic that the dark fog had brought upon them. There was no time to order an evacuation plan, they needed to leave...Now! "Everyone head toward the norther border. The fire is heading here from the east. If we can make it to the north in time it will burn past us. Go! Go! Go!" Haven called out over her pack, hoping that they had heard her orders. Then something hit her.

Where was Spike? Where was her son; Kade? "Kade! Spike!" She ran through the figures in the clearing, searching desperately for her family. "KADE!" The smoke had devoured her vision, Haven couldn't see but a foot in front of her. Something ran into her leg. It was a small, grayish figure. Kade! She reached down and grabbed him by the scruff before sprinting towards the northern border. Haven could only hope that the rest of the pack was following.


One moment the clearing was clear. The next moment it was dark and filled with a thick smoke that burned the inside of your lungs. "...toward the northern border!" His mate's words drifted to him, and he obeyed. "Everyone! Head north! Hurry, the fire is almost upon us!" Spike could no longer see anything. None of his pack was visible to his eyes any more. He could hear them, but not see them. "Go! Hurry! Head north!" The brute couldn't stay any longer. He took off, following the forest to the northern border, hoping dreadfully that everyone else was doing the same. As he ran it struck him. Kade. Where was his son. The smoke was less thick here and he could see up ahead. Haven was running, followed by some of the others. And in her mouth was Kade. Relief flooded through him, and Spike began to run once again.


Dante watched the rogue run off, not bothering to chase after the female. "Raven!" But it was too late to search for her. The fire had arrived. There was no where to go but into the Shaitan territory. He scooped the golden pup into his mouth and ran. His legs stretched back and forth, pumping desperately to get away from the flames. The fire continued to lick at his heels, singing the fur off the back of his feet. Dante yelped, but continued to run. He was in Shaitan territory now, sprinting away from the flames.

The fire seemed to become slower and he gained a lead on it. Dante used it to his advantage and turned south, running the wall of fire, searching for the point in which it ended. Then suddenly he was suspended in air. The fire ended with a massive cliff that jutted out above the sea...and he was falling from that cliff.
The pup was clamped between his jaws, secured safely as they fell into the roaring waves. He was hit with a cold sensation as water rushed over his head. Dante pumped his legs, surging above the surface, but just as he did so another wave crashed into them, sending both he and the pup back into the deep water.

Again he surged to the surface. Only to be shoved back under water. This time his body was slammed into a rock. It pierced his back, but he refused to cry out. For if he did then he would loose the pup. This was his fault. Dante had chosen to run this way and now they would die. Another wave plummeted them, and under they went. His lungs burned with the effort it took to hold his breath. Then they were on land. The wave had pushed them into a cave on the side of the cliff. The golden brute surged forward, scrambling to get away from the entrance, but another wave slammed into the cave, washing him out with it.

He tossed the pup, away from the ocean. It landed on the cave floor, out of reach of the water. Then he went under, sinking down and down with the power of the current. He tried to surface but the waves wouldn't allow him to do so. Dante's whole body screamed for air, but it was air that he couldn't get for it. His eyes fluttered closed, and the air from his lungs escaped into the water. He was drowning. The light of the surface faded with his vision, and that was the last that he remembered.

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Akira nodded and with panic in her eyes she huddled around the pups, waiting for Rya, who would take Willow, while she took Xena and Midnight. "Why..?" She asked herself.

Carel started panic. Her heart started to beat too fast. She slumped back down and wheezed, her eyes widened. She couldn't breath! She wheezed again and her head felt light, she barked and whimpered. "E-Essence!" She wheezed out again, "A-Akira! S-shadow!" The words didn't come out right due to her lack of breathing. Her vision began to get very blurry. Pain burned her chest. Her eyes have a faraway look her head slumped down, her vision getting blurrier by the moment.
"E-Essence!" Her ears perked directly at the call of her name. "A-Akira! S-Shadow!" The names of her Alphas. It was Carel, didn't sound like Carel. Essence rushed forward, standing at the side of the distressed elder. "Carel!" The young warrior crouched down beside her, whimpering at the troubling sight.
Carel clawed the ground, trying to breath. The smoke filled her nostrils and made it even harder to breath. "E-Essence.." She said for the last time. She put her head up and looked at the young and brave warrior. Her eyes widened once more and her head slumped back down and slowly she stopped moving. She was still. So very still. Her heart had stopped.
Kole stayed back, watching as the others from the pack ran from their camp, the smell of smoke invading his nose and making him sneeze and cough. Worry was clear in his pale blue eyes, for the new family he had bonded with and Sky, who was no where to been seen. Standing still didn't seem like an option anymore, so Kole paced nervously back and forth, watching the woods and the camp for anyone else. He couldn't leave Sky, but if he stayed much longer the fire would get him. Growling in frustration and worry, Kole pawed at the ground harshly and decided that he'd wait just a little longer for Sky.

