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Finished [Eastern Empire: Otenzel: Tripodon Market]

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


Amidst the slowly simmering rage, Marcus found himself surrounded by comparatively gentle voices.

Lauren spoke up -- and Marcus looked on quietly as she apologized, staring over his shoulder. "I will accept your apology, however...." He began. "If you really want to apologize, don't do that again. An apology only means so much otherwise." He said firmly to Lauren. Mistakes often happened but this was a rather severe one.

"Only I? Odd." It seemed strange of someone to ask something uniquely to him. Surely there were an endless amount of people more capable. What made him so special? "Very well, however. While I can guarantee nothing, I will hear your request." He said to the strange woman.

The bribe had gone off more or less without a hitch. It had thankfully not escalated, perhaps in part due to Ordella and Marcus' own being here. That said, he gaze became more irate as he watched all of this happen. Anger within, however, wasn't channeling towards the body, but instead the mind. He remembered two names. Atticus and Nora. The last guard Nico, Marcus did not know the name of, because it had never been mentioned. Two would be enough and an interested higher up can likely find out the name of the other. He planned to report them later. Despite the fact that the bribe may have contributed to averting further violence, such corruption within the empire's heart felt intolerable. It gave way to weakness.

With that out of the way, the girl was soon freed. And they didn't seem very intent on heckling her anymore. Thus, they'd now be freed to do as they wished. He raised a brow as now the girl had wished to treat him, Ordella and the rest of the group for lunch. Part of him had wondered if it would be wrong to do so and send her off to do as she wished with it. But it seemed almost rude if she really wanted a few friends to come along. She appeared to be getting along a little bit better with Ordella.

Marcus looked down at his helmet for a moment. In truth, he'd almost forgotten he'd taken it. off. Looking back at Miiya, he replied with a shrug of his armored shoulders. "Even worms would beat some rations. And I do like novelty." He says, his humor coming off as fairly dry and casual.

He never had "aerial food" before. But since leaving the monastery, a goal existed within his mind to seek out new experiences.

  • Marcus accepts Lauren's apology but tells her not to do it again. He agrees to hear her request for her to confide privately with him.
  • Marcus accepts Miiya's offer got lunch.

Actions: 0/3


As Lauren kept pace between Miiya and the guard, she had noticed several opportunities for potential escape... Though she doubted that the avian would try to bail after parting with the hefty pouch of coin they had used to bribe the guard. She had listened to Marcus' reply to her apology, though it seemed as if he tuned out the part about it being reflexive in nature. As they drew closer to the harbor she could smell the salty aroma of the sea, feeling a bit more relaxed as the smell reminded her of her mother and their summers at the family owned beach house... A fond place she could probably never return to. She didn't like that her time in her old world had been cut short, without having had any realistic chance of being able to save herself. It left her with more worries to contend with, such as how her mother took the news of her sudden death, or the disputes over inheritance her death would cause between her more distant relatives... She especially worried about never being able to see her mother again in any capacity.

'I hope mom is holding up alright... If only I could let her know that I'm doing okay... or even just that I'm alive...'

Laurens thoughts were interrupted as Miiya asked them all about lunch. At first it sounded like a decent idea, a way to get to know everyone else a little bit better. But the mention of worms potentially being part of the meal quickly killed the appetite she had felt surfacing. Unusual culinary foods were taken off of her menu after the one incident in Shadowfen came close to making her become the Owlbears food.
"I'll have to pass if they're actually serving worms... Though I'm not opposed to joining solely for the chatter." Lauren made her stance known as the group seemed to be in favor of going to the restaurant, having missed some of what Miiya had said shortly after the guards released her from the shackles.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Irihi Irihi Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Character Sheet Here!
Irihi Irihi (Miiya), Maverick Six Maverick Six , Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Talk about an eventful morning... was what ran through his mind as he hanged near the back while accompanying Miiya and co. to the port. He wasn't much for conversation on the way, keeping quiet as the other 3 began to talk. He admittedly snickered when Marcus brought up having to "embrace the suck", he had to remember that one for later. He actually had rather little trouble with navigating the port traffic, only having to stop to hear which way the guard was saying to head. He eventually stopped getting ahead of the group when Miiya started talking to him, performer to performer. "'Course I play for coin. Today isn't one of those times, but generally I do. While I'd be more than happy to help with finding you and I a spot to perform, I was too lazy to get up and get a spot in the first place so take my help at your own discretion."

When they came up on the Black Orb, he quietly remembered his first foray into the city. The people staring a bit too long, the guards hesitating ever so slightly before letting him put his hand on the orb, and the hushed whispers (which he managed to pick up on) when he was identified as human. Miiya's reaction to being labeled as she should've been from the start was about expected, and hearing the relief in her voice once the guards and the orb were out of sight was enough to lighten his mood as well. The offer for lunch was unexpected, but definitely a welcome surprise. "I could go for some food too, though my sentiments are with Ordella on the worms."

Miiya Aether

Miiya shook the undertaker’s hand and then laughed. The prospect of food, some time, and having worse people to deal with had improved her disposition toward Ordella. “We don’t actually eat worms or birdseed.” I think. Miiya said. “But aviating takes a LOT of energy. Cah--that’s my brother--says Aerial food is really filling and sustaining, without weighing yew down. I’m excited to try it with yew all!”

With Marcus and Lauren coming along, Miiya replied to Daina as she led her impromptu lunch party into the public house, “Oolosyc Sunset”. “Great! I play the Erhu and I can sing a bit too, maybe we can jam together later.”

The Oolosyc Sunset
This public house serves food and drink from the land of the Aerials. It is rather cosy (small) and dimly lit by oil lamps and sunlight filting through grimy windows. The dimness might be for atmosphere, or--more likely--to hide the dust and grime in the corners.

Though the hygiene might leave something to be desired, if you’re looking for calorie-dense and tasty fare, look no further. The dishes served are flavorful and loaded with oils, butter, cream, egg, granola, and lard. Don’t worry too much about the age of the oil many of the dishes are fried in, using mature oil gives them a special zest according to the cook.

More ordinary Otenzel fare is available, but why come here for that?

Local and imported beer, ales, wines, and spirits are available from the bar. Because many Aerials are sensitive to toxins, the specialty Oolosyc drinks tend to be lower in alcoholic content and higher in calories.

Miiya led her new companions inside the pub and almost immediately lost her focus on them in the presence of so much sumptuous food. When it came to eating, the girl was big on visuals (and smells) and not so interested in reading menus.

A year ago, Miiya had been a reserved youngster too unsure of herself to speak up in a busy establishment. She might still retain that core of self-doubt, but it was paved over by months of practiced showmanship and then painted with genuine hunger, so Miiya immediately piped up and collared one of the pub’s servers.

“Me an’ my friends are hungry! Can we sit there?” Miiya asked, pointing to a worn table with enough seats for everyone. “I’ll take summa that,” she pointed to a tray heaped with meats and, what looked like, dumplings, that had just arrived at another table where a party of half-a-dozen sat. “that, that, and that!” Miiya said, pointing at other large dishes that caught her eye, immediately ordering what seemed like enough food for twice the number in their party.

“Okay, that should do it.” She concluded to the bemused server before turning to Marcus, Ordella, Lauren, and Daina. “D’ya all wanna order from what yew see, or yew want menus?” It might come as a slight shock to the others that Miiya apparently expected them to need more than that prodigious amount of victuals she had just requested.

Though she ordered like she was, Miiya was not starving. She and her brother had flown up the coast on their approach to Otenzel. Cahron was an accomplished aerial spearfisher, and Miiya was becoming a fair hand at it as well, so they’d arrived decently provisioned. However, Miiya never missed an opportunity to add weight; the lean times with her mother, in Ryken--when she’d sometimes been too weak to aviate at all--were still a memory not distant enough for her to not take advantage of every opportunity to fill her belly. What remained of Marcus’s coin was providing that opportunity and she was not shy about seizing it.

