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Fantasy DUNGEON DELVER: Secrets of Caedia — Expedition #4, Guard the Caravan

Elenion Aura

Two Thousand Club
Secrets of Caedia
A Voice in the Dark
"The Road winds on. Beneath a false sun...

From where do the rivers flow?"
  • 「 #4 」
    A kingdom can only exert so much of its influence from afar. Long ago, the plan to colonize the Dungeons was put into motion. It began in the shallow depths. Upon a Great Plain, ripe for settling, was founded the first of the Frontier Towns within the vast Dungeons beneath Caedia.

    These early settlers toiled in the face of the dangers of the Dungeon. Though, over time, and with the support of the Delving Guilds and the city above, the land inevitably yielded itself to the slow expansion of civilization. Now, Delvers descend to escort caravans carrying goods to and from the frontier towns, protecting them from whatever vestigial threats still menace those once wild plains...

「 #4 」
Dungeon Revelations
The process of entering through Caedia to one of the Dungeons beneath it is known to be an, at best, disorienting and, at worst, traumatizing experience, especially for first-time Delvers. It is a sensation unlike anything else, as the pit of Caedia transports the persons who stand atop its surface—mind, body, and soul—from one plane of existence to another...
Expedition #4
THE Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

Titus Latken stood beside his caravan, wringing his silk handkerchief between his fingers, casting furtive glances at the group of green Delvers arrayed behind him. The expedition leader—Daken, or Dampton, or some such—was nowhere to be found, and that absence gnawed at Titus more than he was willing to admit.

Yet, for all his unease, it was the sight before him that truly unsettled him.

He was in a Dungeon, wasn’t he? And yet, wide open skies stretched above him, a brilliant azure canvas peppered with clouds that drifted lazily across the horizon. Fields of golden grass swayed gently in the breeze, rolling out as far as the eye could see, broken only by winding rivers and the distant, jagged peaks of mountains.

His caravan stretched behind him, a long string of crates and barrels piled high on wooden carts, each laden with goods. Textiles, spices, rare minerals. Here he was, deep in this strange, impossible land, trusting his life and livelihood to a rough band of Delvers without his promised captain.

Titus cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away from the alien beauty of the horizon, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His boots—crafted from the finest leather Closter could offer—seemed almost out of place here, scuffing against the dirt path that twisted through fields of gold. "I do hope," he muttered to no one in particular, though his words hung like a thin veil of complaint over the surrounding Delvers, "that this delay won't... further complicate things. Time, after all, is a rather precious commodity, wouldn’t you agree?"

He sighed, wiping his brow with his damp handkerchief, trying to shake the unease settling in his bones before tugging at his cravat, glancing nervously toward the horizon, where the sun hung suspended Beautiful, yes. But wrong. So very wrong.

Interactions: WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ATurei ATurei Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 miki miki November Witch November Witch Equusheart Equusheart
Code by Serobliss
Maestra MarionnaMaestra-2.png

Status: Annoyed & Excited
Location: Caravan start point, Dungeon
Game Info: Human Eldritch Sorcerer
Mentions: Elenion Aura Elenion Aura

This would be good experience for the girl. Used to only dealing with those paranormal and usually invisible creatures. She hadn’t had any chances to really confront or even encounter the monstrosities of the mortal realm. Her specialty were the spirits, wraiths, specters, and everything invisible to the human eye. Traveling and helping clients with their encounters. Banishing or killing these creatures was all in a day’s work for her. She’d always left the beings of the mortal planes to those around her who could combat them. This would be her first foray into fighting them herself. Well, if things went as she assumed they would, that is. They could get incredibly lucky and encounter little to none. Though she doubted that would happen. This was a dungeon after all. These places were spawns for all kinds of characters. Perhaps even some ethereal ones she had yet to encounter.

“I am inclined to agree, Mr. Latken.”

