Echoes in the Stars [Inactive]

Raven watched Dante for a bit, she saw his happiness, Why was he so happy? And why was she in so much pain? She shifted onto her side, pressing her un-injured side of er head against the ground, The gruesome injury would be remembered with a horrid scar over her eye and everything. She sighed softly, she felt incredibly weak, and wanting nothing then to just close her eyes, and sleep for what felt like forever. She closed her eyes, and slowly drifted into a painful, yet much needed sleep.

Fang followed Haven, yet he did not run. He walked. He walked into camp to see the pack was buzzing with fright and excitement. Pups were missing, wolves were gone, and other... horribly inured.. Fang saw Raven moving, slowly, then saw her lay down to rest. He watched Dante with protective eyes, his gaze hard and careful.. If she lived through the night, She could make it.. And if she made it, Raven would never leave his sight. Fore it is to dangerous, for a one-eyed, she-wolf, to be a hunter, or warrior.
Raayd and Dayra stopped as the pup came charging into the clearing. Well, Raayd stopped, Dayra got shoved off. She immediately turned on the pup, but was stopped as several other wolves came in, followed by Akira herself. Raayd breathed a sigh of relief as Dayra walked off, giving a warning glare in his direction. Raayd turned as Kole snapped him, telling him to go back to camp. He hung his head and sighed. It had been a rather impulsive action. He followed them back to the camp, glancing over his shoulder once to make sure Dayra wasn't going to try and attack again. She was vicious!

Dayra raced to catch up with Akira, attempting to explain. "He was trespassing! You can't believe a everything a Seraphim says..."

"Kadesh, Kadesh, KADESH!!!" The young warrior was relentless in trying to get his brother's attention. Kado continued to call to his brother and them he started to get physical. He took his paw and lightly scratched his larger counterpart's rib cage. And eventually that light scratch turned into a constant scrapping motion. Then he began to use both of his paws to tear at his brother. "Kadesh, in the name of Shaitan WAKE UP, you'll never believed what just happened!".


In a fit of provoked rage Kadesh burst to life with a large loud growl and snapped at his brother's paw. As soon as he could feel the paw being crushed between his teeth he released his grip and laid back down. "What could you possibly know that is so important that you haft to wake me up and tell me?" Kadesh asked in a empty careless tone. He was completely unaware of the recent events that had happened in his slumber. Though still feeling groggy and tired from his sleep he knew it would be sometime before he would be able to sleep again. So reluctantly he said,"Ugh go ahead."

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"Hm. Did he propose to fight first?Just tell me this. If he did, The Seraphim might be up to something, Or did he have a reason crossing our land?" I asked Dayra.
The tension that had been building in her shoulders seemed to subside some as Fang made his way into camp. Even more so when Kole, Sky, and Rayyd returned from wherever it was that they had been. Haven closed her eyes, inhaling the deep scent of her pack. It was a musky sort of odor mixed in with blood and gore, but beyond that you could smell something floral in the air. When she opened her eyes and exhaled the world came rushing back to her, as well as her responsibilities as Alpha. Haven stood up and made her way to the highest point in the camp; a large rock that jutted out of the ground. She lowered herself into a crouch before springing up onto the point of the rock. Once there, the wolf held up her head and let out a low resounding howl that spread across the camp, signaling a pack meeting. As everyone began to gather around she spoke. "Today one of our packmates has fallen ill due to an injury. An injury that was put there by two Rogues that entered our land under our noses. They may be gone, but I will not take any chances. For the next few days there will be double the patrols, double the security on our territory. This will not happen again. I want to know who leaves camp, when they leave camp, and why they leave camp. Rayyd," She turned her gaze on her Delta, "I need to meet with as soon as the first patrols are set out." The white wolf jumped down from the rock, making her way into the crowd. "Kole. Fang. I need you both to do a quick perimeter on the territory. Make sure they know that this land is well protected. Thank you." She gave Raven's father a gentle nuzzle of comfort, but as she did she whispered something in his ear. "If you see them out there don't let them get away with what they did." Haven turned swiftly away padding over to Spike. A warm smile lit up her face at the sight of her mate.

Dante laid by her side even as she slept. He blamed himself for what had happened to her. Maybe if he had shown up earlier, run faster, then maybe he could have saved her the agony she was in. A guilt had settled deep in his heart, a guilt that had begun to grow into a hatred for the rogues. Dante rested his head on her back. He could feel the intake of every breath, and the same with the exhale. Even as she lay sleeping he could tell she was in pain. He realized then that she may dislike his closeness. So out of respect for her Dante lifted his head off her back and placed it on his paws.