The Oolosyc Sunset Staff
Bemused or not, the server wasn’t one to turn away paying customers, and they acquiesced to seating Miiya and her party where the girl had indicated. ”Gimme a minute to put these in, luvs, an’ I’ll take any other orders yew got.” The server begged off and left the five acquaintances to take their seats.

TLDR Summary;

Miiya leads everyone into the Oolosyc Sunset Public House, gets them all a table, and orders a LOT of food (but no drinks--and no worms probably, cuz those long things look like noodles).

Assume there are servers around to take additional orders if you desire to make them.


The public house was a nice change of pace.

"I'd like the She-Crab Soup, please. With the gar-" she leaned in closer on the menu for a moment, "Extra garlic bread."

Ordella eased into her seat, ordered and pushed her menu aside. She tried enjoying the ambiance for a moment, but her attention was quickly drawn towards Miiya. Maybe not after the first or second order, but the aerial had The Undertaker's undivided attention after the fourth and counting. Disregarding the sheer quantity of food that was soon to be heading their way, she had to be mindful of her lack of funds. As it turns out, her rank in the Adventurer's Guild- or lack thereof- meant that she wasn't exactly rolling in cash for the bit of work that she had been doing for them.

"Hmm. Miiya?" she glanced over at Marcus for a moment before turning back to Miiya, "You were... covering this, right?"

Ordella was almost afraid to see what the bill looked like and she hadn't even ordered yet. But soon the waiters went off to put in for their orders and the group was finally left to get to know one another. Perhaps long-time friends in the making. Perhaps she'd never see any of them again after they left the restaurant. But there was one thing on Ordella's mind that only got brought further into the forefront of her thoughts after that morning's somewhat hectic events.

A quandry that some of the people here might've actually had some insight on.

"I sometimes wonder how all of it started. The anti-Fae sentiment in the East. The anti-human sentiment in the See. We can blame it on the war, but that doesn't really answer anything. Because no one ever seems to know what started it all," she explained, "I read the books. I read so many books. They're all devoid of absolutes. Thousands upon thousands of theories; none more plausible than the last. And the discussion always drifts back to more recent events."

She leaned back in her seat and glanced out a nearby window. In her mind, she was expressing herself amongst three humans. In reality, the perspectives at this table waiting to be explored were a veritable goldmine. The Undertaker, herself, bore no loyalty to either side and simply wanted to see the conflict end. At her side sat a fellow human with utmost loyalty to the Empire. Across from her sat an elf in disguise who'd been the victim to the Empire's cruelty. And, of course, Miiya.
A human who might've regularly been mistaken for a fae given her unusual appearance... and bad luck.

"The discussion always shifts to 'The Fae did this, so we must retaliate.' or 'The Humans did this, so they must die.' but it never starts with the start of the war. No one seems to want to talk about it. We just adopt the ever-compiling unresolved conflicts of our ancestors generation after generation. And I wonder... if we stopped talking about everything that happened after the war began and focused on why it started in the first place- the foundation for it all- do you think that anyone would actually find a good reason to continue fighting?"

She sighed and turned back to the group.

"You know, and I just... I struggle to fathom how something that important could just be... forgotten."

Irihi Irihi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Maverick Six Maverick Six

“Yup! Miiya said brightly, when the undertaker asked if she was paying for lunch. She was trying hard to seem generous--along with a lot of other things she wasn’t exactly feeling at the moment. Even though she had pasted up a careless front, Miiya had snuck a glance at the menu prices and estimated lunch would stay under the fifty rykes she had left even if everyone ordered food and drinks.

It was against Miiya’s parsimonious nature to spend so extravagantly, but so was a lot of how she was acting at the moment. The girl might not have been able to put it into so many words, but she was Stage Miiya right now; copying the boisterous, bright, loud, devil-may-care attitude of her more outgoing sibling--the same face she put on when performing theater, busking, also when trying not to break down in the face of arrest, or fold when being extorted by those with power over her.

Miiya swallowed and directed a bright-eyed smile at Ordella. “Like I said; lunch is on me!” I mean, it’s kinda on Marcus, but I coulda kept the money instead. She thought.

As their party settled at the table, Miiya listened while Ordella spoke about the origins of the war between the Empire and the See. Miiya was from Ryke, and flare-ups in the war between the two nations had meant only feast or famine to her. When the fighting was distant from the Ryken border, the nations at war would trade in arms and supplies that flowed through the protectorate. Some of that trade money trickled down to the capitol slums and meant more regular meals, sometimes even with meat, and a chance to buy supplies to mend clothing, patch up their flat, or even stash away for the lean times.

When the fighting was near the Ryken border, however, it often meant refugees and disruptions in the trade up and down the Kabnak that was the lifeblood of the city. Those times were hard, and not ones Miiya particularly wanted to reflect upon.

“My ma says the war’s not about the differences between Humans and Fae, or even about the latest round of atrocities.” Miiya ventured. “She says it’s just how the nobles control their people; get them to hate the other enough, and they’ll overlook how their own leaders are standing on their necks.” She recounted.

Shu. Miiya really needed to work on thinking before she spoke. There was a soldier of the Empire right beside her and she was eating on his dime (sort of). What if Marcus took exception to that idea? “I-I dunno, though…” Well, there’s an inspired thought. She tried not to grimace or look like she was keeping a tense side-eye on Marcus for any reaction.

TLDR Summary;
Miiya confirms to Ordella that she’s paying for lunch. She says heard the war is just a way for the government to control the people.


Lauren followed Miiya alongside the rest of the group to the public house, her feet seeming to glide along the ground to the others as the gentle and quiet hum of her electrical motors hummed in the air. Walking was nice and all, but it brought lingering pain with each step that would never truly go away. It was one of many things she had to live with. Despite today being one of days where she felt sore she kept up a positive expression, looking around the interior of the public house shortly after making her way inside. Despite the fact that it seemed a little dirty based off some of the grim she could see, it gave off the same comforting vibes that her favorite pub in her old world had. She had spent a few nights after particularly rough days at work at the pub unwinding with a couple of drinks, chatting with a few of her coworkers she enjoyed hanging out with... She wished she could see them again. Though the friends Lauren had made at work had also been caught in the explosion that had killed her, she believed that she had a chance to see them again. She had been reincarnated into this new world after all, so it wasn't impossible.

Lauren's focus quickly shifted from the atmosphere of the public house to the food being served, and she found it to be a lot more appealing than she expected. She was probably quicker than anyone other than Miiya to grab and look through the menu, ordering a fair amount of food after having heard Miiya say that she was paying for their meals. She wasn't one to reject a free meal, especially since she was starting to run low on coin. She listened to Ordella and Miiya talking about the war between the Fae See and the East Empire after she finished placing her order, and... The thought brought back the bad memories that her host Lilan had left her. She quickly set her thoughts aside as she decided to interject into their conversation.
"Probably started out as something minor that blew up into a full-on race war... I can't say exactly when--as I don't know how long the war has raged on--or how things had transpired, but it's safe to say that it was probably over some insult taken too personally or a misunderstanding taken way too far." Lauren reasoned, her mind pondering over the numerous scenarios. "One situation that could have played out is as such: A fae couple moved to a new city where mostly humans lived. The fae wife cheats on her husband with a human--whether due to domestic abuse or due to finding something more fulfilling--and sleeps with him. The husband finds out and kills both of them, though is caught in the act and arrested. Those who hear of the murders start spreading rumors of what had happened, a rumor that human supremacists mold to fit their beliefs and begin hunting down fae without mercy - using their belief to justify their murderous intent. The fae start to notice that humans are actively killing their kind and begin spreading rumors of their own, with fae extremists twisting those rumors to justify the persecution of all humans found within their lands." Lauren finished the scenario, having kept her voice quiet enough as to not disturb the other patrons. "Regardless of how it actually happened, I'm not a fan of either side of this pointless war. I stopped caring about which side would win after nearly losing my second li-" Lauren abruptly cut herself off. "-After nearly losing my life for the second time..." Lauren wasn't technically lying about almost dying twice - Lilan had almost froze to death in her early childhood. Despite Lilan's soul having departed from Lauren's host body after escaping the ruins, her body never actually died along with her.

