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Fantasy Dreams of the Second Age

Veylan shakes his head. "No. He is one of the few Casteless still running about. I have heard that the other Lunars have tried to have his Shard reExalt into someone else, but they haven't had any luck taking Grond out."
"Ah, that certainly changes things. If the situation is as you described, I will see him dead in exchange for the Behemoth and your allegiance."
At this point, Murdock, who was literally a fly on the wall, takes off and shifts back into his human form. "I an attest that the Exalt known as Grond is a lost soul, twisted beyond hope in the Wyld. I can also say, he is very nearly unkillable as these Raksasha have said. It will be a struggle that even your Circle might not win."

With the sudden appearance of another in the room, Veylan leaps to his feet with an angry yell. "How many more intruders into my haven are there, and where are my guards?! I will have them flayed alive for slacking off in their duty!"

Blossom sighs. "And when you kill all that follow you, who will you blame for your future failings? Don't be a blockhead. These are Exalts; our minions are no match for them. Even you would fall to their blades quickly." She nods over to the blue skinned girl, still playing with her doll. "Only one of the three of us that would stand a chance is Apple, and you know that. So, Noble Exalts, does this mean we have a deal? Restore our Freehold, and we give you the Key?"
"Murdock, I believe the terms are reasonable. Kill a chimera, get a behemoth as well as some standing with Lunar interests. Though, you are more of an expert than I on Grond and the recent habits of the Raksha. What would you do in my place?"
The old man snorts. "Watch your back, lad. Make sure that these don't have any wiggle room in their promise to you, or it will bite you in the ass. Hmm. With all of us together, we can at least drive Grond away from the Freehold. Don't promise more than that, or you may not live to collect."
"I've killed gods and behemoths before. Though I see your point, all they seek is their freehold, the kill is more of my...stretch goal."
"I would normally agree," Said Rine to Pyter "But I am no warrior, my talents are academic. If I had time to conjure forth servitors, I might be able to call something that could kill her."
Pyter looks like he is about to say something else, but before he can, the girl makes her way to the base of the Flying Tower. After waiting outside the doors for a moment, they open and allow her inside. He finally says, "Well, it would seem that one of our questions has been answered. It will be interesting to learn from Grinfir, Murdock and Mor'du what they have seen inside."

Inside the Tower, as the group of Fae and Exalts are starting to work out the details of the agreement between one another, a messenger comes running up from one of the lower levels. "Master, the one called Nightingale has come again." This news is something that gets a reaction from the blue-skinned girl. She looks up, claps her hands together excitedly, and says, "My toys! I need my toys!"

EDIT As Apple is jumping up, a Messenger sprite pops up in front of Grinfir and whispers out the following message: Message begins: Grifnir, Abyssal Exalted making her way to your position. Recommend elimination. Do not underestimate her because of her appearance. Suggest tricking the Fair Folk to do the work for you.

Finally, a young girl of about nine years old comes walking in. Apple gives a girlish squeal an rushes over to give her a hug. "I'm so glad you have come to play with me some more. It gets so boring being here by myself."

The child looks at Murdock and Grinfir with a raised eyebrow. "Who are these? More playmates, perhaps?"
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"I can, at the very least, I can inform Grifnir that the girl is more dangerous than she appears, and her death would be advantageous to us." He said, beginning the casting sequence for Infallible Messenger.
Go ahead and give me the exact message you are passing on to those inside the Tower. Even with casting time, the Messenger will get there before she does.
Message begins: Grifnir, Abyssal Exalted making her way to your position. Recommend elimination. Do not underestimate her because of her appearance. Suggest tricking the Fair Folk to do the work for you.


I'm operating under the assumption that the message is undetectable to outside observers, and an equally undetectable response can be given. Let me know if this is wrong so I can change the message.
Grifnir folds his arms, watching as the children speak. He turns aside ignoring the question to sit in the corner silently and watch the rest of the interactions. Should any of the newcomers attempt to strike him, he would call his sword back to him in order to fight.
Upon seeing you ignore her, the child/Exalt shrugs. "Ah, well. Have it your way. C'mon, Apple. Lets go play." The two go running off up the stairs to a higher level of the Tower, leaving you and Murdock alone with Veylan and Blossom.

Murdock looks over at Grinfir and mutters, "That child is . . . unnatural. Looking at her, I can almost sense the wisdom of ages coming from that tiny figure. Damn Deathlords and their ilk. We need to tell the others how things are going in here." He looks over at the Fae. "If you do not mind, I will send a message to our allies to let them know of our negotiations."

The messenger spirit flits out the window and races out to find Rine. It says, "We are safe. There is a negotiation with the Fae to gain the Key to a powerful item hidden in the city; it is safe for you to join us if you wish."

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