Maestra would chime in with agreement to his question. She did agree with him. Being on time was important. Especially when such a large-scale operation hung in the balance. They were burning daylight here… Or were they? Did this dungeon have a day/night cycle? Or would it remain day at all times? That would be great for the crops, but not for her. Maestra would despise a world with no night or darkness. Maybe she should have asked more questions or read deeper into the job. She had totally missed whether there would be a night here or not. If there were, she also wished to know if it was the same time as the overworld, or if the cycles were perhaps longer or shorter than they were above.

“It is certainly regrettable, having to wait, but an operation as big as this needs every player at their position to work smoothly, yes? I fear we have no choice but to be patient”

She asked a question this time. She sat on a nearby rock wrapping and unwrapping a finger with thread out of boredom. Though she had looked over in his direction when she posed her inquiry. Her purple eye piercing, showing a mostly neutral expression. Maestra had been here for some time. She was probably the first of the group to arrive. She wasn't exactly aware of who else would accompany her as a Delver, but she was sure they would make themselves known soon enough...
Expedition #4
THE Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

The scenery was very welcome. The experience of entering the dungeon had left the little Boarkin feeling more out of sorts than he’d imagined he’d feel. He sat cross-legged, pawing a hand through the grass. He was still observant of the discussion above him, but didn’t look like he was here for more than a leisurely visit. His trousers were already dirt-stained, but they were only hand-me-downs given to him by a nice lady back in town with enough growing children that Clúimhín would be set for clothes for life.

His rucksack was new, one of the only new things he brought with him. Thankfully it was only a little bit oversized, and it was nearly empty. Clúimhín couldn’t think of anything he’d need beyond the essentials. He had put stuffed a bag of mushrooms in there, and herbs, freshly picked. He looked to the rich bounty they were guarding. ’Who needs all that?’ He wondered silently.

”Oh, I’m sure our wait will be short.”

Clú didn’t care all too much about the wait. Why would he? It’s not like he had an urgent reason to be back in Closter.

”But if the fellow does take his time, then we must stay here.” He nodded to Maestra in agreement. ”I wonder what holds him up… Do you know what the cause could be?”
Code by Serobliss
Risika stood off to one side of the group, her back casually leaned up against the large wooden wheel of the wagon closest to them. Her stomach still churned as a result of the trip through the Caedia and Risika would, at times, close her eyes and groan as she fought the urge to vomit for the umpteenth time. Not that there was anything left in it by now to vomit. Despite feeling like she'd had one drink too many, Risika did have admit to herself that she'd had worse hangovers than this.

The one that, so far, had taken the cake was a couple days ago when she woke up on the beach with her clothes damp with sea spray, a pounding headache and no memories of what had happened the night before. Or even beyond that. Every time she would try to recall those memories, her headache would just get worse so eventually Risika gave up. Leaving it as she had apparently had one Hell of a night.

Sighing, Risika looked about again, her eyes searching for this leader of theirs. Silently voicing the same sentiments as her comrades. Their leader should be along shortly, or at least she hoped so.
Expedition #4
THE Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

Dungeons were cold, dark, damp, dangerous places, as far as Mimosa had known. Consumed by rotting prisoners and colonies of rats. She couldn't understand why anyone would go meddling around in one, especially the magic users she dreamed of becoming like. The concept of delving was introduced a day ago, and frankly, she thought it willfully suicidal and obtusely foolish.

But this was not like those she heard of. The hills were spread across gentle waves, into large mountains that surrounded the areas. Almost exactly like Greenholm, with open skies and nary a plague-infested rat in sight.

It made her feel anything but at ease. It felt like a trick, or some sort of illusion. One that she couldn't see through for the life of her.

At least she was prepared. With the large backpack on her back, she would be ready for anything. She had stuffed carrots, apples, bread, a bedroll, rope, a hammer, and an iron cast pan into the pack. With leather gloves on her hands and a dagger in her hilt, she should be equipped to face many problems.

Still, she clutched her dagger close to her chest. Even if there wasn't an imminent threat, it made her feel safe.


She recognized one of the other delvers: the silver-haired woman donned in black flowing fabrics. She didn't feel calm approaching her, but she was the most recognizable person here.