Still, such a small discrepancy could lead to the others figuring out that she was a reincarnated soul.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


"Filling and sustaining. Seems an oxymoron." Marcus said. It was a bit odd to him, though it would be far from the strangest thing to him. Perhaps it gave an abundance of energy for its weight rather than being heavy with protein. It made him think perhaps the food was apt to be grainy, like the food a bird would eat.

Still keeping tabs on his environment, he looked about for anything in particular. A lack of dutiful guards made him think that there may not be a shortage of thieves -- but it seemed that wasn't going to be relevantly the case. Through his search, he noticed that Lauren appeared to be downcast about something. About what? He couldn't tell without her speaking her mind. Likely, he suspected his words to be simply harsh. It appeared to only add to whatever such burdens she appeared to have.

However, the world was not so forgiving or understanding. And he meant his every word.

Once inside the restaurant, he saw that his suspicions were incorrect. There was meat and a lot of it. Quietly, Marcus gulped in drool which had begun to form in his mouth. When traveling, a lot of meat tended to be the first to spoil, unless someone could carry something akin to a barrel of salted pork. He particularly felt himself craving more meats given the nature of his travel and the scarceness of it. Part of him had grown up outright apprehensive to downright luxury. He had no desire to grow fat, dependent, and complacent like some seemed to be. There was no one to guide him.
But, he'd long come to the conclusion that so long as it wasn't a necessity, it was fine.

Marcus took a seat, gently, the weight of his armor causing the chair to squeak ever so slightly. Given the option., he ordered quite simply. "A tray of lamb and venison, vegetables and dumplings. Much like what they have there. Medium rare." The words had come out of his mouth as he'd come to order. While he was here, it seemed a good time to gain some weight as well. His body was changing and thus now appeared to be prime time for some food.

Then there was the topic.

Just as he felt as though he'd left the war more or less outside the door -- it seemed as though Ordella had brought it back forth. While mostly quiet, Marcus could not help but sigh. However, he remained quiet. At no point did he really take any time to interrupt. Though, he couldn't help but listen. His face remained straight as both Ordella and Lauren gave their piece.

A second life....

....That was what Lauren was going to say before she altered it mid-sentence. Her word choice hadn't really escaped Marcus' notice. Though there seemed to be little to make of it. Many came with memories from other worlds. It was odd that Lauren sought to hide this fact; however, he did not see fit to bring up anything about it. At least not at the moment.

While displeased with the topic...it didn't seem as though it was something Marcus hadn't formed an opinion about. Once given the opportunity to speak....

....He did not stop nor stutter.

"Quite the heavy choice in topic, Ordella. But I'll give my piece." He said.

"Such is the nature of the so-called "Fog of War." Conflict can make for a haze which obscures much information. It gets passed through many mouthes, changing a bit each time the story is told. All nations have within them incentives to speak from a perspective that favors their side." He places his finger upon the table.

"The general consensus goes in this case, that a town named Chachail which sat at the empire's border, was where it started. And it is that town's destruction which rallied the empire to march upon the See of Fae. The destruction of this town only augments my feelings toward the matter. Yet, it is in my interest to preserve it. To be honest...." He motioned to himself.

"I could find out the war had started by us. And yet all that might change is my feelings. My actions are apt to remain the same, for my objective is to preserve the safety and honor of the empire. I would see the empire to be safe and remain free." He allows his elbow.

"I do not enjoy it. And the atrocities that befall my people anger me. And I would desire to prevent my own family from falling into such a thing. A very real danger exists, and like someone who finds their home broken into, I feel driven to act. I gain nothing from this war -- seeking to minimize that which is lost. No matter who started the war, I suspect entire settlements of men, women and children would still be sucked into giant town spanning sinkholes." Such as what was nearly the case, in Ordella and Marcus' last mission.

He cleared his throat, realizing he had been talking for some time. And he thought it best to summarize.
"All that to say, I suspect the Fae began it. Yet, I would defend my family, my people, my home. All those I love, regardless of who started the war. I simply cannot afford to sit in the center." He said, his eyes flickering to Ordella for a moment, before slowly moving about the room. Assessing those around him freely. And beyond at the other tables. Most of the people around him are neutral. He was guessing the performer, Daina would shape up to be most the same, if he even wanted to comment.

Oddly enough, he lacked anger, yet there was a growing intenseness of his gaze toward nothing in particular. Some might call it passion. He never looked down, only straight ahead, and he soon found himself leaning upon a propped-up fist.

When is that food coming?

Oolosyc Sunset Pub Servers

The trays of food Miiya had ordered arrived first. The establishment served food in the manner of the Aerials; with family-style dishes reaching the table as quickly as the kitchen could turn them out.

OOC: RP it however you like, but I will be narrating this “Aerial” pub style as similar to Chinese/Taiwanese. IE: Large dishes come out as, soon as the kitchen has prepared them, and are placed on the center of the table for each person to help themselves by loading their smaller plates/bowls and eating from them.

At this restaurant every dish is large enough for each person to have two or three servings, so everything that is ordered will be shared except drinks. Pots of hot tea are on the table and no cold drinks are served unless requested. If your OC wants alcohol they can order their own, or for the table. Traditionally, beer and hard liquor would be shared, but since this is a “Easternized” resturant, the bar will provide individual drinks upon request.

Ordella’s crab soup arrived in a massive tureen, placed near the middle of the table, with a small oil flame beneath it, keeping it hot. Marcus’s plate of lamb and tubers likewise was a large dish placed in the center of the table rather than in front of him.

Miiya did not bat an eye at the manner in which the food was delivered, but rather dug in immediately, taking the small empty bowl that was part of her place setting and filling it with the serving spoons that accompanied each dish. From the speed at which the Aerial was consuming the contents of the serving platters, the others would do well to follow her lead and begin helping

Miiya listened to both Lauren’s and then--with some relief--Marcus’s opinions about the war. She was glad that she had not offended anyone and that the conversation remained civil. The Aerial couldn’t help but feel a twinge of… something… when Marcus talked about defending the Empire and then standing and fighting to defend his home.

That was not something Miiya had ever experienced. Though Sen could--and had, Miiya suspected--poison or backstab known threats with sufficient preparation and warning, Miiya had never known anyone who would stand and fight for what was theirs in the face of immediate physical threat. More than once as a child, she had been woken in the middle of the night by hushed and harsh whispers from her mother informing her that they must leave their home now, and not to make any noise or ask any questions. Defending home, when you were a small shorn-winged Aerial woman--and your door was more wish than wood--meant moving your family out of danger as quickly and quietly as you could.

Yet another set of memories Miiya hated. She had always responded to danger with flight, and hearing Marcus speak about fight triggered feelings in her that she couldn’t quite place as she looked at his scarred visage. Am I angry? Sad? …jealous? Miiya wondered just what it was clenching in her chest when the warrior spoke of defending his family, his people, and his home.

“Do you have a--” daughter, kids, family? Miiya blurted out, then stopped herself mid-question. I’m not jealous. She lied to told herself. I’m just curious. “--do you have family here in Otenzel?” She corrected herself.

She might have caught her words before they were said this time, but she suspected she hadn’t covered her real question as well as she would have liked. Fortunately the food arrived, and with it all of Miiya’s other concerns went flying out the proverbial window.

The Aerial girl wasted no time filling her bowl, emptying it, and then refilling it again multiple times. “Emefryonm eamtf pleem,” she said through mouthfuls, gesturing for the others to follow her lead and dig in.

TLDR Summary;
Miiya asks Marcus if he has family in Otenzel.

The food arrives and she starts eating, telling the others to join in. (Watch your fingers, she's not real careful.)

Maverick Six Maverick Six II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

More of the same, really.

The Aerial believed that it was all about money; the war nothing more than a construct through with human and fae nobles, alike, could control the masses. The faux human amongst them believed it to be an inevitable outcome of racism and clashing beliefs; the natural way of things, as it were. And Marcus... Marcus fell back upon the common beliefs of his peers that the fae caused it, but emphasized the fact that he wouldn't have cared either way. And the unfortunate reality of things?

