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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Xerxes watched as Achilles walked over to the piles of dust from the Huns and picked a black and greenish blade. This blade is what yhe Juns use to summon all of those monster. There a very visible crack that could be seen on the blade. "Why do you think the crack is there."

Achilles-"I suppose its because all of the times its been used, it probably wouldve broke and consume there souls to fix itself if they tried to use it again."

Xerxes looked arounf and picked up a satchel that one of the Huns dropped and emptied the contents that were in it and threw it to Achilles. "Here us this to carry it now till we get out of the caves and then you can throw it into your void of light whatever you call it."

Zeno- " Hey Achilles dont you have that whoel fist of light creation coulsnt you have just covered us in a huge sheild to walk through the fire."

Achilles- "Yes of course."

Zeno-"WHAATTT... And you just let us burn."

Xerxes laughed and so did the others. He heard Achilles say that it was more fun that way. Evryone could be heard laughinf now accept for Zeno who was still confused which made it even more funny.
The noise in the cave grew louder but lucius could not make out what it was. He walked straight through the flames as they seemed to embrace him. He enjoyed the feeling of heat and magic combined together, it calmed him.

He advanced deeper into the belly of the beast (he thought this even though he didn't understand metaphors) untill he saw the group stood together chuckling isesently but one just looked confused and out of place in the circle of histerics. @Ninja God
Xerxes stopped laughing as a lone figure entered the cave unharmed "So he found a way around the fire too. If he is a enemy he isnt a dumb one." He whispered to the other ones. Stepping forth Xerxes approached the strange boy not getting to close. "Friend or Foe." Xerxes stated voice booming through the cave. and at the same time Sable seem to disappear and re-appear in a nook in the cave raising up a dark figure.

Sable- "Hes been watching the whole time." she said in a low kind of creepy tone.

Sable didnt tslk much that was just her personalty and no one questioned it. Xerxes looked at the two people were no in the cave wondering what should be done. " State your business here and if your Friend or Foe."



Hrou Deloro

Vessel of Darkness

Hrou shielded his eyes as the bright white light flashed the entire room and vaporized the Huns completely. When the light finally died down, Hrou opened his eyes once more, thankful for the weapon not doing anything to him. He looked over at the group; at the one in the middle who held the sword. That human held an artifact of great and devastating power. Was it clear if these humans knew what exactly they weilded, Hrou didn't think so. However, they did know how to weild it and unleash it's powers, and that was enough to bring forth it's destructive powers. A light that brought death; how ironic.

As the group went into a laughing fit over something that was said about the fire and being shielded from it; Hrou noticed that the other presence that was outside of the cave had now crept in. The intentions of this new creature was not know. Was it another human, or somethhing entirely different? It was then that the group had spotted the new intruder, and apparently he too had been found out. Hrou didn't have the time to think, let alone answer the questions that was presented to him.

It appeared that the attack that Cael made to the ceiling did more structural damage to the entire cave than just the area that had collapsed. The entire ceiling of the cave that everyone was under was giving out, and beginning to crumble. Hrou quickly looked up as he felt small pebbles fall onto his head, quickly realizing the danger. 'No, if we don't leave right this second, we'll all die. The newly entered creature may be able to escape with it's life, but...' Hrou train of thought was cut short as he saw chunks of rocks now falling around himself and the others. 'No good! We'll all be crushed! Yet if I use my powers to stop this, something worst may happen... unless.' He thought as he looked around. There was something very aboundent in this cave, something he was hiding in; the shadows, the darkness.

He had tried this trick before, to make the shadows dance to his will, but never before in this quantity, or for this purpose. None the less, he had to try. Trying to concentrate, he slowly rose his arms up, palms facing up to the collapsing ceiling as the shadows themselves slowly came up off the ground, and floated up till it touch the ceiling. 'You're going to require more energy to pull off what you're thinking... I shall help, but I will demand repayment in the near future.' Hrou heard Darvic say in his mind along with a chuckle. No time later, Hrou felt a huge surge of enery course through his body as his eyes glowed brightly red. The shadows that had risen up soon solidified above everyone's heads, stopping the rocks from falling and around them; keeping them safe, but for how long? Hrou looked down at the group with gritted teeth as he did his best to concentrate. "Go, now! I have not the knowledge for how long this will last; so escape with your lives now, or face certain death in this cave!" Hrou shouted out quickly. He could feel the strain becoming much, much greater as the rocks hit the shield of shadows.