Sky on the other hand (paw?) had been sleeping peacefully after running around in the woods chasing small animals and was awoken by a rabbit jumping off of him. Scowling, Sky was about to get up and kill the rodent for waking him up, but a heard of deer ran by, followed by some foxes and birds. Everything seemed to have called a truce and was running in the same direction. Spinning around to see where they were running from, bright orange light shine through the trees and hit Sky with a wave of heat. His mind finally registered "fire", and he scrambled to turn and run with the crowd away from the blaze. Even after the scent of smoke faded slightly and the heat wasn't as intense, he kept running.
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Um, as far as I know, a new wolf pack called the Phoenix Hunter's set fire to a pine tree, and the flames have spread to both the Seraphim and Shaitan territories. Some of the Shaitan wolves think that it was the Seraphim who started the fire, but I'm not sure if any of the Seraphim believe it was the Shaitan's fault or not. Right now both packs are in the process of evacuating their camps, though all the excitement was to much for poor Carel, and the elder passed away before anyone could help D: I think that's everything important. Anyone feel free to correct me or add to this.


Aurora was panting hard as she dashed through the territory. Every other breath was full of the black smoke that clouded the air, and she was hard pressed to resist stopping in order to prevent her body from trying to expel her lungs in a coughing fit. Her throat stung, her nose burned, and her eyes streamed. Pure adrenaline kept her from feeling the painful, throbbing wound on her chest, which had been pulled wider due to her movements, and still bled steadily. But, having bled clear from the Shaitan's land to her own, the blood loss coupled with the choking smoke was making her disoriented and dizzy, causing her to stumbled and go the wrong way a number .

It was during one of these dizzy spells that she nearly ran straight into Fang. Jumping back at the last moment, she blinked rapidly to clear her vision and only managed to nod at his order before the older male was running off. Coughing harshly, she got moving again and raced the little ways back to camp, arriving just as the pack was evacuating.
Haru's ears flickered as he heard yelling from the camp, and he silently moved into a full sprint; sensing that he was needed. Vehiron blinked a few times behind him before hastily running to catch up, and within seconds they had burst into the clearing. Rya was there waiting for them, and she nipped Haru hard on the ear, growling at him. "Where have you been?" She asked irritably, her tone signalling that she didn't expect an answer and didn't want one either. She shot a hostile look towards Vehiron, who didn't respond; for even though she had been the one who had sent him out, he knew that it was just the pressure getting to her that made her snappish. "Vehrion, you are with me in the front guard, helping with the pups. Haruki, you are in the rear-guard. We are abandoning camp." She said quickly and clearly, before whipping around and approaching Shadow. "My apologies, they are here now." She said, lowering her tail in an apologetic submission.

Afterwards, she turned again to move towards Akira, Vehiron obediently trailing behind her. While Haru turned and spotted Essence next to a still Carel. Concerned, he abruptly started into a brisk trot to arrive beside the pair, realizing that the elder was dead before he had arrived. Bowing his head to the passed wolf, he held a silence. He stayed by the body for a few moments, before rising and looking at the young warrior; knowing from his quiet observation that she had been quite close with the elder. "We have to go." He said softly, nudging Essence gently. He then scanned the area for Rya, loping towards her. Approaching her, he butted her to gain her attention. She moved to nip at him again, but the deadpan look in his eyes stopped her. "Carel is dead" He said flatly, twitching an ear in the passed elder's direction before moving away to take his place at the back of the line.

