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Graded [Eastern Empire: Otenzel: Tripodon Market]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Tripodon Market (Slice of Life RP Open to All)

This bustling open-air market is one of the oldest in Otenzel. Located in a square where five roads meet, it’s central location makes it a favorite shopping spot of people with business across town as well as those who dwell in nearby neighborhoods.

It’s close proximity to the port means that there is a large fishmarket selling today’s catch (and yesterday’s too, so follow your nose when buying). In fact, Tripodon sells most any staple of everyday life as well as more exotic imports direct from Otenzel’s port. The market is roughly arranged into blocks, with each section specializing in a particular good; baker’s stands, butchers, grocers, leatherworkers, et-cetera.

There at two smithies at opposite ends of the market for anyone who needs metalwork or is looking to purchase steel tools or weapons. There are a number of stands and shops that sell forged and shaped metal implements from off-site smiths as well. These are generally a bit cheaper, but offer less selection and any repair work will take an extra day or two.

The market hosts a generous number of stands selling Otenzel street food as well as cuisine from other regions of the world, and it is a great place to grab a bite on the run--or have yourself a sit-down meal so long as you don’t mind the jostling crowds, sights, and smells of the market.

Though Tripodon is busy and crowded, musicians, comedians, political activists, evangelists, and other buskers manage to clear spaces for their performances or speeches--though this often requires arriving early to claim and defend a space. The market is known as a hotspot for spreading one’s ideals or gathering coin from audiences wanting a break from the mundane.

Street performers and merchants are not the only ones gathering coin in Tripodon, however. Though the city guard maintains a significant presence to discourage lawlessness, pickpockets and con-artists utilize the crowded spaces between stalls to collect and then abscond with their ill-gotten gains, so keep your wits and your coinpurse close to hand.
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Miiya Aether

TLDR Summary;
A young Aeriel girl cleared a performance space for her acrobatic comedy show.

She grabbed a passer-by to help her with the show and was heckled by an unkind busker, angry that she took his spot.

She then tried a difficult and somewhat dangerous grand finale.

This is great!
Miiya grinned to herself as she defended her performance space from the encroaching crowd. From her travels with Cahron, she had found that the most lucrative performances were ones where you needed to clear a space in the throng. Passers-by in empty markets, that wouldn’t give you a second look if you begged them to watch, would stop and wait for a show that was set up in a busy square. Otenzel was looking like a busker’s dream, and Tripodon market was one of its nexi.

Miiya was nervous about her first solo performance in the city, but--at the same time--she’d been glad that Cahron hadn’t come back to their hostel last night. That her older brother hadn’t felt the need to babysit her every waking moment in the city meant that they were far enough from the frontlines, and that the law was established strongly enough here that Miiya could venture out on her own.

“Well, either that or he got too drunk to find his way back.” She muttered to herself before launching into her spiel. “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN…” The Aerial had a set of pipes on her that matched the oversized lungs that enabled her kind to fly, and the front row of onlookers-- Audience! They’re my audience, cuz I’m gonna do great and they’re all gonna make contributions to my breakfast fund! she reassured herself even as she harangued the crowd--took a couple of steps back simply due to the unexpected volume of the shouting coming from the small winged girl.

Finished with her introduction, and drawing a few appreciative chuckles from the audience with the jokes that peppered her performance, Miiya executed her first few acrobatic tricks.

They clapped!! The huge grin on the panting Aerial’s face was not just showmanship. Miiya was delighted. I’m funny! She thought. I’m talented! She’d always had a niggling doubt that maybe it was her brother who carried their entire performance when they busked together. After all, she was usually background or his foil But this audience was in a good and hopefully giving mood, and it was because of her performance! Yes!!

Everything was going great--until the heckler. Miiya recognized him at once. It was the juggler who had approached her earlier in the morning--when most of the stalls were still closed; the “This is my spot, pipsqueak.” guy. He’d said that to her, along with a pretty ugly pejorative referring to her avian nature.

Earlier That Morning
“Oh yeah? Yew wanna try and take it back, then?” The words had left Miiya’s lips before she could bite them back. Oh man, this isn’t me! She’d thought, even as she bristled, her hands balling into fists. We can share the spot--even if this guy is a total toolbag. But it was too late, instead of diffusing the conflict, Miiya’s quick temper had inflamed it.

And yah know what? Frett this guy! I got up early--I’ve been here an hour already, and Cah and me checked with the guild--it’s first-come first-serve for space at Tripodon! The small girl glared defiantly at the not-quite-as-small juggler. “Nobody wants to see yew handle yer balls here; go get yer own space.” Vreet, in for a penny in for a pound, I guess. Miiya grimaced inwardly and tried to look tough.

“I juggle knives too.” The man said in a low voice, but Miiya’s derisive laugh cut him off and spoiled the threat. That seemed to deflate him, and mister “This is my spot” appeared to give up, leaving with a final curse.

Ugh! Now juggler was back and his derisive catcalls were messing with her concentration. She stumbled and stammered out a punchline--hey! It’s hard to joke while standing on yer hands! and that only encouraged the jerk. He was getting a nasty snicker or two from those around him, and Miiya knew--from experience--she was running the risk of losing the audience’s goodwill.

But I worked so hard! And things were going so well! The Aeriel felt a lump rising in her throat and a flush climbing her neck. Yfret it! Why did I have to go an piss the guy off?!

No! He was just a jerk, and she could still salvage the show! Miiya banished her incipient upset with a flash of anger. Good old anger. She had plenty of that, and meanness was better than tears. Plus I’m louder than this motherfretter. “Hey, buddy: They wasted a good arse when they put teeth in your mouth!” Miiya shot back with a line she had heard Cahron use. She got more laughs than her heckler and felt a quick flush of gratification. Ha! Take that!

Okay, show goes on!
Miiya realized that she was on the spot. If she were a better performer, she could probably do acrobatics, comedy, and deal with a heckler all at the same time--but she wasn’t there yet. She needed to wrap the show up quick, before mister buttface recovered.

“Okay, I’m going to need a volunteer! This next part is a bit dangerous--for me! For me! Otherwise I’d ask arse-face over there! Haha!” She shouted, to more chuckles. “Um… yew! Hi! Yes yew! Could you come here? Hold this please!”

Miiya was skipping straight to her big finish. She didn’t really need a volunteer, but Cahron had taught her that having a member of the audience with her made it harder for hecklers. Grabbing a random passer-by, she dragged them into the center of her performance area, grabbing the ladder she had brought along and propping it upright. “Now, friend, I need yer help.” She said. “I need to know; what the frett is this thing?!” She asked, spreading her wings and motioning for laughs.

Oh no.

The joke didn’t land. The audience wasn’t getting it. (I fly! I don’t know what ladders are! How do you all not get it!?)

The heckler was mercilessly exploiting her faux pas. “A-and what’s it for?” She tried to salvage the routine as her bemused “volunteer” told her it was a ladder.

The finale! Quick! It was her only hope! She needed to leave them laughing and happy. Asking her volunteer to hold the ladder, she quickly ascended it, delivering her last line as she did so. Miiya was sweating and panting. Her volunteer was certain to notice the Aerial girl’s exertion and stress. ”So… my mother… calls this… my entertainer’s career ladder: Because even when you’ve reached the top; you’ve… still gone nowhere!!

With her final lines, Miiya flipped herself inverted, performing a spread-eagle, spread-winged handstand on the top of the ladder. “Okay, let go!” she whispered to her “volunteer”

When the volunteer released the ladder, Miiya “walked” it a few steps, then with a “HUP!” she launched herself onto the topmost point, balancing the ladder on a single point, while switching her handstand to a single-handed perch at the very topmost point even while she and the ladder rotated. This was a very difficult trick, and not without risk--despite her winged nature. This close to the ground, inverted, she would not be able to use her wings to stop herself if she fell.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Maverick Six Maverick Six
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

There are a few openings for anyone who wants to join. Miiya would be inclined to talk to any stranger afterward who filled one of these roles:

Volunteer - Your character could be the hapless soul Miiya pulled from the street to hold the ladder. (Maybe the anti-social OC)
Big Spender - Your character could catch Miiya’s eye by making a donation (her Erhu case is open and right up front)
Hero - Your character could shut that heckler up.
Fan - Wild cheering and clapping is always appreciated and notice.

Or make up something totally different for your entrance. I am going to roll dice to see if Miiya sticks the dismount.
1-2: Falls
3-4: Barely sticks the landing.
5-6: Perfect landing: Ta-daaa!
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Heckler and Crowd

TLDR Summary;
A miffed street performer tries to spoil Miiya’s show.

The crowd that stopped to watch the young street performer was small--as one would expect for a performer of modest talent. It was fairly clear that the girl--while athletically gifted--was raw and her show short and unpolished. Her appearance was more of a draw than her actual talents. Winged folk were rare outside their mountain redoubts, and doubly-so in the Eastern Empire. While most of the world considered Aerials to be human, the presence of wings was Fae-like enough to draw attention--and not all of it was the good kind.

Some of the crowd clapped appreciatively and chuckled at her rather-pedestrian jokes, others stood, arms folded, silently passing judgment. It was to this latter group that the juggler--whom the girl had displaced from his favored spot--appealed with his catcalls and insults.

The insult Miiya had delivered on the fly was enough to shut the heckler up momentarily, but not enough to send him slinking away. He had already decided to take back his spot in the market, and his determination to do so was not going to be swayed by the--rather blunt--insults of a little girl. Earlier, when challenged, the man had not been willing to contest with the girl for the spot, but now that he had some of the crowd behind him, he was ready for a second attempt.

As Miiya finished her set with an--admittedly impressive--dismount from her grand finale the heckler piped up. It was a cruel and low blow, for this was the most delicate portion of any busker’s show; collections. The juggler could see that the girl was working the square alone, so she was doing double-duty; trying to eke coin from the ready-to-disperse audience while still recovering from her acrobatics. That made his job--of spoiling her take--much easier.

Shouting over the panting girl’s entreaties for monetary appreciation, the juggler resumed his heckling. “That’s it?! That’s not a show!!” He shouted, and booed loudly, causing people to turn away from Miiya and look to him. “Yew’ve got some nerve, asking people to pay for that, girlie! He booed again. “Good people, save your coin for a REAL show! Don’t let the little bitch guilt you into paying for a bit of hopping about and some dumb worn-out jokes.”[/COLOR] He shouted over any objections Miiya might mount. “‘Oh, I’ve w-w-wings, I don’t know what a luh-luh-ladder is’” He mocked her and the uncertain stammer with which she had delivered her lines. “That’s supposed to be funny? That you’ve got a damned Fae’s features and are stupid?” He sniffed, pushing to the forefront of the dispersing crowd. “I say again, friends; don’t pay the Fae bitch--just be on your way… or save your coin and stick around for a REAL show--the show you came to see; The Illustrious Gabansung’s Death-Defying Display!"

The juggler knew it was nigh impossible to pull coin and argue at the same time. It was a dirty trick; to hamstring a performer at the end of her show, like this. The market goers who had stopped loved any excuse to depart without “showing appreciation” and Miiya had skipped some essentials of queuing them up for donations--like bringing children to the front and arranging the crowd to keep them from a quick getaway. It was child’s play to spoil her take, and maybe he could even turn the crowd against her with his false accusations. He had seen that the youngster was already unsure of herself. She would surely break and run if the crowd turned against her. Then he could reclaim his spot for the more-lucrative lunchtide and afternoon hours.

The crowd wavered. The show had not been as bad as the heckler claimed, and more than a few market patrons were impressed by Miiya’s perfect landing. Yet even those feeling generous toward the girl did not want to intrude in a dispute between buskers.

A few expressions darkened at the mention of Fae, but no one seemed to seriously consider that the winged girl might be from the See. Even so, any crowd always carried an element of mob that could be whipped up by the right--or wrong--orator.

1-2: The crowd turns on Miiya.
3-4: Most people just leave without contributing any coin.
5-6: The crowd ignores the heckler and M
iiya makes a good take.

“Them’s fairy wings, alright!” Came an angry shout.

“No, you idiot, Fae don’t have feathers!” Another of the audience argued, but any rational discussion quickly devolved into an angry babble. Nobody had come to market today to come to blows defending the nature of the buskers, but it seemed that more than one of the crowd was itching for trouble, and the Illustrious Gabansung had given them an excuse to make it.

Those friendly to the performer held their tongues and their purses, dispersing about their business without sparing her a single Imp, and the remaining audience--goaded by the heckler--were turning from displeased to threatening.

To the juggler’s delight, it looked like Miiya was going to be forced to make herself scarce, and he would soon have his favored spot back from this upstart outsider.
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Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


It's good to finally be home.

