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Finished [Eastern Empire: Otenzel: Tripodon Market]

sample-6fd9cd421f932b4d1384d5098cfb5818.jpgThe wind picked up growing from a light breeze to a swift force. The waves swelled, lapping at the shore threatening to spill onto the land should they grow too strong. And amidst it all was a woman who appeared rather perturbed. A large duffel like bag was slung over her shoulder, and a sword hung at her side. Her clothing denoted a lifestyle spent on the road. Prioritizing utility over fashion. Atop her dark hair was a pair of ears twitching idly in something akin to irritation. Upon her lips was a cigarette poised and ready but unlit. Her expression appeared composed at first glance, but their was a grimace on her face, however slight.

Kristina leaned against the railing of the docks staring out at the ships but not taking much note of them beyond the superficial. Her attention focused squarely within her mind. 'All damn day, and I barely turned a profit.' Today was an addition to a long series of business venture failures for "Lupa the Merchant". While donning her saleswoman persona Kristina had faced a very slow business day. It wasnt just a lack of customers, but also being passed over even by those who would be interested in what she was selling. She was forced to the realization that she had reached the limit of what one wandering merchant with neither stall nor employee could accomplish. Of course, this was something she'd foreseen happening, but it had come sooner than expected. 'I spent so long just trying to survive. I never figured out the hell I was gonna do after that. And then there's that property I've been sitting on for ages...' Her responsibilities had long since become a burden, but they were not something she could discard like a ragged cloth. So, instead, Kristina vented her frustrations when she could. Usually, that entailed a smoke break. However, as her cigarette remained bereft of any heat, she couldn't gain any relief from what remained of her tobacco supply.

With a twitch, her nose picked up a peculiar scent, one that had been slowly growing in potency throughout the day. Now, at its strongest, this scent was the reason she had suddenly decided to go smoke-free. A storm was brewing on the horizon, and the swell of the waves and speed of the winds were tell-tale signs. But for a Beastman like Kristina, those were secondary to the smell and pitch that made itself know long before your usual physical signs. "Suppose I'll turn in for the day. I still have a couple of nights left in that inn." She mused to herself out loud and pushed off the railing prepared for a morose walk back.

Passing directly by a kid untying a line of rope from the dock. "Hm?" Letting out a curious grunt Kristina regarded the boy as he dutifully set about his work; uncaring or simply not noticing her presence. She stood like that for a long moment debating her next action. Then with a sigh she removed the cigarette from her lips and placed it back into its container. Accepting that today was in fact, "just one of those days." Approaching the youth she called out, "Oi kid, unless you're names Ahab you shouldn't cast off in this weather." Kristinas wondered if she was growing sentimental in her old age. As this whole situation could be more trouble than it was worth. Something she noticed was becoming a pattern. "Worse case scenario your corpse washes ashore, and thats me being generous." She was obviously trying to scare the kid off, but she also simply didn't care enough to sugar coat anything. The quicker this was over the quicker she could escape the coming weather and get some warm food.

The Harbor
A Youthful Would-Be Mariner

The boy looked up and scowled at the beastwoman’s words. ”Don’t have time ta talk. Gotta get this tub underway. Pa’s out there, and he haint come back with the other fishing boats!” He pointed to the harbor entrance. ”It’s rough; he might need the good boat ta get back! Can ya help me cast off the bow line?” The boy pushed past any attempt to stop him from unwinding the mooring lines or boarding the less-than-seaworthy vessel. ”Harbor patrol sez they’re too busy to just go check on him, so it’s up ta me! If ya not gonna help me cast off, then go away!”

Despite the gruffness of his words, it was clear he was scared of the storm. He kept casting nervous glances at the waves breaking through the harbor channel, that he’d soon have to navigate. ”Could use a hand bailing, if ya wanna come along.” Scared of the wind and waves or not, it was clear that worry about his family meant he was intent on sailing, come hell or high water.

Cahron AetherIt seemed like they had left the armored warrior and the undertaker behind. Cahron hadn’t known much about them and so had little to say in parting, other than a second perfunctory “thanks” for their part in looking after Miiya.

An elbow in his side and a voice in his ear indicated he hadn’t driven Lauren off after all. Cahron was happy she had sought himself, Miiya, and Daina out. He’d take an elbow in the ribs if it meant getting to spend more time around the intriguing woman. “I’d love to have you along… and who cares what the children want? They should mind their elders.” he laughed as he teased Miiya and Daina. The Aerial relished the idea of performing for in front of Lauren. “An Inn’s as good a place as any to weather a storm.” He opined. That was true if it was a busy (and sturdy) Inn with a bar. The more lubricated the patrons, the more likely they were to pay for entertainment.

Cahron was pretty sure this was going to be a long storm and… hey, who knew where a night of music and libations under the glow of the hurricane lamps might lead?

”I think this is going to be quite the blow, so we should get you under cover sooner rather than later.” He said, turning his full attention to the (secret) elf.

“Hold that thought.” The Aeros smiled at Lauren before turning to the dockside. Cahron was not particularly enthusiastic about his sisters squawking about some idiot kid who wanted to sail into the teeth of a hurricane but he figured she wouldn’t leave him be unless they all investigated. He walked up next to the dark-haired beastwoman who was also watching the kid preparing to kill himself. “Ugh.” Cahron added his own opinion to Kristina’s. “I’d say that’s more like “best-case”,” he said. ”More likely yew swamp in the shoals and get sucked out to sea. Then yer pa will be down a boat and one stupid-ass son.” He said, harshly.

When all their macabre warnings did, was to bring tears to the scared kid’s eyes, but failed to stop him making ready to sail, Cahron let out a disgusted sigh. The boy’s tale of woe and his determination to help his father plucked at the Aerial’s heartstrings. Plus his idiot sister was just the type to try something equally stupid as what the kid was doing.

Cahron grimaced. This is the good boat?? Kid, seriously, you sail in this and you’re going to die.” He asserted. ”This storm is going to get real bad, real fast.” He held up a hand as the boy asserted that was why he had to sail after his father right away.

Cahron knew he was going to regret this, but he couldn’t just walk away. ”Where’s yer old man fishing? What’s his boat look like?” He asked. “I’ll fly out and check on him. If he needs help, we’ll go to the harbor patrol together.” There should be enough time. If this was a big storm, they were still in the outer bands of it; there was time to get everyone safely into port and under shelter before the bad stuff hit.

The Aerial leaned over and offered a hand to the youth. ”How about it? You’re doing nobody any good drowned, if you don’t let us help you.” He asserted. Cahron wasn’t so sure if Daina, Lauren, or the beastwoman were onboard with this we stuff, but he knew how to leverage a crowd to make it seem like they were behind him. ”C’mon, take my hand, get off that tub, tell me your name, so your old man will know who sent me.” The Aerial encouraged. ”I’ll make sure your dad’s okay. I promise. Now up you get.”

The boy looked uncertain for a moment, but a rumble of thunder seemed to help him make up his mind. With visible relief, he stepped ashore. ”Andreas Doukas. Me pa’s Christos Doukas. He’s--he’s fishin south of the breakwater--thereaways.” The boy pointed and then bit his lip. ”Me thanks to ya, but kin yeh hurry, please?”

The Aerial didn’t look all that pleased to be obligated to take to the air in a gale, but he was in it now.

“Wait, brother!” Miiya interjected. “I’m coming with yew! Yew need a wingman!” She insisted.

”Not in this, Mii.” Cahron shook his head. ”You haven’t flown in a storm before.” He thought fast, then pointed at Andreas. “I need you to keep that kid off the water,” Cahron said. “Go talk to him, keep him calm.”

He turned to Lauren. ”Miz Lin, I’m sorry, I need to ask a favor of you; I need you to keep my sister on the ground, please.” In the air, the storm wasn’t much threat; it was near the ground where things got complicated. Takeoff in high winds was fairly straightforward, but landing was far from it. Already the wind was making alighting safely tricky for a strong flyer like Cahron. He was worried Miiya might break something trying to land, and if the wind increased much more, landing would go from dangerous to impossible. His sister didn’t have the endurance to ride out the storm long enough to fly to its edge where the winds would die down, if it came to that. “No matter what happens, don’t let her take off!” He met Lauren’s pale gaze with an earnest look. With a tight little grin, he said quietly: “Wish me luck.” Hoping it sounded a little dashing.