Rya was ready to snap at Haru when he approached her, but soon stopped dead in her tracks at what he had said. She looked over at the elder, feeling her heart drop in her chest, grinding her teeth together in frustration and grief. She had made it to the front of the line where Akira and her pups were waiting, and pawed Willow gently; refraining to pick her up as she glanced at Akira. Seeing the look on her alpha's face, she decided that she would keep the news from the new mother, instead bending to pick up Willow. The little pup squirmed a bit, but otherwise hung limp in her jaws. Vehiron, realizing that Akira was now holding two pups, moved quickly to his alpha's side. "I can take one." He said, bending to take Midnight before hastily stopping as looked at Akira for approval before touching her pup.
The Phoenix pack had put out the power with there.. "Abilities." The fire was to make there presence known. And if Sepheram were smart they will seek our aid. However for now the pack waits patiently, Yet vigilant. There fire undoubtedly alerted non-welcome wolves.

((SORRY! I'm sorry for the short posts >.< I have writers block.))

Dayra raced to her Alpha's side, sniffing the smoke cautiously. Under normal circumstances, she would be proud of being selected to help out her leader, but with fire raging around, Dayra's pride would have to wait. She glanced back at the group, and noticed Essence and Carel. Dayra was tempted to go over to help, but Haru was already there. So instead, Dayra squinted through the growing haze, trying determine the clearest path.

Raayd sniffed, noting a strange smell. Was it one of those strange 'barbacues'? No, those slow flat-faced 'humans' wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. He smiled at the memory, but then turned his thoughts back to the smell. What was that? Raayd looked up at the sky, staring skeptically at the now billowing smoke. The sky had been perfectly clear earlier....there! A tongue of flame shot through the sky, and as Raayd watched, more shot up, getting closer and closer. Well, there went the hunt. Raayd turned and fled, frantically searching his mind for the cause of the fire. He'd already ruled out humans, unless they were burning down the forest to drive out the wolf packs? No, they were too clumsy and smelly to have escaped notice. There hadn't been any storms, so lightning strikes were out of the question. And it hadn't been particularly dry, either. Shaitan. The thought rang out in his mind, lengthening his strides with fury. They must have resorted to the cowardly weapon of fire. His thoughts, however, were interrupted by the rising heat on his back. The fire was fast! Then Raayd caught a whiff of something else on the wind., refreshing....water! He followed the smell, putting a final burst of speed. If he could reach it, he'd be safe. Raayd bounded down the rocks toward the water, his sub-consious silently thanking his lucky stars that he hadn't come out in the cliff. With a final leap, no longer noticing that the fire wasn't able to follow along the barren rocks, Raayd jumped into the water. He paddled there for a moment, catching his breath. Then he saw a figure come flying off the cliff. The figure was a wolf, but Raayd couldn't recognize it at this distance. It plunged into the water, and Raayd watched in surprise as it struggled to reach the surface, until finally tossing something onto the shore and disappearing underneath the surface. Raayd began paddling over, still weary from his run.

[Do you want Dante to die off? Or should I have Raayd save him? At the very least, he can bring the pup back to the pack.]

A figure appeared in the smoke, it looked around seemingly confused by everything. Spike skid to a stop at the realization that the figure was a wolf. Not just any wolf but Kole. He hadn't left yet. Just as he made it back into the camp, Aurora arrived, breathless and exhausted. "Aurora, hurry, catch up with the pack!" His tone was urgent and carried the authority of his position. "Go!" He barked, looking over his shoulder at the path in which everyone had taken. "Tell Haven I'm okay." Then he turned to the male, who seemed to be pacing, waiting for something. No...someone. He was waiting for Sky. The newly made warrior hadn't come back from the hunt. "Crap." Spike growled in frustration. The smoke was nearly unbearable now, making it incredibly hard to breathe. Kole couldn't stay here, he needed to go with the pack. "Kole! Go. Now. The pack wont wait forever. We need to leave. Sky will be fine, he can handle himself. Hurry!" The alpha hoped that the male would see reason and follow him in evacuation.


Shadow nodded to his beta before turning to face the pack. Then he saw it... Carel, she was dead. Essence had herself draped over the elder like a blanket, crying, desperately trying to wake the elder. "No..." The brutes voice was barely a whisper. He had learned to love Akira's mother, love her like he would have loved his own. This couldn't be happening. Rya picked up Willow, gently in her mouth, but he barely noticed the action. He barely noticed anything. Akira couldn't know...not yet. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes but he held them in, letting a cold exterior form over his heart. Shadow turned away from the pack and faced Vehiron. "Quickly. Carry Midnight." Akira was left with two pups, and that would only slow her down. They need to move quickly. "Move out! Now!" He was being harsh, and deep down he knew this, but there was nothing he could do for Carel right now. The fire was almost upon them. Shadow looked to his Delta and locked eyes with her. They needed a quick route out of "The fastest route Dayra."