As a young boy, Marcus had been told to be thankful for each breath he took. And with those who knew and the downright horrifying "adventures" he'd been on -- it felt as though he could truly thank his lucky stars that he, too, could breathe, think, enjoy, and love. That he could return to his home, even if only for a little while. He'd a bed to sleep on, and little worry of anyone come slit his throat. Within his home, he had few secrets.

The worldly horrors of war and the unearthly horrors of that accursed mansion were far away for now. He'd enjoy it while he could.

With a long sigh, he slid out of bed and got dressed just about the same way he did each morning -- even the fact that he donned his armor by himself and with no need for assistance due to its design. He recanted a daily prayer.

["Salve, Minerva,
the Owl-Eyed Goddess.
I salute you this morning,
with good prayers and good heart,
hoping to honour you today and every day,
Noble Lady of the Olive Tree.
With my hands,
with my voice,
with my mind,
may I pay you sincere tribute,
Most-High Virgin,
and may you look kindly onto me and my family,
oh Goddess of One-Thousand Crafts."]

With that, there was only about one other thing to decide.

Do I even need this?

He looked upon his spear, leaned against the wall in the corner of the Inn's room. The long, armor piercing spear made to go through monster hides sat still in the corner. It had been his faithful companion through many journeys since he had been a young lad and as of late he'd been carrying it practically everywhere. Even when he'd shop at the market in Ryke.

He reached out to the weapon a moment and grasped it firmly before...letting it go.

...Of course not.

For today, he would bring only his sword. But the armor stayed.

Tripodon Market

The first quest for the one who had been once called a "Brave Paladin" was to obtain breakfast.

A stall proved fruitful in having something that called to his baser instincts. A fish kebab that smelled of fruit and spices. The minimalistic diet of soup, biscuits, rations, and the occasional meat pie caused it to call from him. While he could hardly claim to wish to need all of this, he would enjoy it while available. So long as he didn't need it -- there was no harm in it.

Clack clack clack....

The Armored Warrior walked with a sheathed sword at his side and kebab in a single hand, soon to be cold if he didn't eat it right away. His armor clanked loudly as he walked wherever he went, his approach audible among even the hustle and bustle of the market. With breakfast acquired, his second objective was clear.

Meet up with Ordella.

The agreed-upon point he'd set for the day would be a nicely crafted fountain that sat amid the bustling marketplace. Water gently flowed from mouths of marble. As he waited, he undid his helmet for a moment and placed it at his side. And he would simply....eat a while. He lowered his head in such a way, that with his fairly long hair, it was a bit harder to see his face.

Given the care Ordella had shown to the citizens of Non Ipsum Magna, she had proven to be at the very least an admirable person. And her caring nature had gotten her afflicted with a magical disease. The least he could do for one who lend their aid and endanger themselves as such was to buy her lunch. It wasn't as though he tended to spend a lot of money on himself, anyway. Only after leaving the monastery did Marcus actually manage to leave the realm of relative austerity. It almost felt like he should have paid her, even if he didn't know her that well.

As he sat there, a crowd was gathering. It wasn't unusual for one to perform. As he sat by the fountain....he watched as someone appeared above them all. It appeared to be a young girl -- whom he could surmise appeared to be a winged humanoid of some sort. Either human or beast at first glance. But then a single word changed the entire context through which he would pay attention to the event.


I wanted but one day of peace.

Perhaps Ordella might have seen Marcus rising from his seat, fixing his helmet once more to his plate. The blood-red mane atop his helm highlighted his darker armor among the crowd as he moved through them.

["Move."] He growled in his native tongue.

One person was shoved out of the way after another. Some felt his gauntlet-wreathed hands moving them aside. Other his shoulder plate. For a time he'd watch the show.

Marcus stood a moment, watching the performance at the moment with a less than enthusiastic eye. Still, yet, he would remain calm, simply standing with his arms crossed as he watched the ordeal from behind a beast-shaped helm.

The man spoke, claiming that he'd soon see his newest death-defying show. Yet in calling Miiya a Fae, he'd escalated it much beyond what he might have anticipated.


The drawing of a sword -- Marcus moves not necessarily to protect Miiya....but to block her escape. The short Gladius, like an arming sword , gleamed from the morning sun.

"Grand claims require grand evidence, Juggler." He begins. His more peaceful nature from before had practically turned off as though someone had flipped a switch.

"The penalty for being a Fae in the Eastern Empire....is death. As a citizen of this nation and a member of its great army, I will do my duty. If she truly is a Fae, then I will seek to kill her. Or detain her if she does not resist." He said, the position he was standing in blocking off fleeing on foot.

"However, if you are lying, then I will turn you in for slander. Perhaps attempted murder, even." His voice was stern as he pointed towards the juggler with steel-wrapped fingers.

"So, what you to say, Juggler? Where is your evidence? And you girl, what say you in your defense?" To many foreigners, it would be clear that Marcus had his biases. The punishment for being a fae was far more severe than being a liar. Hopefully, his presence as [Eastern Empire Military F] could calm the crowd a bit and assure them that the one who stood before them had the interest of the citizens in mind first and foremost. At the moment, Marcus wished he had the ability to appraise, yet he was of this world. And lacked such a thing naturally.

"Speak one at a time." He said -- his perceptive eyes and ears kept tabs on them both as he listened for their answers.


1. Marcus starts and enjoys his day.

2. As Marcus waits for Ordella, he notices something odd happening at the market and is pulled away.

3. Marcus draws his sword.

4. Marcus blocks Miiya's way, threatening to kill her if she is a Fae. To the man, he threatens to arrest him if he is lying.

5. Asks them both to speak in their own defense, unable to appraise them.

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Amidst the bustling crowds within the marketplace that was the Tripodon Market, the quiet hum of electrical motors passed through the crowds as Lauren made her way around. She was wearing a bucket hat atop her head with a particular hair-style that helped cover her elven ears, as many within the East Empire had... less than pleasant feelings towards elves in particular. And as much as she had wanted to avoid visiting the East Empire at all, she promised herself to only visit scarcely to listen for rumors of her ex-lovers return... Or rather, the return of the thing that he had become. She was also wearing a long sleeve shirt to help cover up her metal arm, though she didn't try too hard to hide it as it made most people assume she was from Widersia. She did her best to simply peruse through the market, finding a few wares that were harder to come across in Ryke. While she was spending money for things she genuinely wanted to buy, her shopping was more so to gather information. And no rumors about him seemed to be floating about. Perhaps she had come during a lull period, or perhaps she truly had seen the last of him in those ruins... Whatever the case, she had little else to gain from sticking around too long, and her paranoia of the guards was growing increasingly worse.

As Lauren concluded her shopping and began making her way back to the Inn she had been staying at for the past few days, she stumbled across a performance... Or rather, the paltry attempt at one being interrupted and usurped by a rather vengeful looking performer trying to rally the crowd against the... the... Lauren didn't know what exactly Miiya, just that she at least seemed partially Fae to her untrained eye. In addition to the mans rather... audacious attitude, he seemed more than familiar with the knives he had poorly concealed under his shirt. She had expected him to try and force Miiya off stage by force through the threat of violence, though the situation seemed to escalate even further when a figure clad in full armor arrived and brandished their sword. Even worse for the avian fae, the sword wielding knight seemed to at least be aligned with the beliefs of the East Empire, every nerve in her body screaming at her to leave before the man notices her.

And yet she walked towards him, making an audible noise as if to speak.

"Pardon me, but perhaps I can provide some insight as to what I've witnessed happen?" Lauren interjected as she spoke towards Marcus, internally screaming at herself as she attempted to fortify herself from her fear. If she screwed up, she'd be in as much trouble as Miiya seemed to be in currently. "From what I've seen, this man has been harassing this street performer for simply taking this stage before he could. And while the performance she displayed was rather unentertaining, this mans attempts to instigate a lynching via angry mob over something so trivial should not be ignored - especially considering the various knives he has concealed under his shirt. I can't say for certain whether or not she is Fae or not. Though considering he resorted to such a barbaric display, I am of the belief that he slandered her name in an attempt to have her lynched over a mild inconvenience." Lauren finished her testimony to Marcus before giving him some space to think, looking to both Miiya and the crude man she so thoroughly provoked with her words alone. She could practically sense the bloodlust coming from the dude, though she knew that she at least was temporarily safe while Marcus was around them.

At the very least, she hoped that the scumbag would be the only one swiftly imprisoned based on how Miiya defended herself.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Irihi Irihi
Character Sheet Here!

𝄺... ~♫ ♫ ♫ ♪
His hands were as active as ever, busy strumming a song that he learned from elsewhere as he strolled through the open market. Today wasn't a performing day (not that he planned anyhow), but he never passed up a chance to play for personal enjoyment and betterment. No, today he came to market to actually buy things with the change he's picked up so far from busking... well, that and the word he's gotten that other performers stake their space here early in the morning and put on a show to break up the passerby's monotonous purchasing. He was too lazy to get up early to be one of them, so he was merely one of the passerby looking out for these performers instead.

"...don't pay the Fae bitch!" Oh? His feline ears perked up in attention, swiveling ever so slightly towards the noise of the conflict before his head followed suit. He'd heard about the Fae but had yet to actually see one, so his curiosity was already piqued. A performing Fae even more so, perhaps this would give him some inspiration for how to actually incorporate magic into his own little shows. Based on what he heard so far though... he was more interested in what's getting the man so riled up. That was honestly all the reason he needed to head over there and try to see what was happening, gently pushing past the outer ring of the crowd that was starting to flare up with similar tension to this first fellow he heard.

...How'd the saying go again, curiosity killed the cat? Yeah, he didn't pay it any heed as he was starting to be jostled about by the crowd becoming more and more active with some pretty choice words and insults flying about. He swore he heard one or two flung at him for what was on his head, but he seemed more interested in trying to get a look at who this supposed Fae was... Well, that was right up until the knight stepped in and ground most of the action to a halt with his commanding presence. It was upon hearing his words towards the performers that he remembered the problem with a Fae being inside the East Empire. This is literally a state at war with them, of course the mere presence of one would tick them off! It hadn't really occurred to him until that moment, and to think he was about to defend that girl... Not that he personally had issues with the Fae or had negative connotations of them instilled into him, but he'd rather not outcast himself before his first performance here. That said, the girl that came up to the knight with her testimony had a fair point about this being pretty excessive for someone that might not even be a Fae to begin with. Ignoring his hairs and ears standing on end (and hoping that it wasn't too obvious to onlookers), he made his way over to Marcus to also throw in his two cents.

"If I may speak up as well from a performer's perspective... Without commenting on the girl's resemblance to a Fae, I must say that at minimum the other one here shows no amount of tact when it comes to treating a fellow." He shot a look of mock pity (but mostly contempt) at the juggler as he continued, "It's men like him that give performers a poor reputation, gatekeeping what should be a form of entertainment for all simply because they don't meet their arbitrary standards. Whether he speaks the truth about her race or not, this man is slandering simply for the sake of it, only made worse by invoking the hatred of the citizens towards the Fae." He let out a part annoyed, part relieved sigh as he sort of started to slink away while keeping a careful eye on the juggler. Maybe he overstepped his bounds, but seeing the performing arts made a mockery of steeled his nerves just long enough to deliver his piece.​

“Wait, what…? N-no, I’m not Fae…” She shrank back from the angry crowd. What the heck!? If they didn’t enjoy the show they could just leave… She thought to herself, unhappily, quickly collapsing her climbing ladder and snapping shut her disappointingly-empty Erhu case.

In calmer circumstances, Miiya might have taken the time to contemplate what had gone wrong. She knew she had missed an opportunity to set the crowd up for donations; she’d kinda skipped that part of the act--in fact, she’d rushed the whole thing after Butt-face had thrown her off her stride. Now, however, she had more pressing concerns. Like, can I fly with all this cargo? Is anyone gonna throw a rock if I take off? The ladder and Erhu combined were close to the maximum weight she could carry aloft, and she didn’t have time to secure them properly. It would be an awkward takeoff and flight.

Miiya wasn’t surrounded--there was space to duck out and run. I can’t believe this! What a jerk! Now her anger worked against her and she had to fight down her impulses. She really wanted to give Mister Buttface a piece of her mind--and maybe her fist too. All that effort for nada! It wasn’t lost on Miiya that Buttface only had the guts to stand up to her when he had a crowd at his back. I should’ve punched him when I had the chance! Yfretting coward! She gritted her teeth to keep the angry words inside and not further incite the audience. Her hands were full so she used her arm to wipe away an angry, frustrated tear, even as she backed away from the crowd.