“Lady.” Cahron nodded to the beastwoman who had first intervened to stop Andreas from sailing.

He turned. “I will be right back. Don’t do anything stupid.” He said to Miiya and Andreas, then crouched and sprang skyward, catching the wind and ascending vertically with powerful wingbeats.


Andreas (boat boy) tells Kristina he needs to go check on his father.

Cahron is ready to take Lauren up on her suggestion they retire to the Inn where she is lodging.

His plans are interrupted when decides to first convince the would-be child mariner to stay on land while he flies to check on the boy’s father.

Harbor Master
Harbor Master
“Andreas, yore pa’s boat’s not back yet?” A heavyset man of quite a few years approached the group, angling for the boy who had just finished making fast his boat. ”All the boats are back but the Lydia and the Coral.” He said, pulling out a handkerchief and mopping sweat from his brow. The wind was gusty but it was muggy and laden with tropical moisture. ”They were both fishin’ the south bank--I’m sure the Lydia’s skipper is keeping an eye on yer pa. Aeson’s a good man, he’ll make sure Christos makes it home safe an’ sound.”

”Yew all friends o’ Christos?”
The harbormaster wanted to know. Gathering, from any replies, that they were just concerned passers-by, he thanked them. ”Thank yeh fer lookin’ after the boy; last thing I need is another scow in the channel.”

“Lissen, friends, I’m in a bit of a pickle with this storm comin’ in, and I’ve got work fer any hands wot be willin’ an’ able. My thanks--and a handsome payday comes with it--as well as sum risk. So yer properly warned.” The harbormaster said.

“I’ve got two full crews workin’ a collision in the harbor; pullin’ men outta the water and makin’ sure the channel don’t get fouled. That leaves me short-handed. Ay’ve got third boat wi’ a pilot and two oarsmen. I need another three or four strong backs wot kin pull an oar, should we get word of another vessel in distress. I’ll take any volunteers who’re willing; even if it’s just wun ov yeh.” He said, looking at Kristina.

Continuing, the Harbormaster pointed to the spray-shrouded lighthouse. “The lightkeeper on duty today’s an old man, an I can’t send inta tha.” A towering wave washed over the breakwater, sending cascades of seawater pouring around the darkened lighthouse. ”If yew don’t want ta pull an oar, but ye think yer nimble enough, I need a brave soul to light the lamp an wind the key fer those still out there tryin’ ta make port.”

The harbormaster put his hands on his hips. ”So, any takers?”


The harbor master is offering hazard pay for two essential jobs:

1. Crew the rescue longboat and help with water rescues. (Up to 4 people)

2. Brave the breaking waves to light the lighthouse lamp and wind the internal mechanism. (Can be attempted by one or more persons)

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
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Lauren had figured that the birdbrain she jabbed in the ribs mere moments ago would find a way to twist her words, so Lauren was swift to give him a disapproving glare.
"As I intend to converse with Miiya and Daina, I personally about their opinions." Lauren corrected Cahron with a bit of a tone. "Besides, while the Inn I'm staying at is attached to a tavern, it's a very lengthy walk from here to there. If both of them would rather head there as opposed to someplace closer, I'd be less hard pressed about walking so far in the storm." As she finished speaking to Cahron for the time being as he tried talking the young lad out of sailing to their death, another curious figure came into the picture as they gave similar warnings about sailing into the typhoon. Based from her attire, she almost believed that they were from another world as well. But that was surely a coincidence... Right? Lauren watched the situation unfold between the young lad and Cahron, the strengthening winds making it increasingly harder for her to hear what they were talking about. As Lauren's gaze drifted away from the groups interactions she looked up at the approaching storm, the awe-inspiring sight of the approaching typhoon making her feel relaxed as she tuned out the winds constant howling.

Lauren quickly drew her attention away from the approaching storm as Cahron requested her to keep Miiya from trying anything risky, warranting a simple nod out of her in response. While he had tried to be dashing just before taking flight... She couldn't hear him very clearly with the constant wind and her hair muffling whatever she could hear. The sound of thunder off in the distance didn't help either. As Lauren approached both Miiya and Andreas--who had seemingly been convinced that sailing was a horrible idea--she could feel the skin where her flesh ended and prosthetics began starting to grow cold, the constant wind keeping the metal of her prosthetics cold enough to gradually sap away her body heat. She was about ready to take temporary shelter from the storm.
"We should probably head inside while we wait for him to return, better than waiting out here to be struck by lightning." Lauren calmly suggested, her voice barely more audible than the wind. Lauren hadn't noticed the harbormaster until he spoke. She wanted to help him out, but she had to keep an eye on Miiya - and she also didn't want to risk falling off the boat and sinking uncontrollably. As such, she told the harbormaster this: "Unfortunately I won't be of much help, as metal limbs don't float... And I'd rather not risk falling into the bay and force your already strained crew to try and pull me back ashore."

Irihi Irihi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi EMIYAman EMIYAman
Mentions: II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Irihi Irihi

sample-6fd9cd421f932b4d1384d5098cfb5818.jpgAt the childs words Kristina let out an exasperated huff. The situation already growing more complicated with every passing second she entertained it. Hearing about the kids father likely being out there among the growing waves only served to be grim reminders. Compounded by the apparent beauracratic incompetence, and the final nail in the coffin, was the boy hopefully requesting her help. In frustration, less at the boy and more at her shit luck and bleeding heart, Kristina put a hand on her forehead as if nursing a migraine before stiffly running her hand back through her hair trying to release the mounting stress.

"Look kid-" Before she could finish her thought a stranger popped up next to her making his own two cents known. With a quirked eyebrow she noted the newcomer realizing first and foremost that he was a Beastman like her. Though one she had not seen before, as with interest she noticed the wings upon his back. She wondered if he could really fly or they were just for show. The idea of a human flying of their own power even if she had seen fantastical things before was still much to wrap her head around. The bird like Beastman had sandy blonde hair which combined with his altruism reminded her of Finn. That was where the similarities ended however. As he was quite thin by comparison not sporting much muscle. Though he had his own charm to him and Kristina could certainly consider him good looking. She was remiss to compare any man to the blond boy scout out of fear of what that meant in regards to herself. Kristina wasn't very trusting simply out of principle, but the guy agreeing with her was a good step forward.

After his tirade the boy did something which even cause Kristina to tremble.
'He's crying!? Goddammit...' Certain events in the past not withstanding she had a poor track record with kids and the bawling one before her only served to add another tally to her list of failures. Thankfully the avian man came to her rescue. All Kristina could do is raise her eyebrows as the man volunteered himself. She was grateful, especially since she would have likely caved and offered herself so someone else picking up the slack for once was more than welcome. "Appreciate it blondie, 'bout time someone was more a bleeding heart than me." With a slight smirk Kristina gave a thumbs up to Cahron before he left.

Before he could take off however a screech and a twitch of her ear at the sound caused her to turn and find a similarly feathered girl run up.
'Back to things getting complicated.' As Kristina expected the girl was his sister. He had to talk her down from flying after him, but the situation relatively resolved itself. As Cahron spoke to both his sister and some other girl who had followed, who sported the scent of metal, he finally inclined his head to her giving one last word of acknowledgment, Kristina waved him off with a two finger salute, and watched him take to the sky.