Essence felt someone nudge her. It was Haruki. She pulled herself away from the deceased wolf, but not before giving the elder one final lick on the muzzle. This is how she wanted to remember her, peacefully falling into and endless sleep. Then she stood and walked away. Tears falling from her ash ridden eyes.

Dayra nodded, her eyes blazing as fiercely as the fire. She turned back to the forest, and studied it for another moment before taking a step forward, confident in the path she'd spotted. "Keep low to the ground." Dayra spoke loud enough for most to hear, but her voice was still quiet, as she had gotten nervous. Then she looked back at her leader and motioned her head toward the forest. "We'll have to go through some thicker smoke, but if we move fast enough, we can avoid the fire."

Fire was roaring all around her, smoke had gone up her nostrils and it was getting harder to breath by the minute. Other animals that dwelled in the forest were darting past her, some between her legs. "I need to get out of here!" she thought. following suite, she ran in the direction of the other animals. The fire was fast, however hard she ran it was always hot on her heels. It's heat licking her heels. Her mind was racing, she needed to get out of here fast, or else she'd be burnt to the crisp. Out of the corner of her eye she saw another wolf, a brute head in the direction of...."The river! of course! get to the river!" following his suite she dashed towards the river, and jumped. The cool refreshing water welcomed her as she plunged in it's depths. When she resurfaced the brute was paddling away to what seemed like another wolf, not wanting to be near a fire alone she paddled after him.
Kole glanced over at Spike, not having noticed the brute aproach until he spoke. Kole's ears laid flat against his skull and he shook his head. "But... But what if he's not alright. What if-" He couldn't finish his thought, as the smoke had become too thick and threw Kole into a coughing fit. When he could finally breath somewhat decently he sighed and dropped his head. "Ok, I'll go," he said quietly, throwing a last look over his shoulder at the burning woods before taking off and running after the others, following the pack.

Sky panted heavily, his blue eyes searching the surrounding forest fearfully. He had been running for what seemed like forever, but the fire never got any further away. It was so frustrating, and all the young brute wanted to do was find the pack and go to sleep. 'Running sucks,' he whined to himself, then sniffed the air. Through the smoke and burning smell, Sky could pick out something fresh and clean. Water. Going towards it, Sky saw a small river or stream that wasn't surrounded by fire, but had other wolves there already. Keeping low to the ground, he inched closer to the water for safety but stayed hidden, not able to tell who the wolves were and not really in the mood for a fight.
Akira picked up her pup Xena in her mouth and tried to walk fast. It was sort of hard because she he given brith earlier. She looks to see Carel on the ground and Essence crying.. "Carel? Essence?" She ignored Dayra and Shadow completely. This looked serious. She ran-trotted toward them and put down Xena down carefully. Carel was still. "Essence.. What happened..?" She leaned down and licked Carels muzzle.. "No.. " she muttered and felt her heartbeat, she was dead. "What?!" She said, clenching her teeth, she turned on Essence, "What did she do? Couldn't you have done something?!" Tears started to pour out of her eyes, smoke was going into her nostrils, "WHAT HAPPENED?" She snarled at Essence. She closed her eyes. "Sorry,.. I.. We need to go." She picked up Xena carefully, tears still pouring out of her eyes.
Raayd dove under the water, looking for the wolf he'd seen go under. There was no sign. He frowned, and swam forward, straining to look through the murk. The mud must have been stirred up by the other wolf's frantic swimming, for Raayd couldn't see a thing. Looking up at the surface, he realized with panic that he was farther below than he had thought! Kicking hard, he summonded up what remained of his already exhausted strength, and broke through to the surface. Barely. He gasped for air, and then realized that there was another wolf, a female, swimming toward him. He growled, not recognizing her, but not up for a fight either, so he didn't quite as ferocious as he normally would. "What....what pack..." He coughed, realizing that he'd accidentally swallowed water. "Are you from?"

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