From where she stood, she didn't have enough information to favor any one of these theories. Because that's all they were at the end of the day. Just a few more theories to try and explain the most absurd mystery that Ordella had ever seen. Their food arrived. Miiya made an attempt to try and change the subject in what was likely some way to maintain civility at the table. But civility wasn't what The Undertaker was after.

Not at that moment, at least.

"I just don't believe that the fighting actually saves anyone. It's just a temporary solution that's fueling a bigger problem. And I think that, if things continue the way they are, then both sides are going to continue losing good people without making any progress towards a safer world. And I know that you're willing to kill any fae that threatens your people," she turned to Marcus, specifically, "But you know better than to believe that they're all evil. That they all deserve to die. And if the goal is to save your people- to really save your people- then shouldn't we be looking for something better than a temporary solution. Than some violent stopgap that only fuels more violence?"

Wouldn't have mattered who was sitting at that table with her. The words would've rang true regardless of who she'd been speaking with.

"I'm not going to fault your defending yourself. I'd do the same any time anyone endangers my life. But every soldier that gets slain is just a martyr to motivate his brothers to sharpen their blades and develop more sinister magic. The revenge is always worse than what caused it. And I think, if we actually want to stop the war- if we ACTUALLY want to save people, we have to attack the ideology. The very reason why everyone fights. But that can't be done with violence. What we would need to accomplish something like that is information."

Ordella turned to her food. She realized that, if she spent too much time yapping, it would've gotten cold. Yet, as she finally got an opportunity to speak her mind on things, she found that she cared very little. The soup wasn't going anyone. Finding people who were willing to sit and listen and discuss was a... depressingly rare opportunity, though.

"It's why I left my abbey, you know? To do something about it! I got tired of seeing the mangled bodies. Hearing same stories over and over. No good deaths to be had during a war. Too many closed casket services. No end in sight. We didn't used to see so many soldier a few years ago. We have orders much closer to the front line who would care for the fallen. But recently they've been... over capacity..."

A long, heavy silence followed. And, juxtaposed to Marcus, Ordella carried no scars on her skin. But she had heard far more stories of the horrors of war; drowning in them for years. And not embellished propaganda spewed en masse to soldier to fuel their rage. The tragedies of good-hearted men who fell to other good-hearted men over what could've amounted to absolutely fucking nothing.

"Even if one side does wipe out the other, I don't see that as an end to anything. Because if the perceived enemy was never the cause to begin with, then it's just going to happen again; and we'll be just as ignorant to the facts as we are now. Just as helpless to stop it. And we can pretend like these things don't matter. We can pretend like path that got us here doesn't matter," she picked up a spoon, lowered it into her soup and started playing with it for a moment, "But when you're trying to save people... when you snuff out a life... don't you think it's important to know that you're actually making the world safer for those you care about when you take that life? And not just... making it a more dangerous place for someone else?"

Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Miiya was plowing through the victuals like a dreadnought through heavy seas. She had absolutely no qualms about heaping her bowl full and leaving serving platters empty. Sen had been strict about all else, but she had never seen the use in teaching her daughter the table manners of grounders. It wasn’t as if they often had such a large spread with which to practice, anyway.

After leaving home her table manners had only devolved. Meals “shared” by Miiya and her brother were more akin to open combat than anything else. Not that anyone was watching, but if they were, they might wonder where the diminutive girl was putting it all, since she seemed to have an internal pocket dimension somewhere in her gut. In truth, the girl’s hyper metabolism was actively converting the barely-chewed food into fuel, muscle, and fat at a rate far faster than a ground-bound human’s digestive system. Eventually her Aerial physiology would reach saturation, but her particular branch of humanity had evolved for large fast meals that did not significantly reduce her ability to turn around and take off at a moment’s notice--much like a feeding raptor.

As focused as she was on eating, Miiya was keeping half an ear on the conversation, and taking in Ordella’s opinions. The undertaker’s ideals felt like a ten-thousand foot view to Miiya. Ordella was talking about ideals and motivations for fighting, as if she had any control over them--as if any of them did. As far as Miiya was concerned, there was nothing plebians like them could do about the drivers behind the fighting, so why bother wasting air talking about it? Miiya kept this opinion to herself and focused on clearing the last platter to come out. The kitchen had fallen behind their table’s ability to consume the dishes being turned out, and Miiya had a moment when her airways were clear.

“What are you going to do about it out here better than at yer abbey?.” Miiya asked Ordella. “I mean, yew were safe. Yew were fed. Yew were healing and helping. Now yer not.” Miiya had seen abbeys; they had stone walls and doors that could keep out robbers. They were protected by gods and supplied by the pious. Miiya wasn’t about to sign on to a religion to get all that, but if you already had, why would you give it up? she wondered. “Are yew gonna speak against the emperor? Tell people that the Fae aren’t so bad?” She grimaced and rubbed her arms in an unconscious nervous tic. “I wouldn’t recommend it--at least not around here.”

I guess she’s talking to a soldier. Trying to convince him to… what? Miiya wondered.

TLDR Summary;

Miiya asks Ordella what she thinks she can do to stop the war.


Cahron Aether

During the pause in lunch the door to the establishment opened and admitted a second winged person. He was similar in appearance to Miiya the Aerial, but taller and with sandy-blonde hair. His feathers were a few shades darker than Miiya’s and bore a distinctive strip of white on each wing, visible even while they were folded. This lanky Aerial made his way directly to the table where Miiya sat. Without preamble, the newcomer put Miiya in a headlock and rubbed his knuckles on her scalp, mussing her short brown hair and nearly wrenching her out of her chair. “Heya scuzzbucket. Forgot to invite your dear brother to lunch I see.” He growled with a playful faux pique.

Miiya winced at the abuse of her skull and showed not the slightest bit of surprise at the newcomer’s appearance, nor had she any qualms about giving as good as she got, putting an ungentle elbow into the taller Aerial’s kidney, freeing herself from his headlock. “Oh, NOW yew show up; when there’s food.” Her tone was--on the surface--grouchy, but a lot of tension seemed to drain out of the girl due to her sibling’s presence. “I’ll have yew know I almost d--.”

“Hey, yeah, hold that thought, sis.” The Aerial, wincing a little at the bruising elbow his sister had put into his side, released her head and shoved off her, using her head as a prop to straighten up. “Hello, everyone, I’m Cahron Aether, this little pest’s brother.” He dipped his head in a perfunctory shallow bow to those present. ”Lemme apologize for how screechy and obnoxious she is; she was raised by Magpies--yowch!” The elder Aether jumped back as Miiya stomped on his foot.

“Yfrett yew, Cah!” Miiya growled. “Pay no attention to my idiot brother, his egg was totally addled, and--well--yew kin see the tragic result. That’s why it took our poor mother a full eight years to recover her wits enough--after laying this menace--to get it right with me.”

The two siblings continued to bicker more-or-less disregarding the others at the table. It was as difficult to tell if their sniping was an act, as it was to determine if their apparent animosity was playful or serious.

”Anyway, where’dya get the money for this place, sis? Don’t tell me someone actually paid to listen to your caterwauling.” Cahron asked after a bit more back-and-forth, then looked thunderstruck by that idea for a moment, until he seemed to arrive at a more plausible conclusion. “Oh, wait-wait-wait, now I get it; they paid yew to leave!” He jerked a thumb at Marcus. ”Even sent along a military escort to make sure you didn’t come back.” He guessed, then snapped his fingers. ”That’s actually kinda brilliant…” He trailed off and refocused his attention, from the table at large, to Lauren in particular. ”Say there, cutie, how much does it cost ya to get rid of this pest?” He flashed a winsome grin at the hooded Fae. “Maybe I can--whoof!” a fist in his guts caused him to crumple mid-follow-up.

“Don’t tryta creep on my friends, yew skeeze!” Miiya was on her feet now, both fists at the ready. If her anger was an act, it was a convincing one. “Seriously; cut it out! I’d probably be in the stocks, now if it weren’t for her!”