"Well thats that, don't worry ki-... or uh Andreas, right? Don't worry he'll find your pops all you gotta do now is wait dutifully for his return." Kristina patted the kid on the back in what was intended to be a consoling manner. Turning to face the two girls Kristina noticed the reason for the smell of metal from before. The woman the bird Beastman had called "Liz" was sporting prosthetics, to Kristina they were pretty impressive. As stuff like that was the talk of science fiction back home. Though her employer Casper had been certain they would exist one day, though she chalked that up more to his childish wonder and less any sort of logic. "I've had a rather full day before all this so I'm all for turning in. Names Lupa, a Merchant though you'd be hard pressed to believe that with my shit business these days." She left out a chuckle that was sardonic in nature. Doing her best to find humor in her own misfortune. "With introductions over lets go get some gru-" Unfortunately it seemed her luck would remain where it was as there was yet another interruption.

A heavyset man approached apparently familiar with the boy who had almost gotten himself an early gave. As the oncoming storm grew it seemed so did the problems that came with it. As harbor master made his grievances known Kristina once again felt pressed to act. Sometime she wished she were a colder person, and perhaps in the past she was but being all on her lonesome in this new world had gotten to her in more ways than one.
'It seems a dog without her master will wag her tail at anyone who needs her' The thought was a harsh judgement of herself and in part the man she had once served dutifully for almost a decade. Yet she couldn't find any other explanation for her sudden philanthropy. Of course the promise of hazard pay served to grease the gears. "Alright you've convinced me. Hey can one of ya'll watch the kid; I'll make for that lighthouse. Losing sailors in this storm won't be good for business, mine or otherwise." Her excuse for her actions was rather weak, but it was more for herself than anyone else. With the stress of the situation rising she finally pulled the promised cancer stick she was originally going to save for when she got back to the inn. Placing it in her pursed lips her swiftly lit it in a practiced motion, before taking a long drag. As she would probably lose it in her rush through the crashing waves coming up on the light house.
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Character Sheet Here!
Irihi Irihi , II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II , EMIYAman EMIYAman

His rule of thumb was that he stayed indoors when the winds didn't cooperate. Asking the winds directly (his own way of describing his lil' ["Air" Guitar] trick) is usually how he checks this, but both hearing the storm warning and stepping outside to see why it was rung along with the others was enough of an answer for him. Jeez, a storm at this volume was only worsened by his unfortunate set of ears, and this among many other times made him wish for that hat he's wanted. Normally this would be the prime time to retreat indoors and play for a crowd doing the same, so Miiya's proposal to do exactly that sounded like a splendid idea. Unfortunately for that plan, she seemed to have her sights set on something else, something... concerning. Why would a boy even imagine setting sail in these conditions? He had many things to say, but he was spared from saying any of them as the Aerial siblings decided to chime in first. He couldn't imagine what kind of reason the boy could have...

...Well, family wasn't exactly a bad answer. An "Isekai"er once shared with him a quote that they had apparently heard from elsewhere, "Everyone's looking for a thrill, but what's real is family." This makes it the second time today that he's seen evidence of such. It touched him... almost enough to consider helping out perhaps, but then pragmatism quickly took back over as he remembered that this was in fact, not something he was prepared to do. When he picked up on Cahron telling Lauren to keep Miiya grounded, he figured that was a much more worthwhile use of his time, at least he'd have some company doing since Lauren was also fit to sit this one out. When the harbormaster came around to offer some extra coin for either helping the boy out or doing a lighthouse run, his sentiments were rather similar to her's, "I'll have to pass on helping as well, as much as I'd love to. These hands are made for strumming, not rowing." He hadn't even noticed (or more likely hadn't acknowledged) the newcomer up until now, but it seems she was set on doing the lighthouse run anyway. The very unhuman-like ears sparked a bit of a curiosity within him though, he'd have to attempt to talk to her later...​

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | [Terran]


On matters of war, it had seemed that Marcus was met with a silence from Ordella. It was to be expected. It was a silence he would content himself with, for there seemed to be little good to be done in simply conversing about it. In the way he saw it, some things simply did not get along. Cats were the natural enemies of dogs despite living in civilized societies. So to did it seem that the Fae See and Eastern Empire were apt to be at odds. The best form of peace was either in complete seperation or the destruction of one or another. While not opposed to non-violence, he had seen no evidence of such effective method here. Nor has heard anything that proved that an enemy cannot be ultimately destroyed and things set to rest.

Indeed, that possibility could very well be the fate of the Empire if things go wrong. That was why he fought.

His attention turned elsewhere to Lauren as she spoke.

"I wish I was safer from my pursuer here, but making quick work of the city guards before they get to me would just play into their grander goal... With that in mind, I'd rather not stay in the empire longer than I have to. If you're available tomorrow, I'd like to discuss something with you in private."

"It sounds then, like you have some powerful enemies, if they gain trying to earn the ire of the empire." He said he felt more inclined to feel and assess her request than before. He could assist. But certain tasks simply required more resources than normal. There was a marked difference between helping someone across the street and climbing a mountain. Even today, he needed only really take time out of his day off to help. He hardly lived in the lap of luxury and thus was able to eat. But even he needed resources.

And yet it would be in his nature to help those who'd endanger it's citizens.

"Very well. We can speak tomorrow. We can meet in the same market we met Miiya at. Then from there, we can go somewhere private to converse on something like that. I do help those I can, but some tasks require more than others. If you do so, meet me, and we will talk in more detail then." Cahron appeared to have upset the girl, causing her to leave in discomfort. It seemed yet another matter of prying into topics which did not necessarily suit the setting, and rather suddenly at that. Marcus saw little need to scold the man, seeing as how this was what it was.

"Another victim of war. Those who receive the worst of it are often those caught in the crossfire." He comments. Marcus may have had scars writ upon his face, but this was something he had chosen himself. He could have easily been a dedicated medic as easily as he could have been a warrior.

The time had gone on, the meal had finished, talks of war had disapated and from outside he could sense a storm brewing. Bells sounded loudly and urgently outside and yet he could hardly think of much reason to necessarily go and investigate said bells. Rather than a doc worker or a sailor, he was a warrior, more experienced in matters of combat, to some degree in medicine and matters of the book than he was truly being a sailor.

His time would probably be better spent drafting up a report and bringing it to the chain of command to the guards.

Thus it was that soon Marcus would rise to his feet after a time. From what it seemed, he wouldn't be meeting Ordella again. Thus it was that he would say one last thing to her.

"Good-bye Ordella. And thank you for that which you have done." It was thus that Marcus would leave. He walked outside, greeted by heavy rain and the companion to lightning.



For a moment Marcus winced. Flashes of arrows coming from bushes. Then mauling and screaming. And finally lightning striking and searing his form. He lowered his head and put his hand on the back of his neck as pain flashed through his body. And then nothing. It was all in his head.

"Why do I feel as though something comes?" He says, looking to the sky.

"The Three Fates play fickle games." With that, he walks off. His hand goes to his side. And he takes helmet and slides it atop his head. He felt oddly more comfortable this was, as though that was where it belonged.


A few loose ends existed within his mind. Gabansung the lying juggler. Atticus and whoever his cohort was at that time of the day. And Cora, who manned the docs. He thought very carefully about how he'd word his report, omitting the fact that Miiya was an Aerial and deciding to simply use the word foreigner. He'd also be sure to note their incompetence in thinking that an iron ball would do anything to restrain a Fae, noting that if they had met one with any type of power, they'd likely be long dead without proper measures. All suggestions to improve the security of the empire and welcome those who decide to visit their great nation without ill intent.

His mind soon settled, becoming more quiet. And the sound of his armored foosteps became more and more distant.


  • Marcus agrees to meet Lauren, suggesting they meet at the market and then talk privately about what troubles her.
  • Marcus silently reacts to most of Cahron's actions, seeing no real need to scorn him.
  • Marcus says goodbye to Ordella
  • Marcus would go and do report three individuals the next day
  • Marcus leaves and exits the RP.


“I don’t need a babysitter!” Miiya growled, as her brother launched skyward. “If I say I won’t fly, I won’t fly.” She said to Lauren. Miiya then turned to Andreas. “Hey, look, don’t worry. We’re gonna find yer dad and guide him back safe, and I’m going to help.” She asserted as the beastwoman who had first intervened to keep the boy from sailing into the storm volunteered to attempt the perilous path to the lighthouse.