Essence walked quietly behind Dayra until they reached camp. The moment they arrived her mother bound over to where she stood and pulled her into a bear hug. She winced slightly but allowed her mom to squeeze her. "Oh my darling!" Malinia swept her wet tongue over her daughter's face, happy to see that she was safe.
Raven ran faster and faster. She could hear the laughing, the thick scent of blood made her stomach twist heavily. The young she-wolf looked around frantically, Yet it seemed like the laughter was becoming louder, and louder. She whimpered as it felt as if the forest was closing in on her. She found herself recalling memories, She saw three dark wolves, attacking the two wolves who stood before her, she glanced around, she was smaller now, and three other pups cowered with her. She watched in horror as the wolves slaughtered the two adults, The male looked nothing like Fang, yet had Raven's eyes, The female's colors, and pelt matched Raven's almost exactly. She then understood, as her memories flashed forward, to a large, young male sniffing her tiny body, and then picking her up and taking her away. That Fang ad found her, and he lied about being his pup... Pain struck her heart, the only male she truly trusted had let her live a lie.

As Raven dwell-ed in her thoughts, she then remembered the day, She recalled her moment's with Kadesh. She growled softly, before remembering the fight. She remembered seeing the long fangs before her eyes, and the feeling of skin and fur ripping from her face. She winced as the pain made her throb, she ran to a puddle, the water rippled slightly, she looked normal, but as a leaf landed near-by in the water, her complexion changed with the ripples. She no longer looked beautiful, she had one eye, the other was severely scarred and blind, The right side of her head was completely torn off, The fur was not there, and a nasty, pink scar covered the wound. Her right ear torn almost all the way off, leaving her with a shredded nub.

One word came to Raven's horrified mind.... "

Fang watched Dante for awhile, laying beside his injured pup. He growled softly to himself. He looked up, the sun was nearing its setting for night fall. He laid on a near-by rock. watching Dante and Raven. He could tell she was moving in her sleep. Seeming to be muttering something that Dante could only hear. Fang then rested his head on his paws, sadly.
Dayra's ears flattened slightly. "He wanted to retrieve a lost Seraphim pup. I didn't believe him." She straightened. "He did attack first though when I refused to let him by." Her eyes shone with a spark of appreciation. "He was fast, too!"

[Attempting to make her seem like a teenager, not sure how well it's working...]

Raayd nodded grimly and waited for Haven to finish. Once she was done setting up the patrols, he followed her. "You needed to speak with me?"
((hey guys I'm new and i'm part of the seraphim group, so tell me a backstory to make up for my wolf not being part of the story since the beginning))
Haven nodded to the male, motioning with her tail for him to follow her. They walked a ways away from most of the pack before she turned to her delta. Her mouth opened as if she was about to speak but a searing pain coming from her abdomen cut off her words. "Not now!" She muttered between clenched teeth. The white wolf felt a tearing contraction rip through her wound, sending her crippling to the ground in agony. "Go. Get. Spike." She said between clenched teeth. Already a small group of wolves had begun to gather around them, watching their leader lay on the ground in pain. None of them knew what was truly going on. None of them knew she was having puppies...

Dante sprang to his feet and rushed over to where his Alpha laid. She was on her side, breathing rather quickly, and moaning every few minutes. It soon became obvious that she was not in pain due to a wound. No. She was in pain due to a contraction. His leader was going to be a mother in just a few moments.

Essence nuzzled her worried mother before running off to play with Carel. "Hey Carel!" Her fluffy gray tail wagged back and forth, waiting for the elder to respond.
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At first, it was dark. It seemed that it would be dark forever. He thought that he would never wake up. However, after a week of being stuck in a coma, Oliver finally woke up. Instantly, he looked around, only to find none of his pack members. The last thing he remembered telling them was that he'd go hunting. After this, the rest of his memory went dark. By the looks of his environment, Oliver was far from his pack, but still in enough distance for them to hear his calls. Instantly, he howls the Official Seraphim Call and hope to get a response. As he waits for his members to come find him, he suddenly gets a pleasing sense of relaxation. "Everything's gonna be alright".
Raayd looked startled. He turned to fetch the Alpha Male, racing over. "Spike! Uh...something's wrong with Haven." He glanced back at her, and noticed that it wasn't pain from an external injury. Hmm...internal wound perhaps? But when would she have gotten in such a fight, she never told us she was pregnant...
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"Hmm. Well i believe you Dayra.. Those Seraphim wolves are nothing but trouble.." I huffed. "Also Dayra,.. Can you go search for some Rouges, even though you probably don't have their scents, they are possibly on our land, just scout a little and if you catch them, don't threaten them just simply say that I want to meet them.." I said in a hushed tone.