Cahron had taken a shot to the solar plexus, leaving his breathless reply much quieter than before. ”First place I looked for ya, Mii.” He wheezed to Miiya. The Aerial took a moment (and a couple of breaths) to recover his composure. “Sorry about that.” He apologized to Lauren. The next smile he directed at her was gentler and more genuine. “Got a little… carried away with the act, you know?” He kept his attention on the cloaked Fae. ”So you helped my sister out of a tough spot, huh?” He asked. “Joking aside--I’m grateful to you. I was worried when I couldn’t find her at the market and I heard an Aerial was taken away in chains.”

“Hey, yoo-hoo!” Miiya waved a hand in front of Cahron’s face, then pointed to the rest of the group. “They all helped too!” She said. “Miz Linn, Mister Banecroft, Daina, and Miz Caerwyn all helped me get outta trouble.” Miiya reeled off the names and then looked (and felt) kinda proud of herself for remembering.

She thought about taking exception to Cahron’s statement of concern for her. He’s just showing off for Lauren, she thought. But--in truth--Cah did look after her, (pretty much) faithfully executing the duty with which their mother had charged him. Miiya was working on reading more subtle situational social cues, and now seemed like the time to stop the semi-playful bickering, even if she did have the urge to interrupt whatever was going on with Cah and Lauren.

“Yes, thank you all for helping my sister.” Cahron said to the others, his attention moving around the other occupants of the table before returning to Lauren. The Aerial procured a chair and took a seat next to Miiya. He spent a few minutes catching up on the events of the morning and then ordering a couple more dishes after learning the food and money situation.

When there was a free moment, he whispered an aside to Miiya. ”I can’t believe you offered to take them all out to lunch, Mii! That must have been hard for you. I’m proud of you--it’s the right thing to do.” Cahron knew Miiya took after their mother more than he. The bard’s freewheeling spendthrift was in sharp opposition to his sister’s parsimonious ways and it was a genuine point of contention between the siblings. Cahron knew Miiya carried unseen scars from starvation and deprivation and it heartened him to see that she was still capable of this kind of generosity when left to make her own decisions.

“Yeah…” Miiya whispered back, and then turned to look toward where the door of the establishment had opened. She wasn’t really looking at anything, but rather hiding the mistiness her brother’s words had brought to her eyes.

Her train of thought diverged from Cahron’s meaning as his words brought up memories of the events of the morning. It had been hard, and scary, and she hadn’t known if anything she did was going to turn out okay. The Aerial was still all twisted up inside by just how powerless she had been in the face of soldiers and guards, and how trapped and desperate the iron shackle and talk of jail had made her feel. These thoughts kept her quiet as she wrestled with aftershocks of the morning’s events.

TLDR Summary;

Miiya’s brother, Cahron Aether, arrives, introduces himself and thanks the party for looking after his sister. The two siblings bicker semi-playfully

Cahron flirts with Lauren and earns himself a gut punch from Miiya.

Things calm down, Cahron orders more food and delivers a compliment that inadvertently brings up bad memories for Miiya.
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As their meals arrived Lauren listened as Marcus gave his view of the war, and... She couldn't entirely disagree. In the end it didn't matter what caused the war, relating to the sentiment of protecting those you loved. But she had no figure in this world she had any true attachments too. Lilans parents were long dead, the pirate Lilan grew up around probably died of old age, and as for friends... She felt as isolated and alone as when she had woken up in the madman's personal morgue. Those who had escaped the ruins with her seemed to have forgotten about her, and she didn't have a way to contact those she had partied with during her visit to Shadowfen. She really only had herself in this new life... And she wished to have someone she could talk to about everything stressing her out about this new setting. She silently grabbed the variety of dishes she had ordered--a grilled steak garnished with garlic and butter, a croissant stuffed with melted mozzarella and covered in butter and shredded blue cheese, and a few appetizers to compliment the rest of her meal--and started digging in, continuing to listen to the conversation unfolding before her.

Ordella's view of the war came the closest to aligning with her own, dividing her own attention between Ordella and the food she was eating one bite at a time. The thought of war in general didn't sit very well with Lauren. Still, idealism rarely ever helped anyone achieve anything, so the most she could hope for Ordella was that the war would eventually cool off... Was what she would have thought in her previous life. She couldn't keep ignoring the war, as there was always the slim chance she'd get swept up in it. She thought about the many possibilities of how to potentially end the war, whether it be through direct action or covert arrangements.

Lauren's thoughts quickly shattered as soon as the second Aerial made his way to their table, making it quickly apparent that they were Miiya's brother.

As the two had the typical sibling bickering with one another she was still somewhat familiar with she learned him to be Cahron, finding it to be a rather... interesting name. And he really didn't make a good first impression with how he seemed to handle himself. What she found particularly strange was how rough Miiya seemed to be with him in particular - though with how rough he seemed to be with her as well, it made sense. Lauren had started receding back into her thoughts of how to help Ordella when she noticed Cahron's gaze fall onto her, gazing back at him as he tried flirting with her. She didn't particularly mind, though she also wasn't too amused by it either. She put her augmented prosthetic arm onto the tab as she leaned her head upon it, watching Miiya give him a gut-punch before speaking in a calm yet cold tone.
"If you're going to flirt with someone, don't be so inconsiderate and rude to your own sister." Lauren remarked with harsh criticism before he had regained his composure. His second attempt at conversation went better, though it took some effort on Miiya's part to direct his gratitude towards the rest of the table as well. With a less cold tone in her voice now, she spoke again. "You don't need to thank me, I just did what I felt I had to do." Lauren partially turned away from Cahron as she looked towards Ordella. She had some time to think about how to help them out, though it would require more planning to bring it to fruition.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Miiya got her feelings more-or-less under control with a couple of deep breaths and then turned back to everyone at the table. “Oh, Miz Lin, don’t engage with him, it only encourages him.” She warned the Fae. “Just ignore the featherbrain.” She advised.

“So flirting is okay, so long as I’m nice to this pest?” Cahron grinned, he had thrown a brotherly arm over Miiya, physically dragging her into the conversation with Lauren.

“Ugh, leave me out of it!” Miiya protested, but without her earlier vitriol. She wasn’t sure if Cahron really was interested in Lauren, or if this was just a distraction for her benefit, but--whatever the case--his antics were keeping her from ruminating on the anger and hurt to which her mind kept wanting to boomerang back. Instead of getting lost inside her head, she was talking to Lauren, trying to warn her and needle Cahron at the same time. “Believe me, yew don’t want anything to do with this creep. Every morning, this guy--”

“Ah-ha-ha, sis! You’re too much!” Cahron overspoke Miiya in a bid to cut off whatever bit of derogatory personal trivia she was about to reveal. “So, whaddaya think of Aerie food?” He asked his sibling and Lauren. ”I see yew ordered freet--and didn’t save me any.” He said, motioning to an empty bowl where the purple dregs of a very sweetly-flavored congee were congealing.

“It’s good, right? That’s a dish that’s pretty hard to make on your own.” He told Lauren, and anyone else who happened to be listening. “Aerials use it for long-range flight; it’s got a balance of hydration and calories that suits us.” He said. “We have to work up to staying aloft for more than a few hours, and that stuff helps.” He took the opportunity to rib his sister. ”This one says she’s tired and starts whining about wanting to land about ten minutes after we finish climbing to altitude, but she can stay aloft for about two hours at a stretch. I can do four pretty easily; my longest was eight hours--I flew from The Republic shore of the Continental Lake to the Grand Duchy. Got a little nervous in the middle of the lake, I’ll tell you--when I’d been out of sight of land for a while and the sun started setting.” As he told his tale, Cahron kept half an eye on Lauren to see how she reacted to his bit of braggadocio.

“Yeah, yeah. Yer a champion, birdbrain.” Miiya snorted. “This guy can fly farther because his head is empty; he only has to haul three or four brain cells up to altitude.” She taunted Cahron before telling more about herself. “I’m getting stronger. I’m practicing a lot and--well--eating more when I can. I… wasn’t allow--a-able to fly much, growing up.” Another round of food arrived, distracting Miiya before she could say more.