“Miss Lin, Daina, why don’t yew guys get under cover with Andreas, here?.” Miiya suggested. “I’m gonna help out.” She looked back to Lauren. “I’ll stay on the ground.” If I can. she thought to herself, not sure just how seriously Lauren took a request from her birdbrain brother.

“I’ll go with her.” Miiya volunteered to the harbormaster. “I’m pretty nimble.” She asserted.

Casting a nervous glance at the pathway to the lighthouse, Miiya grimaced. “What do you think is the best way over there?” She asked. There was a walkway atop the breakwater that lead to the lighthouse, but occasionally large swells overtopped the breakwater and sent huge torrents of water washing across it. Timed right, a fleet-footed person might make it to the lighthouse without being washed off the breakwater. “Name’s Miiya, by the way; Miiya Aether.”

There was a quay on the harbor side of the lighthouse where a boat might be able to tie up. Here, too, though, the large swell would be problematic as waves were wrapping around the breakwater from the channel. Docking a boat to the quay would be hazardous, as the waves could damage any vessel or cause a person trying to go ashore to fall into the water.

Miiya took in the hazards. “If it was less windy, I’d just fly over, but I’m not sure I can land; I bet there’s a lot of turbulence around the lighthouse, and there’s not much flat space for a touchdown.” She said.

Whatever plan Kristina came up with to reach the lighthouse, Miiya would be quick to agree to it, and follow along.

Harbor Master
”Right, okay.” The harbor master said to both the volunteers and those who declined. ”Yeh can wait in the office for word on the boats that are still out,” He pointed to a wooden building a short way up the quay. ”Or find yore own shelter, but I don’t have time to come hunt yeh down with news, so make up yore own minds.”

Next he spoke to the two volunteers “Here’s the key ta the lighthouse. See that shack there? That houses the spring that you’ll need ta wind. The lamp is up top, o’course. There’s a sparker up there, but ye’ll need ta bring up an oil can to top off the reservoir.” He said, explaining where the oil reserves were and what they looked like. ”Once ye’ve lit the lamp and wound the spring, come back to the office fer yore pay.”

Andreas (Boat Boy)”I’m goin to the office!” The boy said. He didn’t care what these strangers said. He was grateful that the birdman was going to check on his father, but the shortage of rescue boats and crew worried him. Their other boat, the Lady Lydia, was not a very seaworthy craft. ”I hope that guy comes back soon.” He said to no one in particular.

Miiya Volunteers to help Kristina with the lighthouse (and sorta dumps Andreas on Lauren and Daina).
The harbormaster offers his office as a place to wait for word on Andreas’ father, and the boy takes him up on the offer.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II EMIYAman EMIYAman
Mentions: Irihi Irihi

sample-6fd9cd421f932b4d1384d5098cfb5818.jpgKristina eyed the kid as he stubbornly refused to go where he was told. Though at least it seemed out of harms way. A treacherous, or perhaps truer, part of herself questioned if she could get away with knocking him out. To save herself the headache if nothing else. But the calming allure of tobacco filling her lungs, and a likely non-supportive audience, nipped that in the bud. She let out an exasperated but resigned sigh, "So long as he's got some adult supervision, I don't really care where he goes." The wolven woman gave a dismissive wave of her hand trailing a line of smoke all the while. Seeming more at ease than before; the culprit likely between her lips. Passing by Andreas to approach the Harbor Master she swiftly ruffled his hair before moving on.

With an idle twitch of the ears atop her head, she turned to the bird girl she had noticed before but had yet to interact with. Kristina cooly examined her, she blew out a cloud of smoke before getting closer. Not quite all the way in her personal space but certainly a somewhat uncomfortable distance. As Kristina had long since gained a measure of trust for her new senses she made use of them. She sniffed the avian searching for something only she knew. Pulling back she seemed to deliberate for a moment, her tail swishing slowly from side to side. "Fine, you dont seem totally helpless. Though we'll have to do this on the ground. That brother of yours notwithstanding, I'm not confident in anything coming off the ground in this weather." Kristina then took the offered key from the Harbor Master. Scrutinizing it before pocketing it and listening to his instructions. "Understood, we'll handle it."

Just as was expected the waves had began to even more violently crash against the walkway leading to the lighthouse. 'Meaning traversing across is gonna take some finessing.' Kristina mused to herself as she took in the task before them. She didn't directly face the avian girl but she responded to her inquiry all the same. "Well... I reckon the simplest way is the best way. We can't go over, under or around it. So we may as well go right through. That being said..." A large wave crashed against the breakwater, bathing the path in water. "...it's not exactly gonna be easy."

Seemingly being reminded of a forgotten step in the meeting a stranger etiquette process, the avian girl introduced herself as Miya. Kristina quirked an eyebrow at the girl as if her expression was trying to say if NOW was the time for introductions. "The names Lupa, pleasure to meet ya Miiya." She reciprocated anyway, her response lacking enthusiasm but earnest.

Kristina continued to nurse her cigarette for all it was worth, calmly smoking to the side. Even as Miiya examined their surroundings and gave her two cents she didn't move much. Finally reached the remains of the filter. She then summarily picked the butt of the cigarette out her mouth, threw it to the ground and stomped it out. "I thought that'd be the case, guess there's nothing for it..." As she spoke to Miiya she loosened her bag from her shoulder, and then placed her jacket underneath it's weight. Leaving her in a worn white button down shirt and trousers. Kristina then seemed to adjust her position relative to the lighthouse, gauging the straightest path there. Then she walked up to Miiya, "So the plan is... hold on tight." With that she suddenly sweeped Miiyas legs and caught the bird girl in a bridal carry. The girls weight barely registering thanks to her strength. Then she pushed off the ground and launched herself forward, making as much of a beeline to the base of the lighthouse as possible[Lupine Sprint].

  • Lupine Sprint - Fast D, Acrobatics F- Leveraging her newfound state as a Beastman Kristina fully makes use of her speed and senses racing forward and chasing down her goal with all the tenacity expected of a wolf.- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
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Cahron Aether and Harbor PatrolCahron came streaking back over the harbor entrance and over the boats being made fast, flying at high speed thanks to the strong tailwind from the storm. He wheeled overhead, dumping his horizontal speed. “MAKE A SPACE!” He shouted for the group left on the quay to clear a landing area, then folded his wings and dropped like a stone. At the last second, he flared, flapping unevenly, fighting the gusty windshear near ground level, and touched down, stumbling a few steps before catching himself. ”F---in windy!” He cursed.

Panting heavily, the Aerial spoke first to Andreas. “Your dad is alive, but he’s in trouble. He’s aboard a boat with three others.”

“That’ll be the Coral, then.”
The harbormaster broke in.

“It’s foundering outside the breakwater. It looks like the keel is broken.” Cahron said. “You have to send rescue.”

The harbormaster had returned when he spied the Aerial landing. He had found a few more volunteers, and one of his longboats working the channel collision had returned. Even so, he shook his head at Cahron’s words. “It’s shoaling across the channel, I don’t have a signalman on the lighthouse. I can’t send a boat out into that.” He pointed to the huge swells breaking across the mouth of the harbor, effectively sealing it off from ingress or egress. ”We’ll have to wait until conditions improve.”

“You know they’re not going to improve! This storm will only get worse!” Cahron insisted. ”There’s still long lulls between the waves. I’ll…” He looked at the stricken face of Andreas, wishing he hadn’t made that promise. ”...I’ll fly cover and guide them out and back in.”

The harbormaster looked unconvinced, glancing between Andreas, Cahron, and the longboat crew he had assembled. “Ah was about to send the boat to ferry these two back from the light house and do a last sweep of the harbor before the storm…” He said, clearly wavering.

“I’ve sailed with the skipper of the Coral; he’s a good man. I didn’t volunteer to nance about in the harbor when a shipmate’s in trouble.” said one of the rescue rowers, and a couple of others agreed with him. “If the bird sez he can guide us out ta them, lets stop wastin’ time jawin’ about it, and get under weigh!”