The already-fraught situation rapidly escalated with the arrival of a soldier? Miiya and Cahron made extra sure to steer clear of the Empires’ armed forces, so she was not completely sure his livery matched that of the country’s military, but this guy sure looked like one. Not that it much matters. He was a sword-armed man in full plate and helm, blocking the only gap in the crowd--through which she had been intending to escape. Miiya didn’t much care if he had the backing of the Empire or not. He had a sword and an ill-tempered disposition. Miiya blanched as Metal Guy pronounced that she would be put to death if she really was Fae.

Holy shu, the Emp don’t yfrett around! Forget the ladder and her instrument! If it came to it, she was lofting empty-handed. Miiya tensed, judging the distance between herself and Marcus. He was wearing a lot of armor, but he looked like he had the muscle to move it around quickly. Could she climb beyond the reach of that sword before he closed the distance between them? Miiya wasn’t sure

There was a lot of white showing in Miiya’s terrified gaze. I wish Cah were here. She tried to banish that thought and get her own brain to come up with her next action. Should she flee? I should fly, right? One of our rules is: “soldiers come, we go.” That was followed closely by rule: “don’t yfrett around with locals.” Right now she was facing down both a soldier and a local busker. Rules one and two dictated she frett off post-haste. It didn’t matter that she had not a stitch of magic or Fae about her. If there was one thing that both Ma and Cah had drummed into her it was that the truth didn’t matter to the people with money and/or swords. She would have lofted then and there, had a quiet whirring noise not reached her ears.

A lady in clothing which seemed designed to obscure parts of her that might--or might not (but probably were)--be mechanical had decided to speak up in Miiya’s defense. In other circumstances the Aerial girl might not have been so jazzed to meet Shady Lady--say, in a dark alley somewhere. As it stood, however, the woman’s words; the only ones even approaching kindness Miiya had heard all morning, were like a window opened to a sweltering room. Just the knowledge that not everyone in the crowd was against her heartened Miiya enough that she reconsidered the desperate and dangerous gambit of abandoning her gear and trying to fly away. After all, didn’t Metal Guy say he would kill me if I resisted?

Authorities had a knack for using a pretty broad definition of “resisting” that--often as not--included fleeing in abject terror.

“Um… I-I-I’m not--” Miiya began, only to be overspoken by another newcomer; this one had a fine-featured face and he was gripping an instrument, But what really stands out are the ears. Miiya thought, somewhat irreverently.

The Aerial girl would pardon the interruption, as she now had two random strangers speaking on her behalf, it seemed. They see the sword, right? The plate armor? She wondered to herself. People here sure are yfretting stupid brave. Stupidity Bravery prompts bravery, and kept Miiya’s feet on the ground. She folded her wings, which had involuntarily twitched out to quarter-extension with fright, flat to her back. Do I get to talk now? She opened her mouth to speak.

Juggler and Crowd

No she did not.

Miiya wasn’t the only one who had paled at the army raising the stakes. The heckler had only meant to leverage the current anti-Fae sentiment to get his favorite spot back. He hadn’t been out to see the girl strung up--and the quasi-mob he’d whipped up faded back into the marketplace the moment a sword was drawn. A few of the braver souls pretended to shop at nearby stalls while keeping an eye on this bit of excitement. Had it been late night, perhaps a mob of drunken roustabouts would have had more courage, but the noontide market goers were a more sensible lot. None of them had come looking for the amount of trouble that had suddenly sprung up. Throw insults, rocks, or rotten produce at a poor performance? Yea. Align themselves with a Fae or false accuser in the face of armed soldiers? Nae.

Bowing with the stage presence born of years of practice, he spoke with a confident smile, sure that--even in the face of two meddlers who had sussed out his less-than-honest intentions in slandering the girl--he could use his impressive powers of [Persuasion (B)] to win the day. “Good sirs and madams! The Illustrious Calcansung…” If anyone noticed the sudden name change as the juggler referred to himself, in the third person, he wasn’t giving them time to mention it, “shall convince you of this so-called “girl’s” true evil natu--GREAT SCOTT!! LOOK THERE!!” He pointed and shouted with such shocked conviction, that the heads of almost everyone present snapped around to try to capture what cataclysmic event the juggler pointed to.

The Illustrious Gabansung was similar in disposition to his diminutive adversary in that he, too, didn’t fuck around with soldiers. Nothing good ever came of it. He was dissimilar from her in that--along with being flightless--he was not blocked from hoofing it by an armed soldier. No sooner had the exclamation left his lips, than the Illustrious Calcansung/Garbansung had lit out, dodging through the crowd and darting through the narrow spaces between stalls, fleeing the scene, post-haste.

Back to Miiya

Miiya almost had to laugh at the comical departure of Butt-face. She really wanted to laugh, but she also really wanted to not die. Laughing when swords were drawn was not conducive to the latter, so--when she stopped trying to see what butt-face had pointed at and realized he had split, she was a bit mixed-up over the failure to utilize the distraction to run away, herself.

Should’ve run, dumbass. Now ya gotta try to talk yer way outta this mess. Miiya pasted up a (still-terrified) grin that she surely did not feel inside and finally had her say.

“Uh… I’m not Fae. I-I can’t do magic or…” She realized she should have spent the time the others were talking composing a convincing argument to keep swords out of her guts, rather than dithering. “I’m from Ryke and I’m an Aerial--like yew but with wings.” Aerials weren’t grounders with wings; there were a LOT more differences than that, but Miiya was going for commiseration, not technical accuracy.

“That guy… he was lying; h-he just wanted to chase me off.” Miiya stammered, trying a new argument. “...like she said.” The Aerial girl indicated Lauren. Though she could have left off the part about how bad my performance sucked. Miiya thought, then quickly chastised herself internally: Nope, not pouting. Focus on what’s important; swords.

Miiya’s smile got a little less terrified as she directed it from Metal Guy to Ear Guy “He totally ruined my take.” She agreed with Riki’s earlier assessment, glad someone else had noted Buttface’s jerk move.

Enough of the girl’s wits had returned--thanks to Shady Lady and Ear Guy that she remembered some of Ma’s counsel about soldiers and guards: If you can’t avoid them, ask for help. They like feeling powerful. She sure as shu didn’t want Metal Guy’s help, but she wracked her brain for an ask (make it a small ask) anyway.

Thinking on her feet was not Miiya’s strong suit. Don’t ask for money or food, you don’t want to look like a vagrant. Authorities hated those. Some guards didn’t even differentiate between buskers and beggars. “We’re new in town and… my brother, I can’t find--he didn’t come back last night.” Okay, where am I going with this? “Come down to the station and file a report?” Yfrett no! Miiya paused. “He said--if we get separated--to meet him at the...” Nice one! Guards love giving directions! “...the obelisk at Tripodon Market. I-is that near here? Do you know where it is?”

Of course Miiya knew where the pointy monument in the market was. She had seen it on her flight in, but Metal Guy didn’t know that. He also didn’t know that Cahron wasn’t meeting Miiya anywhere. He’s probably still asleep in some so-and-so’s bed, while I’m out here trying to make scratch and getting threatened with death, the lazy slut!

TLDR Summary;

Miiya was upset and scared by the crowd’s reaction after they were egged on by the “Illustrious Gabansung” (juggler).

She was terrified by Marcus’s arrival with drawn sword and threats of death or prison for being Fae.

She was prevented from making the risky move of flying away by Lauren and Riki’s support.

The crowd found better things to do when Marcus drew his sword and challenged Miiya and the Illustrious Gabansung.

The juggler used his powers of persuasion to distract everyone so he could quickly fuck off.

Miiya told Marcus she wasn’t Fae and asked him for directions to a nearby obelisk, where she (lied and said she) was to meet her brother.

Last edited:

Ordella was still trying to decide how she felt about the lunch date she had planned this morning... and Marcus, himself.

He seemed nice and he didn't hesitate to support her as they worked to cure a blight that had fallen upon Non Ipsum Magna. But then, he was also a soldier who boasted his loyalty to the east with zealous pride. It made her wonder what else he may have done for the Empire with such zeal. Or, if she'd have seen far more cruelty from the man had she been something other than human.

These thoughts lingered in her mind, but they didn't keep her away. Whatever his true nature was, it would surface in time. And she could give him the benefit of the doubt until it did. It wasn't anything personal.

Ordella just didn't have the best history with soldiers.

"Grand claims require grand evidence, Juggler."
The morning silence was broken before she even made it to the market, proper. She instantly recognized the voice. She really wished that she hadn't. But, it did make it easier to find him. The streets were thick with locals quickly moving away from the sound of the commotion. And, at the center of the dispersing crowd, she found a one-legged woman with a bucket on her head, a man with cat-ears and a guitar, Marcus with his sword drawn and a winged woman who'd been accused of being a fae.

A light sigh escaped from Ordella's lips.

"Good morning, Marcus."

The winged girl exclaimed that her nowhere-to-be-seen accuser bore false witness. The two unknown women advocated for her. Marcus demanded an explanation and promised to punish whoever it was who'd caused trouble in the streets that morning. Ordella wasn't going to pretend to know what was going on. War tended to breed evil on all sides. Perhaps this really was a Fae See assassin who needed to be slain before they turned this town into the ruin that Non Ipsum Magna. Perhaps Marcus was a half-step away from killing an innocent woman in cold blood. Maybe the truth lay somewhere between two extremes. There was no way for her to know this at a glance.

But there was damn sure a way for her to find out.

"The words of a stranger mean little to naught," she spoke bluntly to Miiya, "But there is an easy way to clear your name. Allow yourself to be appraised. If you are truly innocent, then you have no reason to resist this."

Without another word the flame in Ordella's lantern flared up, she extended a hand towards Miiya, and cast [Soul Reading] upon her.

It wouldn't be a pleasant experience for her. Being appraised would never be an enjoyable experience for anyone. But it would give the girl solid evidence to support her claim if she were honest, and an advocate that the man bearing his sword and threatening her life likely trusted. But, truth be told, even if she did want to identify the race of the girl, she was more interested in analyzing her soul and her sins. The emotions she carried about her and any criminal titles she may have carried.

As far as The Undertaker was concerned, those were the most important things to discover about this stranger here.

Actions (2/3)
1). Join the group and greet Marcus.
2). Use
[Soul Reading] to deduce the Miiya's race and intentions.

Soul Reading- Sixth Sense F, Appraisal E, Empathy F, Insight F, Magic E, Magic Range F, Energized E- Ordella can perceive and analyze souls. Not only can she learn general information about their abilities and physical nature, but she can also discern things like hidden emotions, cases of possession, whether or not an entity has a soul to begin with, and whether or not the entity is undead in the odd case that it isn't immediately obvious. Additionally, she can rely on her Sixth Sense to detect entities that would otherwise go unnoticed by mundane senses by locking onto their very souls.- Range 30 ft- Grade E- 0 post cooldown.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Irihi Irihi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


Someone approached. A witness. He'd only looked at her for a split second and could tell she was not wholly flesh. What she was mixed with could be any number of things, but in truth -- the first thing that came to mind was simply human. Due to Marcus' perception, he could sense something was off about her in some way...yet he chalked it up to her simply being a patchwork of machine and flesh in one. Some wear the metal in their bodies. In some ways he could relate, given how his armor felt like a second skin at times. The split-second assessment ended in one conscious word.


With her classified in a few fractions of a second, his attention returned to the two before him. And within those few fractions of a second -- his eyes return. He kept of track of Lauren's position using his perception and remained ready to attack if she ever struck at him. Yet given her gentle voice, it seemed unlikely. She had been most likely a concerned bystander.

As she spoke up, Marcus responded while looking forward. "Go on." He began, seeking her insight.

Like a Sentinel, he stood and watched the pair for sudden moves of any kind. But when Lauren was done talking, he responded calmly and yet firmly. "A plausible story. I find the prospect of a Fae of any kind being in the heart of the empire implausible. And he seems to have an incentive. I find it most suspicious that he did not call for her death or capture. To be a Fae here presents a security threat. Anyone can report one." He responded. Despite his clearly Martial nature, Marcus spoke the common tongue as though it were his own and might have sounded well read to others.

A second had approached. And he couldn't blame them. After all, this was someone's life they were talking about. This one seemed bestial in nature due to the cat ears. Yet anyone could have evidence. Beasts could be citizens of the empire just the same. To the cat-eared boy, Marcus' reply was much simpler.

"It only matters if he speaks the truth or not. A Fae here is a threat simply. Yet I cannot allow such slander to go unpunished, if such is the case. It is a grave accusation and one that should not be lobbed around lightly. Anyone who does so is either an idiot or scum." He says simply. Even if this display turned out to be hot-air, it would serve to demonstrate that one does not go to the heart of the Eastern Empire and lob out accusations of conspiracy and expect to win a mere "busking" spot.