While his sister busied herself stuffing her face, Cahron leaned in closer to Lauren. The roguish grin dropped from his features and he lowered his voice. “My sister’s had a rough couple of years so… I meant what I said; thanks for being there for her, when I wasn’t.” His mouth turned into a thin bloodless line as a wry expression of regret overspread his features for a moment.

“But what about you?” Cahron asked, motioning to Lauren’s prosthetic arm. “Looks like you’re no stranger to hardship.” He guessed. “What’s you’re story, Miz Lin? If I may be so bold as to ask.” The Aerial emphasized the indeterminate nature of the prefix, making it clear he was wondering if there was a “missus” hiding behind it.

TLDR Summary;

Miiya and Cahron talk to Lauren. More food arrives. Cahron asks Lauren about herself.
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
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Character Sheet Here!
Irihi Irihi (Miiya), Maverick Six Maverick Six , Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi (Ordella), II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

Sitting down in a restaurant to chill with some (temporary?) friends for some stories, lunch, maybe a bit of performing on the side was all pretty normal for him. In terms of food, he was used to... not much to be honest, but it'd be weird if he didn't order something for himself, so he settled on... baked pasta? Yeah, that'll do. He didn't exactly feel like talking any further with Miiya until the food came to loosen his lips, but Ordella bringing up the blurry if not lost origins of the Fae and human feud piqued his interest. Why? How? Hell if he or anyone at the table knew, and considering they seemed to have their own separate theories on the matter... no one really seemed to think on it for too long and stuck with the explanation that was plausible enough to them and moved on. He only really cared for the truth as far as he could use it as part of a possibly inaccurate series of songs about it, but to embellish a story he had to start with the original one. It wasn't any good in his mind if he just threw out something random and hoped it stuck, hence the possibly disproportionate amount of interest he had in the matter.

...Not that he considered it for very long himself, he simply wrote off these odd conflicts as- "All I've got is just that it's a product of whimsy. Maybe off a power trip or some kind of smaller dispute that escalated way too fast because neither side realized the weight of the measures they were taking before they were marred in the consequences, I have no better idea than anyone else," he started to ramble slightly, hands reflexively playing chords and notes on his guitar as he carried on, "If historians and recordkeepers and all those sorts can't find something they agree on, chances are I'm right and the instigators are attempting to bury their incompetence underneath the propaganda of 'the other side is bad because of these things they just did so we should retaliate' until the truth is lost in the natural sea of conflict. If that's the case, hats off to those guys because they did a stellar job at it."

He just about exhausted his piece as his pasta showed up as a sharing platter in the middle of the table like the others. Minding the others (mostly Miiya), he reached over to dig into his pasta as he attempted to strike up a conversation with Miiya. "The Erhu was it? Tell me about-" 'Course, that was before Miiya's brother crashed their lunch party and derailed his train of thought. He couldn't help but chuckle at the bond the two displayed as they playfully bounced off of each others arguments, they've probably got lots of stories of their own to share about the antics they get up to. After Cahron (oh yeah, he introduced himself) leaned in to talk to Lauren, he took his turn with Miiya to actually ask her about- "...So back to the Erhu, I've only heard about it but haven't really had the chance to hear or play it. You'll definitely have to show me what you can do with it later. By the way... couldn't help but notice the jape your brother made at your performing. Don't tell me you've got a sibling rivalry that involves pulling the most coin from passerby." He couldn't hide a goofy grin on his face as he asked, "Competition drives innovation," someone had told him once.​

Miiya was happy for a distraction from the jackinape her brother was making of himself, and turned her attention (between bites) to Daina. “Nah, Cah’s a better performer, flyer, and… well, most everything, but I’m getting better.“ Miiya admitted. She was seven years her brother’s junior and she had only been on the road a year to his near-decade. “Don’t tell him I said that, though. She said, sotto voce. “He’s twenty-three and I’m fif--no--sixteen. she corrected herself. Sen had sent Miiya away almost a year ago, now, and she had celebrated a birthday while on the road with her brother.

A toothy grin crept across Miiya’s face. “I’m a better fighter, though.” She said with no small measure of pride. “Cah is a total wimp, and he’s done a lot more flying than me--doing a lot of flying tends to concentrate our strength in flight muscles rather than in… well… everything else.” That was why her mother’s wings had been amputated. And that was a whole pathway of bad thoughts that Miiya didn’t want to tread right now, so it manifested as just a short pause, before she continued.

“Oh yeah, my Erhu; I’ve been playing since I was a kid.” She said, not really recognizing that some people would still count her as one, considering her youth. “It’s played with a bow, kind of like a fiddle, but different.” She said, not very helpfully. “Here, check it out.” Miiya held up her left hand to show off the calluses on her index finger and thumb. “I’m pretty good, but I had to learn some new music when I started playing on the street. People want to hear popular stuff; not the traditional songs I learned before.” Miiya thought about bragging that she could play and sing, but considering that she was still working on her vocal training, she figured maybe she’d leave that part out. “Yer guitar is cool! I’ve played one before--I liked it--but it’s too big to carry and fly.” She said, and then, without thinking, asked: “Could I try yours out? Realizing this was a little overstepping, Miiya colored with an embarrassed flush and backpedaled. “I mean, um, you don’t have to, and, well--maybe later, after I wash my hands?”

TLDR Summary;
Miiya talks with Daina. She asks if she can play his guitar, then awkwardly tries to retract the question.
Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

"Depends. Either way, you're on thin ice with how poor of a first impression you made earlier." Lauren coldly stated to Cahron's inquiry about how flirting with her, heeding Miiya's warning with a few grains of salt thrown into the mix. The most she said to his question about the taste of the Aerie food was "Good", though she didn't thoughtfully respond to his boasting beyond a simple nod here and there. She didn't completely tune him out, though... He reminded her of how she remembered Eins from before he lost his humanity. While he was more boastful than Eins was, he had a manner of speech similar to her hosts former husband. Simply being reminded of the Madman she was absolutely terrified of had her body on the verge of trembling. Though regardless of the memories that she inherited from Lilan, she needed to move on.

She'd have her chance at putting Eins out of his misery... At least, assuming he hadn't actually died in the ruins when they collapsed.

The moment of sincerity Cahron displayed... It forced a slight smile out of her. It was barely noticeable, but it was there none the less. Though she would have preferred he didn't try to pry into her past, she felt the need to repay his sincerity with her own - even if it lead to everyone else at the table being horrified.
"Well..." Lauren pondered on how she should phrase everything she could remember. "I remember being gravely injured during one of the many battles between the Empire and the Fae See. While the memory of what happened specifically is hazy at best... I was one of the many people to fall victim during that particular bloodbath. While I didn't immediately die on the battlefield, I fell into a long period of time trapped within my own body. And by the time I had awakened from my slumber... My arm and legs--having formerly been mangled during the war--had been amputated and replaced with these, alongside a sizeable chunk of my side." Lauren said as she slowly turned toward Cahron, both legs up to the thigh being completely made of metal, wiring, and various motors and other electronics. Her left hand reached for the bottom of her shirt, giving it a tap with her fingernails for the sound of metal to become audible. "As for who did this to me... Ideally, they died while me and some others were trying to escape the collapsing ruins they had taken us to--after kidnapping us--and had been living in prior... Though I suspect that they're still alive... Meaning that they're probably still trying to hunt me down, and kill anyone I hold remotely dear to me." Lauren finished her drastically summarized backstory, not wanting to work herself up by reliving the horrific memory of what 100+ corpses and copper ichor combined smells like. Some memories are best laid to rest, and that isn't one she wants to dig back up anytime soon. Still, even telling someone this much of her past made her expression turn dour.