Those words were met with a chorus off “aye’s” and the harbormaster gave in.

“Cah, I’m gonna go help light the lighthouse lamp!” Miiya said, a resolute expression on her face. “If yer gonna--”

”Okay, Mii.” The elder Aether surprised his sister by not protesting. This was a different demeanor than his usual devil-may-care abusive jocularity, or fraternal solicitousness. Miiya had never seen Cahron in a crisis before, and she found his change in attitude a little shocking.

Shocking but encouraging. He takes me seriously! She thought to herself, her courage buoyed by her sibling’s simple agreement with her decision to take measured risks in order to help others.

“Be careful.” Cahron said, looking grimly at the waves fountaining over the breakwater. “Try not to fly, but if you have to; ditch in the harbor--don’t try to land feet dry. There’s too much wind shear down low.” He counseled quickly.

“What about yew? Will yew be able to land?” Miiya asked, surprised she didn’t have to fight her brother over her risky decision.

Cahron shrugged and grinned. “Maybe. Or you might have to fish me out of the drink. We’ll see.”

“Ok, you be careful too!” Miiya said. Ma would never have acquiesced to this, and the anger and vitriol she would have directed at Miiya, trying to dissuade her from such “foolishness” would have sapped the girl’s resolve. I can do this! We can help out! Miiya felt nervous but excited.

Miiya turned toward the other volunteer--the wolf woman--and smiled, thinking to share her fortified feeling. “Okay! Let’s do--whoop!” She gave a little shriek as she was literally swept off her feet and carried across the breakwater.

Wow! She’s fast! Miiya marveled, trying to be the least amount of burden possible. There wasn’t much else to do, as their safe passage depended completely on Kristina’s speed and luck.
The Storm
As luck would have it, a towering set of swells struck the breakwater at the same time as “Lupa” made her dash. Curtains of spray were flung skyward as the waves crashed into the breakwater, and huge torrents cascaded across the walkway. If she were fleet of foot and did not slip on the wet rocks, they might just make it across.

1 - 2: Washed into the harbor.

3 - 4: Doused with spray but safely across to the lighthouse.

5 - 6: Safe and dry.

“Well that was terrifying!” Miiya chirped with incongruous cheer as Kristina set her down, safe and dry in the lee of the lighthouse. “You’re amazing!” She exclaimed over Lupa’s speed and sure-footedness. And, like, totally weird. She couldn’t help the blush that climbed her neck, and hoped the wind, spray, and her dark complexion would hide the burning she felt in her cheeks.

Nobody had ever carried Miiya like that.

It was yet another new experience today. She’d wrestled with Cahron--mainly because he was a wimp and sparring was one of the few things she was better at--and she’d had to fight with neighborhood kids in the slum where she grew up. That, though, had been different; being physically close to someone she wasn’t trying to hurt. Like, really close. Miiya shook her head and looked up at the lighthouse tower. ”I’m good at heights and wind, so lemme do the light--okay? Then I’ll help you wind the gears.” or whatever. Miiya wasn’t real sure what was supposed to be done in the machinery shed, so she was happy to leave it to Lupa. Climbing the lighthouse--even in a storm--was not a big deal to her.

Miiya found the lamp oil as soon as Lupa unlocked the shed, and left the wolf woman to puzzle out the machinery inside, while she climbed the tower, oil can in hand. The lighthouse was small. Rather than an interior spiral staircase, the ladder to the top was outside and scaled straight up the side of the tower. It was windy and wet, but nothing Miiya couldn’t handle.

She reached the top in short order and opened the glass door to the small room that housed the light, lenses, and reflectors. Crouching down inside, folding her wings in tightly, and trying not to smear or drip water on any of the optics, she first poured oil into the lamp. Once the reservoir was full, she looked about and found a flint torch lighter hanging near the lamp. It sparked right away and a bright flame appeared. There were instructions engraved on a metal plaque affixed to the lamp, and she adjusted the flame and wound the reflector spring as they indicated. “Okay, I think I’m done here. She said to herself. The wind was rattling the lighthouse windows and the rain from a passing squall drummed against the panes of glass.

Miiya backed out of the room, closed and latched the door behind her, then descended down the ladder. “Hey, yew figure this part out yet? Need a hand?” She asked.

Cahron Aether
Leaving his sister in some--apparently--capable paws, the Aerial walked over to Lauren and his grin turned rakish. The elven amputee was hunkering down against the wind, looking for all the world like she’d rather be anywhere else but out in the wind and impending rain and thunder. “Thanks for waiting for me,” he called loudly over the singing of the wind in the rigging of nearby vessels, “but it looks like I’ve got to make one more flight. You should probably take shelter! Find us a nice quiet spot to cozy up together, and I’ll be with you shortly!” Cahron was either teasing her, or being unabashedly forward--or perhaps a bit of both. He left Lauren to ponder just which was the truth as he spread his wings and caught a sudden gusty updraft, giving her a roguish salute as he sailed upward into the threatening sky.

TLDR Summary;
Cahron reports a fishing vessel is sinking, agrees with Miiya’s decision to help light the lighthouse, and makes another pass at Lauren ;) before he takes off to fly cover for the rescue boat.

The harbor master dispatches a longboat into hazardous conditions to attempt a rescue outside the harbor.

Miiya and Kristina make it safely to the lighthouse. Miiya completes the tasks at the top.
The mechanism in the shed is a large spring that can be wound by a strong individual. It triggers a warning bell that aids in navigation in poor visibility. Due to the high winds, it is of only limited utility in the present storm.
The storm is approaching. Winds are worsening and a band of showers and thunderstorms is about to sweep through.
Sea State
Harbor waters = steady at sea state 3 - 3’ wind waves
Outer waters = sea state 5 increasing to 6 - 12’ swell increasing to 15’ combined swell and wind waves.

Wind Speed = Beaufort 6: strong breeze, increasing to 7: moderate gale - 25mph wind increasing to 35mph, gusts to 50mph in and around thunderstorms.

Occasional light-to-moderate rain bands. Lightning striking within 3 miles.
Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Lauren was quick to take shelter from the worsening storm, sticking by the window of the office as she kept an eye on Miiya from inside. As far as she was concerned, she only had to stop her from trying to fly after Cahron. Still, it left her with some downtime while waiting for things to settle down, and so she used this period of respite to tend to her prosthetics. The metal had lost its sheen from all of the dirt and grime that had covered it over the past week, and the black plastic plating protecting the intricate machinery in her legs were especially dirty. Grabbing a piece of cloth from her bag and letting the rain dampen it she began wiping down every nook and cranny of her limbs, the metals sheen gradually returning. Polishing her prosthetics was relaxing to her. As things were currently, she didn't have too many complaints about her prosthetics... And if she had to be honest with herself, she mostly complained to help herself cope with how little control she had over the choice Eins had forced upon herself and Lilan.

She hoped that Lilan was resting well, wherever her soul had departed to.

By the time Lauren finished polishing her prosthetics, they looked good as new. It helped that her regenerative abilities applied to her prosthetics, so any scratches inflicted onto them would eventually repair itself. Still, she wasn't too fond of getting them scratched up to begin with unless she was defending herself from something, though the holographic shield she could conjure prevented even that most of the time. Lauren stood up and walked back outside, though she lingered along the side of the office building to partially shield herself from the wind and rain. And she had apparently came back outside shortly before Cahron landed back on the ground, unable to hear his report about the boat due to the winds growing worse. As he drew closer to her she walked towards him as well. His words warranted a concerned expression from her, with only a few words escaping her lips.
"I'll be sure to get comfy, just try not to fly too close to the sun." Lauren said before grabbing one of his hands, her gaze making it apparent that she wanted to say something else... But no other words came out. Letting go of his hand after a short period of silenced drowned out by the wind, she hurried back inside of the office to keep Andreas company.