"Ordella." He said without taking his eyes off the pair, recognizing her from voice alone. "It seems that today, it is I who has found trouble. I wonder if the three fates have a sense of humor."

The girl spoke at least in part. She appeared to be young and simply terrified of the prospect of her own demise. Had she been braver, he might've leaned towards the kill. But seeing the girl in this state made him lean away from the kill. He'd detain her all the same. But she also hadn't run or flown away yet.

Finally, the man spoke, seeking to present evidence. Before declaring something and pointing it off in the distance.

"What?" Marcus said simply, his head darting off to look at...nothing. He heard the man beginning to run, opening up distance.

"You fucking coward." Marcus growled at the deception. He instinctively wound his hand back as if to throw a spear. But a few problems with this. One was there was a thick crowd of people. Two was his distance. Three was the fact that he simply didn't have his primary weapon because today was his day off. He left his spear in the corner of the inn where he was currently staying

Yet he strived to not only be fit of body. The mind was also important to hone his mind. There was something to remember here.

"The Illustrious Gabansung. I suppose you've thrown off my gaze, but I remember the name you first stated." He said. "No matter. I'll report him to the guards."



(Optional Soundtrack)

"No one need die today, it seems." Handling his sword as though it were a knife, he twirled it into his fingers, angling the point into the sheath at his side.

In those moments, it was almost as though what many had called his "humanity" had returned. No longer was she a potential suspect. Instead, she was just a girl who was frightened for her life. A look left and right, and it appeared that the crowd that assembled for her display had dispersed. She mumbled out a few words and Marcus quietly listened to them. Right around when she was done speaking...he would turn into a blur, knees bending as he went towards the ground.


The sound of his armored form kneeling before her perhaps a little too quickly. Those who were near could the ground vibrate as Marcus hit the ground on one singular knee. With an arm on said knee, he lowered his head and simply lowered it. Those who looked upon the scene might have thought him bowing to royalty had it not been for her appearance. Technically, Marcus was not a knight. And he was no noble certainly. Whatever pride he may have had didn't seem to do anything to stop him from bowing.

"My humblest apologies." He began, speaking loudly and in plain view of all those at the market with this particular statement...before his voice became quieter.

"Innocent until proven guilty. You need not explain yourself. It is I who has wronged you. A false threat was leveled against you, and I quickly leveled a threat against your life. Not only this, but it appeared to have hampered your income. Simply put, I have wronged you. And I can see that you are no threat to my home country. More than that, I have welcomed you poorly to it." Without any sort of evidence and the more or less inevitable outcome of the appraisal, Marcus felt the need to make up for her poor treatment at the hands of the people.

"I doubt I can ever make full amends. But the least I can do is pay you, particularly given my interference with your means of income." The same belt which held his satchel held some coin he had planned to exchange today. But he would give it to her instead.

"Here, it is the least I can do." Marcus gave her approximately 100 Rykes. A small portion of his job of clearing out a haunted mansion. It is about a day's honest work for a peasant for a peasant.

"In addition, I will offer my service to free of charge to do as you desire, within reason. I will likely not do anything illegal. Something is in my power."

Unlike what she had anticipated, Marcus knew exactly where the obelisk was. After a few moments, he simply points in its general vicinity.

"Keep heading that way, and you'll find it." There was no attempt at screening her words. Simply put, if she left, he had no reason to follow her or even be suspicious. "Before you leave, however, you should likely thank these brave souls." He motioned to the three. One was Ordella, the construct girl, and the cat-eared boy, all of whom had come to the winged girl's defense.

"It takes bravery to step forward and intervene on behalf of a stranger you see is wronged. Thus, it is they who deserve true gratitude."
There were different ways she could go. But one thing seemed certain: Marcus was no longer intent on blocking her path.

1. Marcus greets and responds to everyone

2. Marcus is fooled by the man as he points at something and looks along with the crowd as he flees.

3. Marcus, remembers the man's stated alias Gabansung distinctly and states he will report it to the guards.

4. Marcus falls on one knee, bows before Miiya, apologizes to Miiya and offers her 100 Rykes (roughly a day's pay for a Ryke peasant)

5. Marcus states that "within reason" he will follow a request of Miiya and also reminds them to thank the others for aiding her.


Lauren felt a slight wave of relief wash over her as Marcus at least seemed to give her testimony some consideration, though she still did her best to keep her emotions hidden until she could properly vent them out later in private. She hadn't even noticed the second witness of the whole ordeal wander up to give a statement until he had started speaking, though while she was listening she was primarily trying to keep her nerves calm. As the knight reaffirmed his view of all Faes being enemies of the empire she blanked out for a second, remembering that she couldn't entirely trust those she met within the East Empire.

Still, she sensed an opportunity with how seriously he seemed to uphold the safety of the empire. Perhaps he'd be willing to investigate any leads regarding the Madman Eins had become.

She hadn't even noticed the arrival of Ordella by the time the coward of a man tried to distract them. Why would she take the words of a closeted criminal seriously? Despite ignoring the mans obvious distraction, she hadn't anticipated his sudden speed in fleeing the scene. She wanted to pursue the coward and send him tumbling to the ground, she had the speed to catch up after all... But she also didn't want to risk her hair coming loose and revealing her ears to everyone in sight. Besides, the knight seemed to have actually listened to the name the man had given to the crowd the first time around, so the man would probably be arrested soon enough. She sighed as she looked back towards the knight, the tension in the air seeming to dissipate once the cowardly mans claims had been practically dismissed. It seemed to her as if the situation had concluded.

Lauren hadn't predicted that Marcus would be apologizing to Miiya, much less offering his services as a one-time favor and handing her 100 Rykes to make up for what the juggler had convinced the crowd to reclaim. Seeing him kneeled to the ground apologizing made her feel a little more at ease, especially since his sword was now sheathed and his tone had softened. All that seemed left to resolve was Miiya's gratitude towards her and the others, calmly walking forward and putting a hand onto the shoulder of the avian.
"I'm just glad that this was resolved peacefully. I've dealt with a fair bit of discrimination during this life so far, as not a lot of people seem to be too fond of... Well, 'abominations', as they so colorfully and vividly put into words." Lauren paused as the past two months of her new life resurfaced for a fleeting moment, bringing her focus back to the current moment. "I might not be made entirely of flesh and bone anymore, but these limbs have come in handy in more ways than I can count. Regardless of whatever insults or mockery people may throw your way, the only opinions that you should listen to are your own. And if people refuse to listen or take issue with it, I can always help shut them up for you should you ever find yourself in Ryke." Lauren reassured Miiya with a slight smirk, taking her hand off of the avians shoulder before briefly looking to Marcus. She'd have to ask him about the favor she had in mind later.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Irihi Irihi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

Metal Guy’s backup arrived, and she was not what Miiya had expected. In any other circumstances, the girl would be impressed at the amount of talent and time she seemed to rate from the Empire. Those “other circumstances” would be if the blades and magic of the warrior and his witch were not determining if Miiya’s life should end right here and now.

There was little the girl could do to stop the [soul reading]l from the undertaker, as she did not possess the skills to resist Ordella’s magic. It felt


Worse than bad, because Miiya knew--even without having ever experienced one, what the appraisal was; that this woman was, without consent, prying into her soul--reading her feelings. Even if she couldn’t read Miiya’s actual thoughts and memories, the sorceress was perusing the emotions the girl’s past and present engendered.

The invasion of her person was shocking--it felt like being forcibly dragged into the nightmare where she was standing at the head of the class, and must (fail to) answer final exam questions unprepared and naked. The feeling sent her mind straight to that one memory--never far from the surface, no matter how hard she tried to bury it.

How yfretting dare yew?! Her prop and instrument case fell with a clatter as Miiya’s hands balled into fists, her fingernails biting into her palms.

Ordella would read the girl’s nature as Aerial and human, though with a foreign influence that was alien to any of the lands of the continent. At first blush her emotions would read as the fright, fatalism, and sadness that was written upon her features. Turning a page deeper past the cover of the open book of Miiya, though, would unearth a deep-seated vein of anger seething just beneath Miiya’s emotional veneer, which--at the touch of the [Soul Reading]--flared until it consumed all her other feelings.

If an appraisal gives the reader prescient knowledge of a person’s actions, alarm bells would be ringing in Ordella’s mind and magic as the girl shifted her stance, her feathers louvering with fury. One didn’t need magic to see that Miiya was about to throw hands, and the impetus behind her impending strike was a murderous fury disproportionate to even the offense of being appraised.

It was the touch that stopped her. Not so Shady Lady had put her hand on Miiya, like a friend. Like yew yfretting know me!! Miiya’s internal monologue silently screamed against the walls of her gritted teeth. And just like that, her towering rage evaporated.

Not really

It wasn’t gone, just stuffed back down inside, with the lid welded on the overheated pressure cooker of her brain. Because I’m not mad enough to kill myself punching in the nose of Metal Guy’s skwitch necromancer friend. Miiya lied to herself. She was that mad, but Lauren was saying nice things and her hand was still weirdly on Miiya’s shoulder (like yew yfretting know me!) and it was kinda defusing her, though Miiya wasn’t quite sure just why.

Get a grip. Miiya told herself. Don’t shame Ma. Her feathers settled, her fists unknotted and Miiya’s shoulders hunched as she rubbed her arms with palms smarting from the furrows her nails had dug. “I don’t like that.” She said quietly to Ordella, in lieu of punching the undertaker’s lights out. “Don’t do it again.”

Miiya’s attention returned to the hand on her shoulder, and then to the woman attached to that hand. “Um...” Not So Shady Lady was talking about being discriminated against--about being insulted and mocked. “Yeah...” Miiya wasn’t as preoccupied with the departed juggler’s mocking as she was with the threat of imminent death.

Then again, maybe this person was trying to calm and comfort her by taking her mind off the things she couldn’t change. In any case, Miiya decided she should hew to those who weren’t threatening, so--as she settled--she tried a genuine smile at Lauren. “Thanks. I’m from Ryke too.” Her next words she directed to everyone present. “My name’s Miiya; Miiya Aether.”

After all, it’s harder to kill someone who’s name you know, right? She hoped. “Did you… have that done on purpose?” Miiya asked Lauren, indicating the mechanical limb that she could see.


Miiya started like a nervous filly at the sound of Metal Guy’s armored knee hitting the ground. She set her teeth point-to-point in a wide-eyed unsure grimace as the man asked her forgiveness in a very public display of abasement.

“No… it’s…” Miiya was a little lost for words. Nobody apologized to her,


At least not sincerely, and certainly not with coin.

A whole lot of coin! What the armored man was offering was more than a solid successful day’s take of both her and her brother working the market; about four times greater than her best hope for today.

Of course, the generous size of the sum didn’t dissuade Miiya from accepting while exclaiming; “This is way too much, Mister…?” If there was anything which could dispel the bad feelings of being bullied, threatened, and appraised, it was a stack of Rykes--and the thought of the food she could buy with them!

Metal Guy still seemed to be waiting expectantly. Oh, he wants me to give him a task? Giving directions wasn’t enough? Miiya guessed. The Aerial was on the comedown from her earlier upset. I really don’t need anything… Though the memory of being terrified of Marcus was still fresh in her mind, she was curious about him. Her experience with soldiers was minimal, and she found herself with a wild hair. She wanted to know what sort of person could swing so radically from murderous to apologetic, seemingly without emotion clouding either disposition. What does a man so ready to kill look like? Miiya wondered.

“Then, for yer um… ‘service’ to me, could yew take off yer helm?” Miiya asked, hesitantly. She colored a little with embarrassment after the words were out. That was dumb. I’m dumb. She thought, but didn’t take back her request. After all, she did kind of want to see. “Maybe… tell me yer name?”

The Illustrious Gabansung and the Guards
Before she’d been scanned, Miiya had doubled-down on her self-control so she wouldn’t smirk at Metal Guy’s reaction to the juggler skedaddling. She kept her own counsel regarding Marcus assuring her?, himself? that he would report the busker.

Yeah, good luck, dude. Miiya had a feeling that the illustrious chucklenut was going to be pretty hard to find for the duration of how long the city guard gave a shu about him slandering some foreign urchin in the market (not long). Her lips turned thin and white, stretched over her teeth as she smiled and nodded when Marcus said nobody needed to die today. It seemed like a good idea to agree. At least he put the sword away.

However, the Illustrious Gabansung had been of a decidedly different opinion. He had not missed Marcus’s threat against his personage, nor had he failed to ruminate on it as his mad dash turned into a studiously-calm stroll through the market. Long a student of more illicit ways to gain coin than busking, the Illustrious Gabansung knew that the best way to avoid consequence was to spread blame. With this in mind, he spread rumor along his path. Whenever he sussed a gullible soul; the busybody hausfrau, the self-important window-shopper, the troublemaking layabout--he dropped a whisper in their ear about the Winged Fae See Terrorist who sought to sew fear in the heart of the Empire by striking at Tripodon market.