”Are dungeons normally... like this?” She asked Maestra. The more she knew, the better she felt. Any answer would make her feel better, she thought.
Code by Serobliss
Geoffrey Theodoric Shadowspark, "The Living Shadow", Shadow Sorcerer. Current Location: The Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

If Geoffrey were to be told two weeks ago that he would be on his first Delve in that time, he would have been quite surprised. You see, Geoffrey had come from finances, and a Merchant family. This was completely new territory for him, as he was used to looking at ledgers and making sure supplies were all in order. He then noticed the group in front of him. As he approached, his cloak flew in the wind. He then heard the chatter of the various members of the group.

Geoffrey also listened to other things going on. He then heard the others speak, and noticed someone off to the side. He kept looking around to see the whole Area to see someone who looked like a boar, someone who seemed like a human woman, a shorter folk, and the young person off to the side, and their client, but no Captain? This was interesting, most merchants were like how the Client was Acting, coming off what he had experienced in his younger years working with his Family's business.

"Well, I'll say Time is Money, coming from my background, but this one has a point," Geoffrey referred to Maestra, "We should Wait Patiently until all parts of the team are here."

He then noticed the shorter, Purple Haired, Female, and saw that she too was asking something to the seemingly human woman. So while he waited, he turned to his pack. Some nuts, Apples, Carrots, Jerky, and some way to set up camp. Other than that, he then looked to see the unending arid environment ahead.
Expedition #4
THE Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

"Mm, quite right," Titus nodded, agreeing to the general sentiment shared that it would be best to wait before setting off. He opened his mouth to say something more, but was interrupted by the approach of one of his hired hands, a broad-shouldered man named Brint, who had the look of someone more at home in a brawl than in this pastoral nightmare.

“Yer pardon, ser,” he said, his voice low, “the men are gettin' restless. Been too long standin' about here. We really ought to be movin' on, 'fore dark set in.”

Titus hesitated, casting one last glance over the horizon. “Yes, yes, of course,” Titus finally said, reversing his opinion. “Let us away, post-haste!”

Brint nodded, turning back to relay the orders to the other caravan workers, as Titus turned to the Delvers, offering a strained smile. “It seems our esteemed leader has left us to fend for ourselves... I trust you’ll be vigilant as we proceed. Who knows what... surprises this place has in store for us.”

With a crack of the reins, the caravan began to lurch forward. The horses snorted as they pulled the heavy carts, their hooves sinking into the soft earth of the dungeon’s terrain.

Time passed as they moved deeper into the dungeon, the fields of golden grass seemed to stretch endlessly in every direction, the distant mountains looming ever closer, jagged peaks cutting into the unnatural blue of the sky. The sun hung high, unmoving, casting long, unchanging shadows across the land. And all around them, the air remained unnervingly still, as if the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

Interactions: WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ATurei ATurei Cmeriwether6 Cmeriwether6 miki miki November Witch November Witch Equusheart Equusheart
Code by Serobliss
Expedition #4
THE Furthest Frontier, Dungeons under Caedia

If you’ve ever landed on something large, so large you couldn’t quite make out the head or tail from where you sat, and naturally you thought it was a very big mound, then the whole thing moved, and you were like, “Whoa!” then you got how Sen felt when the wagon moved under her. This was not hyperbole, she had landed on oversized creatures before, it really was similar.

Happens all the time deep in the woods.

At any rate, as sounds and shouts were raised from caravan hands as the whole thing came into motion like a stirring snake, Sen crawled up from her lying prone position. She was not sleeping, rather stalking. Apparently there were tribesmen who could apply their ears to the ground and track all coming and going movements. With her fox senses, Sen needn’t do this, but she did need a quiet place away from all the noises and chatter. She had no qualm about having company, it just didn’t feel right. All the times she had gone hunting in the past had been by herself and her canine companions. To have so many people at once on high alert together was a novel and unnerving feeling for her.

She raised her head just to make sure the entire caravan was indeed moving, and it was.