@Ninja God

Xerxes and the others didnt hesitated as the man that Cable once held was now floating holding up the ceiling from crushing them. Even though would have never happened The Aurea Warriors are powerful then they looked they werent just mere humans. The were more like celestial beings inside of Human flesh. There powers exceeded then what they have unleashed at the moment. Zeno ran to the front of the group and used his two swords to form sort of a symbol on the rubble that blocked the exit. "RELEASE." Zeno shouted instead of exploding or cracking a sort of wave pushed back the pile of rubble out of the cave opening up he exit. Xerxes motioned to his group and also to the two random peope ot exit the cave at once.



Hrou Deloro

Vessel of Darkness

Once the group of five left the cave after doing another move using both swords this time, Hrou did his best to try and back out of the cave himself. However, the shield was diminishing rapidly. Hrou had to drop it if he was to quickly move away from the falling rocks. As he turned for the exit, he noticed that the other creature had yet to of left the cave. With very limited time, Hrou made a dash to grab Luclus and throw him onto his back, then continue dashing for the exit of the cave right before the entire ceiling fell to the ground; completing the cave-in. Hrou took this time to catch his breath before looking up at the group of people. "I--I have to say, that was pretty risky. He said to them once he regained enough breath. "Though... was death to the other humans the only solution you all could find?" He asked the group; primarly the one who held the sword that did the deed.

@Ninja God

Lucius stayed silent, he did not want to be siding with people he had no information on or ideas of any intentions yet he did not want to declare himself an enemy as he was a little frightened of the people stood before him. He kept thinking about the question and went into a state of pure concentration and thought about this question hard and thoroughly though he will still stuck on a decision.

Suddenly he was picked up and thrown on the back of the beast he was stalking previously and taken out of the cave as it crumbled apart then sunk to the ground and its remains rolled down the mountain. Lucius had no problem with keeping his mind blank but was not very good at keeping the world perceivable to his mind as he commonly drifted astray to where he most appreciated.

"Uh.... what?" was all he could say to what had happened mere seconds ago even though he didn't particularly want to know as it seemed a bit destructive for his current liking.

@Ninja God

As Aria and Spirit made their way to the clean slate of land, another entity had it's eye on this particular piece of land as well. It was clear that it was made for a fresh start, full of energy and potential. This place would be a perfect spawning grounds for the entity's unknown agenda. It was now a race against time to who got to the land first, and unfortunately, this was a challenge unmentioned.

Xerxes and the others past burns were now almost completely healed due to them being more then just humans. "I thank you for your courage, you risked you life to get us out of that cave. Not many people like that anymore." Xerxes walked up to the person and bowed as a symbol of gratitude. "But to answer your questions, yes the Huns are relentless group and by them gaining the Blade of Guaiwu(Chinese for Monster) they wouldve destroyed this world bit by bit with no mercy." This new found ally was interesting and very powerful Xerxes hoped that they became very close.

Sable- "So what should we do witht his guy." she said appearing behind the other creature hat was with them in the cave

"I dont know, it looks liek he just stumble in there behind us he has no business with us."



"I came in on purpose, not by chance." Lucius said sternly then lightened up and added "I was interested why the beast was heading in and wanted to observe closer or even jump right in but I must say I didn't expect a legendary weapon that's new "

He inspected them and they seemed well equipped but they needed to be for people like that he presumed. He wondered where the beings were from as they looked human and were equipped with humanoid armour.

" And also from you're description of what you were doing I would be an ally "

Lucius smiled at them then sat on the ground.

@Ninja God
"Well, thats good to know, Achilles is there anywhere else we need to be at the moment. If not i would like to take these two fellas out for a drink."

Achilles- "You don but me and Cael have a peace meeting to attend."