It did not take long for such rumors to spread to the ears of the local guard. The prospect of apprehending a See sleeper agent was much more exciting than arbitrating the usual market disputes--the sharp tongue of the fishwife selling last week’s catch as fresh, the unsuccessful chases of the fleet-footed pickpockets, and other marketplace humdrum. It was with great enthusiasm that a pair of guardsmen forged through the throng, looking for a winged girl.

”There she is!” Came the exuberant shout from a guardsman as he crashed upon the scene. “Have a care; stand back, and let us handle this, citizens! She’s bewitched our soldier with her fell sorcery!” The guardsman cautioned those gathered around Miiya, upon seeing Marcus upon bended knee.

The guardsman had drawn his sword, but he held it defensively, rather clearly (and incongruously) intimidated by the diminutive unarmed Aerial. “Get restraints on her, Nico! Fae magic cannot overcome iron!” The guard repeated an unfounded rumor he’d once heard. “Fear not, soldier! Help has arrived! Together we shall overcome the evil creature!” He said to Marcus, as he bulled his way between the soldier and Miiya. ”You there, mage! Ensorcell the Fae if you can; a handsome reward awaits those who support the city guard against See terrorists!” He directed Ordella.

If unimpeded, “Nico” the guardsman, who had approached with some measure of stealth while his partner shouted and charged in to distract Miiya, would clap an iron shackle around the Aerial’s ankle. The guard believed the iron would prevent her from flight, though it was really the thirty-pound hobble that would keep Miiya grounded. “She’s bound, Atticus!” He crowed.

TLDR Summary;
Miiya is appraised as an Aerial (human). Her emotional state reads as frightened but with diminishing terror. She has no criminal titles. Her surface emotions (besides her present fright) are generally positive, but there is a deep-rooted vein of anger that is constantly threatening to break through her amiable veneer. Miiya doesn’t like being appraised and tells Ordella to knock it off.

Lauren’s support keeps Miiya from assaulting Ordella. She introduces herself to the abomination, (and to Marcus and Daina) happy to find a fellow Ryken in the Empire.

The Aerial girl is thunderstruck by Marcus’s gesture and generosity. For the favor he claims to owe her, she asks him to take off his helmet and tell her about himself (well, his name at least).

Then two Barney Fifes (over-enthusiastic city guards) arrive, misread the situation, and clap her in irons, thanks to the rumor spread by the juggler.

The guards order Ordella to bewitch Miiya, but don’t specify how. They are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. That is likely why they are on market duty.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Maverick Six Maverick Six
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
To clarify and give everyone something to do;

Lauren and Marcus: are getting shoved aside by “Atticus” - Guardsman #1. He has his sword out and is ready to “defend” them from the fearsome Fae terrorist (Miiya).

Ordella: has been ordered to “do magic” by Atticus.

Daina: is near Guardsman #2, “Nico”, who put a hobble on Miiya. Feel free to assume Nico tries to push Daina a
way from Miiya. The guards act like she is a bomb that will explode at any moment.
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Character Sheet Here!
Irihi Irihi ("Nico"), Maverick Six Maverick Six (Marcus), Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi (Ordella), II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

"Hm?" was the only thing that managed to escape his lips as he tried to see what the juggler was pointing... though the sound of his retreating footsteps made him quickly turn back to see him screwing right off.

...He really shouldn't burst out laughing after the juggler sped away with the balls he juggled between his legs, though he really did. Served him right too, despite the knight-looking figure brushing off his remark, karma struck 'em well enough with the embarrassment he served himself with his exit. An almost devious smirk played on his face as he watched him dart off... but in the end he really couldn't hold it in. A quick burst of raw, boisterous laughter escaped his mouth about the same time as the knight insulted the juggler before he quickly tamped it shut with his hands. "You've got to show class yourself, moron," he internally chastised himself as he cleared his throat to apologize for his own outburst. "Excuse that, that was a sudden flash of inspiration stemming from the current events." After that, he would just quietly listen to and assess the terrified words of the winged lady to Marcus, trying to shoot her a little wink upon seeing her smile directed towards him.

Yet another person approaching then interrupted his train of thought. He really hoped the woman approaching wasn't about to confront him about- aaaaand she's with that knight, oh well, he just took solace in the fact she wasn't as outright intimidating. He didn't think much about the appraisal she was talking about, but then he saw the rather visceral reaction of the one being appraised and shifted his opinion of it pretty quickly. That's another on his laundry list of "things to not be on the receiving end of." Thankfully he was spared having to say anything about it as the other lady with what looked to him like prosthetic limbs managed to calm her down, and he really relaxed his posture upon seeing Marcus kneel and offer Miiya an apology (and money? Lucky!). Guess the guards really do have hearts...

'Course, that notion was quickly put in the back of his mind when two guards loudmouths interrupted them as they were cooling down. Based on how they handled the clearly passive situation before them, they were either late to the party, missing a few cells in their 'noggin, or (as he believed) both. It ticked him off further when the guard that clamped Miiya tried to push him away from the already scared and now even more defenseless girl.

Curiosity didn't get me killed... but the bravado he was about to put on was definitely going to. But he really did not care for that thought in the back of his mind as he mildly retaliated, standing his ground and attempting to push Nico away from Miiya instead.
"Heavens forbid, are you just as tone deaf as the juggler that fled at the first sight of danger? Look with your eyes at the defenseless woman you've just clamped." As much as he damn well wanted to smack some sense into him, he didn't have that much of a deathwish. Luckily for his brave stupid maneuver, there was an out... he turned to Marcus and Ordella, who he believed had enough sense (and hopefully enough authority) to make them stand down. "Mister Knight, Miss Witch, could you possibly tell these idi- guards to stand down?"
"...And possibly save my hide from what I just did?"
He left that last part out of his request, gotta put on a face after all.​

"Nice to meet you Miiya. I'm Lauren Linn, though you can just call me Lauren. Um..." Lauren thought for a moment at Miiya's question about her augmentations, wondering how she should phrase her words. "No... I was experimented on while comatose awhile back. It's... not a pleasant memory, to finally regain control of my body after years of being trapped between life and death, only to find half of it replaced with metal and wires..." Lauren stopped for a moment as her eyes seemed to lose a little bit of their life, though she had regained some of her vigor when Miiya had asked Marcus to show his face and tell her his name. Perhaps Miiya would be willing to listen to her story later?

Lauren had noticed some commotion in the distant crowd coming towards them, but she hadn't expected two guards to come and try to arrest Miiya. This had to be the work of that slimy coward, spreading rumors as he fled with his tail between his legs. And the guards seemed as tactful - perhaps even less so - than the sleazy juggler who had the gall to be such an unforgiving jerk. Though the situation only seemed to escalate. One of the guards had approached with their sword drawn, the fear within her body surging as she felt her only flesh and bone hand tremble. Her survival instinct had kicked in. As the magic within her body churned the air around her metal limbs forewarned of her [Electrostatic Pulse] activating, the static in the air giving Miiya minor shocks as the guard trying to separate the two of them foolishly grabbed her metal shoulder to push her aside.


A roaring surge of electricity quickly left Lauren's body in favor of the guard, the thunderous release quickly reaching the ear of everyone in the market as the guard quickly fell down - though it was likely out of fear due to the guards armor acting as a better conductor than the guards own flesh and blood. Lauren quickly recoiled upon being touched, though she was quick to put her guard up. She quickly pulled Miiya behind her and moved towards Marcus, hoping he would at least try to reason with the guards if her words didn't quell the situation.
"Miiya was falsely accused, as is evident that the accuser fled before they could be arrested for slander and attempt to incite an angry mob. Both of them," Lauren spoke as she gestured to Marcus and Ordella, "Can testify this to be the case. Ask around the marketplace and you'll find this to be the case."

Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

There was a lot that happened that morning in a very short amount of time.

Ordella managed to fully appraise the girl who' been accused of being a fae. The one who'd accused her in the first place, Gabansung, took off running, but The Undertaker saw no reason to continue her scan. That man's words were gonna hang in the air- or at least in Ordella's mind- for an eternity until someone could prove that the girl was innocent. In an instant, she deduced taht the girl was, indeed, human.

More importantly, that she wasn't an assassin or terrorist come to cause trouble in the city.

What suspicion Ordella had faded immediately. This one was just a scared, confused, hurt and lonely girl who was...


...getting a little too angry, there.

"Easy there..."

Ordella leaned back slightly; raising her lantern forward in preparation for whatever the girl was planning to do with all of that animosity. But... it never came. A hand on her shoulder seemed to be enough to reign in that overflow of malice. The Undertaker slowly lowered her lantern with a bit of new perspective on the girl. She was no fae... not that that was a sin in itself. And she was no criminal. But whatever trauma that was that she kept bottled up inside.

Well, she certainly had the potential for it.

“I don’t like that. Don't do it again."

"No one ever does," she replied, "But I've no need to read your soul a second time."

Marcus began with an apology of his own, accompanied by a gift of gold. And, for a moment there, it seemed as though the rest of the morning would've been peaceful. But word of an evil fae had already spread through the city and the local guard made their way over to deal with the situation personally. And that situation quickly escalated right back up to the level that it had when Miiya had first been accused.

The boy with cat ears pushed a guard. The girl with prosthetics seemingly blasted a guard with a thunderbolt. And all three of them were asking her to say or do things that she didn't believe in. All of this chaotic energy? She took a deep breath, sighed once more, and met it with about as little energy as physically and vocally possible. It wasn't that she wasn't more than irritated enough to blow her top at that moment.

She just had no interest in mirroring any of it.

"I'm not a witch. I'm an Undertaker." she bluntly replied to Daina.

"I did not bear witness to this accuser,"
she bluntly replied to Lauren.

"I cannot bewitch people, nor do I have any reason to do so." she bluntly replied to the guards.

With her next words, she would use her
[Thoughtful Persuasion] ability to try to get the guards to truly listen to and understand what she was saying.

"What I can tell you is that the first thing I did after hearing about all of this was appraise this girl. This girl right here," Ordella explained, pointing at Miiya. And, if it wasn't obvious about that, she wasn't even remotely apologetic about that, even if she didn't wish any discomfort upon the poor girl, "And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt is that she is neither a fae nor a criminal. You do not have to believe a word that I am saying but I ask that you verify your assumptions. You can just check. Just appraise her and you will find out just how much of a waste of time arresting her is."

It is true that Miiya probably wouldn't have liked hearing that. But it was also true that there was no harder evidence to prove the girl's innocence than raw appraisal at work. Unpleasant as it may have been... it was effective.

"And if you want to be the heroes of the day, which you still can be..." she was, of course, referring to the guards, "Then you should work to find the source of these rumors and remove it. I'd be more than happy to help. And to report how great of a job you two have done watching over the market afterwards."

Actions (1/3):
1) Used
[Thoughtful Persuasion] on the guards to convince them to redirect their efforts away from capturing Miiya and towards capturing Gabansung.
Thoughtful Persuasion- Empathy F, Persuasion F, Insight F- Ordella combines her persuasive nature with her ability to read people to present compelling arguments and sway the minds of others with words and words alone.

II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


"I don't believe it too much. Far from it." It was as he said. In truth, he wondered if he was so capable of paying off such a thing. But it seemed that coin had proven quite persuasive even in the face of trauma. In the grande scheme of things however, he could hope she was a little better off than when she first met him. "I'd ask you not to harm my friend here. She seeks to aid you. And it would be most unwise."

Once she had accepted it -- Marcus saw fit to simply rise to his feet and heed her further words. She asked for an introduction and to....see his face. There was a brief pause, but after a moment's consideration, he oblidged her request.

"Very well." He said.

Once again, he slowly undid his helmet, unclipping it from the inside at various points. It seemed to take a little bit of time. But after what seemed like perhaps more than 10 or so seconds, he would remove the bestial helm which hid all but his eyes. And she would be able to get a glance at his mug.


It was obvious that Marcus had been heavily scarred by something. The entire left side of his face appeared to have been at one point, severely scorched. Tracing along his face intermittently however, one could see patterns of lightning along them. Those who were particularly knowledgeable and hailed from other worlds might know these lightning scars as Lichtenberg figures. It almost seemed as though at certain points of his flesh where scarring was less severe, one could see lightning leaving marks indicative of the path traveled.

"I am Marcus Banecroft. Former Hospitaller and currently a member of the East Empire Military. I am not guard. Today is actually my day off." He explains. For all that he had said, he simply sought to intervene in a situation he saw as dangerous. Be it for a potential Fae being present or a girl about to be assaulted by an angry mob.