Maverick Six Maverick Six Irihi Irihi Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Tiki Riki Tiki Riki

Marcus Banecroft
Interaction: Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi , Irihi Irihi II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Tiki Riki Tiki Riki
Titles: Human [Mundane], Hospitaller, Eastern Empire Military F, Abomination Fighter
Language Key: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Abbysal#


After Ordella's lengthy reply, Marcus sat and mostly listened in pensive silence for a moment. And then when she spoke, he had one thing to say.

"You know Ordella, you're food is getting cold. Did you not say you were suffering a migraine?" He said in jest for a moment. Something to perhaps lighten the air a bit. Especially considering some of the more uninvolved people present. Topics such as this were often dicey. But in truth, all that he had heard here was far from the worst of it. There were many who openly and unabashedly would speak of burning the empire to the ground -- implying to some degree all of the people within it. And for the most part, Marcus was merely quiet beyond the walls of the empire. He never spoke of such things. It was only those who raised their hand against the empire who met his blade.

This conversation was fairly tame in comparison. And exercise in thought and truth, concerning something near to his heart.

Looking to Miiya, he replied. "No. I live far from the Capital. To tell the truth, I've only visited twice or so. When I speak of my family, I typically refer to those whom I had grown up with. Apparently, I was left there by my true mother and father. Yet outside of blood, they are all but my family there. Brothers, sisters and my father all. Do let these scars fool you. I have lived a good life." He reached over, to grab a plate and utensils.

"I almost feel glad to pay it back in a way. To be honest, today was one of the worst days I'd experienced within the walls." He said as he began to heap the food onto his plate.

When it came to his response to Ordella -- he contemplated his words carefully. Yet, as they formed within his mind, they didn't.

"To slay someone is but an unfortunate byproduct. It is war. We cannot afford to hold back. Such a thing can mean your own demise in the face of a formidable foe. And with your death, the likelihood of immediate and certain. Or even to capture too many. To feed, house and care for our enemy is a strain upon our forces. If they resent us for killing one who kills, then that is on them." He said.

"The Fae not being all evil is verifiably true. Yet the Fae See remains my enemy. I dislike the nation greatly. You may be able to go there and walk about. Yet most who sit at this table could be killed without consequence. Yet such is their law.

Here, a Fae is put to death for the safety of the people. There? Humans may walk freely but are seen as insects. To kill one is the same as swatting a fly. I have no interest in living there. And I'm sure most there feel the same."
He said, ironically unaware of Lauren's true at the moment.

"But that is not the reason I do what I do. Those who raise a blade against my people are to be stopped. And stopping one blade from striking down another. It is a matter of necessity when a blade is held inches away from one's throat." It was simple in his eyes.

"Sometimes peace comes with conquest. Other times, peace comes with the pen. Such is the way of the world. If I must burn the country to the ground? So be it. If I lay my sword down and they lay theirs down? So be it. I do not oppose peace. I question its effectiveness in this circumstance. The sword must play a role regardless, lest we be simply trampled underfoot like the insects they think we are."

In truth, it was a matter of which one seemed to work best. The thought of dealing with people who thought you insects hardly seemed plausible to him. One way or another, it seemed that notion would need to be dispelled in order to prove it true.

He sighed as soon as he looked at the food before him. And then something came along to lighten the mood.

As Marcus ravenously began to slice into his meat with a fork and knife and take a chunk....he noticed someone approaching from the corner of his eye. He looked at the newcomer suspiciously, wondering if someone had any problem with what had been said. However, he didn't see any signs of something that might be considered hostile.

It became apparent that he was their sibling. And like siblings, it appeared that they squabbled. Marcus watched them in the same way one might watch one for entertainment -- quietly listening with some faint glimmer of amusement present on his face. "Huh." Given how Miiya came close to striking Ordella earlier, it became apparent where such rambunctious and confrontational behavior came from.

A brow was raised as his brother merely keeled over on the floor, yet still he stood firm. "I see. So, you are the brother she said she would meet." Marcus said, recounting that she mentioned having someone to meet by the Obelisk.

"You're welcome." He wouldn't say it was no problem, as it had proven quite inconvenient. And yet. "It had to be done. I felt a need to uncover the truth. And unfortunately, your sister was the victim of a pitiful liar."

Still, he kept tabs on other conversations. Daina seemed disinterested and more or less understood that seeing who started the war could prove difficult. In truth, Marcus could hardly blame him. The battle was his and he'd little interest in pushing it onto the others.

His eyes flickered over to Lauren for a moment as she spoke, enlightening the group about her own stake in the issue. At the moment, he had only so much to say to it. While unpleasant, he'd gotten used to hearing such stories among his own allies, both living and now dead.

"That's unfortunate. Hopefully, you are safer here than in most places from those who pursue you."

Cahron Aether

Cahron took in Lauren's prosthesis with a blink. He had never seen so many, or such complicated mechanical replacements. It was clear her body had been through extreme duress. Even though she seemed bitter about what had happened to her, Cahron was impressed by the equanimity with which she spoke of her troubles. The Aerial did not find her mechanical augmentation off-putting, and the mannerisms of the mind behind the machinery intrigued him.

What had begun as an offhanded compliment to a pretty face sparked into genuine involvement. She's… interesting. he thought to himself. Why does she hate her prosthesis, and the person who installed them? He wanted to know, but thought that was a question better saved for later, if he could peak her the same interest as she had in him. She'll just brush me off if I ask now.

“That sounds rough.” Cahron replied. “Do they feel like your original body?” He asked. This was safer--and more fun. Being a little forward, he first asked, then reached for her arm. “May I?” He traced the line of one of the hydraulic cylinders that actuated her wrist. “Is it like your old arm? Can you feel my touc
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Lauren shook her head at Cahron's question about whether they could feel like her original body, the mechanical motors and hydraulics churning to life as she individually moved each of her metallic fingers with precision.
"I can't feel a damn thing with these. No pressure, no temperature... Nothing. The one benefit of these is that my arm and legs will never feel fatigued or numb again, but... I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss the feeling of walking in powdered snow. I can't use this hand to navigate my way through a dark room, I can't swim without the risk of drowning or getting electrocuted, I can't even walk normally some days because of the aches that come and go during any given week... The only sensation these limbs bring me are when they become too hot or too cold, bringing the risk of either burning my skin or frost bites to form." Lauren lamented as her expression shifted, turning from self-loathing to sorrow as she turned to look at Marcus. "I wish I was safer from my pursuer here, but making quick work of the city guards before they get to me would just play into their grander goal... With that in mind, I'd rather not stay in the empire longer than I have to. If you're available tomorrow, I'd like to discuss something with you in private." Lauren informed Marcus as she stood up, drawing her hand away from Cahron. "Pardon me for a moment." Lauren dismissed herself to use the bathroom, looking around the public house as she walked before finding the bathroom. After a quick peak inside to make sure no one else was in there, she closed the door behind her and locked it.

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Miiya grinned at Cahron and made a “crash and burn” gesture as Lauren bitterly described the difficulties of living with the prosthesis and then turned away from the older Aerial sibling. Cahron scowled at his sister and flipped her an avian-based gesture before watching Lauren retreat to the washroom with a concerned expression. He realized he probably should have chosen a lighter topic than her amputated limbs.

“Real smooth, Lothario.” Miiya whispered to him after Lauren excused herself. “Maybe don’t first ask about her debilitating mutilations?”

“She seemed like she wanted to talk about it. I just wanted to listen.” Cahron said.

“Ha, yeah, no; save it, yew lying letch.” Miiya rolled her eyes. “Remember; it’s me yer talkin’ to.”

Cahron gave up that losing argument and disengaged from his sibling to reply, somewhat belatedly, to Marcus. ”Yep, I’m--unfortunately--related to this pest.” He confirmed. ”Plenty of those around.” Cahron replied to Marcus’s assertion that his sister had been the victim of slander by a pitiful liar. He didn’t say much more, for it seemed that the armored warrior was engaged in a intense discussion with the dusky berobed woman to whom Cahron had yet to speak.

He was in no hurry to make any more of an introduction to Ordella than he already had. She had an air and a presence about her that unnerved the winged bard, so--for now--he subsided, set to devouring the last round of dishes to come out, and listened in on the discussions between Miiya and Daina, as well as the words exchanged between Marcus and Ordella.