Zeno-"And Sable promised me that she would help me train." Achilles pulled out a golden orb with a blueish glowing button at the top this is what The Aurea warriors used to travel between worlds and through time/dimensions if needed each had one.

"Alright then guess its just us three." Xerxes said to the other people. The other four warriors disspaeared through there portals and were gone. "Im sorry but i didnt get either of you guys name. My name Is Xerxes Leader of The Aerea Warriors."


" I'm Lucius, I have no idea where I'm from" He said as a joke but it was the truth, he didn't know his origins and this upset him a little bit more than he already had been in his time on this dimensional plain.

He liked the idea of getting a drink , he assumed from his look that he was under age but he really needed one right now. He wandered where they could actually get drink so he asked

" where could we even find a tavern because to my information there's only this place and the void?"

In fact he'd never thought about another place but he knew he had been somewhere else apart from here he but he certified himself that it was the void.

As soon as his trail of mind caught a thread of void related thought his head started erupting with pain then he lay on he floor for a while. He arose with no memory of the episode as he had before previously- this was the only thing he couldn't question as to him it had never happened.


"Oh dont worry about that." pressing the button on his golden orb a portal opened and what looked like a small steampunk/greek town appeared through the portal. "See that building right there, it says the drink there is the closes thing to Ambrosia. Never actually been there myself but ive been dieing to try it. After you my friends." Xerxes say motioning towards he portal.



(I think we should wait for XANXeto reply before posting again.)
(( blurgh swimming and sleep and faraway appointments and bluuuggghh ))

Deep in the heart of the mountain sits a wide chamber of stone. The floor is marble, but mostly invisible, considering it's frozen over in a thick sheet of snow. In the snow, a skin-and-bones child in a beige shawl is curled asleep, ensnared there by thick, thorny vines. A wall of ice separates him from a crystal throne, facing away.

As the cave far above crumbles under its own weight, the vibration stirs the boy from his unconscious state. He groans and rubs his eyes, and tries to lift himself from the floor, but recoils in pain as the thorns sink into his flesh.

"You're awake."

The deep voice echoes from behind the wall. He turns his head to look, but yelps and recoils again as several thorns drag through his neck from the turning motion. "Who are you?"

"Speak not out of turn, child," booms the seemingly vacant throne. "I will ask you one more time. Where is the Blade of Guaiwu?"

"The blade of the guy who what? Oww!" The vines constrict around him. He chokes. "I already told you, I don't know anything about your stupid sword!"

The air is still for several seconds. "The Aurea Warriors may believe they've scored a great victory. Hundreds of men better than you'll ever know, boy. Felled effortlessly. But they have hardly scratched the surface." The boy does not seem to be paying attention. His eyes are shut tight. He bears his teeth, concentrating inward. A furry black creature begins to materialize beside him.

"We know what you found on your little adventure, Caleb. We have eyes and ears in places you would never think to look. Tell us the whereabouts of the Blade of Guaiwu, or else--" The chamber is empty. "Hm. I don't remember answering the door lately." The vines lie rotted and decomposed on the floor. Child-sized footsteps and tiny paw prints in the snow lead down a long path ending at a small opening at the foothills of the mountain.

(( Since we've been away for awhile, Reaper, Caleb, and I will be hanging back for awhile looking for a better opening in the story. We may turn up at the tavern soon. In the meantime, I thought it would be cool if the Huns, or another people to whom they answer or something, could become a longer term antagonist, which is why I threw this scene in. If that concept steps on anyone's toes, I can just retcon it by editing or deleting this post. ))

@Ninja God @XANXeto
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***World Augment***