Irihi Irihi EMIYAman EMIYAman Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Cahron and the Rescue Boat

The Aerial was an accomplished storm surfer, and riding the winds--once clear of ground clutter was easier than flying on a clear day. Cahron knew what to look for when searching for updrafts, and how to maneuver in precipitation to stay relatively dry. The trickiest part of a reconnaissance flight was to keep a view of the swells heading for the harbor while staying within sight or earshot of the longboat. As they rowed toward the harbor entrance, he made a couple of passes, instructing them on which hand signals he would use to let them know when it was safe to row for the channel. ”Hey, sis!.” He said to himself--Miiya was out of earshot--as he waved to the pair at the lighthouse. He was relieved to see that his sibling had made it across the breakwater safely.

A rain squall swept in and visibility dropped to less than a quarter-mile. Cahron signaled for the boat to hold position at the harbor entrance, and flew into an updraft. The ascending air tended to be drier, one could maintain altitude with a minimum of effort, and the rain that was caught in the column of air was going in the same direction as he, further reducing how wet he got.

The oils on his feathers would repel water for a while, but he couldn’t stay aloft in heavy rain forever; eventually his wings would begin to saturate and he would either have to land, or climb above the precipitation to dry out.

The squall moved off, and Cahron was high enough both see incoming swells and be seen by the boat. He spied a lull between sets and signalled the longboat oarsmen to row. The rescue boat was beating into the wind, but the strength and resolve of the rowers saw them plow against wind and tide, making it out into deep water before the next set shoaled across the channel.

Cahron led the way toward the foundering vessel, relieved to see the fishing vessel still afloat. He had keen vision and could easily spot the Coral, but spotting a swimmer (or a body) was much more difficult in the wind-driven spray and foam.

A wave had swamped the Coral with a second breaking her back. She was wallowing in the heavy seas. It was all the three souls aboard could do to bail her and keep her pointed into the waves so she could take them bow-on and not capsize or break up.

More than the could do it seemed, for when the longboat was still two hundred yards out, the Coral took a large beam beam-on. Her broken keel and cracking hull split completely in half. Her crew abandoned the sinking boat, each grabbing whatever flotsam they could find to stay afloat in the angry sea.

Cahron watched all this while deftly navigating the storm winds as a second line of thunderstorms moved in. There was nothing the Aerial could do for the drowning men, but circle and point the way for the rescue boat. Even that was becoming difficult as the wind speed increased. Though he chased eddies and whorls in the storm winds, the Typhoon was nearing, and the prevailing wind was exceeding his top speed. It was taking all his strength and aviating skill to keep station over the boats as the rescuers reached the debris and began searching for and pulling the fishermen out of the water.


The storm has arrived. Winds are worsening, rain is constant and increasing in intensity.

Sea State

Harbor waters = worsening to sea state 4 - 5’ wind waves on unsheltered water

Outer waters = sea state 7 - 20’ combined seas.

Wind Speed = Beaufort 7: moderate gale, increasing to 9: severe gale - 50mph wind gusts to 65mph.

Moderate to heavy rain. Lightning activity has diminished.

By the time the longboat retrieved all the souls they were going to, Cahron was flying flat out and still losing ground. Winds were hard onshore and the Aerial was over the huge surf breaking on the beach near the harbor entrance. He was struggling to stay in sight of both the longboat and the harbor entrance. C’mon! C’mon! Get back to the channel! He panted, his words whipped away by the slipstream.

The longboat made good, but perilous, progress as the rowers put their backs into making safe harbor. They were running before both waves and wind, and the steersman was hard-pressed to keep the boat upright as it surged with each huge wave that pushed it along. If it slewed sideways, it would capsize. The pilot shouted for each side to row or stop and back water alternately, trying to keep the wildly pitching vessel upright in seas that towered over it by ten feet or more. It was impossible to see anything more than one or two waves away in the driving rain and spray.

The pilot needed every oar pulling hard, so he grabbed the least-drowned of the sodden fishermen and sent him to the bow, to look for the harbor light and the bird man who was supposed to be directing them. THERE’S THE LIGHT!! The lookout screamed to be heard over the gale. TWO HUNDRED YARDS! THREE POINTS TA PORT!!

The pilot shouted back, putting all his strength into pushing the tiller as the boat tried to slew to starboard. “PORT ROWERS: BACK BACK!!” He couldn’t spare a second to scan the sky, himself. They were close to where the channel shallowed.

I don’t… The lookout muttered, trying to scan the rain-filled sky. THERE!! FOUR HUNDRED YARDS, SIX POINTS OFF THE STARBOARD BOW!!

The pilot reversed the tiller and steadied the boat as the crest of a wave rolled under them.


The pilot pushed the tiller hard over and shouted for the oarsmen to bring the boat about. They barely managed to point the bow into the waves as a huge train of shoaling swells swept the channel. The longboat climbed each enormous wave and then crashed down the backside, torrents of foamy water pouring over her gunwales and her hull creaking ominously. The pilot shouted for half the rowers to bail, while the rest kept the longboat pointed into the waves.

The lookout, who had been washed into the bilge, clambered back up and wiped the seawater from his face. “NOW HE’S GOT HIS ARMS STRAIGHT OUT!”

That was the signal the harbor pilot had been waiting for, he shouted for the crew to row for all they were worth and the longboat surged into the channel, headed for the flashing lighthouse.

Even with the wind behind them and the oarsmen straining with the strength of desperation, it was a near thing. The longboat cleared the harbor mouth only seconds before a second huge set of shoaling waves closed off the channel. The whitewash from the broken wave swamped the rescue boat, pouring over the transom and sending the pilot sprawling. Even so, they had made the shelter of the harbor and were able to bail the boat and bring her safely into the docks.

Cahron Aether

Cahron saw the boat turn for the harbor before it disappeared in the rain. That was all the attention the Aerial could spare the beleaguered vessel. Exhausted and soake, he found an updraft and caught it, watching the ground below disappear as the clouds closed in around him.

There was no landing in this. He had thought to try ditching in the harbor waters, but the winds were too strong even to make it that far. Landing in city or field in this storm was certainly broken wings and limbs, and likely death, so the Aerial soared on the storm updrafts, feeling the cold, sensing the pressure drop, and using his innate altimetry to stay oriented in the whiteout conditions. He would have to fly to the edges of the great storm--or ride it until the fury of the winds was spent. It was not going to be an easy flight, and he would end up hundreds of miles from where he lofted, but--though he was already wet, cold, and tired, Cahron had confidence in his flying and navigating skills to see him through.

Cahron spared a thought to his sister. She’ll be alright, he told himself. In the past year she’d found her footing; learning how to make a living busking and doing odd jobs. For the past few months, he’d felt more like a hindrance than a help. Miiya had a sharp mind and she was a hard worker. It was his own footloose nature that had kept them moving from place-to-place and really prevented her from finding steady work. I’ll find ya, again, sis. But, in the mean time--if he didn’t exhaust himself and die crashing in the storm--it would be a bit of a relief not to have to drag The Pest thither and yon.

Cahron squinted as he soared through a break in the clouds. The afternoon sun and the dry, rarified, high-altitude air pulled out the moisture that was hampering his flying trim. He took his bearings and turned, setting a course that would see him flying toward the edge of the great cyclonic storm.

Cahron’s thoughts turned toward just how he’d occupy himself in The Pest’s absence. Ah, and just when she was warming up to me! He smiled wryly as he thought about Lauren’s last words and gestures. He’d been surprised at the touch of her hands of metal and flesh. Did she actually give a damn about what happened to him? Goddamn, I sure would’ve liked to find out. Stupid promise. Stupid kid. He mentally kicked himself again for unthinkingly promising Andreas he’d help his father. I could be cozied up with Miss--he decided she must be a “Miss” and not a “Missus”-- Lin, right now. Sharing a drink, swapping stories, exploring her… uh, personality. He thought. “Instead of freezing my ass off up here. He said to the sky.

Well, maybe Miiya wouldn’t be the first person he sought out once he found a place to land, Cahron thought to himself as he winged West, between the churning cloud tops, toward the lowering sun.


With direction from the aerial spotter and the lighthouse, the longboat successfully rescues the sailors on the sinking vessel.

