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Fantasy DreamRP Mk.2

Urius turned his head to the one named Aria. "Oh sorry i was speaking to the young lady here." He said pointing to Zeo. "But its nice to make your acquaintance." He said turning his head back to the young lady who had yet to answer his question."


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"Its a pleasure to meet you both." So the one named Zeo isnt in fact the source of this world but something more powerful. This thought whirled in Urius's head as he stared into the cube. "While i walked by your planet a huge shock wave came from it, And hat usually happens because of major changes. I was wondering were you the cause of that , im just asking out of curiosity nothing interesting happens much these days."


[QUOTE="Ninja God]
"Its a pleasure to meet you both." So the one named Zeo isnt in fact the source of this world but something more powerful. This thought whirled in Urius's head as he stared into the cube. "While i walked by your planet a huge shock wave came from it, And hat usually happens because of major changes. I was wondering were you the cause of that , im just asking out of curiosity nothing interesting happens much these days."
@Ninja God

Urius Celenial

Urius nodded but there was more to it had to be. "Yes of course." He said. "But isnt there more to these changes then just a childish mistake." When the shock wave hit him instead of pushing him back it sort of felt like it was pulling him towards the planet like there was something there he needed to do.

The Aurea Warriors

Xerxes and the others stood at the foot of the mountain Zeno was wet because he was shoved into the river by Sable which was hilarious but the laughing stopped as soon as everyone neared the mountain. A feeling of mystical yet very important power showered them. It was coming from the mountain. "Achilles, whats up with this mountain."

Achilles-He walked over to it and broke a piece of the mountain and inspected it. "It doesnt look like any regular material, maybe if we climb it we can find out more about it."

Xerxes nodded. "I feel like what we were suppose to do in the first place." Xerxes stated, the top of the mountain felt like it was calling to him and his Warrior instincts were getting higher. There was something odd about this mountain but he liked it.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]
Urius Celenial
Urius nodded but there was more to it had to be. "Yes of course." He said. "But isnt there more to these changes then just a childish mistake." When the shock wave hit him instead of pushing him back it sort of felt like it was pulling him towards the planet like there was something there he needed to do.

The Aurea Warriors

Xerxes and the others stood at the foot of the mountain Zeno was wet because he was shoved into the river by Sable which was hilarious but the laughing stopped as soon as everyone neared the mountain. A feeling of mystical yet very important power showered them. It was coming from the mountain. "Achilles, whats up with this mountain."

Achilles-He walked over to it and broke a piece of the mountain and inspected it. "It doesnt look like any regular material, maybe if we climb it we can find out more about it."

Xerxes nodded. "I feel like what we were suppose to do in the first place." Xerxes stated, the top of the mountain felt like it was calling to him and his Warrior instincts were getting higher. There was something odd about this mountain but he liked it.

@Ninja God


Hrou Deloro

Vessel of Darkness

As everything happened around him; the talking, the movement; Hrou could feel the world changing entirely. He did not fully understand these changes, but it peek his curiousity to go forth and find out. Once he opened his eyes again, he found that the group he was originally with was gone except for two. They were walking through a portal it seemed into a mountainous area. That place definitely has it's own magical wake about it, the feel of sustaing and immortal. In sured, it was a nice place to be; however Hrou felt he was needed elsewhere. "I am sorry, but I will be heading elsewhere." He informed the group, then looked right at Xerxes, creating the same mental bond with him as he did with Zeo. "However, if danger ensures in your journey, I shall do what I can to be by your side and lend a helping hand." He finished telling them as he placed a hand on Xerxes' shoulder for but a second.

Once Hrou was finished speaking to them. He once more closed his eyes. His newly adapted powers had opened a door to himself, making him realize that he no longer require the energy of the void to make him who he was. This evolving world had it's own abondance of energy that he was able to manipulate; perhaps he could use it for opening portals into different places in this world alone. Yet when he tried fixing onto Zeo's location, he soon realized that he could not open a portal directly to her. This made since as he had never once been to where she was. The best he could do was open one where he was right now, and one to where he has been; as long as he could picture the location in his mind. With that fresh in his mind, he imagined the tree he was resting at in the beginning of this journey. That place would at least be closer than where he met Zeo.

Concentrating on that area, he opened his left hand, palm pointed to the ground, as his own shadow as well as shadows around him danced and come to him, forming a circle behind him that slowly began to rise up until it made a oval large enough to hide his body from anyone who might of stood on the other side of it. On the back side of the circle, it just seemed like a black circle that was just floating there with no rhyme or reason. However, as Hrou opened his eyes and turned around, he saw the beautiful forest once more, and more so the tree he was training on before. Without hesitation, he took steps forward and carefully walk into the image, except when he put his foot on the oval, it went through and he stepped onto the grass. He was finally back in the forest, and now he was on his way to where his mind told him Zeo was, but how long was she to stay there?