...Because of the events that have unfolded in this beautiful innocent world there has been changes to it's land, to it's creatures, and to the girl who had created it all. After the creation of humans such as the Hun, Other human colonies began springing up throughout the world. The material of this world seemed to speak to Z-O in a way that she was not familiar with. As she played with the sphere inside the forest a lot of changes started happening to the world. Roads were paved through nature, structures began to form. The world was no longer a clean slate, it had begun to evolve. Soon there would be towns crowded with people that explored and threatened to destroy all other creatures homes and resources. Though there was still hope. If you looked deep enough in the woods, or the mountains, or underground there were very vast worlds each with their own individual theme. There was the Human realm where homo sapiens walked the earth in search of the answer to their existence, while also on the border of creating villages, towns, capitals. Then there was the magic realm where all things beast and creature could be found. The lands were typically thick forest that would only reveal themselves to magically adept beings. Their inner workings were deep rooted archaic tomes and energy that could give any creature any ability they desired. Not without cost though. The scar still remained in the sky. There is the underworld in which the very blackness of mankind and creature has solidified to engulf and corrupt anything that would step foot into it's lands. Nightmarish ghouls and monsters lurked in the underworld, and it's blackness would one day reach the surface and begin to plague the minds of the humans distracting them from the beauty and innocence life once had. Then there are the mountains, these are where mighty warriors fought to and fro, where the greatest flying beasts such as dragons, and mythical birds soared. To reach the clouds... the legend has it, is to reach immortality. So what land will you pick? Or will you fight to take hold of the only blank space left in the world? A blank slab that allowed anyones imagination to effect it...


(Quest for knowledge)



(Quest of Humanity)



(Quest of Death)



(Quest of Immortals)


Blank lands

(Quest of creation)


(Ignore hoomans in this pic)

...Z-O floated in mid-air the information of the new world and the secrets of the universe flowed through her. Her small frame quivered as it seemed the entire knowledge of time and space entered her in a single moment. After it was over she kneeled in the middle of a road carved by horse carriage. Her body had changed it had seemed to of matured. She was a lot taller, and more developed. She looked like she was in her teenage years now. However instead of a mind that is full of emotional instability creating rebellious or chaos in her mind... the universe had blessed her with balance. A perfectly symmetrical triangle had been engraved into the skin of her chest and forehead. She had been marked by the energy that makes up this time and space. The place where the sphere had been was replaced with a floating pyramid. As she peered into the material that made up this floating device she saw a time in which technology had ascended all other realms. She paused for a long while trying to determine her course of action...

(Quest of Divination)



@Ninja God

((The purpose of this post is to prod at your interests. If you all seem interested in one quest that will become the focus, if a few of your are interested in a couple quests that can be managable, if you all want different quests that is fine too I will just need to think of a way to tie us all into the same story. Pick your quest now!!! Also if anyone would like to participate in the quest for divination please create a sci-fi/futuristic character and put them in the character sign-up tab for reference, please and thank you!))
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Xerxes looked as the portal closed itself and the world around them had changed and theres was now some type of road under there feet. This was a strange occurrence but Xerxes knew what it meant. He reopened the portal but this time it was switching from place to place one was a mountain area another was civilization, and a few other strange places. It seems they were around he outskirts of the new civilization hint the roads. Suddenly two portals opened and outcame the four other Aurea Warriors. "Achilles do you know the details of this occurrence."

Achilles- "Not exactly but i think it could be a World Augmentation. And each of these new places have more meaning then it appears. Like this one.."

Xerxes watched as Achilles opened up the portal to what looked like a range of Mountains. It looked mystical and Xerxes could sense the power coming form the mountain even though he wasnt really near it.

Achilles- "I dont know much about it but i think place will be more suitable for our travesl."

Xerxes inspected the place for a minute looking through the portal. He trusted Achilles he was the smartest out of the group. "Well then i guess we go there then." Xerxes stepped over to the Lucius and the other stranger he had met and placed a hand on there shoulders. "Sorry my friends but that drink hall have to wait till later, for now i bid yo u farewell, I hope our paths cross again." And with that the Aurea warriors stepped through the portal into the strange new land.