The storm worsens and Cahron Aether leaves the scene to find a safe place to land.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II EMIYAman EMIYAman

As Lauren waited for Cahron to come back and for both Miiya and... Well, she never caught the name of the beastwoman that was with Miiya in the lighthouse. The storm outside had gotten to the point that she couldn't go outside without the risk of catching a cold, especially considering how quickly the metal of her prosthetics sapped her body heat in cold conditions. So she'd probably have to spend however long it took for this storm to ease up before she could even return to the Inn she had been staying at. And it probably also meant her scheduled meeting with Marcus would have to wait for a later date as well. She didn't have much to say to Andreas, though she kept watch by the window for whenever those who had gone out to rescue the young lads father to return. Hopefully with survivors, but she wasn't too optimistic at the moment. She had never experienced what a typhoon or hurricane were like in her past life, though she remembered all of the horror stories of entire city suburbs being flooded and houses being destroyed from the strong winds. And she found it hard to imagine a boat smaller than the largest trading vessels being able to withstand the turbulent seas.

Still, humanity was stubborn enough to occasionally defy what logic would suggest.

As Lauren watched the harbor with a keen eye she saw some people returning to shore, unsure whether the people in question were the rescuers or just from another boat barely making it ashore. However, she could more easily recognize them as they got closer to the office window, turning to look at Andreas for a moment.
"Looks like they've returned, and they seem to have more people with them than when they had left." Lauren announced to the young lad, believing that Cahron would be returning to try some more smooth moves on her soon. As she stood up from the chair she had been sitting on she leaned against the window sill as she awaited for everyone to reconvene. The longer she watched out the window at Cahron's continued absence, the more concerned she became that something had happened to him. She didn't quite take his advance too seriously, but a part of her worried that the last they saw of each other was him misinterpreting her words. Perhaps the next time they found each other on a stormy day, she'd have to take his offer a little more seriously.

"So... Daina, was it? Would you mind telling me a bit more about yourself?" Lauren asked as she turned towards the performer with a curious gaze, leaning her head against her metal wrist as her other hand twirled one of the strings of her coat around her index finger. "You probably overheard my tale of how I got my prosthetics, and I'd like to get to know both you and Miiya a little better than I already have. Perhaps the newcomer as well, depending on how chatty they are."

Irihi Irihi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki EMIYAman EMIYAman
Harbor Patrol The longboat full of half-drowned sailors was bailed and rowed around to a sheltered part of the harbor where it was hauled out of the water and overturned. The rescued fishermen were brought to the office of the harbormaster while the rescuers and volunteers finished tying down what could be made fast as the storm intensified.

The office was soon filled with dripping persons creating a general hubbub and confusion. In the midst of the uproar was a joyful reunion between Andreas and his father. With the storm intensifying, the harbor master had returned and was meting out payments to volunteers and directions to his regular workers. After a decent amount of shouting, some discussion, a couple of arguments, the office began to empty out. The harbor master sent most of his crew home to ride out the storm with their families, retaining only a skeleton crew of those who did not have others for whom they were responsible.

With sailors and rescuers dispositioned, the Harbor Master had a moment to spare to those who remained. ”Yore welcome ta ride out the storm here, if ye’ve got nowhere else ta go. Otherwise, I’d recommend yeh find a nice sturdy Inn upcity away from the water. I canna promise this place won’t get flooded out if the storm gets worse.” He warned. For a moment, he paused, considering if he wanted to offer more help, then decided the emergency warranted it. ”Ah’ve rain slickers yeh kin borrow, tho I’d ask yeh bring them back after the storm--provided we ha’int all blown away by then.”

Christos and Andreas The fisherman and his son had waited, thanking each and every one of their rescuers, until all the others had departed. The fisherman was a thin weathered man who likely looked perpetually bedraggled. Having two boats sink under him this day hadn’t much improved his constitution, but he still sported a warm smile, despite the hardships. “Me son tells me yore friends with the birdy-man wot found and guided us. An that ye stopped Andreas from putting out ta sea in this--” He said to Lauren, pointing to the storm outside. ”Ye an him have my gratitude, and we owes yeh much more than that.” Christos said. ”I lost everythin’ I cud give ye and yer winged friend when me boat went down, but I won’t ever ferget me debts to ye. Would ye tell me yer name, and his, so when our paths cross again, I can repay ye proper?”

He went on to tell Lauren and Daina of Cahron’s fate--at least what he had witnessed of it. ”Yer friend flew up inta the storm as we were making the harbor. The others said that the wind seemed like it was too strong for him ta fight. I hopes he’s able to find shelter.” He said. ”We’d stay longer if’n we cud, but we’ve gotta secure me other boat while we can.” He apologized before heading out into the gale with his son. The pair would have a wet and miserable time hauling their fishing boat out of the water, but the storm was not yet so intense that being out in it would be dangerous, so long as they were not out on the water.

The sailors from the longboat return to the harbormaster’s office and then depart to find more welcoming accommodations or head home to their families. A small caretaking crew will attempt to ride out the storm at the harbor.

The Doukas (boat boy and his father) are reunited and thank Lauren (and Daina) in the absence of Kristina, Cahron, and Miiya. Christos informs them that Cahron was blown away in the storm.

“Okay! Done!” Miiya said, sliding down the ladder and turning to… “Huh… where’d she go?” Miiya didn’t see the wolf lady who’d carried her over, but the bell was ringing and the shed was locked up. “That was fast!” I guess she left without me. Miiya thought. rude no, it’s fine. She steeled herself for a dash across the breakwater.

The wind was crazy and the waves were even crazier. There was no question of flying now. She dared not open her wings even a little, lest she be blown away. Hiding in the lee of the lighthouse, Miiya peered around the corner, squinting into the driving rain and spray. The sea was a terrifying mass of foam with huge breakers folding over on themselves well beyond the breakwater. Even so, the mountains of whitewash would strike the rocks and send torrents of water cascading over them. The top of the breakwater was exposed to the wind and sea, but that was the only smooth path. If she tried to pick her way through the rocks on the lee side of the rocks, she wouldn’t see the waves coming and would surely be washed into the harbor.

“Right! Here goes!” Miiya thought she saw a lull in the waves, and launched herself into the gale. She was immediately pinned against the railing of the walkway by the wind. Hunching down and keeping on hand on the rail, she fought against the wind, making much slower going than she would have liked. She tried to keep an eye on both the path in front of her, and the churning sea. With the wind so strong and the footing so unsure, she didn’t have confidence she could dodge a wave overtopping the breakwater, but at least she could see it coming and not be taken by surprise.

1-3: Washed into the harbor.
4-6: Makes it across soaked, but safe.
“I did it!” The door to the harbormaster’s office banged open and a very wet, very windblown Miiya gusted in, putting her back into closing the door behind her. “I mean, we did it!” She amended, looking around, fighting the urge to shake the water from her wings. “Hey, where’s wolf lady?” She wondered aloud. “She’s not back yet?”

Miiya greeted Daina and Lauren before reporting to the harbor master for her pay. “Nice!” she said, pocketing the coin. It was the fastest, and most dangerous, money she’d ever made. “I don’t think I’d volunteer again.” She confided to Lauren and Daina. “That was really scary! Is Cah back yet?”

Miiya took the news of her brother disappearing into the clouds with a neutral expression that she had to work hard to maintain. “He’s okay. Cah knows how to navigate storms.” She said, seeming as though she was reassuring herself more than the people to whom she was speaking. Miiya swallowed and flinched as something on the wind banged into the wall of the office. Keep it together. I’m okay. He’s okay. She told herself.

“We’d better find somewhere safer to ride out the storm.” She said to Lauren and Daina, blinking and biting her lip. “While we still can.” She hoped the two of them--and wolf lady, if she was around--would come along. Miiya didn’t want to be alone--by herself or with a bunch of strangers--during the typhoon. Even if they were just lunch acquaintances, she really wanted the company of at least a familiar face or three, and would follow wherever any of her companions chose to go.