At the same time, her very human nose sniffed the air, waiting patiently for any changes in the environment.
Code by Serobliss
Maestra MarionaMaestra-1.png

Status: Annoyed
Location: Dungeon - plains
Interaction(s): Elenion Aura Elenion Aura miki miki

It was then that an odd creature spoke up. Not exactly human, nor very humanoid. Well, not in the traditional way most thought of. This was an animal-kin of some kind. Most likely some sort of boar or pig, judging from its appearance. She agreed with him, in the hopes that their wait would be short, and nodded to show it. For such an important event, they should have been here early, even… Perhaps something bad had happened. How would they go on without someone to lead them? She wasn’t so worried about the decisions that would have to be made, but the fear of disagreements escalating if there was no leader. No leader meant no source of authority. Meaning people could try to push ideas or argue to no end with no one to officially choose or pick. She just hoped those here were reasonable enough to not run around in circles like that…

She would then notice an elven woman joining the small gathering here. She wasn’t exactly up to date on her elven races. Was she a moon elf? A dark elf? Or maybe it was a drow? Maybe a half elf, half drow? Whatever the case, race didn’t much matter to Maestra. She would greet the arrival of the dark skinned girl with a nod of acknowledgement.

A small voice made itself known, and Maestra’s gaze moved downwards to a smaller figure. This was much easier than the elf or drow girl. She was obviously some sort of halfling or maybe a dwarf. But not only that, but she recognized the purple hair, and tiny person. Well, not that she knew her, but she had seen them here and there every now and then. In the market in town, while getting a bite to eat at a tavern, while getting her equipment checked at the blacksmith. It seemed they ran into each other often, even if they had never spoken to each other, they seemed to both recognize the other.

“Unfortunately, little lady, this is my first time in one. I couldn’t tell you if this is normal or not.”

She looked up to the unmoving sky, and the still, almost stale air. No movement and no wind. It may have felt off to others, but Maestra reveled in the weird and unusual. She was certainly enjoying this so far.

Finally, a cloaked man approached the group, seeming to be a human, and voiced his opinion. It seemed like everyone was agreeing with Maestra. Which made it even more curious when their client agreed, only to flip like a switch. He didn’t consult anyone, and simply started to set off.

“Are you serious?”

She asked, incredulously. As the group began to set off, and the wagons started to roll, Maestra stayed behind. It was only for a few minutes, just in case their leader was about to arrive. But as the Caravan started to gain distance from her too, she decided it was best she wasn’t also left behind, and she picked up the pace to join them.

Risika remained leaning up against the wagon wheel as their party continued to wait for their leader to appear. Her stomach had finally decided to settle, much to her relief. Much like the caravan leader, Risika was starting to get a little ansy and eager to get going. And apparently they weren't the only ones as one of the hired hands approached to voice the same restlessness.

Her lips curled into a smile that she didn't bother to hide as she eyed the broad-shoudlered Brint. Her thoughts, well... those she would keep to herself. She knew she was here to do a job, but perhaps there might be some time for fun along the way.

Soon, the caravan was up and moving, it being decided that the leader of their party would just have to catch up. As they went, Risika eyed her companions curiously. She listened silently as they spoke, unsure, yet, of how to start up a conversation.
Geoffrey Theodoric Shadowspark, Human Sorcerer, Currently traveling with a group and Caravan. "This is going to be one heck of a Ride"

Mentions: ATurei ATurei (Sen)

As Geoffrey walked with the Caravan, he finally found the last member, it seemed this person was on the top of the Caravan wagon when it moved. He was impressed with that, as Geoffrey figured that he would have probably either not made it it up without help, or fell off as soon as he got up there.

"Impressive." He whispered under his breath.

He then looked around as the Caravan moved. As the group moved, Geoffrey kept himself near the Caravan, watching for anything that could go wrong. As he looked around, he saw the remaining group members, such as the small one who piped up, asking a question to the human woman. He then noticed the Elven looking woman off to the side, who seemed a bit reserved. Geoffrey then looked back to the one on the wagon. He then wanted to talk to them, but was unsure of how he would go about it. He thought hard, and looked back on the roof.

"There's someone on the roof of the wagon? How did that happen?"

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