"I will, this hardly seems a proportionate favor." He says shrugging, placing his helmet beneath his arm.

Something is amiss.

He squinted and looked about as he soon locked onto two guards approaching. He took a deep breath in order to keep calm.

"I am not bewitched. This is naught but hot air." He said simply -- turning to face the new guards who appeared.

Yet he was ever alert that they were not in the talking mood. Things were becoming more violent. And what one could tell was a more easy going expression was beginning to become more focused as time passed. Yet he reminded himself to stay calm amidst it all. Let him make the wrong decision.

Soon, however, things took a turn for the worse. The others were impulsive and rash. Obviously, they had witnessed something that infuriated them rightfully so. Yet the guards would likely not care much for that. Thus, he would allow no harm to come to the guards less pure instinct and turn this scuffle into something far worse.

Marcus reached for Daina with well-honed strength [Athletics F] -- seeking to stop his head in his tracks and move him away. "Don't." Marcus said simply to Daina. "You'll make things worse."
Some of the quickest ways to make someone completely dismiss rational was to make them angry and to make them afraid. The less physical confrontation.

A familiar sound to him: The cackling of thunder.

Sparks danced before Marcus' very eyes as he gazed at Lauren. Keeping track of the lightning itself was difficult but he knew her target very well. Thus, he lunged forward in front of it, Nico -- the stomping of his armor loud. Unfortunately, he, was going to have to draw his sword again. Though it was not for the sake of cutting anyone down. In this case, it was to be defended.


The sword practically flew out of his sheath as he moved to [Intercept] the lightning itself. He didn't know if he could see it and thus did not rely on that. Instead, he anticipated where it would be. He swung his sword to catch the lightning it, causing it to now cackle throughout his own body for a moment. Gritting his teeth, Marcus instinctively moved downward to send the lightning down to the ground. It seemed almost as though his body moved in such a way as to guide it away from his heart and into the ground. The ground cracks as the blade sinks in.

In truth, Marcus had little idea of whether or not the lightning would harm him or not. But thankfully Ordella was here just in case. And it didn't seem as though she intended to strike with enough power to kill the guard.

Breathing intensely, Marcus fell struggled to remain on one feet, kneeling for a moment before.


He takes one step forward and keeps himself on his feet. A brief moment is taken to glare at Lauren for her would-be-attack before he continues. Removing his sword from the ground, he quietly sheathes it once more.

"You should listen to my friend here. There is a rabble-rouser in our midst, stirring trouble in our great city. Likely another foreigner." Given the man not knowing anything in the realm of customs, Marcus couldn't help but decide as such.

"Bring a black orb and appraise her yourself if you don't believe me and think me bewitched." He growled, he couldn't help but be slightly angry. After he did, he just got struck by lightning. And still yet had to retain a rational enough mind to not impede Ordella's more persuasive effort.

"I should also mention iron does nothing to Fae. I would keep that in mind if ever you actually do have to kill or capture one. "


  • Marcus takes off his helmet and speaks.
  • Marcus is interrupted by the guards.
  • Marcus shoves Diana to prevent him from shoving the guards.
  • Marcus Blocks Lauren's Lightning to prevent the situation from escalating further.
  • Marcus supports Ordella's endeavor to de-escalate.

Actions: 3/3

1. Marcus uses [Athletics F] to contest Daina's shove and stop it outright.

2. Marcus moves in front of the guard named "Nico" to defend him.

3. [Intercept] - Fighting Style: Slayer's Sword F, Deflect F, Perception F, Energized F - Marcus is capable of intercepting single, physical projectiles through skill, practice and physical prowess. This ability is limited in some regards. For one thing, Marcus must be looking at the target and focusing on it in order to deflect it. He cannot do this while fighting someone else or if someone shoots him in the back. Moreover, he cannot intercept multiple projectiles at once. -Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown. (This is used to defend Nico)
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“Good, arfline.” Miiya retorted to Ordella’s reassurance with a rather obscure colloquial obscenity, before pointedly turning her back on the undertaker to speak with Lauren.

Miiya was almost instantly sorry she had asked about the (actual) Fae’s augmentations. When Lauren had told her about the speed and power of her augments, the Aerial had simply assumed she’d had them installed for the purpose of those enhancements. “Oh! That sounds awful! I’m so sorry!” She wanted to say more, but wasn’t exactly sure what. Maybe Lauren’s was a case where listening was better than speaking.

Wow, I am shuing in everyone’s punch bowl today. Miiya thought to herself as Marcus slowly and hesitantly removed his helm, displaying a radically scarred visage. Maybe she should just shut up. She was glad to know Marcus’s name, but sorry she’d asked him to remove his helm. But am I, really? No, not really. It might be a morbid satisfaction, but her curiosity was sated. She would still be wondering what he was hiding under there if she hadn’t asked. She hoped his hesitancy was due to concern of further frightening herself or others. Scars, even ones as severe as Marcus’s did no such thing. She only hoped she had not caused him embarrassment.

The Aerial girl didn’t think Marcus’s logic was sound in terms of owing her money or favors. His intervention had saved her from the mob. Sure, she’d been scared of him, but she’d take scared rather than a stoning any day of the week. However, she wasn’t going to argue the point.

Miiya repeated the names of her new acquaintances to herself; Marcus Banecroft, Lauren Lin, Arfline Witch , “And what do they call yew? Miiya wanted to know of Daina.

Wanted to know right up until she heard more shouts of “Fae” and saw the regalia of the city guard. She knew those uniforms. “Ah yfrett me…” She said, backing away from the noisy sword-wielding guard who seemed just as wary of her as she was of him. Backing away was a great strategy, if she wanted to get caught--which she didn’t--but she was, despite her wishes. The unwelcome clank and pressure of a manacle being fixed ‘round her ankle informed her that she had just been had.

She was pre-empted from further thoughts, speech, or actions by a fast and confusing series of events. Miiya did not frett around with guards any more than she did with soldiers. Stand still (or cower) and hope they don’t kill you--if you can’t fly away, that is, and she couldn’t.

Daina tried to shove back--a great way to get a truncheon between the eyes, if not a sword. Lauren got zappy--which set Miiya’s feathers to fully poofed once more--and Marcus intervened in both cases, diverting violence and electricity.

As distressing as the fit of barely-averted violence was, all three of her new acquaintances--and that skwitch with the lantern too--were being quite vocal in her defense. “Um… yeah!” Miiya added, helpfully. These people sure are brave, yeah, brave. Miiya couldn't even pull up a fatalistic thought. It felt that good to have people on her side.

Market Guards
Nico, the guard who had managed to sneak irons onto the winged girl stumbled back as two bystanders attacked and berated him. The soldier he’d thought brought down by Fae martial craft intervened, saving him from injury if not insult.

Both guards were familiar with hostile crowds. They worked the market, after all, and sometimes gangs of thieves or the citizenry would take physical exception to the arm of the law. Seeing themselves outnumbered by the unanticipated sympathizers of their detainee, the two guards backed up and closed ranks, facing the group around the Aerial.

Neither put much stock in Miiya’s, Lauren’s, or Daina’s words--especially with the violence of their reaction to the lawmen. Even so, Ordella’s power of [Thoughtful Persuasion] calmed the situation enough that neither blew the whistles which would call more guardsmen to hand, nor did they respond in kind to the aborted violence.

Marcus, being an Imperial soldier, carried the most weight with the guardsmen, and it was to him that the louder of the pair--Atticus--spoke. ”I’m afraid that’s not how it works at market, sir, but your advice is well-taken.” It was Ordella’s suggestion, but the guard attributed it to Marcus. ”All detainees are Appraised at end-o-day. If’n she’s not Fae, as yew say, I’m sure the magistrate will be lenient; just a fine at worst, maybe a day or two in the stocks fer raisin’ cain and frightening the good people.”

“What?!” Miiya interjected, aghast. “Fer what?!”

”Put away your sword, Atticus. Nico suggested to his partner. ”No need to make the good folk nervous.”

Of course the two guardsmen could as Daina, Lauren, Ordella and Marcus suggested; they could comb the marketplace for the source of the rumors and accusations leveled against Miiya. Maybe with a few hours of detective work, they could trace the path of the rumor-monger. If they brought in more men and questioned stall owners, worked quickly to corroborate and correlate witness testimonies, there was at least a small chance of them catching up with the troublemaker and bringing him or her to justice.

Or--rather than beat the bushes--they could just throw this bird-in-the-hand in the clink, make their arrest quota, and call it a job well done. Even influenced by [Thoughtful Persuasion] it did not take much ruminating for the guards to determine their preferred course of action.

Atticus sheathed his blade and raised his empty hands. ”There, see? Well now I’m no lawyer, young miss. Why, if all your friends, here, come down and vouch for you on your day in court, maybe judge’ll set you free!” He motioned to those surrounding Miiya. ”So if you good folk will just hand her over, you can go on with your day’s business, with the thanks of the guard.”

TLDR Summary;
Miiya learns Marcus’s and Lauren’s names, asks for Daina’s, but not Ordella’s

The city guard are calmed by Ordella’s [Thoughtful Persuasion] and Marcus’s quick intervention to prevent violence.

Rather than investigate the source of the rumors, the guards decide it is easier to arrest Miiya. They demand she be handed over to them.

Character Sheet Here!
Irihi Irihi (Miiya), Maverick Six Maverick Six (Marcus), Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Ok, maybe assuming what Ordella was wasn't exactly a good idea based on her less than enthusiastic initial response. Marcus stopping him from doing anything more than lightly touching the headstrong guard then reminded him that yes, what he was doing was very much a terrible idea. Still, seeing them seeking to also diffuse the situation eased his building temper enough for him to stop and think. Besides, much like Miiya, he was very much outmatched physically and magically by everyone here, even the loudmouths and very much so by the two he called upon the aid of. For the first time today, he actually used his head and relented, putting his arm down while resisting an annoyed sigh.

"You're right, I should show the tact that the man that started this didn't. I apolo-" The crackling of thunder interrupted his apology just as it interrupted whatever Marcus might've been thinking at the time. He flinched as he worked out what to do next, but Marcus beat him to the punch and defended Nico from the attack. "You alright?" he asked as he tentatively reached a hand out towards him even as he continued to talk to the guards. Now that he was in a calmer state of mind and actually listening and thinking about what they was being said, he held his tongue and his actions as he probably should've ever since these market guards arrived. When the one named Atticus spoke, his posture tensed up slightly again, not because he found a distinct problem with what was being said, moreso because of Miiya's sudden interjection.

He physically and audibly tried to quiet her, placing a rather stern hand on her shoulder and bluntly enough telling her to, "Shush!" Beneath his rather harsh tone, he leveled a sympathetic gaze at the girl as Atticus continued to talk to them. He was still listening of course (and definitely did not agree with the suggested course of action, not that he was going to be the first to say something about it), but mostly he needed an excuse to a) Actually talk to Miiya despite the situation and b) Tell himself a few things he needs to remember. Lowering his voice so that Nico (hopefully) wouldn't hear, he leaned in towards Miiya to speak.

"First, to answer you from earlier, I go by Daina. Second, I'm sure you and I have equally many obscenities and whatnot to let out in regards to what's going on-" he couldn't help but briefly pull back to let out a faint chuckle before continuing, "-but like that Marcus person said to me, it's gonna make things worse if we get all rash right now. Do me and your standing with these idi- guards a favor and keep mum?" He forced the slip of the tongue there, but hopefully it would get the point across that yes, there was someone was about as miffed at her at this situation.​

Miiya tugged at her hobble as the city guard demanded she come with them. The weight attached to the manacle about her leg was heavy, probably beyond her lifting capacity. It was probably meant to keep grounders from running very fast, but it would work to keep flyers grounded as well. “Nice to meet yew, Daina,” The Aerial said with perfunctory brevity. “I don’t have standing.” She said bitterly. “They’ve already made up their minds about me.” She said with a glance at Marcus. She’d seen him change his mind, but she had much less hope for the guardsmen.

She’d done everything wrong, while hardly doing anything at all, but--like Cahron had cautioned her--it only took a few missteps to land in hot water in a foreign land. Don’t frett with locals. If soldiers or guards show up, leave as fast as yew can. Don’t get caught; guards don’t care about innocence or guilt. Yep, she’d failed pretty much every challenge Cah would have navigated with his usual deftness. She shouldn’t have gone out on her own. Miiya was sure her older brother would have pulled them out of this mess long before it escalated to being clapped in irons.