@Ninja God



(I figured this would help in allowing everyone to keep posting even if I happen to disappear once more. I apologize about that.)
"Yes that is true, this is not a rare occurrence." Urius was trying to find a way to put it he looked at his Cube and the sun that was in it was shining brighter than before it wasnt too noticeable but he could still tell. Urius had visited other planets such as this one that has went through similar changes. Each new place had a sort of meaning to it. Like there were test of some sort. 'Thats it!' He thought to himself. "All the different places, all of them there quest of sorts. They were made based off of each creature that lives on this planet. And the reason I felt I was being pulled to this strange world was because...one of the quest were made for a being like myself and i so happen to be passing by." This realization has made Urius exited he has finally found something to do besides aimlessy roam space if his theory was true. Since Urius had no face so you couldnt tell he was excited by expression but only the inflictions of his voice. "Is my theory correct ma'am."


Xerxes stood at the foot of the mountain as a pebble dropped on his shoulder and the ground bean to shake. "EVERYONE MOVE." he said as he looked up and boulders began to slide down the mountain. The group ran at amazing speeds to get out of the way. A rock almost crush Zeno before he dived forward knocking everyone down. The shaking had seem to stop and the rocks were no longer falling. Xerxes stood facing the mountain, in fornt of them lay the road to there journey up the mountain. "This isnt a regular mountain you must stay alert." Xerxes placed his hand on his sword and began to scale to mountain.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]
"Yes that is true, this is not a rare occurrence." Urius was trying to find a way to put it he looked at his Cube and the sun that was in it was shining brighter than before it wasnt too noticeable but he could still tell. Urius had visited other planets such as this one that has went through similar changes. Each new place had a sort of meaning to it. Like there were test of some sort. 'Thats it!' He thought to himself. "All the different places, all of them there quest of sorts. They were made based off of each creature that lives on this planet. And the reason I felt I was being pulled to this strange world was because...one of the quest were made for a being like myself and i so happen to be passing by." This realization has made Urius exited he has finally found something to do besides aimlessy roam space if his theory was true. Since Urius had no face so you couldnt tell he was excited by expression but only the inflictions of his voice. "Is my theory correct ma'am."

Xerxes stood at the foot of the mountain as a pebble dropped on his shoulder and the ground bean to shake. "EVERYONE MOVE." he said as he looked up and boulders began to slide down the mountain. The group ran at amazing speeds to get out of the way. A rock almost crush Zeno before he dived forward knocking everyone down. The shaking had seem to stop and the rocks were no longer falling. Xerxes stood facing the mountain, in fornt of them lay the road to there journey up the mountain. "This isnt a regular mountain you must stay alert." Xerxes placed his hand on his sword and began to scale to mountain.

@Ninja God

Aria was intently listening, Urius was not so easily accepted as a friend to her, but, Zeo liked him so she best at least pretend.

Aria was playing with her hair. She once tried to put up a tornado but then she got twigs stuck in it. So she sat there with twigs and grass that she couldn't untangle from her hair.

@Ninja God
"I suppose that thid will next best thing, and it would be wonderful to join you in your journey." The cube in Urius hand started to get a little hot it was probably because the source was getting a little jealous but he didnt think about it too much. Urius condense the air around the cube and threw it in the air next to him so he didnt have to carry it. He started walking behind Zeo looking at the scar above them. "I could learn alot of from this world, and you in particular." Urius said putting his hands back into his pocket. Thinking about the path ahead


Xerxes and the others looked in awe at the two huge Mystical Beast that stand before hem. Bigger then any they faced before. "Of course dragons, i knew there was something weird about this mountain but not like this." Xerxes placed his hands on his hips, the thing looked as if it was going to attack any moment now.

Achilles- "Woww."

Cael-"Exactly what i was going to say

Sable- "Its Cute."

Zeno- Looked wide at the everyone. "Why are you all so calm. Even though im the rookie i know you guys never faced a thing like this before." Zeno laid on the ground and attempted to act dead.

Xerxes laugh and helped Zeno back on his feet. "We spent longs years together fighting side by side, facing trial after trial. It may be alot for me to ask of you but we are already here and if this thing wants fight then hell why not, lets give it what it wants."

Achilles- "This Dragon intrigues me i would liek to learn more about it. I in.'

Cael-"Yeah why not." Se said placing her heands behind her back and staring up and the dragon

Sable-"If we beat it can i keep it as a pet." She siad with a blank expression on her face no sign of if she was joking or not

Zeno- "I ahve no choice do i."