From Outside

Despite the din inside the Oolosyc Sunset, the pealing of a bell outside could clearly be heard. The gonging of the bell came three times, then thrice more after a pause of a moment. This pattern of ringing continued without cease.

“Storm warning.” Cahron observed. ”That’s odd. It was nice and sunny when I landed; and they don’t usually ring that unless there’s a major blow. He paused from stuffing his face to inhale long and deeply through his nose. “Pressure’s dropping.” He noted. “Feel it, sis? He asked Miiya. ”Close your eyes and taste the air.”

Miiya copied her brother, inhaling in a way that opened the sinus cavities unique to Aerials that aid with altimetry. She did as he suggested and closed her eyes. Without visual distractions, she was able to better sense the pressure change. It was disconcerting; she felt as if the whole restaurant was gradually drifting upward, as the ambient air pressure was declining from what was to be expected at sea level on a fair day. ”Oh, that’s weird!” She exclaimed. “I’ve never felt it fall so fast when I wasn’t airborne!”

Cahron nodded. “Better settle up and get on our way.” He said, shoveling the last dregs down his gullet. ”My work is done here, anyway.” His actions and words prompted another round of squabbling between the siblings, but Miiya did, eventually, settle the bill for everyone’s lunch.

She looked mournfully at the forlorn coins remaining, afterward. Easy come, easy go. She reminded herself. A full belly and the strange electricity in the air of a gathering storm distracted her from the lightness of her purse.

TLDR Summary;
Lunch concludes

The harbor bells outside sound a storm warning.

The two Aerials discuss the weather, pay for the meal, and prepare to leave.


The Harbor

A busy day at the harbor had given way to a frenetic afternoon as ships were battening down against the impending storm. Towering clouds had blotted out the sun and a rising wind was whipping up wavelets in the protected waters. Most of the local fishing boats had returned to port. They were all vying for dock space, along with several large trading vessels, while dockworkers swarmed the quays making fast mooring lines and transferring crews and cargo. The inner waters were a confusion of boats.

A large swell had arisen and large waves were periodically shoaling across the harbor entrance, making sailing out or returning to port a hazardous endeavor. The waves were also crashing against the breakwater, sending great cascades of seawater over the harbor lighthouse and walkway leading to it from shore.
[b]A Youthful Would-Be Mariner[/b]
Amidst the chaos at the docks, between the dockside restaurant, the Oolosyc Sunset, and the harbormaster’s office, an old patched fishing skiff was being made ready to sail by a young boy. The skiff had a single mast with a ragged sail and was perhaps large enough to hold six or seven crew easily. The condition of the boat, however, would preclude such a heavy cargo. Water sloshed in the bottom from leaks in the hull. Buckets of cooling pitch and a recently-extinguished fire were evidence that the boy had been in the process of re-caulking the aging hulk.

Given the chaos on the water, the warning bells, the rising wind, and the dangerous seas, it would be clear--even to a layman walking by--that a youngster setting sail in an old scow in such conditions would be the height of foolishness.

TLDR Summary;
An impending storm is creating chaos in the harbor.

A young boy is preparing to set sail in an unseaworthy skiff.


Time Change: The time has progressed from Noon to Mid-Afternoon

Weather Change: The weather has gone from warm and sunny to cloudy with rising winds and an impending storm. It is not yet raining. Distant lighting and thunder are visible/audible and growing closer.

Sea Surface Conditions:

Harbor Waters: Sea State 3 - 3ft

Outer Waters: Sea State 5 - 12ft

Winds: Beaufort Scale 6 - 25mph

Miiya and Cahron were the first to leave the table (after Lauren). Miiya would have liked to spend more time talking with everyone, but the group seemed to be separating into cadres; Marcus and Ordella with their political discourse, Lauren seemed to have some private business with the warrior, and--as much as she wanted to know more about those three, if she had to choose, Miiya would rather see if Daina wanted to busk with her and her brother.

Hoping to at least drag the bard along, despite the end of lunch and the bells outside seeming to put a coda on the group event, Miiya turned to the guitarist “Hey, know of any place looking for live music? Sounds like it might be an “indoor” kinda afternoon.” She joked while standing and heading for the door, hoping at least Daina (and maybe everyone else) would follow to see what the excitement outside was all about.

As she emerged from the Oolosyc Sunset, a gust of wind ruffled Miiya’s feathers. She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the dust and spray carried by the wind. “Woa, they’re not kidding.” She remarked, of the building storm.

”I think this is gonna be a big one.” Cahron said, stopping next to his sister. ”Remember I told you about those tropical storms that can last for days? He reminded Miiya.

“Yew think it could be one of those?!” Miiya’s eyes widened.

Cahron took another deep breath. The pressure was still dropping noticeably, and that was not something that happened with summer squalls--nor were the towering swells currently bursting over the harbor breakwater. “Could be.” He said, grimly. ”Hey, everyone: this feels like a tropical cyclone. He warned the group at large. ”We might be in for a couple of days of very heavy weather--so if you’ve got bus--”

Miiya interrupted her brother, grabbing his arm and pointing. “Cah, look! That kid is gonna set sail in this?! She said, incredulously, drawing the attention of all present to the nearby quay where the boy was undogging the mooring lines of his skiff. “Should we… I dunno, warn him or something?”

TLDR Summary;
Miiya and Cahron head outside.

Miiya asks Daina if he knows of any indoor venues looking for live music.

Cahron notes that the impending storm may be a hurricane/typhoon/tropical cyclone

It seems like the moment when the group of acquaintances would say their goodbyes and go their separate ways, until Miiya points out a boy making ready to set sail in the hazardous conditions.
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As Lauren relieved herself in the privacy of the bathroom, it gave her some time to reflect on her conversation with Cahron... Primarily about how he seemed weirdly interested in her, and how surprisingly open she found herself being with him. It was... unlike her, to say the least. Perhaps there was something about him that made her feel safe, or perhaps she needed to vent about her issues more than she thought. Regardless of what exactly happened back there, she would at least see where things went with the birdbrained dork of a brother Miiya had. Finishing up, she washed up and made her that her ears were still hidden amidst her particular hairstyle, exiting the bathroom and heading back to the groups table before she heard something outside.


The unmistakable sound of a bell ringing out, with some of the people inside of the public house seeming to leave in a hurry... Perhaps a storm was approaching.

As Lauren made her way outside alongside Miiya, Cahron, and Daina, the storm clouds told her all she needed to know. One thing in particular she had to worry about now were storms of any kind. While the rain on its own could lead to her prosthetics rusting away quicker if not properly dried off completely, the more prominent threat the storm offered was lightning... Especially the fact that she was now a much more appealing target for lightning to strike her directly, with metal for limbs.
"Yet another reason these prosthetics are not ideal... Lightning is particularly fond of anything made of metal." Lauren commented about the approaching storm before giving Cahron a slight jab in the ribs with her metallic elbow, careful not to jab him too hard to avoid seriously hurting him. "Now then..." She murmured as she slung her bag of supplies off of her shoulder before opening it up, pulling out a raincoat to help prevent the rain from soaking her to the bone. As she slid her arms into the sleeves she looked to Cahron with a more relaxed and mischievous expression, intending to have him and Miiya walk with her back to the Inn she had been staying at. "...I would like to join in if you don't mind! I would head back to my room at the Inn, but I could use the company." Lauren asked Miiya and the others as she slung her bags sling over onto her shoulder, hoping to better know Miiya and Daina as they hung out.

As Miiya brought her attention to the young lad trying to head out to sea... She felt herself mentally facepalm. Sometimes natural selection plays it's course, and this was one of those moments where--like watching the aftermath of a train wreck unfolding before her--Lauren quietly observed. She wanted to help, but falling into the water would only force the others to try rescuing her from drowning while also convincing the young man not to sail into a massive storm. It was for the best she let the others handle the situation.

Tiki Riki Tiki Riki Irihi Irihi Maverick Six Maverick Six Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
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