Miiya took the harbor master up on his offer to borrow a rain slicker. She was already soaked, but her wings weren’t saturated yet, and the slicker would help with the stinging rain and wind. With any of the company who were willing to join her, Miiya pushed out into the rain and wind.
LumInnous While the hostel, where Miiya and Cahron had stayed, was all-but-empty (and seemed about to blow away in the storm), the large Inn next door was hosting an impromptu Typhoon party. The LumInnous was a large stone building with a heavy tile roof and surprisingly few leaks, considering the fury of the storm lashing Otenzel. Miiya had retrieved her and Cahron’s meager luggage and moved from the rickety hostel to the solidly-built Inn.

A fire was roaring in the hearth, revelers were toasting, conversing, and occasionally breaking into song. The hubbub inside mostly drowned out the sound of the storm, but for when the door opened to let in another draggled patron, along with gusts of wind and rain. This happened less and less often as the storm intensified and the city’s denizens hunkered down in whatever shelter they had found.

Miiya felt fortunate to have found a table by the Inn’s huge hearth. The blazing fire was drying her soaked clothing and warming her. Though the pay from the harbormaster was more than enough to afford a room at the upscale Inn, the Aerial was hesitant to hire one just yet. In fact, she was feeling a little general paralysis over the unexpected departure of her sibling. Cahron had left her with a flush coinpurse--even before her hazard pay--as well as the means to support herself. In their bag were the tools of a busker and entertainer. Had he been here, no doubt they would already have cleared a space and would have been leading the patrons in song, or putting on a comedy show, or otherwise been working the storm-blown crowd thirsty for entertainment.

Miiya knew she ought to get to it. This was a golden opportunity. Everything’s okay. She told herself. C’mon, get up. Smile. Play for them. Miiya’s gaze dropped to her Erhu case--now with instrument inside--and she sighed. Despite the cheery atmosphere all around her, there was no song in her heart. The lightweight Erhu and her bow might as well weigh a ton, for all that she could lift and play them.

Miiya had manage to order herself a spiced cider--she kinda had to, to justify her seat at the table. Maybe drink would banish the gloom hanging over her, she hoped. She sipped at the hot drink, felt the warmth of the fire, and tried to banish the morose thoughts weighing her down.

It had been a day and a half.
She’d defended her spot and pulled off a great act at the market this morning. And got arrested and nearly killed for it.
She’d made more in a day than she typically pulled in a week. Yeah, but it was charity from some guilty guy.
She’d made a whole bushel of friends at lunch. After getting extorted for half my coin, then spending the rest to bribe people to hang out with me.
Then she’d helped rescue fishermen from a storm. And now Cahron is gone. Miiya put her head down on the table and closed her eyes against the brimming tears. I don’t know if he’s okay. I don’t know if I’m okay. She thought.

Miiya returns from the lighthouse, learns that Cahron was blown away in the storm, and then goes out to find a safe place to ride out the storm, inviting the others to come with her.

She ends up at the LumInnous (Inn and Tavern) with her luggage and instruments, but doesn’t feel up to renting a room for the night or joining in the Typhoon party going on there.


Lauren had followed Miiya to an Inn where others were taking shelter from the storm as well, though she noticed that Miiya looked a little on edge. As they had ordered their respective drinks--with Lauren opting for a simple ale--to try and raise their spirits, Lauren turned to Miiya with a bit of a serious look on her face.
"Hey Miiya... Mind if I talk with you for a little bit?" Lauren asked as she got up from her seat, gesturing for the avian girl to follow her. She spent some of her coin for a night in one of the Inn's rooms, and retreating into the privacy it provided to talk to her. She had a lot to talk about, both about her past life and her current life. She wasn't sure how much of her story Miiya would believe, especially as she didn't have any concrete method to prove that she lived another life... Still, it only felt right to tell her.

Irihi Irihi

Miiya looked up at Lauren as the woman spoke to her. “Yeah, ok.” She said, dully, as she was invited to her room. Somehow, the boisterous crowd in the main room of the Inn was making her feel even lonelier.

Talking to Lauren, and hearing the woman’s own troubles, gave Miiya some perspective. She wasn’t sure she understood everything Lauren was talking about, but she realized that the elf had faced--and come through--trials much worse than Miiya’s. If Lauren could do that, then surely Miiya could handle her own, much smaller, problems.

During their time together, Aerial girl confided in Lauren and told the elf just what it was that so disturbed her about the long day. It was not the false accusations, nor the extortion, not being separated from her brother, or the frightening risks that had come with the storm. What Miiya hated, and what had shaken her about today, was the feeling of helplessness and panic when she’d been at the mercy of Marcus, and then the city guard.

Miiya had known she wasn’t really helpless, nor completely without recourse. Otenzel was not The Underbelly. The guards were not criminals without guardrails for their treatment of those they detained. However, she had kept her composure, during her arrest, only by the barest white-knuckled grip, and she thanked Lauren, in particular, for coming with her to the harbor. Having a friendly face present--now as then--fortified Miiya’s heart.

In fact, she was feeling so much better that she decided--once their conversation wrapped up--to rejoin the revelers downstairs. This time she did feel like playing and singing, and the Aerial girl worked the crowd until late in the evening, punctuating her day of adventures with a long (and lucrative) stormy night making merry in the light and warmth while the tempest raged outside.


The RP concludes with Lauren and Miiya conversing in Lauren’s room. Miiya’s mood improves and she eventually goes downstairs to provide the tavern crowd with musical entertainment for fun and profit.

Summary of Events and Actions:

Miiya, a youthful street artist, performed in one of Otenzel’s Markets. She was accused of being a Fae by a jealous rival. Marcus, a soldier of the Empire accosted her. Ordella, an undertaker determined she was human. Two other bystanders, Lauren and Daina, stepped in to help her, but she was detained by the city guard nonetheless.

The group traveled to a Black Orb at the Harbor, where Miiya was released by the authorities since she held no Fae or Criminal titles. They all took lunch together and were joined by Miiya’s brother, Cahron(NPC), and then were alerted to an approaching storm.

Marcus and Ordella (and implicitly Daina) took leave of the group. Cahron and a newcomer--Kristina--prevented a young boy from sailing into the storm to rescue his father.

The storm hit, Cahron was blown away while flying cover for a rescue boat. Miiya and Kristina risked drowning to light the lamp and wind the bell of the harbor lighthouse. Lauren took the boy to the harbormaster’s office to keep him out of danger.

Miiya and Lauren then braved the storm to find safer shelter away from the water. They rode out the storm in a sturdy inn near the center of Otenzel.

General Narrator Impressions (I don’t know enough to propose rewards):

Marcus - The strong-willed and fair-minded warrior of the Eastern Empire acquitted himself well. He was generous and kind to those weaker than himself. His prejudice against Fae and fanatical devotion to the Empire represent the challenges a frontline soldier faces in a civilian society. The character dropped out when the adventure was no longer appropriate to them.

Ordella - The mysterious and haunted undertaker diffused tense situations with wisdom and wit. Her debate on the nature of the war with the See was insightful. The character dropped out when the adventure was no longer appropriate to them.

Lauren - The elven construct risked her life for a stranger. Her Fae nature put her in danger and her mechanical limbs limited her ability to help with aquatic rescues. She was constantly present as both moral (and nearly-combat) support for all appropriate characters and NPC’s. Her writer was the most responsive poster.

Daina - The bard got a free lunch ;). He was a friendly face and sympathetic ear to acquaintances when they needed one. He also spoke up to consistently defend the innocent. The character dropped out due to IRL commitments.

Kristina - The wolf-woman made a brief cameo to prevent a young man from drowning and help activate the lighthouse. She did a lot in a few posts. The writer has been unresponsive recently and must have IRL commitments.

Miiya - The bird-girl put on a show, got falsely accused, got paid, got arrested, paid a bribe, was freed, bought lunch, lit the lighthouse lamp, got separated from her brother, got paid again, and then joined a typhoon party. This was a fun adventure to narrate. She and I thank all the participants!

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