"Nope." Xerxes did a hearty laughed and slapped Zeno on the back in a jokingly matter. He pulled out his sword and everyone followed his lead. They stood awaiting to see what the dragon would do next.

...Zeo nodded and turned to her friend Aria> @Ninja God

...The Huge dragon was not amused by the warriors bustling about laughing and joking around. It huffed in irritation. It's hind feet dug into the large flat piece of land on the mountain. The dragon was behind two mountains, the road the warriors were on was a very narrow passage between the two mountains, if the fire were to enter the passage it would almost certainly cook them, if not by direct contact but by super heating the armor they wore. The dragon cocked it's head back and all of it's veins began to glow a bright blue. It Released a huge blast of bright blue fire at the warriors, but because they were in the passage the fire smashed a low hanging ledge above them causing it to instantly crumble and fall down towards them. The dragon cocked it's head again getting ready to release a second blast of fire straight through the passage that would act like a jet engine..
"ACHILLES, CAEL" Xerxes yelled as he and Zeno jumped off the narrow edge of the mountain. Achilles and Cael and jumped right after then and grabbed them by their arms while their armored wings spreaded. Sable stood there for a minute before her boots began to change the bottoms had formed spikes and she ran down the narrow side of the mountian at the speead of sound that was sort of her her thing , Speed. Achilles and Sable glided around for a minute for landing on the back of the dragon. A soon as they landed Sable stood right beside them. "Take out his wings, if it starts flying were gonna be in deep trouble." Xerxes yelled as he jumoed and raised his sword and began slasshing it in mid air towards the wings waves of light beams that were as hot as the sun hit the dragons wings. The others followed his lead using there weapons to do the same.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]
"ACHILLES, CAEL" Xerxes yelled as he and Zeno jumped off the narrow edge of the mountain. Achilles and Cael and jumped right after then and grabbed them by their arms while their armored wings spreaded. Sable stood there for a minute before her boots began to change the bottoms had formed spikes and she ran down the narrow side of the mountian at the speead of sound that was sort of her her thing , Speed. Achilles and Sable glided around for a minute for landing on the back of the dragon. A soon as they landed Sable stood right beside them. "Take out his wings, if it starts flying were gonna be in deep trouble." Xerxes yelled as he jumoed and raised his sword and began slasshing it in mid air towards the wings waves of light beams that were as hot as the sun hit the dragons wings. The others followed his lead using there weapons to do the same.
@Ninja God

Xerxes cursed under his breathe as he and the others were pushed off the dragon by the force it created. Cael barely made it out alive due to one of the spikes nearly cutting here in half if Sable didnt run to her rescue. They were all heading straight towards the mountain and were most likely either dig a giantic whole in it with there bodies or die on impact. Xerxes and the others didnt want to find out. They were going to fast for Achilles or Cael to pull out there wings. Xerxes pulled out his orb and pressed the button right before they hit the wall and a portal formed they went through it and landed a mile in front of the dragon. They all stood a little off balance. Cael stood in front and raised her staff in began to glow and she swung it to the groun with all her power. A huge pattern of the earth, and cracks almost the exact size of the dragon rippled and broke until it reach under the Dragons feet. Cael hoped his would push him off balance or if they were lucky make him fall completely. Without hesitation they all ran towards the dragon. Achilles brung out his Fist of creation that was mentioned early in the cave and formed a roundish wall solidified light in front of them while they ran just incase Cael's move didnt work.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]Xerxes cursed under his breathe as he and the others were pushed off the dragon by the force it created. Cael barely made it out alive due to one of the spikes nearly cutting here in half if Sable didnt run to her rescue. They were all heading straight towards the mountain and were most likely either dig a giantic whole in it with there bodies or die on impact. Xerxes and the others didnt want to find out. They were going to fast for Achilles or Cael to pull out there wings. Xerxes pulled out his orb and pressed the button right before they hit the wall and a portal formed they went through it and landed a mile in front of the dragon. They all stood a little off balance. Cael stood in front and raised her staff in began to glow and she swung it to the groun with all her power. A huge pattern of the earth, and cracks almost the exact size of the dragon rippled and broke until it reach under the Dragons feet. Cael hoped his would push him off balance or if they were lucky make him fall completely. Without hesitation they all ran towards the dragon. Achilles brung out his Fist of creation that was mentioned early in the cave and formed a roundish wall solidified light in front of them while they ran just incase Cael's move didnt work.
@Ninja God

The shockwaves pushed the group back into a boulder that had fell form earlier. Recovery was one of many of the Aurea Wariior's best traits. They all stood dusting themselves off and stared at the massive dragon flying away. They could still feel small shock waves as he flew away. "Great, its flying away i starting to get irritated. I hope hats the last time we see hat thing."