Miiya did not like restraints, and she really did not like even the idea of captivity. Daina’s support was helping her hold it together, but she felt a growing urge to break down in tears or beg the people around her for help, but that violated another rule; Remember; when the chips are down, yew’ll be on yer own. None of these people ought to be risking prison for her; someone they barely knew--and what could they really do, anyway?

Miiya had one more card to play, and she really wished her brother were here to help her deal it. Cahron hadn’t gone over the nuances of trying to bribe your way out of trouble with the local law, but Miiya had seen him grease palms before. The Rykes Marcus had given her suddenly felt a lot more weighty. They might be her only way to avoid being jailed, or they might be a one-way ticket to serious trouble.

Even without practice, Miiya could tell she was in a tough spot. Her purse was a lot of money--to her--but not necessarily to the guardsmen of a market in the Empire’s capitol. Cahron always held some in reserve when he offered to pay a “donation” or “fine” to expedite their way past whatever obstacle they faced.

Did she have enough to pay off two guardsmen? “I can’t--” Since Daina was at hand, she spoke to him, though the others might hear. She kept her voice low enough that the guardsmen wouldn’t make out her words over the general hubbub of the market. “I don’t want to go with them.” She stated the obvious. I don’t do well in c-cages. There it was. She’d said what had been lurking around the back of her mind, brought front and center by the manacle, the guards, and talk of detention. She wished she hadn’t. Speaking her fear was worse than just thinking it. Miiya closed her eyes and bit her lip, massaging the pressure point of her right hand between thumb and forefinger. It’s okay. They are guards. You’ll see a judge. This isn’t-- Her attempts to self-soothe failed. Her breathing became shallow and quick..

“D’ya think I can bribe them? The desperate idea burst from her in a quiet exhalation. “T-to let me go?” The beseeching gaze she directed at Daina wanted needed the answer to be ‘yes.’

TLDR Summary;
Miiya gets closer to panicking and asks Daina if he thinks she can bribe the guards.


Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


He answered Daina's question with another question.

"Would you believe me....if I said this was not the first time I had been struck by lightning?" He said, making a joke in light of the situation.

Oddly, it had been quite some time since Marcus had found himself angered by his countryman. It was unlikely to be for the same reasons as the others. The Eastern Empire was practically being assaulted at all sides. The Fae see gains against them with each passing day and sway more and more to their side each day. Even with victories in places such as Fort Kanna, villages and towns on the outskirts are still yet swallowed whole by the earth dragon. Likely, a genuine criminal element can be operating. Yet these two can't seem to bother to retrieve an orb.

Do those who protect this nation's great capital have naught better to do?

Really and truly, most manner of hostility towards Miiya evaporated once he knew her not to be a threat. It pained him to see that they simply did not function in this way and he could sense that he was being fed fluff. The nature of it was anyone's guess. Perhaps they didn't like beastmen, or there was some bureaucratic element to this. Likely, the girl seemed far from important enough to kidnap. But what they said simply did not make sense.

Marcus' options were dwindling. While he was a member of the Eastern Empire Military, his rank was low. And he had no authority to arrest anyone in truth. And he was not willing to fight the guards in the same way the others might have been. Marcus' allegiance was to protecting the empire and arresting this girl simply was not that realm anymore. At the very least, if Miiya were to get arrested, her life would no longer be at stake, and the danger of her being lynched appears to have waned.

Instead, he simply pulled another appeal.

"Has the empire I fought and bled for really fallen so far as to not be interested in recognizing a threat the very moment one appears?" For such incompetent people to have the lives of the Empire's Citizens in their hands was a disgrace. He had no intention of being very quiet about their conversation. He spoke up quite loudly and firmly, without yelling -- his eyes locked right onto the pair.

"The only purpose in arresting the girl is to be a Fae, which she is not." He points to them. "You yourself stated this to be the case." He continued.

"Every city which can call itself great has a means through which it can immediately tell who is fae, criminal or even a monster. The empire included. If we truly wish to protect from threats, we would be no exception in being willing to simply kill someone too dangerous to imprison in the street right then and there." It wasn't as though there weren't cases in which criminals and monsters were willing to be killed out in cold blood. After all, some things were better left dead rather than alive.

"And having her touch an orb would settle this entire dispute in moments." He said.

"So, my suggestion is that once she is looked at, to simply dub the girl, not a Fae, not a threat to this great city, and we all continue about our day. Come. Let's go do it. Right now."

Some days off, this was turning to be....


  • Marcus answers Daina's question jokingly
  • Marcus is unable to tell why the guards are so persistent. But think their explanation makes no sense.
  • Marcus appeals to the pride of the empire in not being able to quickly recognize or identify threats.
  • Marcus berates the guards and recommends a path forward, getting her appraised and then simply letting her go.

Actions: 0/3

City Guardsmen
The guardsmen looked at each other as Marcus spoke. Were he not a member of the imperial army, (and also not clearly a seasoned armed and armored veteran) their tolerance for his wordy noncompliance would have been quite a bit lower. Their feathered suspect seemed to have his support, as well as that of a witch and a construct capable of summoning lightning bolts (plus one more pushy bystander).

Faced with these odds, the guardsmen decided to keep talking, rather than break out the billy clubs for resisting. Calling in backup to swarm and beat a veteran--apparently injured and scarred in the war against the See--was a bad look.

”Peace, good sir.” Atticus responded, still gesturing with empty hands. ”It is you and her who claim she’s not Fae.” He gently reminded the soldier. ”My partner and I have reason to suspect otherwise. Now--we’re tasked with overseeing the market this day, and neither of us have the authority to bring one of the Black Orbs here nor do we lightly leave our area of posting to take her to one before day’s end. So, though I’m sure it inconveniences the young lady, and she’d prefer not; she’ll be held until nightfall and then brought to the portside stone to be appraised and judged.”

He held up a hand to stem dissent. ”Now, I might make an exception if the miss were someone important; a foreign emissary, a noble, or perhaps a merchant with pressing business who might have the means to pay for expedited processing, and not just some penniless waif. He left that part unsaid, though his sneer made the meaning clear without the need to expound upon how he thought Miiya just a foreign street urchin, and quite possibly a beastman or other degenerate to boot. ”So, what say you, girl? Have you the papers of a diplomat, or some other mark of your worth to society you might show me?” He chuckled at the notion.

This was her chance! Rather than listen to what sage advice Daina might give, Miiya jumped at the opportunity to “prove her worth.” I mean, he said “pay for expedited processing” right? That sure sounds like code for bribe. She thought to herself.

“I… I have money.” Miiya said hesitantly. “A-and I’m not Fae or a criminal--like she said.” She pointed to Ordella. “I-If you won’t let me go, then I want to be appraised first and not go to jail.” Let’s be real clear about what I’m paying for. She thought. ”Can I pay to be taken to the port orb now?”
Giving up her windfall in order to get a second Appraisal was a gut punch, but it was a lot better than spending the day behind bars, and who-knows-what after.

Well, maybe not all her windfall. ”I-is this enough?” Miiya hobbled forward, though she was loath to get any closer to the guard--and displayed half the Rykes that Marcus had given her. She didn’t fall off the turnip wagon yesterday; even before she started traveling with her brother, Miiya had been well-practiced in quickly secreting away any money she managed to get her hands on. Like a good penniless peasant. she thought, angrily, as she tried to look pitiful--letting her wings droop so that her primary pinfeathers dragged in the dust--for the benefit of the guardsman extorting her. C’mon, take it, arfline.

City Guardsmen
Nico was studiously indifferent, but Atticus’s eyes lit up at the unexpected appearance of a stack of coin. It was a sizeable sum and not what he would have expected a youngster like Miiya to be able to front. Of course, however practiced Miiya was at holding onto coin, Atticus had many more years experience extorting it. He was a corrupt clever marketplace guard, after all. His knee-jerk reaction was to scoff at the “paltry” offer and see just how deep this girl’s pockets were.

At the same time, there was a lot of attention focused on this transaction, and Miiya was not exactly powerless. She was surrounded by sympathizers, including that loudmouthed soldier, who seemed to be getting more irate by the minute. For an instant, the war between greed and fear flashed across Atticus’s face. With a twist of his lips and a glance at Marcus’s scarred visage, it seemed fear won out, with greed taking second prize. “Aye, that just about covers the fee, young miss. We’ll make it work.” He said, with false solicitousness.

Miiya had to bite her tongue to keep herself from asking, snidely, if she should pay it at the precinct’s front desk and get a receipt scrip. Because yer not a crooked cop extorting the shu outta me! She thought, bitterly. Don’t. She counseled herself, trying to stuff down the sudden rush of anger. This is really good. I did good! Easy come easy go. I’d rather be extorted than jailed! And I still made money! Despite her internal insistence, it still felt bad; wrong. Truth be told, she was embarrassed by Marcus’s charity, and doubly-so to give it up right in front of him. Yeah, but that’s how it yfretting goes, innit?

Miiya got a grip on her emotions by promising herself she’d buy something to eat as soon as she was appraised, again, and moved to hand over the coin to the guard with head bowed. At least being appraised by the orb was less invasive than being appraised by a bwitch.

Miiya trusted the guards about as far as she could throw one, which--despite having some martial skill--wasn’t far. She didn’t doubt that the fee for “expedited processing” would double the second they separated her from her erstwhile allies.

The Aerial turned to Marcus before she went. “Mister Banecroft, kin I ask yew one more favor; will yew come with me?" She addressed Lauren and Daina (and sorta that witch) as well. “I really appreciate yew all standing up for me.” She said. “Yew don’t have any reason to, but if yew’ll come along and put in a good word fer me, I’ll do what I can to repay yew fer yer time,” she promised.

TLDR Summary;
Atticus refuses to take Miiya to a black orb unless she bribes him.

Takes the hint and bribes the guards to take her to be appraised rather than to jail.
Asks Marcus, Ordella, Lauren, and Daina to come along.

And there they were, making their way to the nearest black orb.

An innocent girl in chains. Two crooked cops with some fresh gold added to their pockets. As far as she was concerned, it was a problem already solved. Quite frankly, the only things motivating The Undertaker to see this fiasco to an end were a lack of trust in the guards and the fact that a friend of hers was heavily invested in the situation.

So much so, in fact, that she could feel the rage radiating off of him with every step.

It's true that she was plenty annoyed with the situation as well, but not to the depth that he was. Perhaps the others were feeling a bit distraught as well. Best to try to ease the mood a bit before the two officers did something to muck it up again.

"You know Marcus, before I went down to Non Ipsum Magna, I went on an expedition to help some scholars acquire a few ancient artifacts. Just a way to earn some honest coin to fuel my pilgrimage. And I was hit with a curse that knocked my soul right out of my body until I figured out how to undo it."

Only one person would get her initial reference. And, only one person needed to. It only took two people to have a conversation. That meant that it you only needed two to liven up a mood.

"And then, of course, there was the curse I got in Non Ipsum Magna, itself. And now, as a result of my meddling, I've missed out on lunch and caught quite the migraine. You know, we Undertakers take an oath to help anyone we can and to avoid causing whenever possible," she explained with a light chuckle, "Now, I intend to adhere to my oath with every fiber of my being. But at what point does adherence to an oath equate to madness? What do you guys think? Will I end up polymorphed into a sheep the next time I lend someone a hand? Or maybe I'll have my mind swapped with someone else in my party, hahaha."

Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


There was a momentary exchange between the two in looking at Marcus. Yet despite his more mangled expression -- he was quite keenly aware of danger. Marcus hands rest at his side, his anger beginning to boil over into the realm of bloodlust. If someone asked Marcus if he enjoyed killing, he'd be inclined to say no. And yet when someone feels angered, wronged or in danger, they feel a need of release. Like someone breaking into one's house and being dealt with swiftly.

He wasn't particularly the deceptive sort. One could see a silent and yet palpable air around him, manifesting physically in the form of a glare and a blood vessel pulsing on his forehead. Adrenaline was surging -- causing his heart to race and breathing to ever so slightly pick up.

The men and Miiya speaking did little to assuage this. Their words exchanged the two did naught but make the nature of their interaction clear. In addition to the guards being incompetent buffoons incapable of truly protecting the citizens of the empire, they were corrupt to boot. Anger mixed with disgust, as though he'd found a nest of roaches. If they were doing this then what else were they doing?

The constant feeding of shit only his mouth curl in disgust. He knew very well they would have an orb at their HQ. But reasoning was of lesser relevance when dealing with the likes of these types.

I am not in my right mind.

Their words became muffled and distant despite the point. The adrenaline within beckoned to baser instincts of fight or flight, reinforced by his training urging him to take decisive action. Yet he knew that cutting one of them in half was obviously not going to be the solution. The fact that this thought even popped into his mind told him how far gone he felt. This was not the time to make his thoughts known. In the face of fury, he struggled to reason, mounting blood pressure causing a tinnitus to stifle his hearing. A constant ringing in his ears. Their voices became muffled more and more.