Essence the pup excitedly wanted to play with the elderly wolf. Carel chuckled. She got up and yawned, wincing a little due to sore paws. "Alright Essence, I'll play with ya'." Carel got into a pouncing position, she growled playfully at the pup.
Dayra nodded and walked into the trees, the shadows swallowing her up. As she walked, she thought as to how to find these rogues. After a bit, it dawned on her that perhaps that was what the Seraphim had been fighting. So she followed the scent of her leader and fellow wolves who had gone to stop the 'Seraphim invasion'. At last, she found the battle scene. Drinking in the scents that mingled there, Dayra sort through them in her mind. Seraphim, Seraphim, Akira, unrecognized, Shaitan, unrecognized.... At last, she decided to follow three of the scents that seemed to travel together. She tracked them slowly, although she was aching to simply run after them. They were Rogues. She was Shaitan. There was no doubt in Dayra's mind that her endurance was more powerful, not to mention the fact that it appeared that at least one of them had been injured.
Essence leapt up at Carel hapily licking the elder's nose. She loved to play with the elderly wolf, and hear her stories and jokes and funny encounters with the forest. Essence loved everything about her. As Carel got into a crouching position Essence growled playfully, lowering herself to the ground.

"Give me your best shot Essence!" She jumped a little, wagging her droopy tail. Ah playing with Essence made her feel like a mother with a pup again. Even though she was going to be a great grandmother to Akira's pups.
Essence barked before running around Carel and leaping ontop of her back. She wrapped herself ontop of the older wolf, trying to gring her to the ground. The young gray wolf swayed back and forth on Carel, working to make her loose balance. This little workout had already made her work up a sweat. Carel may be an elder, but she still had the muscles of a warrior.
Carel faked her defeat by falling down slowly with Thump. "Oh my Essence, you are getting stronger each day..." Then she closed her eyes making it seem like she was unconscious. Then out of nowhere she sprung back up and got the pup from the scruff of her neck. "HA got ya'!" Said the excited yet elderly wolf.
Essence barked in surprise at her unexpcted comeback. She hung defeated in the mouth of her opponent, wrigling to get free. "You've gota teach me that!" She said as soon as the old wolf let her free. "You're amazing." A brillant smile of awe lit up the pups face as she looked up at her role model.

"I'll teach ya' when your a big strong wolf okay? But a pup like you might turn up as Brave warrior or a Courageous hunter!" She nuzzled the pup a little. She sat down and decided to tell her some stories about her past life. "Oh Essence let me tell you the day I wanted to become a warrior, it was sunny day and I decided to look for small enemies in the forest, and right when I heard a rustle I was scared out of my mind. But when I looked what it was, it was only a small Squirrel!" She loves telling her stories to tiny pup Essence, the pup who would always be interested about her stories.
Essence nodded solemnly, but perked up as she began to tell one of her favorite stories. She loved to learn about Carel's past, so that one day she too may grow into a strong young warrior. Her ears were shoved forward, absorbing every word that Carel said and laughing at the part about the squirrel. "Did you fine any enemies?" She asked, curious.

"Oh I did find a enemy , it was a feisty Raccoon! I was too close to it so it started hissing at me! I growled once and then it swiped, I yelped and ran as far as my legs could carry me!" She laughed. She gave the pup a warm smile, imagining her as a strong warrior.
Essence giggled as she imagined Carel as a young warrior being scared off by a silly racoon. Her fur ruffled in a silent breeze that seemed to chill the pup. "So what was it like when you were made into a warrior?" Her pale gray eyes looke up at the elder, awaiting her response.

"Being a warrior was,.. Amazing. But there are some risks,.. But if you want to become a warrior, you must train all day, You have to be capable of being tough around the enemies, you can't let anyone know your weaknesses. But you Essence will be a true Warrior. How do I know? Well because I can see it in your heart that you will turn out to be the strongest of all warriors." Carel smiled. She remembered the up's and downs of being a warrior, but she knew, this pup would be an amazing warrior.
Essence beamed up at the elderly wolf. "You really thinks so?" Her heart yearned to become a warrior, not like her mother. No. Her mother was on the brink of insanity. She never wanted to turn out like the canine that had raised her. Instead she wanted to become a magnificient wolf like Carel or her daughter. Essence had a kind heart but even as a pup she had a demanding presence. Maybe Carel was right. Maybe she would turn out to be a strong warrior.

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