Achilles- "Well that was a very interesting experience indeed. I would prefer we not un into it again either."

They regrouped and sheathed there weapons starting on there journey again. "If thats the thing at the begginning of the journey i wonder whats at the end." He said leaving the group to wonder and imagine what lays ahead.


Urius looked at wind spirit she was an interesting character a little like a lost child. Thats a normal triat for a wind spirits or spirits at all, he has met many of hem in his travels along with other spirits of the elements. Looking back towards Zeo "What exactly is this quest of yours Ms, If you dont mind me asking of course."


[QUOTE="Ninja God]
The shockwaves pushed the group back into a boulder that had fell form earlier. Recovery was one of many of the Aurea Wariior's best traits. They all stood dusting themselves off and stared at the massive dragon flying away. They could still feel small shock waves as he flew away. "Great, its flying away i starting to get irritated. I hope hats the last time we see hat thing."

Achilles- "Well that was a very interesting experience indeed. I would prefer we not un into it again either."

They regrouped and sheathed there weapons starting on there journey again. "If thats the thing at the begginning of the journey i wonder whats at the end." He said leaving the group to wonder and imagine what lays ahead.


Urius looked at wind spirit she was an interesting character a little like a lost child. Thats a normal triat for a wind spirits or spirits at all, he has met many of hem in his travels along with other spirits of the elements. Looking back towards Zeo "What exactly is this quest of yours Ms, If you dont mind me asking of course."

@Ninja God

Xerxes Stopped and sighed heavily "You think they would let us pass by if we ask nicely." Zeno attempted to run away but Achilles grabbed him by the collar. "Now, now Zeno." Zeno stopped trying to escape and sighed. "Achilles take me up there so i can talk to these lovely dragons."

Achilles- "Fine im going to drop you if they start shooting fire like the last one."

Xerxes smiled "I can be quite persuasive when i want to."Xerxes said as he was grabbed by Achilles and was flown in front the two dragons. "Hello kind sirs/ and or ma'am." He didnt say anything else just incase these dragons didnt speak like the fairytales said they did.


"So this journey is a mysterious one, a one were there is no telling what will happpen. Inriging." He said but he was use to this being in space all the time there will always be mysterious and random things happeneing. Thats what brought him here in the first place.

Uruqai The Dragon "The dragon squinted eyeing the two gold armored beings suspiciously it's voice boomed out of it's chest after a long examination"

Tell me... why do you and your warriors find it sporting to attack a mother and her child?

@Ninja God
Achilles fixed his gripped and then Xerxes spoke "We werent planning on attacking at all. We just simply prepared ourselves incase she attacked first and she did. Now i know it mightve just been because she was defending her child but i didnt want to justt stand here and get burnt to a crisp." If this conversation didnt go well Achilles and him were sure to die.

[QUOTE="Ninja God]
Achilles fixed his gripped and then Xerxes spoke "We werent planning on attacking at all. We just simply prepared ourselves incase she attacked first and she did. Now i know it mightve just been because she was defending her child but i didnt want to justt stand here and get burnt to a crisp." If this conversation didnt go well Achilles and him were sure to die.
@Ninja God

"Oh we can fix that. Zeno!!" Xerxes shouted and pointed towards the cracks.

Zeno- Took out both his blades and drew what looked like a magic circle the same thing he use to exit the cave but in reverse. "FIX." And the ground began to pull itself back to pull itself back together. Zeno turned around and put his swords away.

"Were no ordinary Warriors and if there is anything else we can do to make up for our mistake well be glad to help." Xerxes said while Achilles fixed his grip again. "If not we would like to continue our journey...if thats alright with you of course."

Uruqai The Dragon "The dragon looked pleased with their work and turned it's gigantic head towards the warrior who was precariously being held up in the air by his warrior companion"

Why don't you and your men take a rest for a while. Your men look tired and we have a kingdom tucked away in the sky and in the mountain. I know someone who may want to talk to you, even more so... You may want to speak with them.

@Ninja God
Xerxes attempted to bow by lowering his head and placed his arm across his chest "We will be pleased to visit your wonderful kingdom." Xerxes brung his head back up and smiled "Oh and another thing we would all like to apologize to the mother and son that we attacked moments ago, i feelashamed and that we stooped to such level and im sure all my companions do to."

Achilles-"Xerxes i dont think my wings or my arms can take much more of this could you please wrap this up" He said then looked up at the dragons and smiled "Yes i am truely sorry for our mistake."

"Oh yes how would we be getting to this glorious kingdom of yours." Xerxes said to the dragon



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