Urius Celenial


The Stars. The planets. The moons. There all the same, floating around in the vacuums of space. There was no obvious reason why hings occured especially in space but somehow no matter what the situation someone or thing finds a way to make it worst. These were the hings Urius thought about as he walked alone in space. The each step he took was sound less but not to Urius his mind was vast ocean of random thoughts he was always thinking because there was really nothing else to do in space which was good. There no chaos accept for the occasional space ship but it was silent. Cygnnus A which was the name of the galaxy in the cube that traveled with him not bump into his back. He had almost forgotten about its presence because he was always so deep in thought but as soon as he felt the cube memories of the little girl, the Source that lived with in flushed through his mind and a sort of happiness enveloped him. He wouldnt smiled if he had a visible mouth. All of a sudden a shock wave came from a nearby planet and it seem to be changing . This brung interest to Urius so he started to walk towards the planet calmy not in a rush because he had plenty of time the small cube trailing behind him.
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...Z-O looked up into the sky sensing the presence of Urius approaching. She knew that he was not in fact alone up there in outer space there were others like him that wandered the universe aimlessly. They reminded her of lost relics of a time the stars themselves couldn't remember. She turned touching the floating prism causing it to shrink into two separate prisms. They embedded themselves in her chest and forehead. These were prisms that allowed her to see rips in the fabric of their reality. She extended her arm upwards making her presence known to deep space. The energy she had inside of her was enough to collapse the planet, she was aware of this and knew it was imperative to keep her emotions under wrap. As she thought about this she decided a name change was in order, she would call herself Zeo from now on, it was much shorter and easier to pronounce. She examined the land before her, flat with fields of wheat that covered large plots of land. She began walking down the road hoping to find something...
Urius neared he planet and he could feel it. It was almost the same. But it was more. It felt exactly the same as the Source that is inside the cube that followed him. As he entered the Atmosphere of this unknown planet he dropped feet first falling to the surface in a straight line. As he neared the ground he stared to slow himself down but still hit the ground sort of hard his hands in his pocket still. A 2 inch deep crater was under his feet. He looked at the ground it was a pathway and the feeling was even more powerful then before it took him by surprise and he felt a little woozy but soon regained his balance. And there she was walking, from behind she looked like an older version of the Source who now lives inside the cube. She wasn't that far away so he yelled. "Excuse me Ms." His voice sounded like a robot under water mettalic but smooth. He hadnt heard his own voice in years so it sort of shocked him. He walked out out of the crater hoping to reach the lady not fast but calm so he wouldn't startle her. "May i Have a word with you."

...She turned at the sound of his voice...

Ah, hello... you must be the one I felt passing by...

...She stopped and intertwined her fingers together before letting her arms down her hands intertwined infront of her waist...

I haven't met anyone like you before, although I know there are others...

...She spoke with a mystically divine sort of voice...

@Ninja God
After a long nap, Aria awoke to see Z-O chatting with another strange creature. "Hello, who is this you're speaking to?" Her voice was like wind chimes in a soft breeze.

@Ninja God
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Lucius just stood there. What was that he wondered? Some mountains of significence to the group he had only recently encountered.

He walked down the mountain deciding on what to do now as he still did not know much about this world but he knew what had just happened.

someone had changed the age it was in.

He noticed that his cloak had pockets so emptied everything out. The contents were:

- some coins

- a charm

- a picture

The he was most intrested in was the picture and what its content was. In the picture there seemed to be a younger him and a man he didn't recall but he recognized the placed they were in as he had seen it in the knight's magic sphere. It was a hellish place, freeky and demonic to be exact.

He was intrested in the place and wanted to head there but had no method of transportation.

He searched the picture for clues and studies every shade vigourously. The picture slipped out his hand and fell to the ground. On the back there was some sort of seal, crimson red and smelling bloody. He reached out one finger and touched it.

His eyes locked shut for a while but his mind seemed consious. Lucius wandered if this was because he touched the picture, no he knew. Yet he could his finger touching any solid matter. At that moment he knew he was traveling somewhere and he had a good idea of where.
"Hello, My name is Urius Celenial, And if there is anyone else out there like myself i havnt met them yet but i shall take your word on it." This lady spoke just like the Source of Cygnus A they both had a sort of divinity to them and that was expected. "If i may ask what are you." Urius said in a sort of curious yet intellectual tone. He has had now left his pocket and was now holding his Cube in its hand it had stopped floated once hey had neared the young lady

Aria had been making snow clouds, then destroying them. "I am Aria," She answered. "The west wind."

@Ninja God

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