Until there was only a long, drawn out --


It grew louder and louder until --

"Mister Banecroft..."

As though he was pulled back from a world blood red, his mind almost felt as though it was returning to him. His eyes went from the guards sharply to Miiya. Years of diligently reading religion and, to an extent, some philosophy in the same place made Marcus well-read in some ways. Yet anger and fear had ways of making beasts of most men. He could hardly reason at the moment, saying little as he stifled what was going on within.

He opted currently, for the path of least resistance. Marcus inhaled, taking a deep breath and exhaling. The breath left his nose as though he were a snorting bull.

".....Very well Miiya." He motioned to Lauren. "Why don't you stay behind Lauren here for the time being? Let's go." It was odd. This very moment felt as though the closest he'd come to rending in half one of his countrymen outright. In a painful fit of irony, he understood Lauren's impulses even if he ultimately stifled them.

The walk of the guards was accompanied by the heavy footsteps of Marcus' armor. He walked along with his hands notably at his side, seemingly relaxed to some. However, to the trained eye, one could see that he was ready to draw at a moment's notice. He'd gone from a standing positing to blocking a lightning bolt before their very eyes. Despite being sheathed, the blade might as well have been in his hands. Marcus was suspicious of the guards -- not only for himself but concerning Miiya own safety. He could hardly find himself trusting them behind closed doors.

Perhaps the first thing to actually happen that cooled his palpable fury was Ordella speaking. It was something close to a pleasant distraction as they walked. Ordella was rather distant in some ways from the empire, but in this case it seemed to be for a good thing. While well capable of violence, it seemed far from her first solution.

He kept his eyes on the guards, yet listened to her every word.

"Ah. So you have a penchant for catching afflictions it seems. First an "astral projection" before you met me. Then, catching magic plague for helping a child." He begins.

"There is saying. I am unsure of where it came from. Perhaps it is from another Isekai'er. It goes, "embrace the suck." When hardship is inevitable, we ought to get the best out of it." He says. "Yours is a harder road. To do right is not always easy....as we can see. It is inevitable that some hardship is to be encountered. Expect it, and be suspicious when it isn't present. Though I would add it is best to try to shoot for the best outcome. While sacrifice is necessary at times, it is overrated at other times. We ought to pursue the best outcome at all times."

A shrug of his shoulders.

"The world isn't just, Ordella. Not naturally. I cannot say that the universe will reward you for your efforts. But I will do well to buy you lunch in some attempt to remedy that migraine. And perhaps some sweets if you fancy it."


  • Marcus quietly boils in rage to internally. He is unusually quiet.
  • After glaring at the guards, Marcus is pulled from them by Miiya's intervention.
  • Marcus goes along with the bribe, deeming himself not in the right headspace to think due to his anger.
  • Marcus walks with Miiya -- conversing with Ordella. It seems only Ordella has managed to get him to calm down, sofar.

Actions: 0/3


Lauren could barely keep up with all that had happened in such a short amount of time. Marcus tanking the hit from her [Electrostatic Pulse]. Miiya bribing the guards to actually do their jobs. Ordella being particularly cold and calculating. The one thing she knew for sure was how bad she felt that her instincts had taken over. Had Marcus not intervened, she was pretty sure that the guards would have cut her down without a second thought. She had silently agreed to tag along with Miiya and the others, sticking behind Marcus to shield herself from the guards. It would seem that she would be shielding Miiya from the guards on their way to settle the dispute, though she had the impression that the guards might still going to toss her into jail even after the avian was appraised. How could she fully trust anyone in the East Empire to keep their word when the guards so carelessly believed false rumors?

With such little trust for the town guards, she didn't believe they were fit to receive any important information.

Lauren could vaguely tell that Marcus was fuming at the guards, his hand resting near the hilt of his swords to strike at a moments notice. He seemed to be less agitated earlier than he currently is, perhaps at how blatantly corrupt and lazy the guards were in their duties. Though his chatter with Ordella seemed to help him cool his temper, the main topic that caught her attention was the mention of others who had been 'Isekaied'. She wasn't familiar with the words meaning, as she was never really interested in manga or other such illustrated novels due to her exposure to Pandora's Prism and all of the differing realities it showed - though how Marcus referred to the saying he had in mind cued her into the fact that the saying wasn't native in the East Empire... Though with how the saying was phrased, she suspected that it never originated in this world to begin with due to how informal it sounded.
"Huh... Can't say I've ever heard of that saying. Closest thing I've ever heard to that was 'Scorched earth makes for rich soil', as wildlife has been known to flourish awhile after massive wildfires or volcanic eruptions have occurred." Lauren spoke thoughtfully of her previous life, careful not to speak loud enough for the guards to overhear the conversation. She had learned a lot about how the world worked in her previous life. Though her knowledge specialized in technological research and scientific study, she had more general knowledge of her previous world at her disposal as well. She planned to take full advantage of this knowledge to hopefully advance the technology of this world and catch back up with her previous life, but for now it was a lofty goal that she needed a lot of planning to bring to fruition. She looked to Marcus with a bit of a regretful expression, her eyes looking at the discoloration of his armor where he was hit with her electrical discharge. "Hey, umm... Sorry about earlier. The situation at the time made some bad memories resurface and..." Lauren paused as her eyes started to water up, the thought of those things chasing after her and the others... "It's hard to forget the horror that came from running for my life... If you have some time after this, I'd like to make a request. I don't think I can trust anyone else within the East Empire with such a request."

Maverick Six Maverick Six Irihi Irihi Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

Harbor Quarter

The Port

Otenzel’s port is the bustling hive of activity one would expect of the harbor of the Empire’s capitol.

Atticus the Market Guardsman

Leaving Nico behind at the market, Atticus led Miiya--and whomever might deign to accompany her--down to the harbor quarter. It took some navigating to get through the crowds and wheeled traffic of the port. Ordinarily suspects were not transported so far on foot, as there were too many opportunities to escape in the busy streets. However, he could see that the girl was struggling with the hobble Nico had put on her. A walking pace was about the best the small Aerial seemed able to manage while carrying the weight shackled to her ankle, so the guard was content to stroll behind her and her entourage, calling out directions as needed until they reached the harbormaster’s offices, where crew and passengers of the incoming ships were processed into Otenzel.

The Portside Black Orb rested in a wooden cradle next to a turnstile next to a space paved with cobblestones. There were ropes and stanchions for directing lines of people, though at the moment the que was empty.

“Need to get this one appraised, Cora.” Atticus said to a bored-looking member of the harbor patrol, standing guard beside the orb.

“Really? What’s the rush?” Cora wanted to know, then snorted when Atticus said something about suspecting Miiya of being Fae. ”The winged ones don’t have feathers.” She said, but pointed for Miiya to place her hand on the stone nonetheless. This wasn’t the first case of “expedited processing” Atticus had brought her, and she looked forward to the minor kickback she’d receive later from his extortion.

The walk down to the harbor was not Miiya’s favorite part of the morning. Rather than think about all the looks she was drawing, carrying her hobble (that was only slightly less denigrating than being shackled to the actual guard), she focused on the conversation between Ordella, Marcus, and Lauren.

The undertaker was working to distract Marcus from, what was clearly a towering rage. It seemed she was successful, for the warrior engaged with her complaints of unexpected hardships from doing good. Miiya was not entirely convinced that the witch was such a do-gooder, but the Aerial knew that was simply her pique at being Appraised talking.

Miiya was getting the opportunity to embrace her own suck. Carrying the mark of a criminal certainly sucked--plus the damn hobble was heavy. With it, all her gear, she was getting hardfoot even after so short a walk. No sense in adding to her misery by stewing over Ordella’s invasive manner of helping. She decided she would give the undertaker a second chance.

Waiting for a moment when conversation died down, she introduced herself directly to Ordella. “Hi, My name is Miiya Aether, I didn’t catch your name.” Cuz I didn’t want to. Miiya said to Ordella. Her tone wasn’t cool, but it wasn’t exactly the brightest and happiest she’d ever voiced. “Thanks for coming with me. I’m sorry that you’ve gotten a headache from” reading my mind without permiss-- she paused, “helping me.” Because, Miiya remembered, Ordella had helped. Marcus had been prepared to cut her down if she proved to be Fae. It was the undertaker’s voluntary assistance that saw her with allies and money enough to wriggle her way out of the predicament she had gotten herself into.

Lauren seemed to be making a point of walking between Miiya and the guardsman. A tiny evil voice told Miiya to take advantage of the situation and bolt. No! I’m not a lawbreaker--besides bribing a guard I mean! Miiya told herself. Besides, I can’t get far shackled to this thing, and it’s not like I can just go up to a blacksmith and ask him to break my bonds no questions asked I am a law-abiding visitor so I do the right thing . The cloaked woman was saying something about trusting Marcus with something. Miiya wondered what it was she needed, but kept her own counsel.

”Do you play for coin?” She asked Daina. ”Do you know the markets here? Maybe you could help me find a safer spot to perform.” Miiya suggested. Miiya’s brother, Cahron, usually determined where they would perform. They were tracing one of his barding routes and he knew which spots were good and which to avoid. This morning, with him absent, she’d tried her own hand at finding a place to busk. The chains clinking at her ankle were testament to how well that had gone.

When they arrived at the portside stone, Miiya obligingly placed her hand upon it and--as expected, the orb declared her human and without criminal title. ”So, can I go now?” Miiya did her best to scrub any hint of anger or snideness from her tone. Sure, she possessed an armed entourage that were angry at her captor, but her connection to the others was tenuous and she gained nothing from being Atticus’s nasty mirror. Rise above. she told herself as she parted with the coin and had her shackle removed.

Miiya Addresses Everyone

”Thank yew all!” Miiya said, feeling her spirits lift, like the weight suddenly gone from her as she took leave of the guard and the orb, stepping out into the busy streets of the port. “Yew took time from your day to help me--a stranger--without askin’ anythin’ in return. Yew didn’t just keep me out of jail, but yew really made me--I dunno…” Here, she struggled to put her feelings into words. “...feel good about this city and the kind people in it.” Except for that yfretting guard and butt-face she left that part unsaid. ”Yew turned my morning from disaster to success.”

As Miiya spoke, she felt the truth of her own words; in her estimation she still had much more coin than a day of busking would have brought her--and it was still only early afternoon. She still felt a little odd about Marcus’s generosity--but she was too young and inexperienced to fully understand the subtle influence that sometimes came with such favors. In any case, overhearing his offer to Ordella had given her an idea. ”So, I’d like ta take yew all to lunch, if ya have the time.” Miiya said.

Just a block back, they had passed a public house selling Oolosyc-style fare; dishes from the homeland of the Aerials. It was a rare find as Aerials, themselves, were not often found beyond their mountain redoubts. Miiya was excited to try out the food of her people’s homeland and share the experience with her new acquaintances, and she said as much to Marcus, Daina, Lauren, and Ordella. “Don’t worry; it’s not seeds and worms--at least, I don’t think so. I’ve never had it before.” The girl was noticeably happier, and laughed as she spoke. “Anyway, I can ask them to go easy on the worms fer ya, if need be!”

TLDR Summary;


Atticus follows the group to the Portside Orb, has Miiya appraised, collects his bribe, and releases her.

Miiya makes an effort to adjust her attitude and apologizes to Ordella for giving her a headache. She introduces herself to the undertaker.

She asks Daina if he is a street performer and hints at possibly working together.

After paying off Atticus and being appraised, Miiya thanks the group and offers to take them to lunch at a place that serves Aerial food. (Which is not birdseed and worms.)


Marcus seemed to be calming down a bit. Hearing about someone else's problems was often a good way to momentarily forget about your own. She held silent as he spoke; not really much of an argument to give for any of the truths he laid down. As for the sweets?

"I could go for some sweets."

It would seem that she wasn't the only one who wanted to share her troubles. Though, Lauren seemed far more reserved with hers. This was no longer a life or death situation, so Ordella would allow her to keep her secrets without objection. But what would catch her by surprise were Miiya's words. It was a pleasant surprise, at that. Up to that point, Undertaker had already come to accept that the aerial was going to hold a negative opinion of her no matter what she did nor why she did it.

"Ordella. Ordella Caerwyn," she replied, extending a hand for Miiya shake with a warm smile on her face, "It's fine. Not the first time it's happened and it surely won't be the last."

Then, came the proposal of lunch. Ordella didn't even have to think before she answered.

"Sure. that is why we came here," she replied, nodding towards Marcus, "Although... if I do see an actual worm on my plate, I'm leaving."

Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

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